Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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Everyone knew that the opposition to Hydroxychloroquine was motivated by Hatred of Trump and had nothing to do with science. Although the Fact that no one was going to make money from selling a cheap pill didn't help either.

Tremendous World Leaders like the Salvadorian President Bukele agreed with Trump.
It's not just hatred of Trump.

The Left is also motivated by the Hatred of their fellow man.

The Left Hates this Great Nation and will ALWAYS opt for a sick America in decline.
It may help when you are on a ventilator but not before they say now. Try and keep up

Actually, you have it half assed backwards. The Trump Treatment is a lot more effective in the early stages of the illness.
Actually as always you are totally misinformed. Nowadays doctors say they've proved it doesn't do a damn thing anytime. And Trump's video has been taken down from all social media and has been proven to be total › news
Hydroxychloroquine: Why a video promoted by Trump was pulled on ...
4 hours ago · The anti-malaria drug promoted by President Trump as a treatment for Covid-19 is again at the centre of a ...
ImageHuffPost › entry › trump-covid...
Trump Retweets COVID-19 Video Yanked By Social Media For Pushing Fake ...
15 hours ago · Trump was on a pro-hydroxychloroquine retweet tear. By Mary Papenfuss. 07/28/2020 03:25 ...
ImageDaily Mail › uk
Trump has video he shared of doctor wrongly saying hydroxychloroquine can ...
View attachment 368204
Democrats get
totally fake news, the video has been deleted by social media as pure crap. Doctors have proven now that it doesn't work › news
Hydroxychloroquine: Why a video promoted by Trump was pulled on ...
4 hours ago · The anti-malaria drug promoted by President Trump as a treatment for Covid-19 is again at the centre of a ...
ImageHuffPost › entry › trump-covid...
Trump Retweets COVID-19 Video Yanked By Social Media For Pushing Fake ...
15 hours ago · Trump was on a pro-hydroxychloroquine retweet tear. By Mary Papenfuss. 07/28/2020 03:25 ...
ImageDaily Mail › uk
Trump has video he shared of doctor wrongly saying hydroxychloroquine can ...
Yup 6,000 doctors are lying lol
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

so you want us to get medical records of hundreds of people we dont know???

like I said your question was just dumb and a deflection,,,
In other words, you merely accept her outrageous claim simply because she said it and you like hearing it. You like the way it feelz. That's kind of how my kids felt about the tooth fairy when they were little. Thanks for unwittingly admitting you have the mind of a 6 year old.
why are you so focused on her when there are hundreds of doctors making the same claim???

Really??? Where. Where are these peer reviewed studies that say the drug works on Covid?

Covid is a virus. Malaria, the drug it was designed for, is a bacteria. Lupus, another drug it’s used to treat, is an autoimmune disorder.

Hydroxycloroquine has NEVER been used successfully in the treatment of ANY virus, and was tried on both SARS and MERS.

Why is it so important to you that people do not take this drug and live?
Because it's not the cure. And if imbeciles fool themselves into believing it is, they won't look for the actual cure.
no one claimed it a cure,,,

^^^ another idiot who's not paying attention.
Seriously? You don't know how to follow a thread? Look at the poster I replied to, for a clue.
Or remain clueless. Your choice.
The liberals are now going after a Black Doctor. Do black lives matter?
View attachment 368204
Democrats get
Your source is highly questionable


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

  • Overall, we rate Bizpac Review Right Biased based
    on story selection and editorial position that almost always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to use of poor sources, misleading loaded language and three failed fact checks.
This is pure classic propaganda . I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you know what propaganda is. But just in case, it is filtered information that contains elements of truth but omits important information and viewpoints that undermine the message that the perpetrator wants to get across. If they were honest reporters that would have presented all sides of the issue such as this:

The sense of most of my colleagues is that hydroxychloroquine is useless,” said Otto Yang, an infectious disease specialist at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica, California.

Hydroxychloroquine works against all kinds of viruses in a test tube, including the flu, HIV, chikungunya and dengue, he said. But that effectiveness does not seem to translate to people – either to reduce illness or, in at least one flu trial, to prevent it.

“In clinical trials against all of those, it completely failed. I don’t see any reason that it’s going to be different for this virus,” he said. “We need to move on.”

The decision to take any drug requires considering both the risks and benefits. In this case, doctors said, using hydroxychloroquine to treat – or attempt to prevent illness – may be substantially worse than doing nothing.


Hydroxychloroquine can cause dangerous heart rhythm abnormalities. On April 24, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned against its use outside a hospital setting or clinical trial: “Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have not been shown to be safe and effective for treating or preventing COVID-19.”

