Doctored Data, Not U.S. Temperatures, Set a Record This Year

Imagine: it's going to be hot on the 4th of July.

That never happened before!

Are you kidding us with this stuff?

Record heat continues through weekend - News from USA TODAY


A record heat wave will continue to roast much of the USA through the weekend, fanning wildfires in the Colorado Rockies, threatening outdoor workers and causing some municipalities to cancel fireworks in time for July Fourth.

The heat has broken all-time records from the northern Great Plains to the Southeast already this week. The rest of the month will bring even more scorching heat from Boston to Atlanta, with temperatures reaching into the low 100s, said Meteorologist Michael Palmer of The Weather Channel.

“To get this kind of heat in late June is unusual and most likely historic for many areas,” Palmer said. Temperatures will gradually cool in the latter half of next week, but “It’ll be hot on July Fourth just about everywhere.”

This week’s temperatures broke records in some areas that date to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Benkelman, Neb., cooked at 114 degrees Wednesday, beating a previous June record of 111 set in 1936, according to the National Climatic Data Center.

The weather will continue to harry firefighters battling the Waldo Canyon wildfire that has destroyed hundreds of homes in Colorado Springs.

We are seeing a prediction concerning the temperatures and the results of those temperatures right now. And all people like Pattycake can do is flap yap with meaningless comebacks. Meanwhile, people are losing their homes to unprecedented storms and firestorms.
brip-----I hope it get's to about 145 in your front yard and the power goes out. Go wave your flag.
Where do I get my information? Many sources, here is one;

UAH Global Temperature Update for May 2012: +0.29°C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

NOAA, USGS, and Hadley are aso good sources.

Problem here is that some people will accept nonsense from invalid sources because it agrees with the world as they think it ought to be. Reality cares not one whit about your wishes.

I put up 4 graphs from GISS above, at least 3 of them were from this year. Which one was correct? care to explain how that much change can happen in one year? what will the Alice Springs data look like tomorrow, next month, next year? and yet were are supposed to believe every new batch of numbers every time they come out. reality has one set of numbers for temp data, your scientists have a new set every month.
Naturally, IanCrapforbrains put up a load of graphs, like a zombie, without linking to the website, where he found them.

Rant, rant, rant, fart, shit in your hat, it's IanCrapforbrains! Link your graphs, fucktard.
Yappaty yap yap. Why don't you people just tell all those in the mountain west, midwest, and East Coast that what they are experiancing is doctored data. Now they were saying the same shit last year at this time. And now this year, last years records are being broken. And it is a ENSO neutral summer.

HAMweather Climate Center - Record Events for The Past Week - Continental US View

Record Events for Fri Jun 22, 2012 through Thu Jun 28, 2012

Total Records:


That's one of most violent deflections from discussing facts and data I've ever seen you do.. NOT A WORD about the suspected doctored data that I posted. Not a single possible defense of it. Just a 3rd and long punt? Because if you acknowledged the doctoring topic of this thread, you could no longer honestly say that "you've never seen ANY evidence" of bad adjustments. Just like all the other "the debate is over" folks do..
Where do I get my information? Many sources, here is one;

UAH Global Temperature Update for May 2012: +0.29°C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

NOAA, USGS, and Hadley are aso good sources.

Problem here is that some people will accept nonsense from invalid sources because it agrees with the world as they think it ought to be. Reality cares not one whit about your wishes.

You accept your data from Dr. Spencer, yet you COMPLETELY ignore his data prep for US temps that I posted.. Do YOU believe the .4degC JUMP in the CRUT or USHCN data for 96 to 98? Or do you believe Dr. Spencer's US temp data prep?
Imagine: it's going to be hot on the 4th of July.

That never happened before!

Are you kidding us with this stuff?

Record heat continues through weekend - News from USA TODAY


A record heat wave will continue to roast much of the USA through the weekend, fanning wildfires in the Colorado Rockies, threatening outdoor workers and causing some municipalities to cancel fireworks in time for July Fourth.

