Does A Religion Need A God?

That's just silly.

Clearly you've been tricked into incorporating Marxist atheism: "religion... is the opiate of the masses."

Our nation is based on a particular faith that has God as its center.

Since the 32nd President, simple minded folks have succumbed to that view.

I'd suggest you consider Matthew's "Ye shall know them by their fruit. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit."

...and make your judgment based on the 100 million men, women and children slaughtered by Leftism.

Wise up.

You ask if religion needed a God, I proved that it does not

Au contraire.

I've shown that the very iterations that claim there is no God worship one of their creation: government.

Did you vote for the folks who claimed their candidate was god, the messiah, or Jesus????

There are no Gods, yet people worship them. Why is any God today more relevant than the one Ramses worshiped

Care to explain the Founder's belief in God, and their memorializing that view in our founding documents?

Or....shall we simply conclude that you are a government school grad who has never read any books not assigned by the totalists?

Say the word and I'll provide a starting reading list to fill in your lacunae.

Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?

People believe what they choose, some believe in unicorns

"Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?"


Are you claiming the Greeks were our Founders??????

If you were more thoughtful, you'd recommend me for sainthood, taking time to educate you lesser posters while the NYYankee game, and then the NYGiant games are on.

I mean, really.
1.Well, yes. That’s the requirement of the term ‘religion.’

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Google

And as totalitarians of every sort, Communists, Progressives, Liberals, government school grads, never cease to berate, ridicule, and show utter contempt for those of us who are believers, once can only be amazed by their lack of self-realization.

Because every one of their doctrines is some version of religion.

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

"It is a great irony of communism that those who did not believe in God believed that godlike knowledge could be concentrated at a central point. It was believed that government could be omnipotent and omniscient. And in order to justify the idea that all lives should be determined by a single plan, the concomitant tendency of communist regimes was to deify the leader- whether Lenin, Stalin, Mao, or Kim Il-sung."
Tom Bethell, "The Noblest Triumph," p. 144

And the Liberals/Democrats called Obama god, the messiah, and Jesus.

"...communism that those who did not believe in God believed that godlike knowledge could be concentrated at a central point."

And that ‘central point’ that is god to every totalitarian is the state.

2. “Chinese Communism mimics religion- it presents a version of history with a journey with deliverance played out in chapters written in a chosen language. It boasts its own priesthood- political commissars ubiquitous throughout- and an enforced infallibility of its leadership. There are prophets and devils along with a council of senior ayatollahs who have the power to change or reinterpret the communist historical narrative.

Party loyalty equal morality; doubting history is blasthemy, heresy, treasonous. There is a chosen people, the Chinese; a promised land, China; and temples, pilgrimage, faith in the face of contrary facts, deep intrusion into the personal life of each person, and the indoctrination of children into the tenets of Chinese Communism.

The objective is to further the totalitarian dream of convincing the Chinese people and the world that the party is divine and infallible and that the Communist Party is the savior.” Gertz, “Deceiving The Sky,” p. 27-28

How to determine whose religion is best?

I’d say that the Litmus Test is the one that offers life, not one that threatens death if one doesn't conform.

Why? You volunteering?
1.Well, yes. That’s the requirement of the term ‘religion.’

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Google

And as totalitarians of every sort, Communists, Progressives, Liberals, government school grads, never cease to berate, ridicule, and show utter contempt for those of us who are believers, once can only be amazed by their lack of self-realization.

Because every one of their doctrines is some version of religion.

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

"It is a great irony of communism that those who did not believe in God believed that godlike knowledge could be concentrated at a central point. It was believed that government could be omnipotent and omniscient. And in order to justify the idea that all lives should be determined by a single plan, the concomitant tendency of communist regimes was to deify the leader- whether Lenin, Stalin, Mao, or Kim Il-sung."
Tom Bethell, "The Noblest Triumph," p. 144

And the Liberals/Democrats called Obama god, the messiah, and Jesus.

"...communism that those who did not believe in God believed that godlike knowledge could be concentrated at a central point."

