Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

For all of you who still are asking why we invaded
they have not complied with resolution 1441 or any other resolution over a period of over 12 years they did anything but; they went to great lengths to avoid complying with the resolution. 1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);

In addition, blix made these comments about Saddam's corporation weeks prior to invading

Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance—not even today—of the disarmament, which was demanded of it and which it needs to carry out to win the confidence of the world and to live in peace.” Additionally, Blix reports that it is still too early to determine whether or not Iraq has or is developing weapons of mass destruction, noting that Iraq has still not answered several questions concerning unaccounted for weapons. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/27/2003; WASHINGTON POST, 1/28/2003; LONDON TIMES, 1/28/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/28/2003]

Having trouble with these facts I see
back on ignore

The thing is most people don't care about the UN resolutions Saddam violated and they don't see that as good enough reason to go war.

This view is after 8 years of lies daily along with no poles being took now we are leaving and the Iraqi govt has taken over
we had US senators on the floor of the senate stating this war was lost in 2007
Reid Says Iraq War ‘Lost’ - ABC News

That is simply not the whole truth.

Later Thursday on the Senate floor, Reid said: "As long as we follow the president's path in Iraq, the war is lost. But there is still a chance to change course -- and we must change course."

Here is the rest of the story. U.S. Republicans battle charge Iraq war is lost | Reuters
Not as bad as Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin or Hitler tho...

Pol Pot took it to another level tho.... Progressives like Hanoi Jane made sure we got our asses kicked in Nam so 4,000,000 Cambodians were murdered...

Yeah, only in progressive land is an 8-year-old a general and is capable of carrying out executions...

Of course that was around the time Prairie Fire was written by the Weatherman.

1 in 33 with Saddam
Hanoi Jane, I guess those on this message board who would attack Bush and ignore Saddam's ruthlessness about in the same place she is if you think about it, just alike
Never thought about it that way

Cambodia is what happens without US intervention....

I'm a libertarian as well so that probably seems odd...

BS, it was because of our intervention that Pol Pot was able to rise to power.

Rise of the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot - The Secret Bombing of Cambodia

I too am a libertainian and that doesn't seem odd at all.
The war in Iraq was lost as soon as Boy George BROKE it. Colin Powell warned him: "You break it, you own it"...

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait and then invaded Iraq. Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 used lies and manufactured evidence to invade Irag a second time.

What lies?
Did Iraq have Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Yes Iraq did have WMD this has been proven beyond doubt. Here we can see pictures of such weapons published by the BBC, and the United Nations. The question is, did they destroy them and supply proof
you really want to do this?
Facts about the Iraq War
Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

What did we win?
Facts about the Iraq War

there is a mountain of good accurate information on this web site that can explain it better than I could ever

From Saddam lying
to weapons he did have to
where are they to
it dont matter to
Saddam and OBL are gone
To Iraq becoming stable to Iraq becoming a republic to no longer having have bases in Saudi to
Kuwait to
financing the UN to
finally getting control of the 550 metric tons of yellow cake in Iraq
to knowing that the weapons we did find are gone and
knowing the weapons we did not find will not harm us from this country of Iraq

Like I said
the link I provided if you have the courage to read thru it has done a very good job
Not as bad as Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin or Hitler tho...

Pol Pot took it to another level tho.... Progressives like Hanoi Jane made sure we got our asses kicked in Nam so 4,000,000 Cambodians were murdered...

Yeah, only in progressive land is an 8-year-old a general and is capable of carrying out executions...

Of course that was around the time Prairie Fire was written by the Weatherman.

1 in 33 with Saddam
Hanoi Jane, I guess those on this message board who would attack Bush and ignore Saddam's ruthlessness about in the same place she is if you think about it, just alike
Never thought about it that way

Cambodia is what happens without US intervention....

I'm a libertarian as well so that probably seems odd...

It sounds like you approve the the War in Iraq, correct me if that's not correct.

That doesn't really go hand in hand with being a libertarian though.

