Do you wish George W.Bush as president in 2016?

What do you think about George W.Bush as Mr.President again?

  • Agree

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
W as a total incompetent catastrophe we'll be getting over for years. Obama's faults are all caused by mindless Pub obstruction, he's actually a pragmatic centrist. Neither Booosh nor Obama knew anything about the gunwalking, BUT O ended it, W let ANOTHER agency get out of control. See also FBI conference "scandal"...another phony.
No but I also wish Obama wasn't President right now.

The GOP didn't want the White House (Palin and Romney). It's easier to sit back and criticize than have a plan to fix things.

The GOP is screwed up due to the Koch/teabaggers and the psycho Libertarians. The best thing for the GOP and the country is to vote out all Republicans.
So you prefer one party rule also known as a dictatorship enlightening.
Not an answer.
sure it is.....i dont give a flying fuck if they were the only 2 names on a ballet.....i would write someones name in over both of them....

And throw your vote away.
you are throwing your vote away by voting for the same old shit over and over again.........cut the cord and vote for someone who isnt the same old party people are what is keeping these assholes in power...
W as a total incompetent catastrophe we'll be getting over for years. Obama's faults are all caused by mindless Pub obstruction, he's actually a pragmatic centrist. Neither Booosh nor Obama knew anything about the gunwalking, BUT O ended it, W let ANOTHER agency get out of control. See also FBI conference "scandal"...another phony.
you sound just like the die hard righties with Bush Frankie.....making excuses.....the man has a reason why things are failing....its the other guys....what else could it be?....he is 6 years in Frankie....its time Obama starts taking responsibility for the shit happening on his watch.....
W as a total incompetent catastrophe we'll be getting over for years. Obama's faults are all caused by mindless Pub obstruction, he's actually a pragmatic centrist. Neither Booosh nor Obama knew anything about the gunwalking, BUT O ended it, W let ANOTHER agency get out of control. See also FBI conference "scandal"...another phony.
you sound just like the die hard righties with Bush Frankie.....making excuses.....the man has a reason why things are failing....its the other guys....what else could it be?....he is 6 years in Frankie....its time Obama starts taking responsibility for the shit happening on his watch.....

Things are better. That is where you don't make sense.
Dubya was a good President, and I would vote for him again. I didn't agree with everything he did, but he was superior to any of his opponents.

Overall, things are not appreciably better now. We have had the slowest improvement from a recession in the last 60 years! Our national debt, lack of jobs, immigration issues, and world distrust and instability all suck under Obama!
And no, I never got to vote for him. And if I had, I wouldn't now. Bush and Obama constantly remind me why government is more concerned with itself than with the people.
I wish kim kardashian was our stripper president..

W as a total incompetent catastrophe we'll be getting over for years. Obama's faults are all caused by mindless Pub obstruction, he's actually a pragmatic centrist. Neither Booosh nor Obama knew anything about the gunwalking, BUT O ended it, W let ANOTHER agency get out of control. See also FBI conference "scandal"...another phony.
you sound just like the die hard righties with Bush Frankie.....making excuses.....the man has a reason why things are failing....its the other guys....what else could it be?....he is 6 years in Frankie....its time Obama starts taking responsibility for the shit happening on his watch.....

Things are better. That is where you don't make sense.
for some people.....what about the ones who things are not getting better or have gotten they count?......and are you like Franco and think that everything this guy does is a success?....he never fucks up OR if he does it is only because of those nasty Republicans?...its never because maybe something he tried did not work? guys are just bad as those die hard basterds on the difference.....excuses,excuses,excuses....see what having your head shoved up one of the parties asses does to you?.....
W as a total incompetent catastrophe we'll be getting over for years. Obama's faults are all caused by mindless Pub obstruction, he's actually a pragmatic centrist. Neither Booosh nor Obama knew anything about the gunwalking, BUT O ended it, W let ANOTHER agency get out of control. See also FBI conference "scandal"...another phony.
you sound just like the die hard righties with Bush Frankie.....making excuses.....the man has a reason why things are failing....its the other guys....what else could it be?....he is 6 years in Frankie....its time Obama starts taking responsibility for the shit happening on his watch.....

Things are better. That is where you don't make sense.
for some people.....what about the ones who things are not getting better or have gotten they count?......and are you like Franco and think that everything this guy does is a success?....he never fucks up OR if he does it is only because of those nasty Republicans?...its never because maybe something he tried did not work? guys are just bad as those die hard basterds on the difference.....excuses,excuses,excuses....see what having your head shoved up one of the parties asses does to you?.....

