Do you think?


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
Everyone, both citizen and politician talks about how important education is. Democrat and Republican says education is key in advancement, in moving this country forward and to continue to be major players in the world in everything. We all talk about how important a good education is, but no one does a danm thing about it.

No Child Left Behind? Give me a break, all that means is no child fails.

I think our government wants an uneducated and uninformed populace because that is easier to control. Read these boards, no one has an original thought or opinion. It's just the same crap over and over again except most of the time the words are misspelled.

We have fallen behind in everything and it's because of our government. We have accepted to be mediocre to be second or third or last and we all say, "that's ok".
We have fallen behind in everything and it's because of our government. We have accepted to be mediocre to be second or third or last and we all say, "that's ok".


How are we suppose to Improve our schools when the Unions Fight any Attempt to Interject accountability, make it almost impossible to Fire Bad Teachers, or to Reward Good ones more than Average. They fight School Choice, and Charter school Expansion. They scream for more money when we spend more per pupil than anyone else, and test horrible.

Any Attempt to change that is attacked by the left as "wanting stupid kids, or not caring about Education"

Their only answer is more Money. We need more money, Even though we already spend the most.

It's a joke. If I had the money my kids would be in Private schools, Our Education system is Broken, Corrupted, and biased. We spend more time worrying about kids feelings, than Teaching them useful Things.
Public education is focused on faculty, administration, supervisors, principals... even clerical and janitorial positions. Students are an afterthought.

Unions, tenure, pensions... the three largest cost centers. And what do each of those have to do with students? Jack.

Our public education system is a self-propagating morass bereft of cronyism, favoritism, and nepotism. It is a convoluted fucked up scheme designed to ensure financial security to a select group of chosen individuals.
people are abdicating the responsibility for their education to the government and to schools. (usually there is no difference between the two since they are one and the same). That's not the right attitude to have.

Some of the most brilliant people in the world never had a day of "formal" schooling in their life. Instead, they read, they experimented, they discussed and debated with others.

Somehow the culture corrupted to teach us that the only way to learn something and to recieve an education is to go through years of formal education in a publically run school. They lie and say you can't be educated unless you have have spend Tens of thousands of dollars and have a piece of paper saying you have. So people spend the money to get the paper, which becomes their goal rather than actually learning things.

I can tell you that the 3 years I spend in law school totally opened my eyes to the huge waste of time it was. For centuries lawyers would apprentice themselves to other lawyers and learn the law through experience. Law school, teaches the basics the 1st years and the next two years is basically just the school milking people for money. It's a way to prevent poor people from becoming lawyers by pricing them out of the market. Even after 3 years of law school, you can show up your first day at work, after passing the bar, and have to learn the law completely differently. You actually have to do work. They dont teach you to be a lawyer, they teach you case law, which is all good when you use it, but it's just a fraction of what lawyers actually do.

I am confident other professions are exactly the same way. You work your way through the "formal" schooling, only to get out into the market and find that it's not prepared you in the least to do the job you were working so hard to get.

I can also tell you that going to formal schooling make you intelligent, or demonstrate that you've learned anything. I remember my 2L year, I was in a writing class and we had to edit a classmates major paper. I had to edit a 3L's paper I was seriously questioning how this guy had gotten so far in school. I spent a long time editing that paper and I still dont have a freakin clue what he was tying to argue because basic grammar and spelling were so bad and the paragraphs (one paragraph which was literally two pages long) were so poorly structured to render the point incoherant to anyone trying to read it. I was dumbfounded because this was a guy a year ahead of me and from what I could tell he wasnt doing bad in the classes somehow, yet he couldnt write a paper.

Education is vitally important for all of us. We need to learn it from books and experience. But we need to make sure the goal is actually learning and not just going through the motions for a certificate. Because really, those are meaningless.
When will it change?

It will change when we stop electing career politicians and start electing smart Americans who know what this country needs.
When will it change?

It will change when we stop electing career politicians and start electing smart Americans who know what this country needs.

We have representatives that represent who we are as a people. It wont change until we the people change.
We also have to remember, that there are actually people who accuse those who recognize that education is more than just going to school and getting a certificate as being anti-education. Those tend to be the people who merely want to brainwash people and get upset when their ways are challenged.

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