And that ‘central point’ that is god to every totalitarian is the state.

2. “Chinese Communism mimics religion- it presents a version of history with a journey with deliverance played out in chapters written in a chosen language. It boasts its own priesthood- political commissars ubiquitous throughout- and an enforced infallibility of its leadership. There are prophets and devils along with a council of senior ayatollahs who have the power to change or reinterpret the communist historical narrative.

Party loyalty equal morality; doubting history is blasthemy, heresy, treasonous. There is a chosen people, the Chinese; a promised land, China; and temples, pilgrimage, faith in the face of contrary facts, deep intrusion into the personal life of each person, and the indoctrination of children into the tenets of Chinese Communism.

The objective is to further the totalitarian dream of convincing the Chinese people and the world that the party is divine and infallible and that the Communist Party is the savior.” Gertz, “Deceiving The Sky,” p. 27-28

How to determine whose religion is best?

I’d say that the Litmus Test is the one that offers life, not one that threatens death if one doesn't conform.

Why? You volunteering?

I'm not saying I'd decline if drafted.......
6. In his book “Terror And Liberalism,” Berman explains the totalitarian political theories as religions of their own: the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, the Phalangists, the Fascists…..

Each of the movements adopted the same set of rites and symbols to express that ideal: crowds chanting en masse, the monumental architecture, the insistence on unquestioning belief in preposterous doctrines.

a. Each of the movements chose its own monochrome symbol, representing the oneness of authority, in red, brown or black.

b. Each donned the identical uniform, - a shirt of red, brown or black.

c. Each recounted a theory about history and mankind, explaining the movement’s goals and actions.

The mythology, curiously enough, was based on the New Testament, specifically the Book of Revelation of St. John the Devine.

d. There is a people of God, and these are under attack, both from within (the city dwellers of Babylon, who have sunk into abominations) and from without (by the forces of Satan).

e. Resistance will result in the war of Armageddon…with the extermination of the evil ones. As will the devil’s force! But not without horrifying destruction.

f. Then, there will be the reign of Christ, or a Reich, for a thousand years.

Bet lots of Liberals were looking for that Thousand Year Reich when Hussein was elected.....

Remember the dope who, when his messiah was elected in ’08, wrote “the next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”???

That fool is still around, and still lying.
You ask if religion needed a God, I proved that it does not

Au contraire.

I've shown that the very iterations that claim there is no God worship one of their creation: government.

Did you vote for the folks who claimed their candidate was god, the messiah, or Jesus????

There are no Gods, yet people worship them. Why is any God today more relevant than the one Ramses worshiped

Care to explain the Founder's belief in God, and their memorializing that view in our founding documents?

Or....shall we simply conclude that you are a government school grad who has never read any books not assigned by the totalists?

Say the word and I'll provide a starting reading list to fill in your lacunae.

Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?

People believe what they choose, some believe in unicorns

"Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?"


Are you claiming the Greeks were our Founders??????

If you were more thoughtful, you'd recommend me for sainthood, taking time to educate you lesser posters while the NYYankee game, and then the NYGiant games are on.

I mean, really.

So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel

Kid you have just made my point

What people believe on the Earth does not influence the Universe

You have the intellect of a moth

Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Google

And as totalitarians of every sort, Communists, Progressives, Liberals, government school grads, never cease to berate, ridicule, and show utter contempt for those of us who are believers, once can only be amazed by their lack of self-realization.

Because every one of their doctrines is some version of religion.

For example, leftists routinely interpret biblical religion through the lense of their religion as they accuse the faithful of hypocrisy. They can't even allow the religions they hate accurately speak for themselves. And then we have that special breed of miscreant: the Buttigiegs of America, rank abominations, faggots and feminists and baby-murderers, who have the gall to preach Christianity to the rest of us. But of course it's not Christianity at all. They hate Christianity no less than the others if not more. It's their religion of cultural Marxism and socialism served up in their pretensions. Here we have a special kind of sociopath for whom a very special place in hell has been prepared.
Au contraire.

