Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Now we're getting somewhere. :)

If all the triggered conservatives - aka all the conservatives - just moved to caves, we could solve all of society's problems.

You wouldn't have to sorry about Muslim transexual drag shows & all the abortions they inspire, and we won't be subjected to your endless ranting and whining.

But yeah, be careful what you wish for, cuz SCOTUS gave it to ya. :)
“Don’t become retaliatory, be more like those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’, the ones who would look the other way and pretend shit wasn’t happening….the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use, the foolish pussified suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting, immoral, globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”

Screw you baby killer, you get off on the thought of that baby feeling pain don't you just admit it! If someone is cutting you up I bet you would feel pain also
My, my
Why don't YOU solve the problem then?
"Frankenstein's home for all the unwanted wittle "babies" in the world who he saved from being "cut up" in the womb!
Go ahead.
Walk your talk.
Take em ALL in yourself.
You oppose the genocide Israel is committing in Palestine?

Good on you! :)

But we were talking about how delusional conservative cavemen are trying to drag society back into the primordial muck. :(

I'm sorry that filthy whore wronged you.

Maybe if you found a nice cave you could forget all about her. :)
Innocent life yes, but when you lie down with dogs you get fleas, and at some point the people have to stand up for themselves shed humus and stop playing the victim. Stop allowing your schools to be shelters stop being human shields
You oppose the genocide Israel is committing in Palestine?

Good on you! :)

But we were talking about how delusional conservative cavemen are trying to drag society back into the primordial muck. :(

I'm sorry that filthy whore wronged you.

Maybe if you found a nice cave you could forget all about her. :)
Never had a child aborted I was responsible idiot. You try to paint good as bad, so screw you, abortion is wrong you are a promoter of that you are the one in the wrong
My, my
Why don't YOU solve the problem then?
"Frankenstein's home for all the unwanted wittle "babies" in the world who he saved from being "cut up" in the womb!
Go ahead.
Walk your talk.
Take em ALL in yourself.
Screw you again, tell people to stop having unprotected sex, be responsible. By the way I have an adopted daughter thanks. You are a ghoul
Because you say so without evidence?

Why do you and Golfing Gator hate the idea of moving the issue closer to The People? Why do you Fed statists want your Father Fed in control of everything?

Is this “REAL WORLD” you speak of the one that Democrats have hired media, social media and academia to manufacture for them through the echo chamber?
Is that the “REAL WORLD” where men can become women by simple proclamation?
Is that the ”REAL WORLD” where evil whitey is America’s greatest threat?
Are you sure you know what a REAL WORLD is?

Majority rule? Are you sure that’s the way to go? Or are you convinced that Whites are all going to wake up and join you in your hatred of minorities?
Now we're getting somewhere. :)

If all the triggered conservatives - aka all the conservatives - just moved to caves, we could solve all of society's problems.

You wouldn't have to sorry about Muslim transexual drag shows & all the abortions they inspire, and we won't be subjected to your endless ranting and whining.

But yeah, be careful what you wish for, cuz SCOTUS gave it to ya. :)
Better yet Idiotic Molech worshiper's crawl back under the rock you came out from under!
Before Dobbs, the Republicans could placate the Religious Right and Social Conservatives by speaking out against Abortion. This was essentially harmless. With Roe as the law of the land, there was no hope of actually doing anything. And best of all, the Republicans couldn’t be blamed for doing nothing. The Supreme Court had ruled and the poor politicians were powerless to do anything about it.

So some fool in the audience screams that “Abortion is Murder” and the politician could agree and lament about how awful it was and it’s a shame the Supremes gave us this awful ruling.

Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted. Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed. They are about the same and even possibly increasing. So the “have to save lives” mentality is taking it right on the nose.

For decades polling indicated that most people supported a woman’s right to choose. The Anti Abortion people swore that these were push polls. They were fiction. These polls were lies. A vast majority wanted to save the unborn babies.

Even when Abortion was an issue in an election, the Republican would win. But nobody stopped to consider it might be because the voters didn’t think the politician could do anything about the issue.

Now of course we are in a post Dobbs world. The problem is that the Republicans don’t know what to do. It turns out the polls were right. The majority of voters actually are pro choice. In the meantime the Republicans have become defined by fierce opposition to Abortion.

It is worse for Trump. He proudly announced he had done this. He had packed the court with anti abortion Judges who overturned Roe.

The Republicans are now demanding that the important issues, the ones that matter are the economy, and immigration, and the deficit. The voters appear to think Abortion is pretty important.
Well they were pretty damned happy about it 16 months ago.
I guess the moral here is be careful what you ask for.
So women are just having abortions out of spite? Let the country burn then, because in this case the majority got it wrong. I would rather be right and lose elections than be wrong in Gods eyes. Let the chips fall where they may!
I'm reminded of a joke...