The heat has broken all-time records from the northern Great Plains to the Southeast already this week. The rest of the month will bring even more scorching heat from Boston to Atlanta, with temperatures reaching into the low 100s, said Meteorologist Michael Palmer of The Weather Channel.

“To get this kind of heat in late June is unusual and most likely historic for many areas,” Palmer said. Temperatures will gradually cool in the latter half of next week, but “It’ll be hot on July Fourth just about everywhere.”

This week’s temperatures broke records in some areas that date to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Benkelman, Neb., cooked at 114 degrees Wednesday, beating a previous June record of 111 set in 1936, according to the National Climatic Data Center.

The weather will continue to harry firefighters battling the Waldo Canyon wildfire that has destroyed hundreds of homes in Colorado Springs.

We are seeing a prediction concerning the temperatures and the results of those temperatures right now. And all people like Pattycake can do is flap yap with meaningless comebacks. Meanwhile, people are losing their homes to unprecedented storms and firestorms.

All because of a 1.5degC rise this century.. How sad... You're supposed to warning us about the FUTURE --- not believing you're see the endtimes today...

MAJOR DEFLECTION--- Quoting yourself is a 15 yard penalty and loss of down..
Naturally, IanCrapforbrains put up a load of graphs, like a zombie, without linking to the website, where he found them.

Rant, rant, rant, fart, shit in your hat, it's IanCrapforbrains! Link your graphs, fucktard.

Hey fucktard -- right click on the graphs.. Select "properties". Trace it back for yourself.

There's a lot of eyes watching the doctors cook the books.. Unfortunately, none in the media. Plenty of examples of taking SIMPLE-ASS thermometer readings and making them look the way "nature intended"..
Fatass, you goddamned queer, "notalotofpeopleknowthat" is not linked, directly, which the graphs need, since your lover Crapforbrains didn't link to any study, which made the graphs, since he is also a wingpunk ass-jerk, almost as punk, as you are.

If you queers want to go visit, go do it, link the text, and propose an issue, or go fuck yourselves, eat shit, and die, you punk zombies!

Crapforbrains' graphs came from some punk website, not directly from a study site:

Here are some better links, anyway, Log Cabin Club queer zombies, chasing scientists:

Pondering a Link Between Forest Fires and Climate Change -


Climate Communication | Overview

Climate change is already affecting extreme weather. The National Academy of Sciences reports that the hottest days are now hotter.1 And the fingerprint of global warming behind this change has been firmly identified.2 3 4

Since 1950 the number of heat waves worldwide has increased, and heat waves have become longer.5 The hottest days and nights have become hotter and more frequent.6 7 In the past several years, the global area hit by extremely unusual hot summertime temperatures has increased 50-fold.8 Over the contiguous United States, new record high temperatures over the past decade have consistently outnumbered new record lows by a ratio of 2:1.9 In 2012, the ratio for the year through June 18 stands at more than 9:1.10 Though this ratio is not expected to remain at that level for the rest of the year, it illustrates how unusual 2012 has been, and how these types of extremes are becoming more likely.


Relative increase of record high maximum temperatures compared to record low minimum temperatures in the U.S.

The current observed value of the ratio of daily record high maximum temperatures to record low minimum temperatures averaged across the U.S. is about two to one. This is because records that were declining uniformly earlier in the 20th century following a decay proportional to 1/n (n being the number of years since the beginning of record keeping) have been declining less slowly for record highs than record lows since the late 1970s. Model simulations of U.S. 20th century climate show a greater ratio of about four to one due to more uniform warming across the U.S. than in observations. Following an A1B emission scenario for the 21st century, the U.S. ratio of record high maximum to record low minimum temperatures is projected to continue to increase, with ratios of about 20 to 1 by mid-century, and roughly 50 to 1 by the end of the century.


Eat shit, you punkhole, Log Cabin Club zombie-queers.
Not a word on topic.. Just a bunch of yip yap about how the last .5degC change in climate for 20 years is causing Armaggedon.

Why don't you two prophets go start a thread to explain how .5degC explains today's weather. We're all longing for 105 highs instead of 106 high temps..
Doctored Data, Not U.S. Temperatures, Set a Record This Year - Forbes

“Americans just lived through the hottest 12 months ever recorded, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Tuesday,” according to the May 15 Los Angeles Times.

