Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

Blix welcomes accelerated cooperation by Iraq, but says unresolved issues remain

7 March 2003 – Top United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix told the Security Council today that over the past month Iraq has displayed "active" or even "proactive" cooperation, which has allowed the inspection process to make significant progress, although a number of key disarmament tasks remained to be resolved.

JRK tries to use the UN to justify the invasion while the UN says the invasion was illegal and Blix even said it was "proactive" cooperation with inspectors.

Why did Bush invade again?

What is the official justification for his invasion?
Blix welcomes accelerated cooperation by Iraq, but says unresolved issues remain

7 March 2003 – Top United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix told the Security Council today that over the past month Iraq has displayed "active" or even "proactive" cooperation, which has allowed the inspection process to make significant progress, although a number of key disarmament tasks remained to be resolved.

JRK tries to use the UN to justify the invasion while the UN says the invasion was illegal and Blix even said it was "proactive" cooperation with inspectors.

Why did Bush invade again?

What is the official justification for his invasion?

His justification if he were being honest, is that a man he voted for twice was in power when the war started and during almost all of it.

So he's one of these americans who mistakenly thinks admitting a flaw in a president, means he as an individual has that same flaw, so he's incapable of admitting an error done by someone he voted for twice.
For all of you who still are asking why we invaded
they have not complied with resolution 1441 or any other resolution over a period of over 12 years they did anything but; they went to great lengths to avoid complying with the resolution. 1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);

In addition, blix made these comments about Saddam's corporation weeks prior to invading

Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance—not even today—of the disarmament, which was demanded of it and which it needs to carry out to win the confidence of the world and to live in peace.” Additionally, Blix reports that it is still too early to determine whether or not Iraq has or is developing weapons of mass destruction, noting that Iraq has still not answered several questions concerning unaccounted for weapons. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/27/2003; WASHINGTON POST, 1/28/2003; LONDON TIMES, 1/28/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/28/2003]

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For all of you who still are asking why we invaded
they have not complied with resolution 1441 or any other resolution over a period of over 12 years they did anything but; they went to great lengths to avoid complying with the resolution. 1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);

In addition, blix made these comments about Saddam's corporation weeks prior to invading

Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance—not even today—of the disarmament, which was demanded of it and which it needs to carry out to win the confidence of the world and to live in peace.” Additionally, Blix reports that it is still too early to determine whether or not Iraq has or is developing weapons of mass destruction, noting that Iraq has still not answered several questions concerning unaccounted for weapons. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/27/2003; WASHINGTON POST, 1/28/2003; LONDON TIMES, 1/28/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/28/2003]

Having trouble with these facts I see
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The thing is most people don't care about the UN resolutions Saddam violated and they don't see that as good enough reason to go war.
For all of you who still are asking why we invaded
they have not complied with resolution 1441 or any other resolution over a period of over 12 years they did anything but; they went to great lengths to avoid complying with the resolution. 1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);

In addition, blix made these comments about Saddam's corporation weeks prior to invading

Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance—not even today—of the disarmament, which was demanded of it and which it needs to carry out to win the confidence of the world and to live in peace.” Additionally, Blix reports that it is still too early to determine whether or not Iraq has or is developing weapons of mass destruction, noting that Iraq has still not answered several questions concerning unaccounted for weapons. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/27/2003; WASHINGTON POST, 1/28/2003; LONDON TIMES, 1/28/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/28/2003]

Having trouble with these facts I see
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The thing is most people don't care about the UN resolutions Saddam violated and they don't see that as good enough reason to go war.

This view is after 8 years of lies daily along with no poles being took now we are leaving and the Iraqi govt has taken over
we had US senators on the floor of the senate stating this war was lost in 2007
Reid Says Iraq War ‘Lost’ - ABC News
It is really sad to see some people take this sacrifice and huge success as a joke.
I dont know how we got here
For all of you who still are asking why we invaded
they have not complied with resolution 1441 or any other resolution over a period of over 12 years they did anything but; they went to great lengths to avoid complying with the resolution. 1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);

In addition, blix made these comments about Saddam's corporation weeks prior to invading

Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance—not even today—of the disarmament, which was demanded of it and which it needs to carry out to win the confidence of the world and to live in peace.” Additionally, Blix reports that it is still too early to determine whether or not Iraq has or is developing weapons of mass destruction, noting that Iraq has still not answered several questions concerning unaccounted for weapons. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/27/2003; WASHINGTON POST, 1/28/2003; LONDON TIMES, 1/28/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/28/2003]

Having trouble with these facts I see
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The thing is most people don't care about the UN resolutions Saddam violated and they don't see that as good enough reason to go war.

I thought the fact he was a Nazi like dictator was enough - that and the fact he kept attacking nations for no reason was enough for me. Plus his sons were pretty friendly with the ladies..