Why do you people push this dishonest crap? Is it because you are a Trump ass kisser? Is it because you want people to resume their lives thinking that there is a cure? Is it because to have to be contrary and oppose anything that you perceive as other than conservative? Is it because you don't like being told to wear a mask and social distance your self? What the fuck is it??
Lol front line doctors are lying lol ok .. can’t make this shit up View attachment 368368
LOL was created just 12 days ago to anonymous sources...

... and it's already been taken down after just one day of scrutiny...

Website Expired

what do you expect when the left attacks,,,

cancel culture in full swing,,,
No one on this side is attacking anyone or trying to silence anyone. We are trying to have a rational and honest discussion with all sides heard. However, that seems to be a foreign concept to those on the right who just want to push propaganda, if not outright lies .
What is so damned funny Death Angel
Is it because you don't like being told to wear a mask and social distance your self? What the fuck is it??
Why do my glasses fog up when wearing a mask? You know?
Mine do too. What is worse, Your glasses fogging up or your lungs filling up with fluid? How about a blood clot to your kidney, your heart or your brain? Yes your brain, maybe that is your problem
Is it because you don't like being told to wear a mask and social distance your self? What the fuck is it??
Why do my glasses fog up when wearing a mask? You know?
Mine do too. What is worse, Your glasses fogging up or your lungs filling up with fluid? How about a blood clot to your kidney, your heart or your brain? Yes your brain, maybe that is your problem
my body my choice,,,
Is the video they removed the one with Stella Emmanuel? She is a complete crackpot.

Any medical doctor who claim female gynecological problems are caused by having dream sex with demons is not someone to listen to.

Oh, and her recommendation for use of Hydroxychloroquine only works, according to her, when combined with faith in Jesus.
I've had sex with a witch with no problems as far as I know. Didn't realize she was a witch at the time though :auiqs.jpg:

I doubt she was a Wiccan, more a shrewish haggish witch....
Is it because you don't like being told to wear a mask and social distance your self? What the fuck is it??
Why do my glasses fog up when wearing a mask? You know?
Because that's the main place your exhaled breath exits the mask -- along with the virus you may be carrying
Who and where are these droves? How many are in a drove?
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

so you want us to get medical records of hundreds of people we dont know???

like I said your question was just dumb and a deflection,,,
In other words, you merely accept her outrageous claim simply because she said it and you like hearing it. You like the way it feelz. That's kind of how my kids felt about the tooth fairy when they were little. Thanks for unwittingly admitting you have the mind of a 6 year old.
why are you so focused on her when there are hundreds of doctors making the same claim???

Also, Why is it so important to Faun and Colvax than innocent people die needlessly?
because they are evil pricks that can only get their point across by lying,,,which is no point at all

Once again, on what evidence are you calling these people “liars”? Conservatives always assume because they lie all of the time, liberals do too.

Liberals don’t need to lie about their aims or their policies. No Democrat has EVER crashed the economy, throwing tens of millions out of work, or caused them to lose their homes. 3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents have done just that.

Trump is the worst of all of them, but here you are lying through your teeth about what a great job he’s doing.

I suppose if your goal is to destroy the USA, you’d want to keep Trump in office, but at this point the idea that Democrats could do more harm to the country than Trump already has, is laughable.
President Trump crashed the economy all by himself? Is that what you are trying to sell? Have you heard of that virus China unleashed on the world? Do you think that might have something to do our economy taking a big hit?

President Trump built the greatest economy in the history of history.
It took a pandemic to slow it down.

GDP, a leading economic indicator, was not much higher higher under Impeached Trump than it was under Obama. 2.4% under Obama (not counting the Recession) and 2.6 for Impeached Trump (not counting the pandemic).

Does that mean that Obama's economy was the second greatest economy in the history of history?

President Trump crashed the economy all by himself? Is that what you are trying to sell? Have you heard of that virus China unleashed on the world? Do you think that might have something to do our economy taking a big hit?
Has we acted fast, instead of wasting months denying the virus would be a problem, we would have been prepared for it's initial onslaught.

Then Trump pushing states to re-open too soon, caused another run on the hospitals. Trump wanted everybody back in church for Easter. He wants all the kids back in school by september.

Example after example of reckless behavior, that does more harm to the economy, than just waiting until it was under control.
Again in your mind this was all Trump Trump Trump? Did we not have Fauci and the rest of the medical team early on telling us it's no biggee, don't wear a mask, they might even be bad for you? We had the Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi inviting us all to China town to try the delicious bat wings. You have a terrible memory.