I've shown that the very iterations that claim there is no God worship one of their creation: government.

Did you vote for the folks who claimed their candidate was god, the messiah, or Jesus????

There are no Gods, yet people worship them. Why is any God today more relevant than the one Ramses worshiped

Care to explain the Founder's belief in God, and their memorializing that view in our founding documents?

Or....shall we simply conclude that you are a government school grad who has never read any books not assigned by the totalists?

Say the word and I'll provide a starting reading list to fill in your lacunae.

Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?

People believe what they choose, some believe in unicorns

"Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?"


Are you claiming the Greeks were our Founders??????

If you were more thoughtful, you'd recommend me for sainthood, taking time to educate you lesser posters while the NYYankee game, and then the NYGiant games are on.

I mean, really.

So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel

Kid you have just made my point

What people believe on the Earth does not influence the Universe

You have the intellect of a moth

Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God

I've so very heartened when I force you Leftists to lie....

You know I never said what you claimed I said: "So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel"

Hence you are to be recognized as one more low-life lying Liberal.
There are no Gods, yet people worship them. Why is any God today more relevant than the one Ramses worshiped

Care to explain the Founder's belief in God, and their memorializing that view in our founding documents?

Or....shall we simply conclude that you are a government school grad who has never read any books not assigned by the totalists?

Say the word and I'll provide a starting reading list to fill in your lacunae.

Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?

People believe what they choose, some believe in unicorns

"Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?"


Are you claiming the Greeks were our Founders??????

If you were more thoughtful, you'd recommend me for sainthood, taking time to educate you lesser posters while the NYYankee game, and then the NYGiant games are on.

I mean, really.

So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel

Kid you have just made my point

What people believe on the Earth does not influence the Universe

You have the intellect of a moth

Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God

I've so very heartened when I force you Leftists to lie....

You know I never said what you claimed I said: "So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel"

Hence you are to be recognized as one more low-life lying Liberal.

I voted for Trump dumbass

Does not mean I am a religious doofus like you

George Washington was baptized in infancy into the Church of England,[4][5] which, until 1776, was the established church (state religion) of Virginia.[6] As an adult, Washington served as a member of the vestry (lay council) for his local parish. In colonial-era Virginia, office-holding qualifications at all levels—including the House of Burgesses, to which Washington was elected in 1758—required affiliation with the current state religion and an undertaking that one would neither express dissent nor do anything that did not conform to church doctrine. At the library of the New-York Historical Society, some manuscripts containing a leaf from the church record of Pohick were available to Benson Lossing, an American historian, which he included in his Field Book of the Revolution; the leaf contained the following signed oath, required to qualify individuals as vestrymen:

I, A B, do declare that I will be conformable[7] to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, as by law established.,

1765. May 20th.—Thomas Withers Coffer, Thomas Ford, John Ford.

19th August.

— Geo. Washington, Daniel M'Carty [...][8]
Care to explain the Founder's belief in God, and their memorializing that view in our founding documents?

Or....shall we simply conclude that you are a government school grad who has never read any books not assigned by the totalists?

Say the word and I'll provide a starting reading list to fill in your lacunae.

Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?

People believe what they choose, some believe in unicorns

"Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?"


Are you claiming the Greeks were our Founders??????

If you were more thoughtful, you'd recommend me for sainthood, taking time to educate you lesser posters while the NYYankee game, and then the NYGiant games are on.

I mean, really.

So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel

Kid you have just made my point

What people believe on the Earth does not influence the Universe

You have the intellect of a moth

Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God

I've so very heartened when I force you Leftists to lie....

You know I never said what you claimed I said: "So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel"

Hence you are to be recognized as one more low-life lying Liberal.

