Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

Yes, it's time for the war's opponents to admit they were wrong: "I understand" that some people never approved of this war, says David Bellavia, a veteran of the war, in his blog. But we prevailed in a fight they said we couldn't win. Out of respect for the soldiers whose sacrifices made victory possible, the least the critics could do now is "acknowledge what was won on the ground in Iraq."

If you win, there is something that you won. The war in Iraq did nothing for America and the American people, it did nothing but hurt the country.

This is your opinion
by the way the war is over
Obama got elected, you might want to think about a new way to get him re elected

It is the opinion of most Americans. And most of the world.
Another liberal myth
all though the stock piles the UN stated Saddam had were never found
There was over 500 illegal munitions found that meet the criteria of a WMD
there fore the war was a legal war
It can also be said the 550 metric tons of yellow cake sold to Canada in 2008 was sufficient to make the war legal
it is sort of a double whammy
There is no grey area here
The war as congress mandated it was legal, this was decided in the courts before we invaded

I'm just curious. How many times would you have to be shown that what you're claiming has been debunked as horseshit before you'd stop posting it?

your debunking this, not me News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
from the DOD to congress, DEBUNK THAT
WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.
"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.

You owe me apology, stop with lies

And as far the yellow cake goes

Quote, July 7, 2008: "At Iraq's request, the US military this year transferred hundreds of metric tons of yellowcake uranium from Iraq to Canada in a secret, weeks-long operation, a Pentagon spokesman said Monday.

The 550 metric tons of uranium, which was sold to a Canadian company, was moved by truck convoy to Baghdad's "Green Zone," then flown by military aircraft to a third country where it was put on a ship for Canada, said Bryan Whitman, the spokesman.

The yellow cake was discovered by US troops after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Facility south of Baghdad, and was placed under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency."

Evidence of WMDs presence in Iraq. - a knol by Luis T. Puig

It's all been proven false in your previous threads. Period.

Your tactic, btw, of running away from the rebuttals and debunking and trying to wear everyone out with spamming and flooding is as old as internet message boards are.

Get a new act.
That's right you cackling Carbo.. For 14 years thru both Dem/Rep admins, we used our military might to make sure that NO ONE had access to Iraqi oil.. Unless the UN got it's crony cut.
And today -- there is NO EVIDENCE that we have placed undue influence on the Iraqis to favor US companies for new oil contracts or development contracts. Ditto with the LIbyan embargo. Although the Brits released a prisoner with blood on HIS hands to get a Libyan oil deal. Ditto with the phoney "pipeline" deal in Afghanistan which was GAS not oil -- but hey -- leftists don't know the diff. Can you think of OTHER blood we've supposedly spilled for oil in the MidEast?

I've proven the Iraq war was started over oil. I suggest you deal with it...

...preferably in silence.

I have another thread that is named the mountain of mis information
The US has far more oil than the Iraq hasIraq was about Saddam
stop with the Myths
Iraq only supplies 3% of the worlds oil

nothing has been proves as you stated
It has been proved there was weapons Saddam was not suppose to have
it has been proved there was 550 Metric tons of yellow cake
it also has been proved Saddam was lying about his weapons
stop lying about the events that took place in Iraq andd the brave kids who set that country free of a mad man

Nope, not even close.

List of countries by proven oil reserves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What has been proven is that the ordinance found were old and were not what the WH was claiming Iraq was producing and stockpiling.

Yellowcake is not much of a threat especially if it is lock away in sealed containers.

Quite using our soldiers to try and score political points.
I have another thread that is named the mountain of mis information
The US has far more oil than the Iraq has
Iraq was about Saddam
stop with the Myths
Iraq only supplies 3% of the worlds oil

nothing has been proves as you stated
It has been proved there was weapons Saddam was not suppose to have
it has been proved there was 550 Metric tons of yellow cake
it also has been proved Saddam was lying about his weapons
stop lying about the events that took place in Iraq andd the brave kids who set that country free of a mad man

Since I quoted George Bush Sr. verbatim declaring the justification for the start of the Iraq war as being OIL,

I suggest you take it up with him. The point is not debatable.

I've also proven your yellowcake nonsense to be exactly that, NONSENSE, as have others here.

You're making an ass of yourself. If that is your intent...

...well done.

