Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

No, it is a fetus.
Unless you think a sperm is an unborn baby.
A thought about sex is an unborn baby.

Words matter.

a sperm isn't a unique organism, it's 1/2 the DNA of the dude who made it. A fertilized egg is a unique organism, and eventually becomes a baby. Not being born, it is unborn.

This is just your attempt to not admit you support killing something. Like meat eaters not thinking something has to die for their burger.

Something delicious.

Conservative SCOTUS ain't that conservative, and is actually quite political, AND they knew what would happen if they gifted the Democrats with a fast-track.

The connies said "Let the states decide!"

And the states are/have.

The problem with connies is that they live in a fantasy world where everyone thinks like them.

In the REAL world, they're in the minority on most issues, and instead of adjusting their worldview to reality, they screech like stuck pigs every time they learn their fantasies are only that.

Oh well.

On the conservative side, the issue was ALWAYS that Roe bypassed both the state and federal legislatures to make law. Now that it's a state issue, it's back where it belongs, and every state has the right to set its own policies. People like you equated that to conservatives banning abortion which never happened or was intended by anyone except religious nutters. In the last couple of decades there has been no widespread interest in banning abortion, when a conservative state like Ohio enshrines the right to abortion in its constitution it's clear that most people want the ability to abort fetuses, now the question is what limitations various states will set. I wonder how long it will be until you and your friends are back in court demanding that all limits are removed since the states will generally set limits based upon viability.
You think so now that public opinion seems to favor the drunken party girls

But when abortion was legal thanks to 5 or 7 unelected judges I dont think you minded at all
Liberals always love the courts when they rule in favor of liberal causes regardless of the constitutionality of them. They hate the courts when they use the objective standards laid down in the constitution.
As in MEN "protecting" from pregnancy?
Like getting their balls disconnected from their penises before they screw around?
Or are you thinking it should always be the woman's responsibilty to prevent unwanted pregnancy?
Because at the end of the day this whole conversation is about MEN controlling women's bodies and reproductive choices. The same thing they've been doing for hundreds of years.
It is not really about any "murdered babies."
Nope wrong again both make the decision to have sex but he gets no equal protection under the law
Women have ALWAYS controlled their sexual availability. They suffer the consequences, so they have controlled access. Short of rape there is no way for a man to get an unwilling woman pregnant. It takes two to tango. All a woman has to do is say NO and stick with it. If the man continues after that, it's rape and he should go to jail. If a woman decides to have unprotected sex, any pregnancy is as much her fault as the mans. And men face consequences for women's sexual decisions all the time. If a woman gets pregnant, the man can't insist she get an abortion or opt out of child support, he's on the hook for at least the next eighteen years even if he doesn't want children or can't afford them.
And yet boyfriends and husbands have pressured women into doing just that.
You are delusional

Abortion was illegal before lib judges said otherwise

The “activists “ were created after roe v wade
5 years later... This is meant to be your main issue that ye didn't give a fuck about for 5 years until ye lost the school segregation...
Problem is more.than 95% of all abortions performed are out of nothing but pure selfish convenience.

I propose that bankruptcy and abortion are equivalent legal principles.
Both are a way of erasing a mistake, at the determent of the innocent.
In one case, it's innocent lenders, in the other it's innocent babies.
If you want to be morally consistent, you have to either support both or reject both.
5 years later... This is meant to be your main issue that ye didn't give a fuck about for 5 years until ye lost the school segregation...
I have no idea what you are saying

Because moral conservatives always cared
I propose that bankruptcy and abortion are equivalent legal principles.
Both are a way of erasing a mistake, at the determent of the innocent.
In one case, it's innocent lenders, in the other it's innocent babies.
If you want to be morally consistent, you have to either support both or reject both.
They dont kill lenders during bankrupt proceedings

But unwanted babies?

Libs kill them
a sperm isn't a unique organism, it's 1/2 the DNA of the dude who made it. A fertilized egg is a unique organism, and eventually becomes a baby. Not being born, it is unborn.

This is just your attempt to not admit you support killing something. Like meat eaters not thinking something has to die for their burger.

Something delicious.
DNA in the sperm came from the man's mother and father.
Ergo, your argument fails.

A fetus is not a unique organism. Absent the female it cannot exist.


your desire to use the government to force your religious views on others is immoral and unconstitutional.
Definitely not conservative.
Let's just accommodate that and kill all unwanted children up to 3 years old, OK?
As a "conservative" that's been on your agenda for 50 years.
But a fetus is still not a baby.
Get a dictionary. It will help clear things for you.

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