Doctors see Texas' COVID Surge Lasting Months As Hospital Resources Stretch Thinner

Doctors in Texas expect the surge there to last until the end of the year.

If they are correct that is a lot of unnecessary suffering and death.

All of it can be prevented. None of it has to happen.

Doctors in Texas expect the surge there to last until the end of the year.

If they are correct that is a lot of unnecessary suffering and death.

All of it can be prevented. None of it has to happen.

BAD NEWS BABE----with the coming of winter, the VIRUS is going to rule the roost all over the US.
Why isn't the governor doing anything about this? If it's the immigrants as you people claim, why has the governor not allowed mask and social distancing mandates?

Why is the governor not taking even one step to prevent or stop this?

What are the names of the immigrants who brought the virus to Texas and where did they come from?

How did a variant of the virus that originated in India get to unnamed immigrants from an unnamed nation?
If Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Florida and several other low vax southern states were each were countries - They'd be the most infected countries in the world right now - Topping even Botswana. Sad, and nope - This did NOT need to happen. Thanks a lot mask and vax Karens. We have you idiots to thank. :icon_rolleyes:

The fear mongering left will be lucky if this doesn't peak in Texas in the next couple weeks.

End of the year is pure, unadulterated bullshit. Naked fearmingering.
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Indications are that there are more than a million and a half illegal aliens in Texas and more coming every day. The medical facilities are stretched to the breaking point serving criminals who have no insurance and are carrying God only knows what disease into the U.S. Do lefties really want to blame republicans who don't wear masks?
If Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Florida and several other low vax southern states were each were countries - They'd be the most infected countries in the world right now - Topping even Botswana. Sad, and nope - This did NOT need to happen. Thanks a lot mask and vax Karens. We have you idiots to thank. :icon_rolleyes:


None of this had to happen.

Yet republicans prefer people suffering and dying.
Indications are that there are more than a million and a half illegal aliens in Texas and more coming every day. The medical facilities are stretched to the breaking point serving criminals who have no insurance and are carrying God only knows what disease into the U.S. Do lefties really want to blame republicans who don't wear masks?
A million and a half per day? Yer an idiot and your "indications" are nothing more than butt hunches.
Indications are that there are more than a million and a half illegal aliens in Texas and more coming every day. The medical facilities are stretched to the breaking point serving criminals who have no insurance and are carrying God only knows what disease into the U.S. Do lefties really want to blame republicans who don't wear masks?

They do.

Just one more datum to prove what all sane people know, that modern LIbEralism is a mental disease.
So hospitals that are banking huge federal dollars without oversight, are predicting the need for more federal dollars? Wow!
Doctors in Texas expect the surge there to last until the end of the year.

If they are correct that is a lot of unnecessary suffering and death.

All of it can be prevented. None of it has to happen.


ICU Beds Scarce in Texas: ‘Your Child Will Wait for Another to Die,’ Says County Judge Amid Covid Surge

Yep - Thanks to the Idiot Governor who is quite literally fiddling and laughing while his state burns :(

Ninety-six percent of ICU beds in Texas are occupied as of Saturday thanks to a Covid-19 surge overwhelming the state’s health care system, and at least one city has no ICU beds available for children.​
Yet Republican Governor Greg Abbott still insists on banning mask mandates in the state’s schools. And for weeks, he rejected requests for extra health care personnel to help hospitals handle the surge, finally relenting on Wednesday when he announced 2,500 nurses would be brought in from out of state. The governor also drew ire from Texas last weekend when he tweeted a photo of himself playing the fiddle and laughing, right as the surge was worsening across the state.​
Abbott’s lack of immediate action has led local municipalities to take matters into their own hands, even if it means defying the governor. And the Harris County Attorney’s Office has filed a lawsuit against Abbott and the state’s attorney general, claiming the governor “misused his authority under Texas disaster laws” when he banned mask mandates.​
“In Dallas we have zero ICU beds left for children,” Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said at a news conference Friday morning, justifying his emergency order requiring masks in all public schools, a move that bucks Abbott’s ban. “That means if your child is in a car wreck, if your child has a congenital heart defect and needs an ICU bed or, more likely, if they have Covid and need an ICU bed, we don’t have one. Your child will wait for another child to die. Your child will not get on a ventilator.”

The infected in Texas are Overwhelmingly criminal invaders. Send them back where they came from. Immediately.
The infected in Texas are Overwhelmingly criminal invaders. Send them back where they came from. Immediately.
One of your fellow idiots claimed yesterday that 1.5 million illegals are entering Texas every day.

Just think Dipsy, at that rate the population in Texas will double in the next few weeks! :laughing0301:

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