DOD budget: Save $29 billion. Eliminate Marine Corps

Can somebody justify keeping the Marine Corps?

Tell that to a Marine there numbnuts.

The Marines are the first in boys and in some cases they get called in the save the fucking day.

Once a Marine. Always a Marine.

There are plenty of things to cut in the DOD and loads more to cut in Govt. I venture to say the Marines will still be there when your dead and buried.
Can somebody justify keeping the Marine Corps?

Tell that to a Marine there numbnuts.

The Marines are the first in boys and in some cases they get called in the save the fucking day.

Once a Marine. Always a Marine.

There are plenty of things to cut in the DOD and loads more to cut in Govt. I venture to say the Marines will still be there when your dead and buried.

Of course you can expect a Marine to defend his service. Nothing new there.

But, can anyone name an instance of the Marines performing a unique mission which could not have been done by the Army since at least WWII? If we're going to fund a unique service, they ought to be able to perform unique missions, right?
We may have already gutted one of the finest fighting groups that ever existed - I do mean the Marines. Like it or not these guys joined because they wanted to serve in units that tested their resolve and reinforced a certain macho bravado. First came the repeal of DADT and now the declaration that women will be allowed to serve in combat. The branch (Marines) with the lowest percentage of women serving, is more than a little disappointed in this new round of politically correct behavior - not because they're not gentlemen, but because the battlefield is no place for chivalry towards the fairer sex.

Marines Survey: Some Qualms Over Women in Combat |
Constitutionally speaking, the one thing the Government is supposed to spend our Taxes on IS the Military, everything else not so much.

That may be true, but we can't just spend money willy-nilly and expect good results. There IS a limit on what we can spend, so I think we should spend it wisely.

And, to me, spending it wisely doesn't include funding two separate ground forces. It's a luxury we can't afford.

If we're really serious about curtailing deficit spending and the debt, nothing should be off the table.

Interestingly enough, there are a whole bunch of Army pukes that will get sick on ships.

Marines are good enough to hold it in until they hit land.

BTW.........................the Marines are a division of the Navy, and have been since their inception. The Army is a bunch of johnny come lately types.

And......................we can get Marines on the beach quicker than the Army, and they're more motivated to win.

The Army is more interested in camping out in the places the Marines have won.

And yeah..............................I'm U.S. Navy (Retired).

My dad was Navy, my husband a Marine in VN and our son is in Army Special Ops.....i think each one of them would tell you how wrong you are.
Dollar for dollar the Marine Corps is the most efficient military service we have.

As long as we have a fighting NAV, we're going to need fighting Marines.
Why is it absurd? You wanna cut spending or not?

Constitutionally speaking, the one thing the Government is supposed to spend our Taxes on IS the Military, everything else not so much.

They said the 'military'. I don't think they foresaw the Marine Corps. They were thinking more of the Army. There is nothing in the Constitution that says 'Marine Corps'. Let's put them on the table!

There's nothing in the Constitution that says "Climate Change Research"
Why is it absurd? You wanna cut spending or not?

Constitutionally speaking, the one thing the Government is supposed to spend our Taxes on IS the Military, everything else not so much.

They said the 'military'. I don't think they foresaw the Marine Corps. They were thinking more of the Army. There is nothing in the Constitution that says 'Marine Corps'. Let's put them on the table!

There's nothing in the Constitution mentioning a national health care system run by the government either, or that the government should provide everyone with a retirement - such as social security. If you really want to get serious about government spending, entitlements hold a bigger part of the "budget pie" than defense spending.
Constitutionally speaking, the one thing the Government is supposed to spend our Taxes on IS the Military, everything else not so much.

That may be true, but we can't just spend money willy-nilly and expect good results. There IS a limit on what we can spend, so I think we should spend it wisely.

And, to me, spending it wisely doesn't include funding two separate ground forces. It's a luxury we can't afford.

If we're really serious about curtailing deficit spending and the debt, nothing should be off the table.

Interestingly enough, there are a whole bunch of Army pukes that will get sick on ships.

Marines are good enough to hold it in until they hit land.

BTW.........................the Marines are a division of the Navy, and have been since their inception. The Army is a bunch of johnny come lately types.

And......................we can get Marines on the beach quicker than the Army, and they're more motivated to win.

The Army is more interested in camping out in the places the Marines have won.

And yeah..............................I'm U.S. Navy (Retired).

Marines are more highly trained to confront the enemy head on without the need of tanks. Just as Combat Controllers are specialized to infiltrate a hostile environment when U.S. presence has already been compromised, and yet they know they must storm into a location to save its own under the awareness that such an infiltration is expected by the enemy.

Btw Oldguy .... Im sure you are aware the Department of Defense is already forced to work under budget cuts. How far do you want to weaken our military presence in the face of our adversaries? Do you really want to embolden Al Qaeda any more than it has, with the unraveling circus surrounding the handling of Benghazi?
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The marines initially had just three roles within the U.S. Navy

1) run the brig on ships

2) snipers

3) protect the ships captain

But now the marines are a large combat ground force that has very little to do with Navy.

They are just a redundant force that should be eliminated.

And all personal and equipment absorbed into the U.S. Army.
Leftist logic:

Government is suppose to spend on defense, leftists say cut one whole branch of the military.

Government is not suppose to spend on healthcare, ss, entitlements, leftists say spend more.

It's interesting that few want to seriously discuss eliminating the Marines, though that would save us money and not affect our readiness at all.

Yet, nobody will attempt to justify their continued existence either. It's almost like we should keep them because they're there. Applying such logic in earlier times would mean we'd still have horse cavalry.

Times change, circumstances change, defense postures change, enemies change. We shouldn't face new challenges with yesterdays ideas and the Marine Corp is a perfect example of doing that.
With all the talk about sequester and spending cuts, here's a sure fire way to save $29 billion right now: Eliminate the Marine Corps.

There's nothing they do which can't be done by the Army. It's a superfluous and redundant ground force which we really can't afford anymore.

And leave all of the ground combat operations to the army? Lololololololol!

Send in the army if you want undisciplined meat shields. Send in the Marines if you want a fighting force.
The Marines are an elite trained fighting force, now if you want train the Army the same way the Marines are trined then we might discuss it.

The Marines are far superior to the Army.
The marines initially had just three roles within the U.S. Navy

1) run the brig on ships

2) snipers

3) protect the ships captain


They were created to be an amphibious fighting force, and still have that same role today.
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