Does a criminal indictment of a former US President reek of a third world country?

The Manhattan district attorney is an animal and a racist. He’s a disgrace to America he has no right to be in office he doesn’t even deserve that job. He doesn’t deserve to be a street sweeper

That a black person is partially or mostly responsible for being the first person to charge a president with a crime is so despicable. Look at how horrible that will look in American history. You imagine if a white person charged Barack Obama with a crime. Why not right.
If Obama committed crimes, I'd have no problem with it at all. Not seeing your logic.
And those who support the charges against trump are the ugliest people in the world.

Either he did, or didn't do, the crimes. Cohen was indicted on that which he did at Trump's direction, and for the benefit of Trump.
Why shouldn't Trump be charged? No one is above the law.
If Obama committed crimes, I'd have no problem with it at all. Not seeing your logic.

Either he did, or didn't do, the crimes. Cohen was indicted on that which he did at Trump's direction, and for the benefit of Trump.
Why shouldn't Trump be charged? No one is above the law.
Michel Cohen went to jail for acting at the former 1-term fuckup's direction.

We would be a third world nation if we allowed our leaders to be lawlessly corrupt.
Go tell scumbag Garland.

We either have equal law, or no law at all.

If you want open season , just say so. It'll be YOUR decision. I'm fine with either choice, but whichever way you choose, I'll hold you to it.
If you commit a crime...
What it “reeks” of is a twice Impeached criminal facing the first of what is very likely to be several indictments
Go tell scumbag Garland.

We either have equal law, or no law at all.

If you want open season , just say so. It'll be YOUR decision. I'm fine with either choice, but whichever way you choose, I'll hold you to it.
Obviously you have zero comprehension. We have never had a king, so your dear leader is safe.
Damn, you swung and missed again.

So, where is your pity party for the humper this weekend?
Odd0. Gfy.

I am not concerned for Trump. Everyone knows that Bragg’s case is ridiculous.

But there is new a precedent set regarding political prosecutions. You relish that.

Now, gfy.
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Oh I dunno..,

Is France a third world country?

France: In 2018, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was indicted on charges of corruption and influence peddling. He is accused of accepting millions of euros in illegal campaign funding from the regime of late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Is Italy a third world country?

Italy: In 2011, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was indicted on charges of paying an underage prostitute and abuse of power. He was ultimately acquitted of the charges, but he has faced several other legal challenges throughout his career.

Is Israel a third world country?

Israel: In 2019, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was indicted on charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. He is accused of accepting gifts from wealthy businessmen and offering political favors in exchange for positive news coverage.

Is Iceland a third world country?

Iceland: In 2016, Iceland's Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson resigned after the Panama Papers revealed that he and his wife had set up a company in an offshore tax haven. He was later indicted for tax evasion.

Is Spain a third world country?

Spain: In 2018, Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was ousted in a no-confidence vote following a corruption scandal involving his Popular Party. Several members of his party were indicted on charges of embezzlement, fraud, and money laundering.

In other words, indicting a Prime Minister or President among the first world countries, AKA 'western developed nations',of which the US is a member, is NOT unusual.

You see, these countries believe in the concept that 'no one is above the law' and if we do not, then rule of law is dead, and if rule of law is dead, then we become a third world country. We only become a third world country when the rule of law fails, and the rule of men supplants it.

Do the crime, do the time. Goes for everyone, including the president.

I will accept the premise that if we are going to indict a President, it shouldn't be for a trivial misdemeanor. I want to see some felonies, the more the merrier, in the indictment, and NOT made up or trumped up charges, though I'm sure many on the right will characterize it that way.

What you who will make a political characterization do not realize is that no prosecutor, when it comes to the former President, is going to indict a US president without above and beyond compelling evidence. The bar shouldn't be any higher than any one else, but, prosecutors are human.

Prosecutors are human. Speaking of which, Imagine you are a prosecutor, state or federal, and you have facts which would conceivably allow you to indict the former President Of the United States, and not just any former president, a very rich former president whose base historically has threatened persons acting in ways not favorable to Trump.

You will be engaging in what is known as a 'maiden voyage prosecution', which is one that has never been done, i.e., the indictment of a former President.

And you know your case, though it might be good, almost always have a few slight defects. Few cases are slam dunk, even obvious ones. Those little defects in your presentation will be exploited, scrutinized, cross-examined, not to mention severely blown out of proportion by Trump in the public sphere, all without regard to costs of defense, all designed to mobilize his base against you. .

And you'd better not lose the case. The old proverb, 'if you shoot an arrow at the king, you'd better not miss' comes to mind. There can be no stakes higher for a prosecutor than to indict a President or a former President.

You will be thrown onto the world stage, you will be making history in the grandest of terms, and your every move, comment, anything and everything will be subject to world scrutiny, reporters will follow you everywhere, as Trump loving protesters will never cease harassing you, threatening your life and that of your loved ones, during the entire proceeding. Trump will make sly comments which will be tacit approval of such acts, such as 'bad things will happen if I am indicted' (while never condoning or being specific as to what those things are, in mob-esque fashion).

Trump warns of ‘problems’ like ‘we’ve never seen’ if he’s indicted. Well, he's been indicted, and we shall see.

And Trump will be smearing you all day every day as long as you pursue the case against him, and it will not stop, the harassments by his base will be like a fire hose spraying poison into your house with indefatigable force.

And, if you lose the case, hell hath no fury like a Donald Trump on the vengeance path, all directed towards you with the full weight of his base and his wealth..

And there you sit many on the right, thinking this is just some petty bureaucrat who thinks it would be cool to indict the Us President, that he's some fuddy duddy who didn't give it a second thought, thought it would be cool to get 15 minutes of fame.

Nah, if you can grasp the circumstance facing Alan Bragg, Fani Willis, and Jack Smith/Merrick Garland, you'll understand that that view is cynical and simplistic.
This sure does


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