I'll digress -

Here is a typical day in Udays life - get drunk, go out and have a rape-athon, stab your limo driver in front of your dads palace, crash your dads formal dinner party by stumbling in the door start groping woman and then have your dictator father so embarrassed that he sentences you to death on the spot because you embarrassed him in front of a bunch of foreign elitists (he was later only given a prison term and then released, he was pretty much grounded for a few months)....
For all of you who still are asking why we invaded
they have not complied with resolution 1441 or any other resolution over a period of over 12 years they did anything but; they went to great lengths to avoid complying with the resolution. 1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);

In addition, blix made these comments about Saddam's corporation weeks prior to invading

Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance—not even today—of the disarmament, which was demanded of it and which it needs to carry out to win the confidence of the world and to live in peace.” Additionally, Blix reports that it is still too early to determine whether or not Iraq has or is developing weapons of mass destruction, noting that Iraq has still not answered several questions concerning unaccounted for weapons. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/27/2003; WASHINGTON POST, 1/28/2003; LONDON TIMES, 1/28/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/28/2003]

Having trouble with these facts I see
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The thing is most people don't care about the UN resolutions Saddam violated and they don't see that as good enough reason to go war.

This view is after 8 years of lies daily along with no poles being took now we are leaving and the Iraqi govt has taken over
we had US senators on the floor of the senate stating this war was lost in 2007
Reid Says Iraq War ‘Lost’ - ABC News

Saddam is dead and THAT is a victory...

The guy and his sons were sadistic totalitarian lunatics....

I would compare Iraq to Japan circa 1935....
For all of you who still are asking why we invaded
they have not complied with resolution 1441 or any other resolution over a period of over 12 years they did anything but; they went to great lengths to avoid complying with the resolution. 1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);

In addition, blix made these comments about Saddam's corporation weeks prior to invading

Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance—not even today—of the disarmament, which was demanded of it and which it needs to carry out to win the confidence of the world and to live in peace.” Additionally, Blix reports that it is still too early to determine whether or not Iraq has or is developing weapons of mass destruction, noting that Iraq has still not answered several questions concerning unaccounted for weapons. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/27/2003; WASHINGTON POST, 1/28/2003; LONDON TIMES, 1/28/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/28/2003]

Having trouble with these facts I see
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The thing is most people don't care about the UN resolutions Saddam violated and they don't see that as good enough reason to go war.

I thought the fact he was a Nazi like dictator was enough - that and the fact he kept attacking nations for no reason was enough for me. Plus his sons were pretty friendly with the ladies..

I'll digress -

Here is a typical day in Udays life - get drunk, go out and have a rape-athon, stab your limo driver in front of your dads palace, crash your dads formal dinner party by stumbling in the door start groping woman and then have your dictator father so embarrassed that he sentences you to death on the spot because you embarrassed him in front of a bunch of foreign elitists (he was later only given a prison term and then released, he was pretty much grounded for a few months)....

You would think killing 1 million of your own people would at least put our president at that time even with him

I am serious, these guys have spent all of this energy hating and attacking GWB and let this murdering SOB a free pass
its nuts
The thing is most people don't care about the UN resolutions Saddam violated and they don't see that as good enough reason to go war.

I thought the fact he was a Nazi like dictator was enough - that and the fact he kept attacking nations for no reason was enough for me. Plus his sons were pretty friendly with the ladies..

I'll digress -

Here is a typical day in Udays life - get drunk, go out and have a rape-athon, stab your limo driver in front of your dads palace, crash your dads formal dinner party by stumbling in the door start groping woman and then have your dictator father so embarrassed that he sentences you to death on the spot because you embarrassed him in front of a bunch of foreign elitists (he was later only given a prison term and then released, he was pretty much grounded for a few months)....

You would think killing 1 million of your own people would at least put our president at that time even with him

I am serious, these guys have spent all of this energy hating and attacking GWB and let this murdering SOB a free pass
its nuts

Not as bad as Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin or Hitler tho...

Pol Pot took it to another level tho.... Progressives like Hanoi Jane made sure we got our asses kicked in Nam so 4,000,000 Cambodians were murdered...

Yeah, only in progressive land is an 8-year-old a general and is capable of carrying out executions...

Of course that was around the time Prairie Fire was written by the Weatherman.
For all of you who still are asking why we invaded
they have not complied with resolution 1441 or any other resolution over a period of over 12 years they did anything but; they went to great lengths to avoid complying with the resolution. 1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);

In addition, blix made these comments about Saddam's corporation weeks prior to invading

Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance—not even today—of the disarmament, which was demanded of it and which it needs to carry out to win the confidence of the world and to live in peace.” Additionally, Blix reports that it is still too early to determine whether or not Iraq has or is developing weapons of mass destruction, noting that Iraq has still not answered several questions concerning unaccounted for weapons. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/27/2003; WASHINGTON POST, 1/28/2003; LONDON TIMES, 1/28/2003; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/28/2003]

Having trouble with these facts I see
back on ignore

The thing is most people don't care about the UN resolutions Saddam violated and they don't see that as good enough reason to go war.