I voted for Trump dumbass

Does not mean I am a religious doofus like you

George Washington was baptized in infancy into the Church of England,[4][5] which, until 1776, was the established church (state religion) of Virginia.[6] As an adult, Washington served as a member of the vestry (lay council) for his local parish. In colonial-era Virginia, office-holding qualifications at all levels—including the House of Burgesses, to which Washington was elected in 1758—required affiliation with the current state religion and an undertaking that one would neither express dissent nor do anything that did not conform to church doctrine. At the library of the New-York Historical Society, some manuscripts containing a leaf from the church record of Pohick were available to Benson Lossing, an American historian, which he included in his Field Book of the Revolution; the leaf contained the following signed oath, required to qualify individuals as vestrymen:

I, A B, do declare that I will be conformable[7] to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, as by law established.,

1765. May 20th.—Thomas Withers Coffer, Thomas Ford, John Ford.

19th August.

— Geo. Washington, Daniel M'Carty [...][8]

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian.

“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”

Soooo.....what's your point????
Care to explain the Founder's belief in God, and their memorializing that view in our founding documents?

Or....shall we simply conclude that you are a government school grad who has never read any books not assigned by the totalists?

Say the word and I'll provide a starting reading list to fill in your lacunae.

Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?

People believe what they choose, some believe in unicorns

"Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?"


Are you claiming the Greeks were our Founders??????

If you were more thoughtful, you'd recommend me for sainthood, taking time to educate you lesser posters while the NYYankee game, and then the NYGiant games are on.

I mean, really.

So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel

Kid you have just made my point

What people believe on the Earth does not influence the Universe

You have the intellect of a moth

Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God

I've so very heartened when I force you Leftists to lie....

You know I never said what you claimed I said: "So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel"

Hence you are to be recognized as one more low-life lying Liberal.

I voted for Trump dumbass

Does not mean I am a religious doofus like you

George Washington was baptized in infancy into the Church of England,[4][5] which, until 1776, was the established church (state religion) of Virginia.[6] As an adult, Washington served as a member of the vestry (lay council) for his local parish. In colonial-era Virginia, office-holding qualifications at all levels—including the House of Burgesses, to which Washington was elected in 1758—required affiliation with the current state religion and an undertaking that one would neither express dissent nor do anything that did not conform to church doctrine. At the library of the New-York Historical Society, some manuscripts containing a leaf from the church record of Pohick were available to Benson Lossing, an American historian, which he included in his Field Book of the Revolution; the leaf contained the following signed oath, required to qualify individuals as vestrymen:

I, A B, do declare that I will be conformable[7] to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, as by law established.,

1765. May 20th.—Thomas Withers Coffer, Thomas Ford, John Ford.

19th August.

— Geo. Washington, Daniel M'Carty [...][8]

"I voted for Trump dumbass"

What is really sad is that government school has made folks like you, who had the correct instinct to vote against Hillary, afraid to admit that you
believe in the values of the religion that founded the nation.

Bet you actually believe in the truth found in the Bible......

....just don't have the guts to stand up to the contumely you'd face.

I wonder what you'll teach your children.
Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?

People believe what they choose, some believe in unicorns

"Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?"


Are you claiming the Greeks were our Founders??????

If you were more thoughtful, you'd recommend me for sainthood, taking time to educate you lesser posters while the NYYankee game, and then the NYGiant games are on.

I mean, really.

So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel

Kid you have just made my point

What people believe on the Earth does not influence the Universe

You have the intellect of a moth

Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God

I've so very heartened when I force you Leftists to lie....

You know I never said what you claimed I said: "So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel"

Hence you are to be recognized as one more low-life lying Liberal.

I voted for Trump dumbass

Does not mean I am a religious doofus like you

George Washington was baptized in infancy into the Church of England,[4][5] which, until 1776, was the established church (state religion) of Virginia.[6] As an adult, Washington served as a member of the vestry (lay council) for his local parish. In colonial-era Virginia, office-holding qualifications at all levels—including the House of Burgesses, to which Washington was elected in 1758—required affiliation with the current state religion and an undertaking that one would neither express dissent nor do anything that did not conform to church doctrine. At the library of the New-York Historical Society, some manuscripts containing a leaf from the church record of Pohick were available to Benson Lossing, an American historian, which he included in his Field Book of the Revolution; the leaf contained the following signed oath, required to qualify individuals as vestrymen:

I, A B, do declare that I will be conformable[7] to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, as by law established.,

1765. May 20th.—Thomas Withers Coffer, Thomas Ford, John Ford.

19th August.

