Docs vs Glocks, the good guys lose one.

Doctors win in Florida 'docs vs. glocks' legal tussle

Not that it's a huge loss, they can ask all they want to, you don't have to answer it.

Me I'll just lie to him like always:

Doc: Have you been eating right and exercising?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you stayed away from drugs and alcohol?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you been taking that medicine I prescribed for you?
Me: Yes
Doc: Do you have a gun in the home?
Me: No

The question has been on medical forms for a few years. I have always left it blank. Never had a problem.
Doctors win in Florida 'docs vs. glocks' legal tussle

Not that it's a huge loss, they can ask all they want to, you don't have to answer it.

Me I'll just lie to him like always:

Doc: Have you been eating right and exercising?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you stayed away from drugs and alcohol?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you been taking that medicine I prescribed for you?
Me: Yes
Doc: Do you have a gun in the home?
Me: No

What a childish and stupid thing to do. How does it help your health to lie to your doctor?

Do you also lie to your accountant and your lawyer?
You do know that owning a gun has absolutely nothing to do with your health don't you?
Doctors win in Florida 'docs vs. glocks' legal tussle

Not that it's a huge loss, they can ask all they want to, you don't have to answer it.

Me I'll just lie to him like always:

Doc: Have you been eating right and exercising?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you stayed away from drugs and alcohol?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you been taking that medicine I prescribed for you?
Me: Yes
Doc: Do you have a gun in the home?
Me: No

What a childish and stupid thing to do. How does it help your health to lie to your doctor?

Do you also lie to your accountant and your lawyer?
You do know that owning a gun has absolutely nothing to do with your health don't you?

The ONLY way it would have any bearing is if you or someone in the family suffers from depression or other mental illness that makes them a risk for suicide or psychotic episodes.
This whole bill started when 0bama was POTUS and Obamacare was still believed by lefties as workable.

I'm sure that any healthcare law or policy or whatever, that the democrats get passed will eventually make an answer to this question mandatory.
My answer would be "It's none of your fucking business what I may or may not have".

Mine would be:

"Why do you ask?"

And more follow on questions until he realized he was losing money and getting nowhere.

Similar to the telemarketer treatment.
Good for you. I occasionally string those bastards along too, get them excited thinking I'm gonna buy and buy big, but then finally just admit I'm wasting their time since they don't mind wasting ours.
Doctors win in Florida 'docs vs. glocks' legal tussle

Not that it's a huge loss, they can ask all they want to, you don't have to answer it.

Me I'll just lie to him like always:

Doc: Have you been eating right and exercising?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you stayed away from drugs and alcohol?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you been taking that medicine I prescribed for you?
Me: Yes
Doc: Do you have a gun in the home?
Me: No

What a childish and stupid thing to do. How does it help your health to lie to your doctor?

Do you also lie to your accountant and your lawyer?
You do know that owning a gun has absolutely nothing to do with your health don't you?

The ONLY way it would have any bearing is if you or someone in the family suffers from depression or other mental illness that makes them a risk for suicide or psychotic episodes.

Suicide is a choice like any other.
Doctors win in Florida 'docs vs. glocks' legal tussle

Not that it's a huge loss, they can ask all they want to, you don't have to answer it.

Me I'll just lie to him like always:

Doc: Have you been eating right and exercising?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you stayed away from drugs and alcohol?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you been taking that medicine I prescribed for you?
Me: Yes
Doc: Do you have a gun in the home?
Me: No

What a childish and stupid thing to do. How does it help your health to lie to your doctor?

Do you also lie to your accountant and your lawyer?
You do know that owning a gun has absolutely nothing to do with your health don't you?

The ONLY way it would have any bearing is if you or someone in the family suffers from depression or other mental illness that makes them a risk for suicide or psychotic episodes.

Suicide is a choice like any other.

I agree. And no one who wants to commit suicide will be stopped by the lack of a gun.

But it would be a legit reason for a dr to ask.
Doctors win in Florida 'docs vs. glocks' legal tussle

Not that it's a huge loss, they can ask all they want to, you don't have to answer it.

Me I'll just lie to him like always:

Doc: Have you been eating right and exercising?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you stayed away from drugs and alcohol?
Me: Yes
Doc: Have you been taking that medicine I prescribed for you?
Me: Yes
Doc: Do you have a gun in the home?
Me: No

What a childish and stupid thing to do. How does it help your health to lie to your doctor?

Do you also lie to your accountant and your lawyer?
You do know that owning a gun has absolutely nothing to do with your health don't you?

The ONLY way it would have any bearing is if you or someone in the family suffers from depression or other mental illness that makes them a risk for suicide or psychotic episodes.

Suicide is a choice like any other.

I agree. And no one who wants to commit suicide will be stopped by the lack of a gun.

But it would be a legit reason for a dr to ask.
Not for a GP, mental health is not their expertise, so they should not be asking.
What a childish and stupid thing to do. How does it help your health to lie to your doctor?

Do you also lie to your accountant and your lawyer?
You do know that owning a gun has absolutely nothing to do with your health don't you?

The ONLY way it would have any bearing is if you or someone in the family suffers from depression or other mental illness that makes them a risk for suicide or psychotic episodes.

Suicide is a choice like any other.

I agree. And no one who wants to commit suicide will be stopped by the lack of a gun.

But it would be a legit reason for a dr to ask.
Not for a GP, mental health is not their expertise, so they should not be asking.

First of all, I am not a fan of the question, as I stated previously.

Second of all, a GP may not specialize in mental health but they are trained to recognize signs. Plus, they are often the first line of medical care for people. Comprehensive healthcare is not strictly compartmentalized.
You do know that owning a gun has absolutely nothing to do with your health don't you?

The ONLY way it would have any bearing is if you or someone in the family suffers from depression or other mental illness that makes them a risk for suicide or psychotic episodes.

Suicide is a choice like any other.

I agree. And no one who wants to commit suicide will be stopped by the lack of a gun.

But it would be a legit reason for a dr to ask.
Not for a GP, mental health is not their expertise, so they should not be asking.

First of all, I am not a fan of the question, as I stated previously.

Second of all, a GP may not specialize in mental health but they are trained to recognize signs. Plus, they are often the first line of medical care for people. Comprehensive healthcare is not strictly compartmentalized.
You put a lot of faith in GPs, Me not so much...
The ONLY way it would have any bearing is if you or someone in the family suffers from depression or other mental illness that makes them a risk for suicide or psychotic episodes.

Suicide is a choice like any other.

I agree. And no one who wants to commit suicide will be stopped by the lack of a gun.

But it would be a legit reason for a dr to ask.
Not for a GP, mental health is not their expertise, so they should not be asking.

First of all, I am not a fan of the question, as I stated previously.

Second of all, a GP may not specialize in mental health but they are trained to recognize signs. Plus, they are often the first line of medical care for people. Comprehensive healthcare is not strictly compartmentalized.
You put a lot of faith in GPs, Me not so much...

I expect a lot from any doctor. And I am not above finding a new one if they don't live up to my expectations.

But the topic is a question on a medical form. I have seen the question on dozens of forms over the last few years. I have always left it blank and never been asked about it or pressed for an answer.

Don't want to answer it? Don't answer it. No need to go crazy.
My answer would be "It's none of your fucking business what I may or may not have".

Mine would be:

"Why do you ask?"

And more follow on questions until he realized he was losing money and getting nowhere.

Similar to the telemarketer treatment.
Good for you. I occasionally string those bastards along too, get them excited thinking I'm gonna buy and buy big, but then finally just admit I'm wasting their time since they don't mind wasting ours.

My goal is to get them to hang up on me.

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