Doctor Shortages Distress Rural America, Where Few Residency Programs Exist


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Is this an issue in your area? I know in NorthEast Texas with the MIL hospital space is a big issue as its often hard to get her into one.

ELKO, Nev. — Anger, devastation, and concern for her patients washed over Dr. Bridget Martinez as she learned that her residency training program in rural northeastern Nevada would be shuttered.

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This story also ran on CBS News. It can be republished for free.
The doctor in training remembered telling one of her patients that, come July of this year, she would no longer be her physician. Martinez had been treating the patient for months at a local health care center for a variety of physical and psychiatric health issues.

“She was like, ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do,’” Martinez said. “It almost set her back, I would say, to square one. That’s so distressing to a patient.”

Martinez and three other resident physicians make up more than a third of the family practice providers at a health clinic in Elko, a city of about 20,000 people in the largely rural 500-mile stretch between Reno, Nevada, and Salt Lake City. Another patient cried and said she was unsure who her provider would be once Martinez returned to Reno to finish training.

Established in 2017, the rural family medicine training program in Elko is shutting down for a variety of reasons, including financial struggles, lack of a united support system, and a historical lack of health care investment in the area. Experts say systemic factors are common barriers to establishing and sustaining training programs for doctors throughout rural America.

More than 100 million people, or nearly one-third of the nation, have trouble accessing primary care, according to a recent study published by the National Association of Community Health Centers. This number has nearly doubled since 2014. The pandemic worsened provider shortages nationwide, but the problem is more acute in rural areas, which have long struggled to recruit and retain doctors and other medical professionals. Researchers say the relative lack of providers is one reason people living in rural areas experience worse health outcomes than people who live in urban areas.

Experts say expanding the number of medical residency training programs in rural areas is key to filling gaps in care because many doctors — including more than half of family medicine physicians — settle within 100 miles of where they train. And while the number of training programs has increased in rural areas during the past few years, research shows 98% of residencies nationwide are in urban areas.
Is this an issue in your area? I know in NorthEast Texas with the MIL hospital space is a big issue as its often hard to get her into one.

Yes it would be and still is....but one way rural Maine tries to combat it, is Maine will pay all of their student loans, if they come here and work for a few years. Not just doctors, but most all with college degrees, to come here and work for some time, their college will be paid for by us, in the State.
Yes it would be and still is....but one way rural Maine tries to combat it, is Maine will pay all of their student loans, if they come here and work for a few years. Not just doctors, but most all with college degrees, to come here their college will be paid for by us, in the State.
That is a great idea. Find a way to attract them. Just like a good employer has zero issues attracting employees. Bad employers may struggle as it SHOULD be.
Yes it would be and still is....but one way rural Maine tries to combat it, is Maine will pay all of their student loans, if they come here and work for a few years. Not just doctors, but most all with college degrees, to come here and work for some time, their college will be paid for by us, in the State.
Seems like a good way to address the shortage

The problem with rural Red State America is they don’t want to spend money. They want teachers on the cheap, they want medical professionals to work for less, they don’t want to invest in public services
My husband two years ago, tore his rotator cuff apart and bicep too....

It did take a bit to get surgery during covid but his Doctor graduated from the university of Miami Medical of the best medical schools in the Nation!!!

And she was fantastic, and put him back together again, miraculously! Best orthopedic doctor, our opinion!!

She said it was perfect for her, husband, and very young kids...who She felt had a perfect environment for her kids to safely grow up....
Seems like a good way to address the shortage

The problem with rural Red State America is they don’t want to spend money. They want teachers on the cheap, they want medical professionals to work for less, they don’t want to invest in public services
Some places want people to work hard for lower pay. Makes zero sense.
That is a great idea. Find a way to attract them. Just like a good employer has zero issues attracting employees. Bad employers may struggle as it SHOULD be.
Imagine how much more difficult it will be when significantly fewer people decide to train as doctors. It's already far more common to be seen by a Nurse Practitioner or Physician's Assistant than by an MD. But hey, at least it'll be "fair" and everyone will have the same access... :(
The fewer the Doctors the better off the Sheeple are .
Third biggest killer --medical profession mistakes .

But for Deep State , get all of the Sheeple into cities and fuck their well being .
If we do not misdiagnose ,we will inject the scum.
Just tell them we are doctors and they will believe just about anything .
Is this an issue in your area? I know in NorthEast Texas with the MIL hospital space is a big issue as its often hard to get her into one.

It's rampant in Canada, even in cities like Toronto. There was an article recently that gave the number of citizens in T.O who don't have a doctor and it is very high. Far worse in rural areas.

Considering how many Canadian doctor work in the U.S, I wouldn't think you'd have a shortage but I suppose it is inevitable as doctors want the largest clientele pool possible.
The shortage in doctors was a mistake (or intentional) by the AMA I believe I've read....they limit the amount of students allowed entering medical schools....

They did so, without consideration of all the massive amounts of baby boomers who are and would be, the ones needing medical care...thus the shortage now. When they should have been increasing the amount of medical students and medical schools preparing for the huge medical needs to come the past two decades.

Conspiracy theories out there say they limited new doctors, because it kept the pay higher for existing doctors..... basically....greed.
The fewer the Doctors the better off the Sheeple are .
Third biggest killer --medical profession mistakes .

But for Deep State , get all of the Sheeple into cities and fuck their well being .
If we do not misdiagnose ,we will inject the scum.
Just tell them we are doctors and they will believe just about anything .
Where do we get these idiots?
The shortage in doctors was a mistake (or intentional) by the AMA I believe I've read....they limit the amount of students allowed entering medical schools....

They did so, without consideration of all the massive amounts of baby boomers who are and would be, the ones needing medical care...thus the shortage now. When they should have been increasing the amount of medical students and medical schools preparing for the huge medical needs to come the past two decades.

Conspiracy theories out there say they limited new doctors, because it kept the pay higher for existing doctors..... basically....greed.

Why we get so many doctors from overseas
Is this an issue in your area? I know in NorthEast Texas with the MIL hospital space is a big issue as its often hard to get her into one.

Rural Americans are more likely to die from heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury, chronic lower respiratory disease, and stroke than their urban counterparts.

The Biden-Harris Administration is taking actions to improve the health of rural communities and help rural health care providers stay open​


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