Doctors see Texas' COVID Surge Lasting Months As Hospital Resources Stretch Thinner

I'll ignore your gay fantasies... you can best deal with that alone in the closet.

The rest is a death threat. Any such redneck will die trying, that's a certainty. And you... you've got a file with HS, traitor boy. Threatening to kill over politics... so treasonous.

You need to move to Russia now. The fascism there will greatly please you.
You know I'm not a boy right? Seems like you are the one having gay fantasies. Do you need a spanking?

You are a deluded communist.
Typical democrat disdain for human life.
Lying traitor. Human life? You white-right turds think only you are human.

But, you have it backwards. You immigrant-hating anti-healthcare negligently guilty homicidal anti-vaxx freaks really have sacrificed the last justification for remaining alive.

You're nothing but problems... and I know the solution, boy.
You know I'm not a boy right? Seems like you are the one having gay fantasies. Do you need a spanking?

You are a deluded communist.
I know you're a moron, and don't care about your gender or sexual problems, which I'm sure are extensive.

You sound frigid.

I'm not a Communist, but you're an asshole. Shut your slanderous mouth, treasonous subhuman.
Doctors in Texas expect the surge there to last until the end of the year.
Good. Since they have been wrong about everything else, they will no doubt be wrong about this too.

All of it can be prevented. None of it has to happen.
You don't know that, you definitely don't know that and are just blowing more smoke up your ass.

Just think of Covid cases as being like abortions from nature and I'm sure you'll be OK with them then.

But, you have it backwards. You immigrant-hating anti-healthcare negligently guilty homicidal anti-vaxx freaks .....

I'm none of those things, you hysterical old buffoon. Pull your foot out of your mouth and your head out of your ass.
I know you're a moron, and don't care about your gender or sexual problems, which I'm sure are extensive.

You sound frigid.

I'm not a Communist, but you're an asshole. Shut your slanderous mouth, treasonous subhuman.
Make me, you guat illegal garbage. Gets your criminal invaders together, pick up your weapons and stop running your mouth. Americans are waiting.
When the spread of a deadly virus is the issue, your FREEDOM ends where the threat to my life begins
Your delusional fears do not obligate me to sacrifice even the slightest measure of my essential rights.

If you're that much of a worthless coward, then just go back to cowering in your mother's basement, and leave us grown-ups alone to get on with our lives.
You use "girl" as if it's an insult. That's just the sort of insecure sexually-confused incel dweeb you are, I guess...
I don’t think it’s an insult at all. I think it’s an honor.

why would you assume I think it’s an insult?
It's going to continue until everyone dies. I am happy.

Let the black plague 2.0 ravage and kill all you motherfuckers.

I will NEVER do "my part" to stop this "pandemic" and I will do my best to make sure you all fucking die of it.

I am committed to my COVID cause. I fucking hate you motherfuckers THAT MUCH!!!



ICU Beds Scarce in Texas: ‘Your Child Will Wait for Another to Die,’ Says County Judge Amid Covid Surge

Yep - Thanks to the Idiot Governor who is quite literally fiddling and laughing while his state burns :(

Ninety-six percent of ICU beds in Texas are occupied as of Saturday thanks to a Covid-19 surge overwhelming the state’s health care system, and at least one city has no ICU beds available for children.​
Yet Republican Governor Greg Abbott still insists on banning mask mandates in the state’s schools. And for weeks, he rejected requests for extra health care personnel to help hospitals handle the surge, finally relenting on Wednesday when he announced 2,500 nurses would be brought in from out of state. The governor also drew ire from Texas last weekend when he tweeted a photo of himself playing the fiddle and laughing, right as the surge was worsening across the state.​
Abbott’s lack of immediate action has led local municipalities to take matters into their own hands, even if it means defying the governor. And the Harris County Attorney’s Office has filed a lawsuit against Abbott and the state’s attorney general, claiming the governor “misused his authority under Texas disaster laws” when he banned mask mandates.​
“In Dallas we have zero ICU beds left for children,” Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said at a news conference Friday morning, justifying his emergency order requiring masks in all public schools, a move that bucks Abbott’s ban. “That means if your child is in a car wreck, if your child has a congenital heart defect and needs an ICU bed or, more likely, if they have Covid and need an ICU bed, we don’t have one. Your child will wait for another child to die. Your child will not get on a ventilator.”

We Texans call this "thinning the herd" which is an idiom in reference to the beef industry. We also refer to this as "trimming the fat" which is in reference to smoked brisket, a Texas favorite.

There's another called "shitting in your cheerios" in reference to us deliberately doing you wrong, out of pure hatred and spite, but I don't think that statement originated in Texas.

We have another, which originated in Germany, and came to Texas in the early 1800s with the Texas German immigrants (who still speak a dialect of German called Texas German). The word, which we learned from Texas German speakers, is "schadenfreude" or pain joy/harm joy. In other words, we get pleasure out of your pain. We will do almost anything to give your more pain, including making sure that you die of some variant of COVID, which is why we will never mask or vax, just to make sure YOU fucking die.


Congratulations. You have made your commie tyrant selves that insufferable.

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