Doctors see Texas' COVID Surge Lasting Months As Hospital Resources Stretch Thinner

One of your fellow idiots claimed yesterday that 1.5 million illegals are entering Texas every day.

Just think Dipsy, at that rate the population in Texas will double in the next few weeks! :laughing0301:

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If it was the immigrants who were causing this why isn't all of California and New Mexico red like all of the south eastern states?

California gets countless immigrants daily. Why isn't California a mess like the south east? New Mexico gets immigrants too. Why isn't that state all red? Same with Arizona.

Those three states are directly on the border of Mexico. Those states get countless immigrants a day. Yet those states aren't deep red like the south east.

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If it was the immigrants who were causing this why isn't all of California and New Mexico red like all of the south eastern states?

California gets countless immigrants daily. Why isn't California a mess like the south east? New Mexico gets immigrants too. Why isn't that state all red? Same with Arizona.

Those three states are directly on the border of Mexico. Those states get countless immigrants a day. Yet those states aren't deep red like the south east.

Don’t ask great questions like that Dana. Might give them a brain ache as it blows their entire narrative.

Another fun thing that they do is to start counting total cases and hospitalizations as if say Louisiana would be remotely comparable to California in total population.

And heaven forbid informing them that 90-95% of those in ERs nationally are unvaxed and that the average age is now about 15 years younger under Delta than it was under Alpha and that children are dying or they’ll call it fake news.

Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat - Dunno why we even bother.
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Why isn't the governor doing anything about this? If it's the immigrants as you people claim, why has the governor not allowed mask and social distancing mandates?

Why is the governor not taking even one step to prevent or stop this?

What are the names of the immigrants who brought the virus to Texas and where did they come from?

How did a variant of the virus that originated in India get to unnamed immigrants from an unnamed nation?
If you want to wear a mask and social distance, strap on and step away. We would all like to know the names and originations of the sick. The border patrol processing should tell us. And where they are going too.
First Governor Stupid orders up 2500 ER nurses and now this - But honest folks, nothing to see here!

Texas requests five mortuary trailers in anticipation of Covid deaths​

With Covid-19 surging across the state, Texas has requested five mortuary trailers from the federal government in anticipation of an influx of dead bodies, state officials told NBC News.​
The mortuary trailers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency will be stationed in San Antonio and sent around the state at the request of local officials.​
Department of State Health Services spokesperson Doug Loveday said the trailers were requested Aug. 4 after officials reviewed data about increasing deaths as a third wave of the coronavirus struck the state.​
"We are anticipating a need within the state of Texas for these trailers as Covid cases and hospitalizations continue to increase," Loveday said.​

Do you use HE If you don't know the gender?

All the same, when the gender is not known, some authors prefer constructions like (s)he, he/she, he or she, she or he, etc., some prefer to stick with the masculine pronoun as default (he), others prefer to stick with the feminine pronoun for balance (she), some will alternate using he and she in their writing.
I like to default to “she”. What does a girl like yourself think about that?!
Gee, you think infected illegals are playing into it?
No. That is a lie perpetrated by RepubliQans who of course never admit to their guilt for all the damage they do.

This surge is entirely due to Trumpoid anti-vaxx halfwits. My friend's brother is one of them; he just died on a respirator in Houston, of the Abbot & DeSantis variant of COVID-19.
why are you blaming texas for the people choosing what happens to their own bodies??

my body my choice right??
That is simplistic, and in fact stupid.

When the spread of a deadly virus is the issue, your FREEDOM ends where the threat to my life begins. You will NOT come near me unvaxxed or unmasked, and you will not be dealt with at all, in fact. You are to be shunned as the sociopathic monster you are.

The only down side is that Texas RepubliQans will likely infect others, mainly children, who will die.

You rotten goddam bastards.
Left loons can't stay on point
ATTN rightwing fascist traitor. We on the Left are far better educated and more intelligent than you treasonous white-right Qtip-brained Trumpoids. And given the extensive evil y'all are perpetrating, I'm not inclined to tolerate any more of your vile crap.

So shut your stinking treasonous mouth, sociopathic nutball.
Oh the horrors....

Like you care about Texas
For my part, I'm perfectly happy to see Trump supporters die, as they deserve, being all traitorous fascists.

But there are decent Democratic people in Texas, plus the children of the white-right subhumans, who are innocent and will also die. That is what stinks about this surge of the Abbot & DeSantis COVID-19 variant.
Close the border. Mass deportations.
Close your mouth, bigot. If anyone should be deported, it's you Trumpoid Qtip traitors.

I'd rather have 1000 illegal Guatemalans here than you. And I lived in Guatemala and know them. And I'm from the USA and know all about your fascist white-right ilk.

You are trash. They are good people. Move to Russia now, boy.
Close your mouth, bigot. If anyone should be deported, it's you Trumpoid Qtip traitors.

I'd rather have 1000 illegal Guatemalans here than you. And I lived in Guatemala and know them. And I'm from the USA and know all about your fascist white-right ilk.

You are trash. They are good people. Move to Russia now, boy.
Then you should do something about it besides sucking a guat and vomiting up the cum. Some redneck has a barn with a wall reserved in your name.
ATTN rightwing fascist traitor. We on the Left are far better educated and more intelligent than you ...
You say things like that quite often, but you have provided nothing that even remotely suggests it is true.
Then you should do something about it besides sucking a guat and vomiting up the cum. Some redneck has a barn with a wall reserved in your name.
I'll ignore your gay fantasies... you can best deal with that alone in the closet.

The rest is a death threat. Any such redneck will die trying, that's a certainty. And you... you've got a file with HS, traitor boy. Threatening to kill over politics... so treasonous.

You need to move to Russia now. The fascism there will greatly please you.
You say things like that quite often, but you have provided nothing that even remotely suggests it is true.
With every post you make, you confirm that Trumpoid Qtips are dullards and misanthropes.

You're useless, subhuman, sociopathic and stupid, boy! There's only one remedy... DO IT!

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