Does Anybody Believe the Universities' Line About So-Called "American Imperialism' ?

Aren’t you the clever one. Instead of voting for human rights and a balanced economy, you used your education and voted for the parties it crash the economy three times in 40 years. Furthermore you vote for them again tomorrow if you have a chance.

The republican party in Texas can’t even keep the lights on. Good governance is about ensuring that people and corporations have what they need to succeed.

Republicans believe good government is cutting taxes. Period. End of story.

Donald Trump passed two pieces of legislation in the four years of his administration: a tax cut 80% of which went to millionaires; and prison reform.. And the only reason he did prison reform was because Jared Kushner’s father went to prison. Jared did the work.

You voted for an authoritarian conman. You used your education and your ability to elect a white nationalist authoritarian, who killed half a million people and crash your economy.

You voted for the party which is crash the economy three times in the last 40 years. Whatever you paid for your education, it was a waste of money.
The economy crashed in 2020 due to 3 things - ALL from Democrats. The Lockdowns in blue states & cities, Pelosi's yearlong refusal to allow $timuls payments to go out (so as to keep the economy down), and Fauci's funding of the Wuhan lab, during Obama's watch.

Before this Democrat assault on the economy, it was the best ever, under Trump.

Republican idea of good government has far more to do with than just taxes, and taxes were much higher on the rich under Republicans than they were under Clinton and Obama. You don't even know that.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You actually think that Trump only passed two pieces of legislation in the four years of his administration ? You are THAT brainwashed >? Yikes. Trump signed the Mission Act, USMCA, CARES Act, Great American Outdoors Act, STOCK Act, Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, (INSPIRE) Women Act, Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017, created the Space Force, Right to Try, Modernizing Government Travel Act, U.S. Wants to Compete for a World Expo Act, Public Safety Officers' Benefits Improvement Act of 2017, American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017, DHS SAVE Act, Follow the Rules Act, VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, Securing our Agriculture and Food Act,.......and almost all these were just from the first half of 2017.

White nationalist ? Some thing wrong with being nationalist ? Some thing wrong with being white ? Both are OK in my book.

Trump did not kill anybody. And well into June 2021, you still don't know that the media version of Covid death numbers is grossly inflated. CDC admitted that in May 2020. They also published lists showing that Trump was a HUGE SUCCESS on Covid, reducing the death rate 90%. You are an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media, DUPE-ASS, and you're whole worthless post is OFF TOPIC.
I wonder if they went to Iraq and asked students there if they could have given at least one example.
And what do you think they would say, and why ?
Some liked Saddam, some didn't but our invasion brought death to tens of thousands, ISIS, and a decade of civil war. I doubt many are thanking the US for interfering in Iraq. Except the Iranians of course, we got rid of their enemy.
Democrats don’t break rank very often and indoctrinated folks hardly ever. It takes a truly wise person to step away from the pre-conceptions they have been taught since grade school(soon to be pre-school) and think for themselves.
Sort of like having the Oath of Allegiance inculcated in one's being before one is able to think for oneself.

Pretty heinous all right.
But because of our undermining forces back here (just like it was in Vietnam), we can't get nothing right anymore, because our politician's are weak nutless wonders that represent special interest groups instead of doing what's right by American's blood being spilled.
Hilarious. Funny that it's being spilled in other people's countries which never invited such a mess.
You're still in Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii.
Lucky for them.

Last election day (Nov. 3, 2020), the people of Puerto Rico voted in favor of statehood 52.52%–47.48%. Doesn't look like imperialism there.

A 2016 poll conducted by the University of Guam showed a majority supporting statehood when respondents were asked what political status they supported for Guam.[90]

Hawaii, already a state, and reaping enormous financial and military protection benefits, would go back to being a mudhole, at extreme risk of Chinese takeover, if it became independent. It was attacked by the Japanese, even when it was part of the US. Without US protection, it would be a cute lamb in front of a pack of wolves.
Some liked Saddam, some didn't but our invasion brought death to tens of thousands, ISIS, and a decade of civil war. I doubt many are thanking the US for interfering in Iraq. Except the Iranians of course, we got rid of their enemy.
But the question of the OP is about imperialism. Plundering another country in some way or another, to gain its resources, and getting them.
like when we invaded Iraq and forced them to grant the US exclusive rights to sell their oil.
That is not true

The US never forced such a deal on iraq

If someone told you that they are lying to you

Yes the US did declare martial law in Iraq and illegally took control over all of Iraq's oil, forcing all sales of Iraqi oil to go through US private companies.

Yesterday was the 11th anniversary of the 2003 Iraq War - yet to this day, few media reflections on the conflict accurately explore the extent to which opening up Persian Gulf energy resources to the world economy was a prime driver behind the Anglo-American invasion.

The overwhelming narrative has been one of incompetence and failure in an otherwise noble, if ill-conceived and badly managed endeavour to free Iraqis from tyranny. To be sure, the conduct of the war was indeed replete with incompetence at a colossal scale - but this doesn't erase the very real mendacity of the cold, strategic logic that motivated the war's US and British planners in the first place.

According to the infamous Project for a New American Century (PNAC) document endorsed by senior Bush administration officials as far back as 1997, "While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification" for the US "to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security," "the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein."

So Saddam's WMD was not really the issue - and neither was Saddam himself.

The real issue is candidly described in a 2001 report on "energy security" - commissioned by then US Vice-President Dick Cheney - published by the Council on Foreign Relations and the James Baker Institute for Public Policy. It warned of an impending global energy crisis that would increase "US and global vulnerability to disruption", and leave the US facing "unprecedented energy price volatility."

