Does Anyone Believe This?


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
June 30, 2015
RUSH: But my only point here is, the point of telling you the story about this Campus Reform video, let me briefly review this. Campus Reform, it's a website, one of the good guys, one of ours, they set up an easel and a giant poster board near the White House. And on the poster board were pictures of four or five mansions with the price tag underneath each one. They ranged in price from five million to $15 million, and they purposely stopped Millennials. Clean cut looking, average, ordinary, everyday, just good quality Millennial types, who owned the houses. "Who do you think owns these houses?" And the two names most mentioned were Marco Rubio and Dr. Ben Carson.

I didn't know at the time the New York Times had done this story on Rubio and his $80,000 fishing boat 'cause that story happened when I was out for a week on vacation, but stop and think, even a story on an $80,000 fishing boat convinced people that Marco Rubio is one of these. That's the first name that popped into their heads. And apparently the New York Times is a Bible to Millennials, whereas to you and I, it's actual bird cage filth. We don't believe anything in it because we know the bias and prejudice that goes into putting that paper together every day. The young skulls full of mush just eat it up, they swallow it, they believe every word of it.
When these Millennials, and they were male, female, black, white, in their thirties, when they were told that every one of those homes is owned by the Clintons, they could not believe it. And, further, they didn't want to believe it. They had no idea. They were floored when they found out the Clintons owned them. Every house on that poster board.

Hillary's Cribs Shock Young People


Published on Jun 29, 2015
Campus Reform Correspondent Cabot Phillips played "Candidate's Cribs" with young people in front of the White House. After trying to guess which Presidential candidate has lived in a series of mansions, many of them were shocked to find out that Hillary Clinton had lived in all four of them.
The Clinton's have $$$$$$$$

That is why we need to elect Jeb Bush.
June 30, 2015
RUSH: But my only point here is, the point of telling you the story about this Campus Reform video, let me briefly review this. Campus Reform, it's a website, one of the good guys, one of ours, they set up an easel and a giant poster board near the White House. And on the poster board were pictures of four or five mansions with the price tag underneath each one. They ranged in price from five million to $15 million, and they purposely stopped Millennials. Clean cut looking, average, ordinary, everyday, just good quality Millennial types, who owned the houses. "Who do you think owns these houses?" And the two names most mentioned were Marco Rubio and Dr. Ben Carson.

I didn't know at the time the New York Times had done this story on Rubio and his $80,000 fishing boat 'cause that story happened when I was out for a week on vacation, but stop and think, even a story on an $80,000 fishing boat convinced people that Marco Rubio is one of these. That's the first name that popped into their heads. And apparently the New York Times is a Bible to Millennials, whereas to you and I, it's actual bird cage filth. We don't believe anything in it because we know the bias and prejudice that goes into putting that paper together every day. The young skulls full of mush just eat it up, they swallow it, they believe every word of it.
When these Millennials, and they were male, female, black, white, in their thirties, when they were told that every one of those homes is owned by the Clintons, they could not believe it. And, further, they didn't want to believe it. They had no idea. They were floored when they found out the Clintons owned them. Every house on that poster board.

Hillary's Cribs Shock Young People


Published on Jun 29, 2015
Campus Reform Correspondent Cabot Phillips played "Candidate's Cribs" with young people in front of the White House. After trying to guess which Presidential candidate has lived in a series of mansions, many of them were shocked to find out that Hillary Clinton had lived in all four of them.

So you can prove it didn't happen?
June 30, 2015
RUSH: But my only point here is, the point of telling you the story about this Campus Reform video, let me briefly review this. Campus Reform, it's a website, one of the good guys, one of ours, they set up an easel and a giant poster board near the White House. And on the poster board were pictures of four or five mansions with the price tag underneath each one. They ranged in price from five million to $15 million, and they purposely stopped Millennials. Clean cut looking, average, ordinary, everyday, just good quality Millennial types, who owned the houses. "Who do you think owns these houses?" And the two names most mentioned were Marco Rubio and Dr. Ben Carson.

I didn't know at the time the New York Times had done this story on Rubio and his $80,000 fishing boat 'cause that story happened when I was out for a week on vacation, but stop and think, even a story on an $80,000 fishing boat convinced people that Marco Rubio is one of these. That's the first name that popped into their heads. And apparently the New York Times is a Bible to Millennials, whereas to you and I, it's actual bird cage filth. We don't believe anything in it because we know the bias and prejudice that goes into putting that paper together every day. The young skulls full of mush just eat it up, they swallow it, they believe every word of it.
When these Millennials, and they were male, female, black, white, in their thirties, when they were told that every one of those homes is owned by the Clintons, they could not believe it. And, further, they didn't want to believe it. They had no idea. They were floored when they found out the Clintons owned them. Every house on that poster board.

Hillary's Cribs Shock Young People


Published on Jun 29, 2015
Campus Reform Correspondent Cabot Phillips played "Candidate's Cribs" with young people in front of the White House. After trying to guess which Presidential candidate has lived in a series of mansions, many of them were shocked to find out that Hillary Clinton had lived in all four of them.

So you can prove it didn't happen?

That is not the question. I have no doubt that Campus Reform was there trying to deceive the Millennials, and was successful with the ones in the video. Can you believe your MessiahRushie?

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