Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Go ahead and kill them. Lefties have the momentum to turn the abortion issue into the legal possibility of killing kids under 2 years old.
25 or bust.
The former democrat governor of Va. gave a rambling support of abortion that included making newborns comfortable while the parents and the doctor decided whether to drown them like freaking puppies.
Governors should make healthcare decisions, not women or doctors!
Let's bring it out in the open and show the pictures of Gosnel's house of horrors in Pa. where the fools that elected Fetterman to the senate monitored pizza parlors for health issues but not abortion clinics.
Or we could just watch Hostel; pro-abortioners are DEMONIC!!!!
Show us lefties, show us the squirming full term babies that are yanked feet first from the womb and stabbed in the back of the head while their brains are sucked out.

Yo “bruh”….homie….Are you sure you know what you’re doing “bruh”?
Don't call me bruh, dude!

Have you been to the type of dangerous, disgusting, divided shitholes your ilk and ideologies produce?
Been there & have the t-shirts to prove it! :)
You ghetto peeps have ridden on the back of moral whitey for centuries for a reason, wetbacks and dark people from all over the globe can’t wait to get here to get a ride on the back of moral whitey for a reason…

Is that you? :eek:
they aren’t breaking into any dark nation or nation full of degenerate faggotts and weirdos with purple hair, neck tattoos and nose piercings for a reason….
Wait - are you saying America is now faggot/nose piercing free????

Halla-freakin-luja! :banana:
What makes you think American values, principles, and moral order have timed out?
Ba'al JUST whispered it in my ear. 👍
Because educated and intelligent people tend to be Democrats?
Yeah…this is the lefts idea of “intelligent people”….Berkeley filth.

hahaha…immoral degenerates…the dirty lowlifes will always create that one-off situation to justify their filth….FUCKING PUKES!
You seem like a reasonable, level-headed sort.

Let me ask you a question:

If a woman is pregnant with the spawn of Satan, is it okay for her to abort?

Second trimester.

Asking for a friend.

(She spent the night at Chris Christie's...) :eek:
You seem like a reasonable, level-headed sort.

Let me ask you a question:

If a woman is pregnant with the spawn of Satan, is it okay for her to abort?

Second trimester.

Asking for a friend.

(She spent the night at Chris Christie's...) :eek:
If she’s a disgusting liberal whore or hood rat…FUCK YES!
Kill that fucker at 39 weeks
"Some babies are more equal than others."

- AHitler
I’m good with that label…doesn’t scare me one bit….If it were up to me I’d have all of you filthy fucks in concentration camps that would make Auschwitz look like Disney World…I’d be the gasser for free.
I’m good with that label…doesn’t scare me one bit….If it were up to me I’d have all of you filthy fucks in concentration camps that would make Auschwitz look like Disney World…I’d be the gasser for free.
You need to stop following me around the internet, mom.

You are NOT the boss of me! :mad:

But yeah, SCOTUS.
Stillbirth, miscarriage and infant mortality were far more a part of live even 80 years ago than now.

You are trying argumentum ad absurdum, so stop it.

America has the highest rate of Miscarriages and stillbirths and infant deaths of all the industrialized world.

But I’ll tell you this. The reason I reject the Right’s arguments is they are hypocritical. Ten seconds after the baby comes down the birth canal, the Republicans lose interest. All of a sudden they don’t want to pay anything for caring for the child. The Mother they demanded have the baby won’t get any help if Republicans have their way.

Welfare, Food Stamps, school lunches. Hell school at all. The Same Republicans who demand the baby be born are outraged that their demands will cost money.
When you realize what dobbs was, you’ll realize that scotus didn’t take away anyone’s rights. They just put the issue back to the states.

It’s the states who are taking away people’s ability to have abortions. That’s how it’s supposed to be. (States rights that is)

I disagree. The Republicans objection for Obamacare made sense to me. Medical treatment should be between the patient, and the doctor, and nobody else.

I believed that was the right position, and I believe it today.

I believe that right should be the same for everyone, no matter what State they happen to be in.
hahaha…immoral degenerates…the dirty lowlifes will always create that one-off situation to justify their filth….FUCKING PUKES!

Oh poor BL. He’s upset that the world is rejecting his hatred and idealism.
Oh poor BL. He’s upset that the world is rejecting his hatred and idealism.
“The world”?
What the pole-puffer with purple hair, nose rings and neck tatoos really means is…..the moral order I live by has been rejected by all dirty, disgusting, dangerous, diverse and divided shitholes in America….which is exactly what I aim for. If Americas filth hate me I know I’m living right.

Run along now kid…get to your gaming bullshit…your ghetto ass has been schooled by Adolf.

You're SUCH a dick!!!!!!!! :evil:

But yeah, abortion done killed the babies AND the Republican Party.

Very sad, needs funeral plots.

You're SUCH a dick!!!!!!!! :evil:

But yeah, abortion done killed the babies AND the Republican Party.

Very sad, needs funeral plots.
Yeah baby killing killed the folks running the House, the folks with a game show host with bad hair bullying ALL in polls for the presidency….but yeah, we’re dead.
“The world”?
What the pole-puffer with purple hair, nose rings and neck tatoos really means is…..the moral order I live by has been rejected by all dirty, disgusting, dangerous, diverse and divided shitholes in America….which is exactly what I aim for. If Americas filth hate me I know I’m living right.


Actually. The reverse is true. If we ever have reason to question our ideals, we need look no further than you to know our way may not be perfect, it is however far superior to the hatred you embody.
No, both you AND the OP thread are irrelevant to the intent and purpose of having laws.

Apparently your dumb ass thinks that laws are just there to gain political advantages.

Go play with your plastic toy.
The thread was about the political ramifications of Roe being reversed. That’s the topic. You can say that it’s irrelevant to the law but that doesn’t change or even address the point of the OP

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