Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

The thread was about the political ramifications of Roe being reversed. That’s the topic. You can say that it’s irrelevant to the law but that doesn’t change or even address the point of the OP

Go play with your toys, troll, you obviously WANT law to be about politics rather than maintaining balanced social structure.

Laws are meant to cement civil society, dumbass, not to be vehicles to advance political agendas. That is what is so wrong with your party and this country today.

And that is MY point, shitstain.
IRRELEVANT. The law is the law and should be applied irregardless of the "political ramifications," jackass. No one is losing out on dumping their kids and as the OP says, abortions may even be up, so in that regard, your trailer trash ought to be THANKING the SCOTUS for doing their jobs and applying the law as the Founders intended.

Actually. The law isn’t applied as the Founders intended.

Ben Franklin is undoubtedly one of the architects and founders of this nation. And he offered a recipe for an Abortion in the years leading up to the founding.
When you realize what dobbs was, you’ll realize that scotus didn’t take away anyone’s rights. They just put the issue back to the states.

It’s the states who are taking away people’s ability to have abortions. That’s how it’s supposed to be. (States rights that is)
Horse shit.

I love the Republican talking points but no one is buying g it
Actually. The law isn’t applied as the Founders intended.

Ben Franklin is A Founder, not THE Founders, and just because he concocted a medical solution to deal with an occasional need for an abortifacient, does not mean he ever intended women to be lining up at clinics aborting children by the millions so they can go right back out and get knocked up again, clear of mind, for wanton, frivolous sex.
Go play with your toys, troll, you obviously WANT law to be about politics rather than maintaining balanced social structure.

Laws are meant to cement civil society, dumbass, not to be vehicles to advance political agendas. That is what is so wrong with your party and this country today.

And that is MY point, shitstain.
I’m not talking about law. The thread is about politics. Seems like you can’t hang with the topic
I love the Republican talking points but no one is buying g it
If true, how do you suppose a game show host with bad hair is kicking the living shit out of your worthless political lifer/incumbent in the polls?
Ben Franklin is A Founder, not THE Founders, and just because he concocted a medical solution to deal with an occasional need for an abortifacient, does not mean he ever intended women to be lining up at clinics aborting children by the millions so they can go right back out and get knocked up again, clear of mind, for wanton, frivolous sex.
So he promoted an abortion method but didn’t intend it to be used

I’m not talking about law. The thread is about politics. Seems like you can’t hang with the topic

Hey JACKASS, no one cares what YOU are talking about. I AM talking about politics by pointing out that the premise of the OP is totally wrong thus invalid because it is about an action taken by the SUPREME COURT to rectify a legal aberration and never should have been viewed much less spin as a /political/ action because it WASN'T.

One difference between the far left and the GOP is that while EVERYTHING with the Left is about politics, the GOP is frequently willing to do the RIGHT THINGS even when it doesn't serve them politically.

Now try to pound that into that little sliver of a brain of yours.
Hey JACKASS, no one cares what YOU are talking about. I AM talking about politics by pointing out that the premise of the OP is totally wrong thus invalid because it is about an action taken by the SUPREME COURT to rectify a legal aberration and never should have been viewed much less spin as a /political/ action because it WASN'T.

One difference between the far left and the GOP is that while EVERYTHING with the Left is about politics, the GOP is frequently willing to do the RIGHT THINGS even when it doesn't serve them politically.

Now try to pound that into that little sliver of a brain of yours.
So your contention is that the Court is not political?

It’s not about what I am talking about… it’s about what the OP is talking about. Which you seem to want to dodge

So, by your high-functioning autistic toy-playing mind, the only way to contribute to a thread is to AGREE with the OP even if the premise is FALSE?

So, by your high-functioning autistic toy-playing mind, the only way to contribute to a thread is to AGREE with the OP even if the premise is FALSE?

Hahahaha. Agree with the OP? No not even close. I prefer disagree and debate. But engage with the topic
Hahahaha. Agree with the OP? No not even close. I prefer disagree and debate. But engage with the topic

I am, fuckwad. I am engaging it by pointing out that the basic PREMISE of it is WRONG because it fails to consider the real, non-political INTENT of the LAW.

DAMN. I'm met some stupid shucks but you are one dense Aspergerer.
I am, fuckwad. I am engaging it by pointing out that the basic PREMISE of it is WRONG because it fails to consider the real, non-political INTENT of the LAW.

DAMN. I'm met some stupid shucks but you are one dense Aspergerer.
The intent of the law makes zero difference on the political effects that the OP brought up and that you’re ignoring
The intent of the law makes zero difference on the political effects that the OP brought up and that you’re ignoring

:itsok: POOR BABY. Are you confused because pointing out that the political effects are not germane to law is not "ignoring" the OP but ELEVATING it?!
:itsok: POOR BABY. Are you confused because pointing out that the political effects are not germane to law is not "ignoring" the OP but ELEVATING it?!
You can point that out all you want. I’ll say, wonderful 👍 now do you have anything to say about the topic?
You can point that out all you want. I’ll say, wonderful 👍 now do you have anything to say about the topic?

Yes. The premise of political effects from law are both misleading, dangerous and invalid, just as you are a stupid troll.
Yes. The premise of political effects from law are both misleading, dangerous and invalid, just as you are a stupid troll.
Aww look at you getting all emotional. I’m sorry buddy. Didn’t mean to trigger you so bad.

You can keep talking about the law if you want. Even if it is irrelevant to the topic
Yeah baby killing killed the folks running the House, the folks with a game show host with bad hair bullying ALL in polls for the presidency….but yeah, we’re dead.
Come 2025:

House = Democrat

Senate = Republican

White House = Democrat

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