You just assigned many things to me. None of which is accurate. Congrats.
W as a total incompetent catastrophe we'll be getting over for years. Obama's faults are all caused by mindless Pub obstruction, he's actually a pragmatic centrist. Neither Booosh nor Obama knew anything about the gunwalking, BUT O ended it, W let ANOTHER agency get out of control. See also FBI conference "scandal"...another phony.
you sound just like the die hard righties with Bush Frankie.....making excuses.....the man has a reason why things are failing....its the other guys....what else could it be?....he is 6 years in Frankie....its time Obama starts taking responsibility for the shit happening on his watch.....

Things are better. That is where you don't make sense.
for some people.....what about the ones who things are not getting better or have gotten they count?......and are you like Franco and think that everything this guy does is a success?....he never fucks up OR if he does it is only because of those nasty Republicans?...its never because maybe something he tried did not work? guys are just bad as those die hard basterds on the difference.....excuses,excuses,excuses....see what having your head shoved up one of the parties asses does to you?.....
EXAMPLE of something he tried that didn't work (not blocked by lying Pubs) like everything Booosh did, or one of his lies? Like "Obama had control of congress his first 2 years" or see sig pp4...
W as a total incompetent catastrophe we'll be getting over for years. Obama's faults are all caused by mindless Pub obstruction, he's actually a pragmatic centrist. Neither Booosh nor Obama knew anything about the gunwalking, BUT O ended it, W let ANOTHER agency get out of control. See also FBI conference "scandal"...another phony.
you sound just like the die hard righties with Bush Frankie.....making excuses.....the man has a reason why things are failing....its the other guys....what else could it be?....he is 6 years in Frankie....its time Obama starts taking responsibility for the shit happening on his watch.....

Things are better. That is where you don't make sense.
for some people.....what about the ones who things are not getting better or have gotten they count?......and are you like Franco and think that everything this guy does is a success?....he never fucks up OR if he does it is only because of those nasty Republicans?...its never because maybe something he tried did not work? guys are just bad as those die hard basterds on the difference.....excuses,excuses,excuses....see what having your head shoved up one of the parties asses does to you?.....

You just assigned many things to me. None of which is accurate. Congrats.
i didnt assign shit to you....i was responding to what you said.... i was conversing with my buddy jumped now the conversation jumps over to you.....if none of what i said about you is true.....then tell me why.....thats how conversations work.....
W as a total incompetent catastrophe we'll be getting over for years. Obama's faults are all caused by mindless Pub obstruction, he's actually a pragmatic centrist. Neither Booosh nor Obama knew anything about the gunwalking, BUT O ended it, W let ANOTHER agency get out of control. See also FBI conference "scandal"...another phony.
you sound just like the die hard righties with Bush Frankie.....making excuses.....the man has a reason why things are failing....its the other guys....what else could it be?....he is 6 years in Frankie....its time Obama starts taking responsibility for the shit happening on his watch.....

Things are better. That is where you don't make sense.
for some people.....what about the ones who things are not getting better or have gotten they count?......and are you like Franco and think that everything this guy does is a success?....he never fucks up OR if he does it is only because of those nasty Republicans?...its never because maybe something he tried did not work? guys are just bad as those die hard basterds on the difference.....excuses,excuses,excuses....see what having your head shoved up one of the parties asses does to you?.....
EXAMPLE of something he tried that didn't work (not blocked by lying Pubs) like everything Booosh did, or one of his lies? Like "Obama had control of congress his first 2 years" or see sig pp4...
Frankie a few questions for Obama flawless?....has he gone about everything just perfect? every fucking thing that does not go right because of those fucking Republicans?......the Democrats just cant do no wrong?......they sure as hell fucked up plenty over the years in my State.....
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you are throwing your vote away by voting for the same old shit over and over again.........cut the cord and vote for someone who isnt the same old party people are what is keeping these assholes in power...

Since you seem confused, I'll help:

-Democrats are for the American worker

-Republicans (teabaggers/Libertarians/most independents) want to screw the American worker.
you are throwing your vote away by voting for the same old shit over and over again.........cut the cord and vote for someone who isnt the same old party people are what is keeping these assholes in power...

Since you seem confused, I'll help:

-Democrats are for the American worker

-Republicans (teabaggers/Libertarians/most independents) want to screw the American worker.

Republicans are for American empolys, too.

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