Which begs the question, what does “recorded” mean?
Hillary Clinton Needs A New Global Warming Travel Agent James Taylor James Taylor Contributor

To most people, the hottest temperatures ever “recorded” would imply that quality controlled thermometers registered higher readings during the past year than had ever occurred before. If you believe that this is what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) means by hottest temperatures ever “recorded,” then you are wrong.

Raw temperature data show that U.S. temperatures were significantly warmer during the 1930s than they are today. In fact, raw temperature data show an 80-year cooling trend. NOAA is only able to claim that we are experiencing the hottest temperatures on record by doctoring the raw temperature data.

Doctoring real-world temperature data is as much a part of the alarmist playbook as is calling skeptical scientists at Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, MIT, NASA, NOAA, etc., “anti-science.” Faced with the embarrassing fact that real-world temperature readings don’t show any U.S. warming during the past 80 years, the alarmists who oversee the collection and reporting of the data simply erase the actual readings and substitute their own desired readings in their place. If this shocks you, you are not alone.

Science blogger

That's where I stopped reading.

My God you people are gullible morons.

really?!? where do you get your information? newspapers, internet news gathering sites, google? or do you remain pure by only reading peer reviewed scientific papers? where do you find out about the papers?

Google Scholar
To all scientifically minded individuals-

It does us no good to debate with people who think that scientific truth is obtained when a) its posted on a blog and b) it sounds right. These people are fucking morons and will continue to be morons whether or not we entertain them by humoring their moronic arguments. Its quite simple - demand that the conversation be based around peer reviewed scientific literature - and, except for telling them how stupid they are for believing any blog that says something they like, ignore them otherwise.
Where do I get my information? Many sources, here is one;

UAH Global Temperature Update for May 2012: +0.29°C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

NOAA, USGS, and Hadley are aso good sources.

Problem here is that some people will accept nonsense from invalid sources because it agrees with the world as they think it ought to be. Reality cares not one whit about your wishes.

NOAA and USGS are good sources. Hadley isn't - they are enormously political there. CRUTemp is run by the guys who were responsible for the climategate memos, and yes, there were definitely some shenanigans going on there. There were even more in the later governmental review of climategate - one of the heads of the three comittees investigating it later claimed it was rigged.

NOAA has Christopher Landsea - he actually quit the ICPP over politicization of science. He does support the warming hypothesis, and is a pretty honest broker IMO.

So yes, lots of good scientists out there. But also lots of unethical bastards, on both sides of the debate.

As to the OP, sorry, there was an independent review recently that the right wing was calling for. The independent review found no record of data manipulation. Lookup BEST on the web - I'll post a link when the forum rules let me. :)

So its hot - and I think we are impacting the environment, even after years of reading WUWT, Lucinda, Dr Pielke, Dr. Spenser, Bishop Hill, Judith Curry, and others. The Luke Warm theory seems to fit the facts to me - we are having an impact, and we should do better. But we aren't going to kill everyone in the next 50 years because of carbon.
To all scientifically minded individuals-

It does us no good to debate with people who think that scientific truth is obtained when a) its posted on a blog and b) it sounds right. These people are fucking morons and will continue to be morons whether or not we entertain them by humoring their moronic arguments. Its quite simple - demand that the conversation be based around peer reviewed scientific literature - and, except for telling them how stupid they are for believing any blog that says something they like, ignore them otherwise.

All you've done here is contribute to the hysteria.. I'm PROUD of the work I've put into understanding this debate and would take you ANYTIME on the facts, with real references, and with half my brain tied behind my back...

Let's start HERE...

Go research that one observation and tell me ---

Why can't I get an answer from ANY of the folks who are telling me that I'm a moron?

