Do You Trust the Integrity of Our Elections? If Not, Here Are the Steps We Must Take


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Do You Trust the Integrity of Our Elections? If Not, Here Are the Steps We Must Take​

25 Jan 2023 ~~ By Joe Fried

There may have been cheating in the 2022 midterm election, in the view of 57 percent of people recently surveyed by Rasmussen.
In that same survey of 1,000 likely voters, 30 percent indicated that cheating was likely. That’s where I fit in: the 30 percent group.
To restore faith in our elections, we need to take some simple but controversial steps:
A national standard

Many people, especially Republicans, oppose the idea of a national standard because they see this it a “states rights” issue. On the other hand, most Democrats are eager to have a national standard— but their idea of a standard is more like a plan for election organized crime.
How long would it take for the United States to become a fascist nation if we were to adopt some of the ideas that were recently offered in the “For the People Act,” the “John Lewis Voting Rights Act,” and/or the “Freedom to Vote Act”? Democrats have proposed...
  • complete legalization of ballot harvesting so that a ballot could be submitted, on your behalf, by paid operatives.
  • automatic voter registration for all adults (with no verification of citizenship).
  • universal ability to vote by mail, for any reason.
  • no voter ID requirement in states that choose not to have one. States that already have an ID requirement would be forced to weaken it by accepting a broad array of documents, including copies of utility bills or sworn statements (in lieu of ID).
  • voting by convicted felons, unless they happen to be in prison on the day of the election.
  • a ban on post-election independent audits, such as the Arizona Senate audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election. Only “official” audits would be allowed.

When it comes down to it. I have faith in elections here in Arizona as I do in the elections in Venezuela and Brazil.
Actually the Venezuelan and Brazil elections may have been more honest.
I prefer a more different approach to voting. Less complicated. I would reduce his list to four mandates:
  1. Photo ID, with validation of signature and address.
  2. One election = one day, 7am ending at midnight, no ballots counted after midnight.
  3. Paper ballots, no drop boxes, no harvesting, no machine counting, and monitored voting.
  4. Mail-in only for military, invalids and those who are out of the country during the election.
Of course, this is too easy and uncomplicated so it will never get done or be accepted by the Democrat Left.

Do You Trust the Integrity of Our Elections? If Not, Here Are the Steps We Must Take​

25 Jan 2023 ~~ By Joe Fried

There may have been cheating in the 2022 midterm election, in the view of 57 percent of people recently surveyed by Rasmussen.
In that same survey of 1,000 likely voters, 30 percent indicated that cheating was likely. That’s where I fit in: the 30 percent group.
To restore faith in our elections, we need to take some simple but controversial steps:
A national standard

Many people, especially Republicans, oppose the idea of a national standard because they see this it a “states rights” issue. On the other hand, most Democrats are eager to have a national standard— but their idea of a standard is more like a plan for election organized crime.
How long would it take for the United States to become a fascist nation if we were to adopt some of the ideas that were recently offered in the “For the People Act,” the “John Lewis Voting Rights Act,” and/or the “Freedom to Vote Act”? Democrats have proposed...
  • complete legalization of ballot harvesting so that a ballot could be submitted, on your behalf, by paid operatives.
  • automatic voter registration for all adults (with no verification of citizenship).
  • universal ability to vote by mail, for any reason.
  • no voter ID requirement in states that choose not to have one. States that already have an ID requirement would be forced to weaken it by accepting a broad array of documents, including copies of utility bills or sworn statements (in lieu of ID).
  • voting by convicted felons, unless they happen to be in prison on the day of the election.
  • a ban on post-election independent audits, such as the Arizona Senate audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election. Only “official” audits would be allowed.

When it comes down to it. I have faith in elections here in Arizona as I do in the elections in Venezuela and Brazil.
Actually the Venezuelan and Brazil elections may have been more honest.
I prefer a more different approach to voting. Less complicated. I would reduce his list to four mandates:
  1. Photo ID, with validation of signature and address.
  2. One election = one day, 7am ending at midnight, no ballots counted after midnight.
  3. Paper ballots, no drop boxes, no harvesting, no machine counting, and monitored voting.
  4. Mail-in only for military, invalids and those who are out of the country during the election.
Of course, this is too easy and uncomplicated so it will never get done or be accepted by the Democrat Left.

Where to begin.

You guys would be taken somewhat more seriously if you didn't have to radically lie about...well...everything:

For the People Act:


Freedom to Vote Act:

Very little of what you wrote at the top has any semblance to reality.

As for Counting every vote by midnight...that has seldom, if ever, happened in this century (and likely hasn't happened in the 1900's). Your commentary is nonsense.

Do You Trust the Integrity of Our Elections? If Not, Here Are the Steps We Must Take​

25 Jan 2023 ~~ By Joe Fried

There may have been cheating in the 2022 midterm election, in the view of 57 percent of people recently surveyed by Rasmussen.
In that same survey of 1,000 likely voters, 30 percent indicated that cheating was likely. That’s where I fit in: the 30 percent group.
To restore faith in our elections, we need to take some simple but controversial steps:
A national standard

Many people, especially Republicans, oppose the idea of a national standard because they see this it a “states rights” issue. On the other hand, most Democrats are eager to have a national standard— but their idea of a standard is more like a plan for election organized crime.
How long would it take for the United States to become a fascist nation if we were to adopt some of the ideas that were recently offered in the “For the People Act,” the “John Lewis Voting Rights Act,” and/or the “Freedom to Vote Act”? Democrats have proposed...
  • complete legalization of ballot harvesting so that a ballot could be submitted, on your behalf, by paid operatives.
  • automatic voter registration for all adults (with no verification of citizenship).
  • universal ability to vote by mail, for any reason.
  • no voter ID requirement in states that choose not to have one. States that already have an ID requirement would be forced to weaken it by accepting a broad array of documents, including copies of utility bills or sworn statements (in lieu of ID).
  • voting by convicted felons, unless they happen to be in prison on the day of the election.
  • a ban on post-election independent audits, such as the Arizona Senate audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election. Only “official” audits would be allowed.

When it comes down to it. I have faith in elections here in Arizona as I do in the elections in Venezuela and Brazil.
Actually the Venezuelan and Brazil elections may have been more honest.
I prefer a more different approach to voting. Less complicated. I would reduce his list to four mandates:
  1. Photo ID, with validation of signature and address.
  2. One election = one day, 7am ending at midnight, no ballots counted after midnight.
  3. Paper ballots, no drop boxes, no harvesting, no machine counting, and monitored voting.
  4. Mail-in only for military, invalids and those who are out of the country during the election.
Of course, this is too easy and uncomplicated so it will never get done or be accepted by the Democrat Left.

Steps to take:
Step one: Change the electoral system to Proportional Representation
Step two: Job done.

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