The main source of disruption, the report observed, is "Middle East tension", in particular, the threat posed by Iraq. Critically, the documented illustrated that US officials had lost all faith in Saddam due his erratic and unpredictable energy export policies. In 2000, Iraq had "effectively become a swing producer, turning its taps on and off when it has felt such action was in its strategic interest to do so." There is a "possibility that Saddam Hussein may remove Iraqi oil from the market for an extended period of time" in order to damage prices:

As to the actual smoking gun, you then have to look at the Development Fund for Iraq, for the missing cash.


Lack of transparency​

The Development Fund for Iraq receives 95 per cent of the government proceeds from Iraqi oil sales. The 2003 budget also noted that the Development Fund will provide $1.2 billion for the budget. However, the relationship between the DFI and the budget has not been made clear—the budget anticipated oil revenues of $3.4 billion—much greater than the amount in the DFI then. Moreover, only the Provisional Authority Administrator could authorise spending from the DFI. Little information has been made public about the DFI. The Coalition Provisional Authority excluded information on its web site about any transfer of assets into and out of the DFI.[7]
Also from your source:

real goal - as Greg Muttitt documented in his book Fuel on the Fire citing declassified Foreign Office files from 2003 onwards - was stabilising global energy supplies as a whole by ensuring the free flow of Iraqi oil to world markets - benefits to US and UK companies constituted an important


I not only concede that statement but actually embrace it

In my opinion stabilizing world energy supplies is not only good for America but for practically all the nations

It was US economic sanctions that caused Iraqi oil to not be able to reach the market in a consistent manner, and the oil we did allow them to sell for food, in the OFF Program, (Oil For Food), we took a big cut out of.

In fact, the US had illegally helped Kuwait illegally bankrupt Iraq by helping Kuwait steal huge amounts of Iraqi oil before and after Desert Storm.
Listen you, America can't do any of the things you are claiming if it doesn't have a foriegn corrupt tyrannical host that needs to be dealt with in the world. So if we are going to shed our blood and treasure for other's in the world, then they should pay some form of restitution for services rendered. Nothing wrong with that, but we have leftist hippies still trying everything they can to paint America as evil no matter what the truths are in the opposite. American's are tiring of the bullcrap already.
But the question of the OP is about imperialism. Plundering another country in some way or another, to gain its resources, and getting them.
You're still in Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., etc., the result of US imperialism.
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

No doubt the US made mistakes along the way, but we did not slaughter millions in the name of communism or Nazism.

YES we did.
We slaughtered over 3 million innocent Vietnamese over the idiotic label we simply do not understand, "communism".

And yes, the US is the single most Nazi country in the world, by far.
Nazi is short for National Socialist Party, which was totally anti-socialist, and was a oligarchy of the wealthy elite.
That is exactly what the US is, with the same Military Industrial Complex in charge that appointed Hitler.
Understand communism? Look at Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc. the Nazis were a one party state, the US is not, barring the deep state in DC. Take a hike.

Right, the "Deep State"

These guys.

View attachment 500692

The ones that invaded the U.S. Capitol building, the seat of Democracy of the U.S. Government.
Part of democracy is imperialism. We give politicians our vote and that's the start of it. That's not a reason to imply it's some type of creeping socialism because it's not. Thats your paranoia kicking in.
But imagine the chaos if there was no government to guide the country.
That would be handing power to repigs and the much yearned utopia for total control over everyone.
But then again, that what you really want.
But the question of the OP is about imperialism. Plundering another country in some way or another, to gain its resources, and getting them.
You're still in Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., etc., the result of US imperialism.
I just answered that SUFFICIENTLY in Post # 106. Answer hasn't changed. Those places are not imperialism now. They're not other countries. They're happy with being American, and Puerto Rico and Guam would even like to be MORE American than they are, by becoming a state. Just the opposite of imperialism.
The universities believe that apple pie is a racist colonial power.

So, by your reckoning, 95% of the US Congress have been indoctrinated by these evil bastions of advanced education?

The Congressional Research Service notes that the vast majority of Members (95 percent) had an academic degree:

  • 168 Representatives and 57 Senators had a law degree. Of these, five (three Representative and two Senators) also hold a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree.
  • 83 Representatives and 16 Senators earned a master's degree – often a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) – as their highest educational degree
  • 27 Representatives and one Senator (Mark Begich)[18] have no educational degree beyond a high school diploma.
  • 23 Representatives, & one Senator (Kyrsten Sinema) have a PhD
  • 17 Representatives and three Senators have a medical degree (this number includes one Senator with a veterinary medicine degree and one Representative with a dental degree).
  • Five Representatives (but no Senators) have an associate's degree as their highest degree. One House Member has a licensed practical nurse (L.P.N.) degree.
Three Representatives (John Shimkus, Geoff Davis, Brett Guthrie) and one Senator (Jack Reed) are graduates of the United States Military Academy, while two Senators (John McCain, Jim Webb) and one Representative (Joe Sestak) are graduates of the United States Naval Academy. Three Senators (including Russ Feingold and Richard Lugar) and two Representatives (Jim Cooper and Jim Himes) were Rhodes Scholars, three Representatives (Tom Cole and Gabby Giffords) were Fulbright Scholars, and one Representative (John Spratt) was a Marshall Scholar. Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona is widely considered to be the most educated member of congress with a Bachelor's degree, a Master of Social Work, a Master of Business Administration, a law degree, & a PhD

I take it you don't have a college degree.
You do realize how dated that list is, don't you?

Feingold and Lugar haven't been seen since they retired a decade ago and McQuisling is fucking dead.....Jim Webb?.....JFC.
They are territories you gained and kept. Imperialism. Empire. Now.
That doesn't mean they are imperialism now. It would if the inhabitants didn't want to be American. They do. Nice try.
That you are a raving loony who cannot read a dictionary entry you post yourself.
I read it quite fine. You are the raving loony who equates non-imperialism with imperialism. One can only wonder why.

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