A Rabbi, an priest, and a. Imam came upon a large sum of money and were discussing how to ensure God got his share.

The Priest said "draw a circle on the ground and throw the money in the air. What lands inside the circle is God's."
The Imam said ""draw a circle on the ground and throw the money in the air. What lands outside the circle is Allah's."
The Rabbi said "Draw a circle on the ground and throw the money in the air. What God wants God can take."

There's a moral there but i'll leave it to the God types to figure it out but from my perspective, using the government to force your religious view on people is immoral by any view.

You people probably get off knowing this!

Unborn babies can feel pain at least by 15 weeks gestation and possibly earlier

  • The idea that unborn and newborn babies cannot feel pain is obsolete, refuted by an extensive and growing body of scientific evidence. The myth that unborn babies cannot feel pain comes from a bygone era when newborns were strapped down for surgery without pain relief.Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain - Lozier Institute The substantial published scientific literature on the topic shows that unborn babies can experience pain at least by 15 weeks gestational age (15 weeks LMP, since Last Menstrual Period, the fetal age estimate used by most obstetricians) or earlier.
Wrong from the start.
There is no such thing as an "unborn baby."
Until it is born, it is a fetus.
Democrats are the modern incarnation of the cult of Baal, the Babylonians, Caananites, and Carthaginians all tossed babies into burning pits, or statuary, designed in the image of the demon, they had musicians play music in order to drown out the shrieking and terrifying squealing issuing forth from the babies as they tumbled into the fires!

Only two differences are noted between then and now, democrats, which includes all fake republicans(rinos)have industrialized the sacrificial process to Baal, and utterly sanitized it, so that murderous mothers/fathers do not hear the shrieks of their baby as its sacrificed to the demon! The other primary difference between then and now, is that the killers do not deliver the demon the entire body of the tiny life they just exterminated, just parts of it!

Such is because the fascist democrat evil, has discovered that the murdered babies bodies are a source of great wealth to them in and of themselves. Thus, they take the little bodies and like cleaning a fish, or poultry, they eviscerate them and harvest all of the internal organs and tissues, for sale to the highest bidders!

Most everyone of you celebrating a perceived political victory, or perceived political damage to the Christians who stood with God and the sanctity of life via their direct and open opposition to this demonic horror, are among the absolute blackest of evils ever perpetrated by human beings upon the most helpless of human beings! I have to resist the overwhelming urge to judge you and act upon that judgement, such is not mine to do, however every single one of you will be judged for the horror you have embraced and perpetrated!
Before Dobbs, the Republicans could placate the Religious Right and Social Conservatives by speaking out against Abortion. This was essentially harmless. With Roe as the law of the land, there was no hope of actually doing anything. And best of all, the Republicans couldn’t be blamed for doing nothing. The Supreme Court had ruled and the poor politicians were powerless to do anything about it.

So some fool in the audience screams that “Abortion is Murder” and the politician could agree and lament about how awful it was and it’s a shame the Supremes gave us this awful ruling.

Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted. Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed. They are about the same and even possibly increasing. So the “have to save lives” mentality is taking it right on the nose.

For decades polling indicated that most people supported a woman’s right to choose. The Anti Abortion people swore that these were push polls. They were fiction. These polls were lies. A vast majority wanted to save the unborn babies.

Even when Abortion was an issue in an election, the Republican would win. But nobody stopped to consider it might be because the voters didn’t think the politician could do anything about the issue.

Now of course we are in a post Dobbs world. The problem is that the Republicans don’t know what to do. It turns out the polls were right. The majority of voters actually are pro choice. In the meantime the Republicans have become defined by fierce opposition to Abortion.

It is worse for Trump. He proudly announced he had done this. He had packed the court with anti abortion Judges who overturned Roe.

The Republicans are now demanding that the important issues, the ones that matter are the economy, and immigration, and the deficit. The voters appear to think Abortion is pretty important.
The actual holding in Dobbs is that if Xian (Catholic in this case) religious faith bans abortion, it cannot legally be constitutionally protected.
Wrong from the start.
There is no such thing as an "unborn baby."
Until it is born, it is a fetus.

So a fetus can turn into a turnip?

If all you have is semantics to justify your position, you don't have anything.
If they do not get pregnant, they do not need to abort. Education and easing access to birth control especially for the poor could reduce the number of pregnancies, thus reducing the number of abortions.
How about abstinence? Seems to me that works 100% of the time, dumbass.

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