Sr had what to do with 2003?
What you Libs fail to grasp was the laws as mandated by the UN is what is at issue here
Munitions as well as the yellow cake his buried air force were the exact reasons we invaded
Saddam was told to clean it up. His documentation showed he had a mountain of Anthrax, nerve gas, 6500 munitions that have never been found
The bottom line is the 500 + munitions found were a small part of the lies Saddam told, one way or the other
The Yellow cake was just another part of the puzzle. Saddam has no other use for it than weapons
It has been reported that the yellow cake was allways there and was under the control of IAEA
This maybe true, bottom line for some reason it was still there in 2003 and was not suupose to be
that is the question is it not?
what did he have?
when did he have it?
Why did Blix and the UN think the same we did?
why does the left ignore this?

we have more oil in the US that we could create jobs with and stabalize this economy that BHO will not let us touch
we need change in 2012, History will show how wrong you are

Yet the US breached it's obligations in SCR 1441.....

I understand your frustration with this discussion. But I can't understand why Conservatives continue to let themselves be Rope-a-Doped into defending the "liberation" of Iraq on the basis of WMDs and PAST threats of Saddam.

All that is required is to show how morally depraved and unsuccessful the 12 year containment policy was. HISTORY won't ignore those 12 years. They won't ignore the Oil for Food fiasco. They won't ignore the 250,000 deaths from taking the keys to the Iraqi economy away. The only choice was whether to follow the EU and lower the containment -- or to take out Saddam.

Saddam was NOT a threat based on facts about Iraqi capabilities existing in 2001. Just accept that part. But 9/11 changed the choice matrix. We could not go to war with Al Queda while the Arab watched the lockdown of the Iraqis and daily bombings. Couldn't make the claim that we were not at war with the Arab world. And the NEW threat from Saddam would be letting him out of containment.

Because after 12 years in solitary with a madman -- the Iraqis were PRIMED to support anti-US interests going forward. My God -- sometimes Conservatives are as dense as leftists.. Stop trying soo hard to defend the lying part. Just use the facts.. Clinton is on record with the same dam lies and claims that "Saddam must go before the containment ends". It's POINTLESS to argue a difference there.

What becomes clear is that a brave decision was made to FIX 14 years of really really bad Iraq policy. And at least Bush chose to fix it..

Yes it gave the WH a grand tragedy it could exploit and morph our outrage into the invasion and occupation of Iraq!
Colin Powell went to the UN with fake pictures of WMD's that did not exist. .

No, he did not.

Yes, he did. He could not have had real pictures of real WMD's because they DID NOT EXIST.

It's the same as Cheney lying when he said he was CERTAIN we'd find WMD's. Since the WMD's did not exist, Cheney had to have been lying to claim certainty.

Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate -
Why is it that you ignore what the UN was saying on 1-27-2003?
Context of 'January 27, 2003: Chief Weapons Inspectors Report on Progress of Inspections in Iraq'
Update 27 January 2003

I understand your frustration with this discussion. But I can't understand why Conservatives continue to let themselves be Rope-a-Doped into defending the "liberation" of Iraq on the basis of WMDs and PAST threats of Saddam.

All that is required is to show how morally depraved and unsuccessful the 12 year containment policy was. HISTORY won't ignore those 12 years. They won't ignore the Oil for Food fiasco. They won't ignore the 250,000 deaths from taking the keys to the Iraqi economy away. The only choice was whether to follow the EU and lower the containment -- or to take out Saddam.

Saddam was NOT a threat based on facts about Iraqi capabilities existing in 2001. Just accept that part. But 9/11 changed the choice matrix. We could not go to war with Al Queda while the Arab watched the lockdown of the Iraqis and daily bombings. Couldn't make the claim that we were not at war with the Arab world. And the NEW threat from Saddam would be letting him out of containment.

Because after 12 years in solitary with a madman -- the Iraqis were PRIMED to support anti-US interests going forward. My God -- sometimes Conservatives are as dense as leftists.. Stop trying soo hard to defend the lying part. Just use the facts.. Clinton is on record with the same dam lies and claims that "Saddam must go before the containment ends". It's POINTLESS to argue a difference there.

What becomes clear is that a brave decision was made to FIX 14 years of really really bad Iraq policy. And at least Bush chose to fix it..

