Do you wish George W.Bush as president in 2016?

What do you think about George W.Bush as Mr.President again?

  • Agree

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
I honestly do not consider either one to be better than the other. They are equally evil. If one wasn't pastier than the other, I could barely tell them apart.

Bush: Lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in attacks on our diplomatic missions, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, tortured prisoners, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, started three wars, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, imprisoned American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, created a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

Obama: Lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in an attack on a diplomatic mission, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, created an entirely new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, and failed to robustly recover from the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

Obama is little behind, but he has two more years to catch up to Bush.

I'd like to know which of the two you'd choose if you were given the choice.

Obama or W?
I'd choose a bullet.

Bummer. I thought you'd answer the question. Guess not.
Your question is exactly why we had Bush and Obama as Presidents. Because dipshits like you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, which means you idiots are still voting for evil. And that results in more and more evil choices.

I refuse to vote for ANY evil.

Wake up.

Oh! Now I'm a dipshit? Cool.

I simply asked which of the two you'd prefer if given a choice. It isn't a difficult question. It isn't loaded. It isn't going to ruin you to answer it.

Now....if you wish to say that neither is good.....fine. That's a popular sentiment. of them is definitely worse than the other....and one is better. You, being a thinking person, simply must have an opinion on that.

You don't wish to offer that opinion. Your choice.
You are asking which is the lesser of two evils. I don't play that game. Because when you vote for either evil, you are telling evil it is doing something right.

The sooner everyone figures that out, the better off our country will be.

Are you telling me that you do not have an opinion regarding which of the two you'd prefer to hold the office of POTUS?

I don't believe that. I am as certain as my shit is brown that you have an opinion on the matter.

You don't want to offer it. Your choice.
Good thing we have Free Elections right? We get to choose from the Clinton or Bush Royal Family every 4 years! Thanks Veterans!
I'd put George Bush in the Top 10 Most Evil People on the Planet list
Why...because he killed your middle eastern friends? Tough shit.
He did. He killed all those Saudi 9/11 Highjackers.

Oh wait, no he didn't.
I think those muzzies killed themselves....duh.
I'd choose a bullet.

Bummer. I thought you'd answer the question. Guess not.
Your question is exactly why we had Bush and Obama as Presidents. Because dipshits like you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, which means you idiots are still voting for evil. And that results in more and more evil choices.

I refuse to vote for ANY evil.

Wake up.

Oh! Now I'm a dipshit? Cool.

I simply asked which of the two you'd prefer if given a choice. It isn't a difficult question. It isn't loaded. It isn't going to ruin you to answer it.

Now....if you wish to say that neither is good.....fine. That's a popular sentiment. of them is definitely worse than the other....and one is better. You, being a thinking person, simply must have an opinion on that.

You don't wish to offer that opinion. Your choice.
You are asking which is the lesser of two evils. I don't play that game. Because when you vote for either evil, you are telling evil it is doing something right.

The sooner everyone figures that out, the better off our country will be.

Are you telling me that you do not have an opinion regarding which of the two you'd prefer to hold the office of POTUS?

I don't believe that. I am as certain as my shit is brown that you have an opinion on the matter.

You don't want to offer it. Your choice.
Tell you what. Flip a coin.

There's your answer.

No difference to me. I don't think you have any idea how disgusted I am with the both of them.
Some people think when I debunk a lie about Obama that that is the same thing as supporting Obama.

Not too bright, those people.

When Bush was in office, I debunked lies about that asshole, too.

You defeat those kinds of pricks with the truth, not lies. The only reason both of those assholes survived TWO terms each is because the rubes in the opposition never figure that out.
Bummer. I thought you'd answer the question. Guess not.
Your question is exactly why we had Bush and Obama as Presidents. Because dipshits like you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, which means you idiots are still voting for evil. And that results in more and more evil choices.

I refuse to vote for ANY evil.

Wake up.

Oh! Now I'm a dipshit? Cool.

I simply asked which of the two you'd prefer if given a choice. It isn't a difficult question. It isn't loaded. It isn't going to ruin you to answer it.

Now....if you wish to say that neither is good.....fine. That's a popular sentiment. of them is definitely worse than the other....and one is better. You, being a thinking person, simply must have an opinion on that.

You don't wish to offer that opinion. Your choice.
You are asking which is the lesser of two evils. I don't play that game. Because when you vote for either evil, you are telling evil it is doing something right.

The sooner everyone figures that out, the better off our country will be.

Are you telling me that you do not have an opinion regarding which of the two you'd prefer to hold the office of POTUS?

I don't believe that. I am as certain as my shit is brown that you have an opinion on the matter.

You don't want to offer it. Your choice.
Tell you what. Flip a coin.

There's your answer.

No difference to me. I don't think you have any idea how disgusted I am with the both of them.

Awesome! You are just awesome!
Bout the only wish I have for George W Bush is to see both he and his darker twin Obama swinging from a rope.
And before anyone makes their usual asinine assumptions about me, I wish Barack Obama as President in 2016 like I wish I had Ebola while going over Niagara Falls in a giant bowl of HIV-infected razor blades.


I'd like to know which of the two you'd choose if you were given the choice.

Obama or W?
I'd choose a bullet.

Bummer. I thought you'd answer the question. Guess not.
Your question is exactly why we had Bush and Obama as Presidents. Because dipshits like you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, which means you idiots are still voting for evil. And that results in more and more evil choices.

I refuse to vote for ANY evil.

Wake up.
i hear ya g....."i wont vote for Satan...but i will vote for Dracula"........
And before anyone makes their usual asinine assumptions about me, I wish Barack Obama as President in 2016 like I wish I had Ebola while going over Niagara Falls in a giant bowl of HIV-infected razor blades.


I'd like to know which of the two you'd choose if you were given the choice.

Obama or W?
I'd choose a bullet.

Bummer. I thought you'd answer the question. Guess not.
Your question is exactly why we had Bush and Obama as Presidents. Because dipshits like you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, which means you idiots are still voting for evil. And that results in more and more evil choices.

I refuse to vote for ANY evil.

Wake up.

Oh! Now I'm a dipshit? Cool.

I simply asked which of the two you'd prefer if given a choice. It isn't a difficult question. It isn't loaded. It isn't going to ruin you to answer it.

Now....if you wish to say that neither is good.....fine. That's a popular sentiment. of them is definitely worse than the other....and one is better. You, being a thinking person, simply must have an opinion on that.

You don't wish to offer that opinion. Your choice.
ill answer.....i did not vote for either when they ran i would just do what i did the previous 4 times.....a "3rd party" person..........
No but I also wish Obama wasn't President right now.

The GOP didn't want the White House (Palin and Romney). It's easier to sit back and criticize than have a plan to fix things.

The GOP is screwed up due to the Koch/teabaggers and the psycho Libertarians. The best thing for the GOP and the country is to vote out all Republicans.

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