Why do the MOST VOCAL attackers of the skeptics -- avoid REAL debate on the topic like the plague?
To all scientifically minded individuals-

It does us no good to debate with people who think that scientific truth is obtained when a) its posted on a blog and b) it sounds right. These people are fucking morons and will continue to be morons whether or not we entertain them by humoring their moronic arguments. Its quite simple - demand that the conversation be based around peer reviewed scientific literature - and, except for telling them how stupid they are for believing any blog that says something they like, ignore them otherwise.

All you've done here is contribute to the hysteria.. I'm PROUD of the work I've put into understanding this debate and would take you ANYTIME on the facts, with real references, and with half my brain tied behind my back...

Let's start HERE...

I mention that you idiots rely mostly on bloggers and seldom on peer reviewed literature, and you respond by linking to your own post on this message board?

My fuck you're dumb.
Last edited:
Where do I get my information? Many sources, here is one;

UAH Global Temperature Update for May 2012: +0.29°C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

NOAA, USGS, and Hadley are aso good sources.

Problem here is that some people will accept nonsense from invalid sources because it agrees with the world as they think it ought to be. Reality cares not one whit about your wishes.

NOAA and USGS are good sources. Hadley isn't - they are enormously political there. CRUTemp is run by the guys who were responsible for the climategate memos, and yes, there were definitely some shenanigans going on there. There were even more in the later governmental review of climategate - one of the heads of the three comittees investigating it later claimed it was rigged.

NOAA has Christopher Landsea - he actually quit the ICPP over politicization of science. He does support the warming hypothesis, and is a pretty honest broker IMO.

So yes, lots of good scientists out there. But also lots of unethical bastards, on both sides of the debate.

As to the OP, sorry, there was an independent review recently that the right wing was calling for. The independent review found no record of data manipulation. Lookup BEST on the web - I'll post a link when the forum rules let me. :)

So its hot - and I think we are impacting the environment, even after years of reading WUWT, Lucinda, Dr Pielke, Dr. Spenser, Bishop Hill, Judith Curry, and others. The Luke Warm theory seems to fit the facts to me - we are having an impact, and we should do better. But we aren't going to kill everyone in the next 50 years because of carbon.

The BEST study IS better.. It does not have the crazy accelerations in the surface data that shows up in many of the OFFICIAL records. The bigger problem is that Hansen in particular doesn't like satellite records (for obvious reasons) and insists on continuing to fudge 12,000 surface sensors in individually judged ways rather than use the uniform methodology that was applied in BEST..
To all scientifically minded individuals-

It does us no good to debate with people who think that scientific truth is obtained when a) its posted on a blog and b) it sounds right. These people are fucking morons and will continue to be morons whether or not we entertain them by humoring their moronic arguments. Its quite simple - demand that the conversation be based around peer reviewed scientific literature - and, except for telling them how stupid they are for believing any blog that says something they like, ignore them otherwise.

All you've done here is contribute to the hysteria.. I'm PROUD of the work I've put into understanding this debate and would take you ANYTIME on the facts, with real references, and with half my brain tied behind my back...

Let's start HERE...

I mention that you idiots rely solely on bloggers and seldom on peer reviewed literature, and you respond by linking to your own post on this message board?

My fuck you're dumb.

If you can't recognize that I used the link to the UAH Climate Group as my source -- then I''m STILL more intelligient than you are..

THAT was a GREAT EXAMPLE of how we get NOTHING but agression and denial from the supporters of AGW on these boards.. Why don't you take a whack at a REAL science issue OppieDoo?

Score still is --- No replies from the warmers...
All you've done here is contribute to the hysteria.. I'm PROUD of the work I've put into understanding this debate and would take you ANYTIME on the facts, with real references, and with half my brain tied behind my back...

Let's start HERE...

I mention that you idiots rely solely on bloggers and seldom on peer reviewed literature, and you respond by linking to your own post on this message board?

My fuck you're dumb.

If you can't recognize that I used the link to the UAH Climate Group as my source -- then I''m STILL more intelligient than you are..

THAT was a GREAT EXAMPLE of how we get NOTHING but agression and denial from the supporters of AGW on these boards.. Why don't you take a whack at a REAL science issue OppieDoo?

Score still is --- No replies from the warmers...

You posted a link to Roy Spencer's BLOG.

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