While that's true it's also true the inspectors, the ones actually on the ground, said Saddam was in compliance when Bush invaded and that the invasion was illegal.

JRK really needs some new material.
I thought the fact he was a Nazi like dictator was enough - that and the fact he kept attacking nations for no reason was enough for me. Plus his sons were pretty friendly with the ladies..

I'll digress -

Here is a typical day in Udays life - get drunk, go out and have a rape-athon, stab your limo driver in front of your dads palace, crash your dads formal dinner party by stumbling in the door start groping woman and then have your dictator father so embarrassed that he sentences you to death on the spot because you embarrassed him in front of a bunch of foreign elitists (he was later only given a prison term and then released, he was pretty much grounded for a few months)....

You would think killing 1 million of your own people would at least put our president at that time even with him

I am serious, these guys have spent all of this energy hating and attacking GWB and let this murdering SOB a free pass
its nuts

Not as bad as Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin or Hitler tho...

Pol Pot took it to another level tho.... Progressives like Hanoi Jane made sure we got our asses kicked in Nam so 4,000,000 Cambodians were murdered...

Yeah, only in progressive land is an 8-year-old a general and is capable of carrying out executions...

Of course that was around the time Prairie Fire was written by the Weatherman.

1 in 33 with Saddam
Hanoi Jane, I guess those on this message board who would attack Bush and ignore Saddam's ruthlessness about in the same place she is if you think about it, just alike
Never thought about it that way
You would think killing 1 million of your own people would at least put our president at that time even with him

I am serious, these guys have spent all of this energy hating and attacking GWB and let this murdering SOB a free pass
its nuts

Not as bad as Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin or Hitler tho...

Pol Pot took it to another level tho.... Progressives like Hanoi Jane made sure we got our asses kicked in Nam so 4,000,000 Cambodians were murdered...

Yeah, only in progressive land is an 8-year-old a general and is capable of carrying out executions...

Of course that was around the time Prairie Fire was written by the Weatherman.

1 in 33 with Saddam
Hanoi Jane, I guess those on this message board who would attack Bush and ignore Saddam's ruthlessness about in the same place she is if you think about it, just alike
Never thought about it that way

Cambodia is what happens without US intervention....

I'm a libertarian as well so that probably seems odd...
Not as bad as Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin or Hitler tho...

Pol Pot took it to another level tho.... Progressives like Hanoi Jane made sure we got our asses kicked in Nam so 4,000,000 Cambodians were murdered...

Yeah, only in progressive land is an 8-year-old a general and is capable of carrying out executions...

Of course that was around the time Prairie Fire was written by the Weatherman.

1 in 33 with Saddam
Hanoi Jane, I guess those on this message board who would attack Bush and ignore Saddam's ruthlessness about in the same place she is if you think about it, just alike
Never thought about it that way

Cambodia is what happens without US intervention....

I'm a libertarian as well so that probably seems odd...

Why aren't you clamoring for us to invade Iran, China or North Korea?

Using you're logic we'd never stop invading countries.

Oh, almost forgot, to invade for the purpose of regime change is a war of aggression and illegal..
1 in 33 with Saddam
Hanoi Jane, I guess those on this message board who would attack Bush and ignore Saddam's ruthlessness about in the same place she is if you think about it, just alike
Never thought about it that way

Cambodia is what happens without US intervention....

I'm a libertarian as well so that probably seems odd...

Why aren't you clamoring for us to invade Iran, China or North Korea?

Using you're logic we'd never stop invading countries.

Oh, almost forgot, to invade for the purpose of regime change is a war of aggression and illegal..

We could decimate North Korea and Iran, but the objective would to be to overthrow NOT kill...

You ever see the hydrogen bombs we were playing with in the 50's and 60's?

You do realize it would only take one bomb to turn Pyongyang into meteor crater (in Arizona)...

We "could" turn Iran into glass if we wanted to.....
Most of these people from DPRK are innocent Orwellians, the same with Iran and China...

They're only content with their lives because they already believe they're in heaven....Oh and if they don't think so the authorities come to show them they are by lighting their kids on fire....

I suppose that is the consequence for not conforming or bowing to the socialists..

Pretty much - "agree with us or we will set your kid ablaze..."
Oh and China - yea they only pull people from their homes and tell them it will be a new development lot....... Elitists need to offices in China too...

Oh don't worry some of them self immolate..

The others just cry in the streets as their homes are destroyed by the government.....

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