Yes it gave the WH a grand tragedy it could exploit and morph our outrage into the invasion and occupation of Iraq!

my god look what the UN was saying
Update 27 January 2003
raq has not provided an adequate declaration of its prior production of nerve agent VX. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
Inspectors have found a “laboratory quantity” of thiodiglycol, a precursor of mustard gas. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
1,000 tons of chemical agents from the Iraq-Iran War remain unaccounted for. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
6,500 missing chemical rockets remain unaccounted for. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
Iraq has not provided evidence to substantiate its claim that it destroyed 8,500 liters of anthrax [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
I know it will be said to be spam
but these articles and Myths are critical to the whole truth
Lol I'm on the ignore list too I see, I provided too many facts with links to back them up that went against his talking points.

I'm the one who started with "personal attacks", even though he called me an idiot multiple times before I fired back.

G.T I guess you're the one person left who disagrees with him that he doesn't have on ignore.

It won't be long before he has exactly what he wants...every post he reads on the forum agrees with him.

I understand your frustration with this discussion. But I can't understand why Conservatives continue to let themselves be Rope-a-Doped into defending the "liberation" of Iraq on the basis of WMDs and PAST threats of Saddam.

All that is required is to show how morally depraved and unsuccessful the 12 year containment policy was. HISTORY won't ignore those 12 years. They won't ignore the Oil for Food fiasco. They won't ignore the 250,000 deaths from taking the keys to the Iraqi economy away. The only choice was whether to follow the EU and lower the containment -- or to take out Saddam.

Saddam was NOT a threat based on facts about Iraqi capabilities existing in 2001. Just accept that part. But 9/11 changed the choice matrix. We could not go to war with Al Queda while the Arab watched the lockdown of the Iraqis and daily bombings. Couldn't make the claim that we were not at war with the Arab world. And the NEW threat from Saddam would be letting him out of containment.

Because after 12 years in solitary with a madman -- the Iraqis were PRIMED to support anti-US interests going forward. My God -- sometimes Conservatives are as dense as leftists.. Stop trying soo hard to defend the lying part. Just use the facts.. Clinton is on record with the same dam lies and claims that "Saddam must go before the containment ends". It's POINTLESS to argue a difference there.

What becomes clear is that a brave decision was made to FIX 14 years of really really bad Iraq policy. And at least Bush chose to fix it..

Yes it gave the WH a grand tragedy it could exploit and morph our outrage into the invasion and occupation of Iraq!

my god look what the UN was saying
Update 27 January 2003
raq has not provided an adequate declaration of its prior production of nerve agent VX. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
Inspectors have found a “laboratory quantity” of thiodiglycol, a precursor of mustard gas. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
1,000 tons of chemical agents from the Iraq-Iran War remain unaccounted for. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
6,500 missing chemical rockets remain unaccounted for. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
Iraq has not provided evidence to substantiate its claim that it destroyed 8,500 liters of anthrax [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
I know it will be said to be spam
but these articles and Myths are critical to the whole truth

Taking a snap shot on 1-27-2003 is like taking the score in the 7th inning and calling it a game. When did they final round of weapons inspectors report that the Iraqis were hindering their inspections? What did the US agree to do via SCR 1441 if the inspectors did in fact report Iraqi interference or if they found prohibited WMD?
Yes it gave the WH a grand tragedy it could exploit and morph our outrage into the invasion and occupation of Iraq!

my god look what the UN was saying
Update 27 January 2003
raq has not provided an adequate declaration of its prior production of nerve agent VX. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
Inspectors have found a “laboratory quantity” of thiodiglycol, a precursor of mustard gas. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
1,000 tons of chemical agents from the Iraq-Iran War remain unaccounted for. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
6,500 missing chemical rockets remain unaccounted for. [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
Iraq has not provided evidence to substantiate its claim that it destroyed 8,500 liters of anthrax [UNITED NATIONS, 1/27/2003]
I know it will be said to be spam
but these articles and Myths are critical to the whole truth

Taking a snap shot on 1-27-2003 is like taking the score in the 7th inning and calling it a game. When did they final round of weapons inspectors report that the Iraqis were hindering their inspections? What did the US agree to do via SCR 1441 if the inspectors did in fact report Iraqi interference or if they found prohibited WMD?

I am at a lose for words on that one

How long had this been going on?
G.T I have sent your, never mind
your own my ignore list also so give it a rest
no more spamming and abusive behavior unless of course you do like some are doing here, open another account
you would be surprised how much goes on that is known, who is getting paid to spam?