— Geo. Washington, Daniel M'Carty [...][8]

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian.

“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”

Soooo.....what's your point????

They were members of the Church of England.

Duh u really are special
^^^ 'And the Liberals/Democrats called Obama god, the messiah, and Jesus.' ^^^


the ONLY time i ever heard/read those ridiculous notions had come from (R)s. howeverrrrrrrrrrrr, i can't tell you the numerous times (R) candidates or their wives said that THEY were sent or 'told' by god to run in the past few elections... including the pastor's daughter, sarah honey boo who recently said that 'the chosen one' was sent by her god to be prez.

You actually thought she couldn't back that up? The very first thing that came to my mind when I read your post, coincidentally enough, was Moore and Kutcher's creepy pledge, Rush's divine ordination and Matthews' thrill.

For a hilarious take on his hysteria, which includes a few of PC's quotes, see The Beginning of the Gospel of Barack Obama, the Son of God (According to Mark Shea)

1:1 As it is written in the AP Manual, “Behold, I send my press corps before thy face, who shall prepare thy way”. And so it came to pass that pundits went forth into all that country, preaching a vote of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And lo, these pundits spake by the Spirit of the Age, going into all their towns and cities and declaring:

1:2 “He is not operating on the same plane as ordinary politicians . . . [he is] the agent of transformation in an age of revolution, as a figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the 21st century.” – Gary Hart

[. . .]

1:11 Blessed are those who Believe. For they shall say, “Yes We Can!”

1:12 Blessed are those who say, “Yes We Can!”, for they shall audaciously Hope.

1:13 Blessed are those who Hope, for they shall speak of Change.

1:14 Blessed are those who speak of Change, for they shall Get Fired Up.

1:15 Blessed are those who Get Fired Up, for they shall be baptized with the Spirit of the Age.​

"Care to explain how the Greeks believes Zeus lived on top of the mountain?"


Are you claiming the Greeks were our Founders??????

If you were more thoughtful, you'd recommend me for sainthood, taking time to educate you lesser posters while the NYYankee game, and then the NYGiant games are on.

I mean, really.

So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel

Kid you have just made my point

What people believe on the Earth does not influence the Universe

You have the intellect of a moth

Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God

I've so very heartened when I force you Leftists to lie....

You know I never said what you claimed I said: "So you are saying that the founding fathers were God and that what they said is gospel"

Hence you are to be recognized as one more low-life lying Liberal.

I voted for Trump dumbass

Does not mean I am a religious doofus like you

George Washington was baptized in infancy into the Church of England,[4][5] which, until 1776, was the established church (state religion) of Virginia.[6] As an adult, Washington served as a member of the vestry (lay council) for his local parish. In colonial-era Virginia, office-holding qualifications at all levels—including the House of Burgesses, to which Washington was elected in 1758—required affiliation with the current state religion and an undertaking that one would neither express dissent nor do anything that did not conform to church doctrine. At the library of the New-York Historical Society, some manuscripts containing a leaf from the church record of Pohick were available to Benson Lossing, an American historian, which he included in his Field Book of the Revolution; the leaf contained the following signed oath, required to qualify individuals as vestrymen:

I, A B, do declare that I will be conformable[7] to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, as by law established.,

1765. May 20th.—Thomas Withers Coffer, Thomas Ford, John Ford.

19th August.

— Geo. Washington, Daniel M'Carty [...][8]

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian.

“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”

Soooo.....what's your point????

They were members of the Church of England.

Duh u really are special

And you don't know that they were believers in the Judeo-Christian faith?????

Bet you didn't know that the Founders saw themselves as 'modern-day' Hebrews.

