Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

where did you get the idea I hate this, I think this is the way it should be. I think every state should put it on the ballot, but your beloved Repubs fight against it happening
You think so now that public opinion seems to favor the drunken party girls

But when abortion was legal thanks to 5 or 7 unelected judges I dont think you minded at all
So a fetus can turn into a turnip?

If all you have is semantics to justify your position, you don't have anything.

So if a Baby is stillborn, or miscarried. Why don’t we charge the Mother with Murder? It was a Baby and it died in her care. She must be responsible right?
So if a Baby is stillborn, or miscarried. Why don’t we charge the Mother with Murder? It was a Baby and it died in her care. She must be responsible right?

because it died of natural causes?

Do we charge mothers of babies that die of SIDS?
Protecting form pregnancy but you knew that asshat
As in MEN "protecting" from pregnancy?
Like getting their balls disconnected from their penises before they screw around?
Or are you thinking it should always be the woman's responsibilty to prevent unwanted pregnancy?
Because at the end of the day this whole conversation is about MEN controlling women's bodies and reproductive choices. The same thing they've been doing for hundreds of years.
It is not really about any "murdered babies."
If they do not get pregnant, they do not need to abort. Education and easing access to birth control especially for the poor could reduce the number of pregnancies, thus reducing the number of abortions.
I don't know how access to birth control could get any easier than it is now. I can buy Trojans at any drug store, Walmart, Costco, I see them everywhere. As far as I know there is no restriction on birth control pills on any insurance plan or Medicaid anywhere in the country. Unless birth control pills are given away like candy at Halloween, I can't see access being any easier.
All Dobbs said was any right to autonomy over their bodies is not equal to an anti-abortionist's religious views. That's all Dobbs decided. Altio also tried to say there's no equal protection right, but that was not ever the issue.
IRRELEVANT. The law is the law and should be applied irregardless of the "political ramifications," jackass. No one is losing out on dumping their kids and as the OP says, abortions may even be up, so in that regard, your trailer trash ought to be THANKING the SCOTUS for doing their jobs and applying the law as the Founders intended.
The point of the OP is irrelevant? Haha. Ok buddy
Are we sure? Did we investigate? Or did we just say oh well that’s life. Add a point to the statistics.

Stillbirth, miscarriage and infant mortality were far more a part of live even 80 years ago than now.

You are trying argumentum ad absurdum, so stop it.
All Dobbs said was any right to autonomy over their bodies is not equal to an anti-abortionist's religious views. That's all Dobbs decided. Altio also tried to say there's no equal protection right, but that was not ever the issue.

No, it didn't. It said Roe wrongly created a right to an abortion, and sent the issue back to the States.
The key is that men are living consequence free lives with no responsibility for the babies they create.

Yes, women face the consequences. Losing jobs, medical expenses, child care, children they can’t afford
Women have ALWAYS controlled their sexual availability. They suffer the consequences, so they have controlled access. Short of rape there is no way for a man to get an unwilling woman pregnant. It takes two to tango. All a woman has to do is say NO and stick with it. If the man continues after that, it's rape and he should go to jail. If a woman decides to have unprotected sex, any pregnancy is as much her fault as the mans. And men face consequences for women's sexual decisions all the time. If a woman gets pregnant, the man can't insist she get an abortion or opt out of child support, he's on the hook for at least the next eighteen years even if he doesn't want children or can't afford them.

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