Platform | Libertarian Party

3.3 International Affairs

American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world. Our foreign policy should emphasize defense against attack from abroad and enhance the likelihood of peace by avoiding foreign entanglements. We would end the current U.S. government policy of foreign intervention, including military and economic aid. We recognize the right of all people to resist tyranny and defend themselves and their rights. We condemn the use of force, and especially the use of terrorism, against the innocent, regardless of whether such acts are committed by governments or by political or revolutionary groups.
Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

What did we win?
Facts about the Iraq War

there is a mountain of good accurate information on this web site that can explain it better than I could ever

From Saddam lying
to weapons he did have to
where are they to
it dont matter to
Saddam and OBL are gone
To Iraq becoming stable to Iraq becoming a republic to no longer having have bases in Saudi to
Kuwait to
financing the UN to
finally getting control of the 550 metric tons of yellow cake in Iraq
to knowing that the weapons we did find are gone and
knowing the weapons we did not find will not harm us from this country of Iraq

Like I said
the link I provided if you have the courage to read thru it has done a very good job

Let's ssume that the above is all true, shall we?

You're still not answering my question.

What did the USA win?

Please stop with the constant spamming of the same question
I have answered that question before and gave you a link to an excellent web site
do your own DD
what ever you guys are up to has run its course
The war in Iraq was lost as soon as Boy George BROKE it. Colin Powell warned him: "You break it, you own it"...

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait and then invaded Iraq. Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 used lies and manufactured evidence to invade Irag a second time.

What lies?
Did Iraq have Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Yes Iraq did have WMD this has been proven beyond doubt. Here we can see pictures of such weapons published by the BBC, and the United Nations. The question is, did they destroy them and supply proof
you really want to do this?
Facts about the Iraq War

You simply ignore what President Bush lied about and focus on a small number of unusable left-over ordinance whose chemical makeup could be used for a WMD.

"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons."

GWB in a speech to the UN General Assembly Sept 12, 2002.
have we found the remote control drones capable of delivering WMD through the air?

The 30,000 tons that were "North and West of Baghdad"?

The mobile weapons labs?

The Nuclear program that was nearing completion?

The aluminum tubes used as centrifuges?
I do not care what your up to with this non stop spamming
this thread is dead bud
You want to keep talking about things that mean nothing
go for it
i am done wit this one

We won
WE had just cause
God Bless
URGENT: Three killed, 79 injured in Kirkuk explosion
9/29/2011 6:34 PM

KIRKUK / Aswat al-Iraq: An explosion that took place in northern Iraq’s oil-rich city of Kirkuk on Thursday had killed 3 persons and injured 79 others, a Kirkuk Health official reported.

“The final result of the suicide attack that took place close to the 1st June Bank in central Kirkuk on Thursday has reached 3 killed and 79 injured,” Kirkuk Health Department’s Director-General, Dr.
Siddiq Omar told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.


I do not care what your up to with this non stop spamming
this thread is dead bud
You want to keep talking about things that mean nothing
go for it
i am done wit this one

We won
WE had just cause
God Bless

It was a monumental stregic blunder.

Their justification was misleading and often based on lies.

Would Jesus support a war of aggression?
URGENT: Three killed, 79 injured in Kirkuk explosion
9/29/2011 6:34 PM

KIRKUK / Aswat al-Iraq: An explosion that took place in northern Iraq’s oil-rich city of Kirkuk on Thursday had killed 3 persons and injured 79 others, a Kirkuk Health official reported.

“The final result of the suicide attack that took place close to the 1st June Bank in central Kirkuk on Thursday has reached 3 killed and 79 injured,” Kirkuk Health Department’s Director-General, Dr.
Siddiq Omar told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.


That's what I think of when I think stability, suicide bombings.
JC? Saddam was accused of killing 1 million people and you bring Jesus into this as his defender?
Saddam had a choice, he choose to be hung by his own people

41 people were murdered on avg last night in the US, do you think they really care how it was done?

Guys, give it a rest
your spamming the same things over and over
there comes a time in which etiquette over sees this spamming you guys are and have been doing
Its time for it to stop
you have said your piece, I dont care how you feel, I cannot allow you to distort the truth
Adults can find a place to agree to dis agree I am there

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