... the situations of the revolutionaries was commonly compared to the Babylonian captivity, the Exodus, David vs. Goliath, and the book of Deuteronomy. The republic was often called “the new Israel.”
a. “A couple of months after American colonists declared their independence from Great Britain, a committee composed of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams proposed a design for a national seal. It portrayed the Egyptian pharaoh leading his troops through a divided Red Sea in pursuit of the fleeing Israelites. Surrounding this scene were the words, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.”

Bulletin: Yanks win 8-3

Now...back to the education of the thread: The Left claims that being a believer is evidence of ignorance....yet they each represent a religion with the worship of the state....and, as Berman points out, mirror the New Testament.

7. An “Ur-myth,” explaining the beginnings of each of the totalitarian movements, is a myth so ancient and so all-encompassing that it has become an irreducible part of the human experience, and is the basis for the tales that seem to give a patina of relevance to the movements. It is this ur-myth that represents the origins of the movement-myths, in its modern versions.

a. As is usual, it is the poets who first applied the formulation. Latin American poet Ruben Dario, in 1905, saw a people of God…

“The Latin race will see a great future dawn,

And in a thunder of glorious music, millions of lips

Will salute the splendid light that will come from the East…”

b. Sometime after the First World War, the Babylon-Armageddon made its way into political theory. Each version had a people of God, under attack. There was the proletariat for the Bolsheviks and Stalinists; the children of the Roman wolf for Mussolini’s Fascists; the Warriors of Christ the King for Franco’s Phalange, and the Aryan race for the Nazis.

Every one of the totalitarian myths, their origins notwithstanding, is based on lies like they will create Utopia on earth, all people will have equal material rewards, a new human nature will be created.

Here’s Hillary presenting that lie:

In 1969, Hillary Rodham gave the student commencement address at Wellesley in which she said that “ for too long our leaders have used politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible….We’re not interested in social reconstruction; it’s human reconstruction.”
Page Redirection

Believe that the totalitarians can alter human nature????

"The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.”
Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198
And the Liberals/Democrats called Obama god, the messiah, and Jesus.
No they didn’t. And I dare you to find anyone credible who did.

Why do you lie so much? Trump emulation?

Watch me smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser:

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servantto our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News -

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

And, as usual......I totally eviscerate another Liberal lying dunce.
1.Well, yes. That’s the requirement of the term ‘religion.’

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Google

And as totalitarians of every sort, Communists, Progressives, Liberals, government school grads, never cease to berate, ridicule, and show utter contempt for those of us who are believers, once can only be amazed by their lack of self-realization.

Because every one of their doctrines is some version of religion.

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

"It is a great irony of communism that those who did not believe in God believed that godlike knowledge could be concentrated at a central point. It was believed that government could be omnipotent and omniscient. And in order to justify the idea that all lives should be determined by a single plan, the concomitant tendency of communist regimes was to deify the leader- whether Lenin, Stalin, Mao, or Kim Il-sung."
Tom Bethell, "The Noblest Triumph," p. 144

And the Liberals/Democrats called Obama god, the messiah, and Jesus.

"...communism that those who did not believe in God believed that godlike knowledge could be concentrated at a central point."

And that ‘central point’ that is god to every totalitarian is the state.

2. “Chinese Communism mimics religion- it presents a version of history with a journey with deliverance played out in chapters written in a chosen language. It boasts its own priesthood- political commissars ubiquitous throughout- and an enforced infallibility of its leadership. There are prophets and devils along with a council of senior ayatollahs who have the power to change or reinterpret the communist historical narrative.

Party loyalty equal morality; doubting history is blasthemy, heresy, treasonous. There is a chosen people, the Chinese; a promised land, China; and temples, pilgrimage, faith in the face of contrary facts, deep intrusion into the personal life of each person, and the indoctrination of children into the tenets of Chinese Communism.

The objective is to further the totalitarian dream of convincing the Chinese people and the world that the party is divine and infallible and that the Communist Party is the savior.” Gertz, “Deceiving The Sky,” p. 27-28

How to determine whose religion is best?

I’d say that the Litmus Test is the one that offers life, not one that threatens death if one doesn't conform.

Their "god" is the State.

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