You're the spammer.

You're the whiny little bitch.
I have realized that the liberals are going to do what ever it takes to taint the great victory in Iraq
Does anyone realize that war is over and it looks like we will be 100% gone in 6 months?
That there is a republic in place?
and that women vote and hold office?
I had no idea that the liberal media and there cock suckers would go to the level they have to make the troops look bad and make the success they fought hard for look like, well ask Drock and that crew
I dont even know how to explain it
DOES ANYBODY CARE WE WON? was tantamount to some high school wrestler bitch slapping some kid in grade one and stealing his lunch money...
No, he did not.

Yes, he did. He could not have had real pictures of real WMD's because they DID NOT EXIST.

It's the same as Cheney lying when he said he was CERTAIN we'd find WMD's. Since the WMD's did not exist, Cheney had to have been lying to claim certainty.

Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate -
Why is it that you ignore what the UN was saying on 1-27-2003?
Context of 'January 27, 2003: Chief Weapons Inspectors Report on Progress of Inspections in Iraq'
Update 27 January 2003

"Everyone thought there was WMD's, and there weren't any." GW BUSH 12/19/05
I have realized that the liberals are going to do what ever it takes to taint the great victory in Iraq
Does anyone realize that war is over and it looks like we will be 100% gone in 6 months?
That there is a republic in place?
and that women vote and hold office?
I had no idea that the liberal media and there cock suckers would go to the level they have to make the troops look bad and make the success they fought hard for look like, well ask Drock and that crew
I dont even know how to explain it
DOES ANYBODY CARE WE WON? was tantamount to some high school wrestler bitch slapping some kid in grade one and stealing his lunch money...

Don't try to portray wrestlers as bullies. And the example doesn't fit anyway.
I have realized that the liberals are going to do what ever it takes to taint the great victory in Iraq
Does anyone realize that war is over and it looks like we will be 100% gone in 6 months?
That there is a republic in place?
and that women vote and hold office?
I had no idea that the liberal media and there cock suckers would go to the level they have to make the troops look bad and make the success they fought hard for look like, well ask Drock and that crew
I dont even know how to explain it
DOES ANYBODY CARE WE WON? was tantamount to some high school wrestler bitch slapping some kid in grade one and stealing his lunch money...

So the very people who run in to the WTC we had no business fighting?
al-Qaeda in Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BTW Saddam killed some say 1 million of his own people
talking about being a bully
Yes, he did. He could not have had real pictures of real WMD's because they DID NOT EXIST.

It's the same as Cheney lying when he said he was CERTAIN we'd find WMD's. Since the WMD's did not exist, Cheney had to have been lying to claim certainty.

Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate -
Why is it that you ignore what the UN was saying on 1-27-2003?
Context of 'January 27, 2003: Chief Weapons Inspectors Report on Progress of Inspections in Iraq'
Update 27 January 2003

"Everyone thought there was WMD's, and there weren't any." GW BUSH 12/19/05

It amazes me how the liberals are getting there selves in trouble with all of this myths. If you would read the link from fox news, you would have found there was no reason to keep spamming that
Its in the link and explains why the Bush Admin took the hi road with those munitions that were found
Last edited:
I have realized that the liberals are going to do what ever it takes to taint the great victory in Iraq
Does anyone realize that war is over and it looks like we will be 100% gone in 6 months?
That there is a republic in place?
and that women vote and hold office?
I had no idea that the liberal media and there cock suckers would go to the level they have to make the troops look bad and make the success they fought hard for look like, well ask Drock and that crew
I dont even know how to explain it
DOES ANYBODY CARE WE WON? was tantamount to some high school wrestler bitch slapping some kid in grade one and stealing his lunch money...

Don't try to portray wrestlers as bullies. And the example doesn't fit anyway.

Let me add to that
you have an evil animal that has been accused of killing 1 million of his own people
You have the US who while minding there own business gets clobbered on 9-11-2001 and 1000s of innocent people are murdered

And yet this guy sees us as the bullies

And 9-11 had everything to do with us invading Saddam's weapon factory
He had them
He did not do what he was suppose with them
we went and found out for our selves what he did with them
Al Qaeda showed up and the war was on
His point wasn't that we are bullies dipshit his point was our strength versus theirs is like a high school wrestler versus a first grader, and he's right. We took down their army very fucking swiftly.

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