document request ..

and the noose gets tighter ..

Mueller wants documents from Trump, campaign associates

The grand jury investigating alleged collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's presidential campaign has issued a subpoena seeking all documents involving the president and a host of his closest advisers - Robert Mueller, investigators want emails, text messages, work papers, telephone logs and other documents going back to Nov. 1, 2015, 4½ months after Trump launched his campaign.

a Grand Jury subpoena huh ?

Texted messages? Just pull a Hillary and delete them. Liberals are okay with that.
apparently you didnt hear the investigation is still ongoing.
Yea, going to no-wheresville. .... :lol: :lol:

This guy sums it up perfectly....

The Mueller stories worth ignoring

The Mueller stories worth ignoring

Despite is brevity (Axios writes short snappy articles for the ADD generation), it’s clear you only read the headline and didn’t bother with the rest. Especially the part where is said the Mueller Investigation is leak-proof and we don’t really know what he’s going to do next.
At least the voters will know how corrupt and incompetent Trump is and remove him from office in 2020.
Are you kidding? The RW loves corruption. They love incompetence.
You do realize if there was Russian collusion, Obama knew it and did nothing. So he would be charged also.

Wrong Bucko. He may not have done enough, but he did a whole lot more than Trump is doing, which is nothing.

State has $120 million in its budget for this year to fight Russian election interference and they haven’t spent any of it. Sanctions voted on by the House and Senate have not been implemented.

The head of US cyber security says that Trump has issued no authority, instructions or guideline to counter Rusdian interference and he’s done all he can without without such authorization.

So while Obama may have underestimated the threat and not done enough, Trump and Tillerson have done absolutely nothing and should face charges of dereliction of their duty to protect the USA.

This is what happens when a person who holds the highest award Russia gives to cilivians, is appointed as the US Secretary of State.

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