You’re quoting Fauci from January and Pelosi from February but it was Trump that resisted taking it seriously until March.
March? Try June. He actually held two rallies last month and encouraged attendees to forego wearing masks or to practice social distancing. Over the last month, he seems to have had an about face (finally). Now he's holding rallies by phone and internet and he's cancelled large gatherings like the RNC in Jacksonville. It's baffling how these trumptards can look past that.
Is it because you don't like being told to wear a mask and social distance your self? What the fuck is it??
Why do my glasses fog up when wearing a mask? You know?
Mine do too. What is worse, Your glasses fogging up or your lungs filling up with fluid? How about a blood clot to your kidney, your heart or your brain? Yes your brain, maybe that is your problem
my body my choice,,,
It is not just about you dude
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
Who's we? Are you a doctor involved with treating Covid patients?
Excellent! So you honestly don't think there was political motivation behind the backlash against hydroxychloroquine?

The problem with hydroxychloroquine is that it doesn't work.

The political motivation is from the right which continues to back trump.
Why are front line doctors saying it is?
LOL These frontlinedoctors...?

View attachment 368393
Corn pop rubs my legs lol
Can you kindly keep your fetishes to yourself?
That’s a quote from joe biden lol
No, it's not. He never said corn pop rubs his legs. Why are you trolling your own thread now with your bizarre fetishes.
Are you sure? Who rubbed his blonde hairy legs again?
Not corn pop. That's your fetish.
Is it because you don't like being told to wear a mask and social distance your self? What the fuck is it??
Why do my glasses fog up when wearing a mask? You know?
Mine do too. What is worse, Your glasses fogging up or your lungs filling up with fluid? How about a blood clot to your kidney, your heart or your brain? Yes your brain, maybe that is your problem
my body my choice,,,
It is not just about you dude
based on what you just said it is,,,
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

so you want us to get medical records of hundreds of people we dont know???

like I said your question was just dumb and a deflection,,,
In other words, you merely accept her outrageous claim simply because she said it and you like hearing it. You like the way it feelz. That's kind of how my kids felt about the tooth fairy when they were little. Thanks for unwittingly admitting you have the mind of a 6 year old.
why are you so focused on her when there are hundreds of doctors making the same claim???

Really??? Where. Where are these peer reviewed studies that say the drug works on Covid?

Covid is a virus. Malaria, the drug it was designed for, is a bacteria. Lupus, another drug it’s used to treat, is an autoimmune disorder.

Hydroxycloroquine has NEVER been used successfully in the treatment of ANY virus, and was tried on both SARS and MERS.

Why is it so important to you that people do not take this drug and live?
Because it's not the cure. And if imbeciles fool themselves into believing it is, they won't look for the actual cure.
no one claimed it a cure,,,

^^^ another idiot who's not paying attention.
Seriously? You don't know how to follow a thread? Look at the poster I replied to, for a clue.
Or remain clueless. Your choice.
The liberals are now going after a Black Doctor. Do black lives matter?
And again, the only one bringing up race -- is you, ya flaming racist.
Who and where are these droves? How many are in a drove?
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

so you want us to get medical records of hundreds of people we dont know???

like I said your question was just dumb and a deflection,,,
In other words, you merely accept her outrageous claim simply because she said it and you like hearing it. You like the way it feelz. That's kind of how my kids felt about the tooth fairy when they were little. Thanks for unwittingly admitting you have the mind of a 6 year old.
why are you so focused on her when there are hundreds of doctors making the same claim???

Also, Why is it so important to Faun and Colvax than innocent people die needlessly?
because they are evil pricks that can only get their point across by lying,,,which is no point at all

Once again, on what evidence are you calling these people “liars”? Conservatives always assume because they lie all of the time, liberals do too.

Liberals don’t need to lie about their aims or their policies. No Democrat has EVER crashed the economy, throwing tens of millions out of work, or caused them to lose their homes. 3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents have done just that.

Trump is the worst of all of them, but here you are lying through your teeth about what a great job he’s doing.

I suppose if your goal is to destroy the USA, you’d want to keep Trump in office, but at this point the idea that Democrats could do more harm to the country than Trump already has, is laughable.
President Trump crashed the economy all by himself? Is that what you are trying to sell? Have you heard of that virus China unleashed on the world? Do you think that might have something to do our economy taking a big hit?

President Trump built the greatest economy in the history of history.
It took a pandemic to slow it down.
You mean he did not rec k Obama's recovery and it only cost two trillion dollars in debt LOL. Everything you know is crap propaganda. meanwhile Trump's video has been thrown off social media for being crap fake › news
Hydroxychloroquine: Why a video promoted by Trump was pulled on ...
4 hours ago · The anti-malaria drug promoted by President Trump as a treatment for Covid-19 is again at the centre of a ...
ImageHuffPost › entry › trump-covid...
Trump Retweets COVID-19 Video Yanked By Social Media For Pushing Fake ...
15 hours ago · Trump was on a pro-hydroxychloroquine retweet tear. By Mary Papenfuss. 07/28/2020 03:25 ...
ImageDaily Mail › uk
Trump has video he shared of doctor wrongly saying hydroxychloroquine can ...
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