Does Allah Love You?


In Memorial of 47
Apr 30, 2010
Port Charlotte, FL
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?
I don't have a Qur'an but I got a whole lot of verses in my bible that tells me god will smite me, and him, and her, and them over there. Not so much on the love thing...
I don't have a Qur'an but I got a whole lot of verses in my bible that tells me god will smite me, and him, and her, and them over there. Not so much on the love thing...

Try the New Testament, dope.
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?

The war god Allah does not love anyone
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?

Quran 61.4 Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure.
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?

The war god Allah does not love anyone
images (7).jpg
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?

If I believe Islam is a true religion from God, and I lie to make it look great, that would be great generosity. It is so because if Islam is true, it must be obvious, and there is no need to lie. Going out of my way and lying would be great generosity.

If I believe Islam is not a true religion from God, and I lie to make it look good, that would also be great generosity. It is so because I would go out of my way to lie for a religion that does not deserve it. That would be great generosity.

So people should really stop the absurdity of claiming that I am lying to make Islam look good. Islam is beautiful in every single aspect because it is a religion from God, The Beautiful. There is no need to lie about it.

That being said, I would like someone to present to me a single verse of the sBible which mentions God's love for people. Bear in mind that a God who is a father of human beings or a human being himself can not give proper love, and surely not divine love.

As to Islam, it does not run by the Qur'an. The holy books of Islam are the Qur'an and the books of Hadiths (the sayings of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family). Let's say that these make 15 books or 20 books (1 of them is the Qur'an, the rest are the Hadiths). If you go to an Islamic library, you will find tons of books beyond these 15 or 20 holy books. I say this only to prove to people unaware of it tht it is forbidden to read the Qur'an or the Hadiths and understand them as you read them. One must refer to the scholars of Islam and the saints of Islam (who are the greater scholars of Islam) for the meanings of the Qur'an and the Hadiths. These scholars teach that God loves everyone:

"We have honored the human beings"
"In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Great Merciful" (this is my own translation of this verse, which begin 113 out of 114 chapters of the Qur'an).

These scholars teach that God loves some people (the good Muslims) in a special way:

"Follow the way of him who turns to me in love"

"God loves the pious"

"Can those who know and those who know not be equal ?"

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said:

"Give up what people possess and people will love you; give up the world and God will love you."
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?

Quran 61.4 Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure.
So IF you fight for Allah he will love you like a building.
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?

Allah is the word for god in Arabic, Jews who lived in Arabic countries also called God Allah

Allah (English pronunciation: /ˈælə/ or /ˈɑːlə/;[1] Arabic: الله‎ Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤˈlˤɑːh] ( listen)) is the Arabic word for God (al ilāh, literally "the God").[2][3][4] The word has cognatesin other Semitic languages, including Elah in Aramaic, ʾĒl in Canaanite and Elohim in Hebrew.[5][6]

It is used mainly by Muslims to refer to God in Islam,[7] but it has also been used by Arab Christians since pre-Islamic times.[8] It is also often, albeit not exclusively, used by Bábists, Bahá'ís, Indonesian and Maltese Christians, and Mizrahi Jews.[5][9][10] Christians and Sikhs in West Malaysia also use and have used the word to refer to God.

Allah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?

The christer goyim buy bull
It seems that some people TODAY judge Christians by the acts committed by so called Christians centuries Obama and many on the Left like to criticize Christians for the Crusades.

It seems that some people TODAY fail to judge Muslims by the acts committed by Muslims TODAY.
It seems that some people TODAY judge Christians by the acts committed by so called Christians centuries Obama and many on the Left like to criticize Christians for the Crusades.

It seems that some people TODAY fail to judge Muslims by the acts committed by Muslims TODAY.

It wasn't just the crusades

so screw the christers and their goyim mangod

2000 year history of Jewish persecution
Is there any place in the Quran that tells Muslims that Allah loves them?

I can cite numerous verses, from my Bible that tells me of God's love for me.

Can you cite one verse from the Quran?

Quran 61.4 Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure.

Allah loves the soldier who kills, but does not love the soldier when he is done killing.

It is only when blood is being spilled that allah has gets a hard on.
It seems that some people TODAY judge Christians by the acts committed by so called Christians centuries Obama and many on the Left like to criticize Christians for the Crusades.

It seems that some people TODAY fail to judge Muslims by the acts committed by Muslims TODAY.

It wasn't just the crusades

so screw the christers and their goyim mangod

2000 year history of Jewish persecution

I know, let's round up Christians like the did in Armenia before the Holocaust and just snuff them out like the Islamic fascists did in Turkey

Of course, Progressives who ignored the genocide in Armenia, like Wilson, helped pave the way for the Holocaust.

Sadly, Obama once acknowledged the Holocaust in Armenia but no longer does for political reasons. He is too busy trying to be accepted by the war god allah.

Really there is no difference between Obama denying that the Armenian genocide happened and Iran denying that the Holocaust ever happened.
It seems that some people TODAY judge Christians by the acts committed by so called Christians centuries Obama and many on the Left like to criticize Christians for the Crusades.

It seems that some people TODAY fail to judge Muslims by the acts committed by Muslims TODAY.

It wasn't just the crusades

so screw the christers and their goyim mangod

2000 year history of Jewish persecution
Which do you prefer, if you had to chose one or the other? Muslims or Christians in control of your nation?

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