Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

I responded to his post in-kind. If you don't like it, throw me on your precious ignore list and guess how many minutes it will take for me to actually give a rat's ass.

No you responded to his post with a slanderous accusation
Dude this is not a game
people have to respect each others opinion, but they cannot take those feelings and emotions to that level
I have said this 1000 times. My Iraqi thread was not about me
each time some one called me a name all they were doing was arguing with a link I had provided
You have gave no opinion and you are trying to do is get me kicked off of this message board by claiming I am spamming
as I said
there are those who monitor this stuff. It is obvious each of those were and evolution created from the previous

by the way, what do you think about the link to the Obama/solyndra scandal?

I'm not interested in the Obama solyndra scandal, I could give a shit about Obama, he's a lame duck as far as I'm concerned.

You skipped over full auto being a lot less than cordial and pointed it out of me. Do you hold his jock strap for him while he showers, too?

Listen, I could care less how many threads it takes for you to get your cry baby poiunt across, but it's quite obvious that you're obsessing over the conversation so-much-so as to make thread after thread after thread about the same fucking discussion: libs and iraq. Get a new tune to play, or get a revamped music class to begin with.

Hold his jock strap?
keep it up
your all most there
In a ll reality you are all ready
The point is you're making the same lame thread over and over and over again, and my post was to point that out for the mods to see. You're flooding/spamming, is what it's called in "message board etiquette."

Oh, so you're being a little bitch? Got it.

yes, the only way to attract the middle earth wizards that i like to chill with on the weekends

GT your the only person spamming bud
your also went over the line with slander and character assassination
give it a rest
Cute how JRK expects top of the line conduct from ppl who disagree with him.

However he can call you an idiot, his teammates can call you a bitch, and he essentially endorses it by defending them.

Again, partisanship taking over every aspect of the human brain.
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Cute how JRK expects top of the line conduct from ppl who disagree with him.

However he can call you an idiot, his teammates can you a bitch, and he essentially endorses it by defending them.

Again, partisanship taking over every aspect of the human brain.

The partisan is an interesting species, cognitive dissonance and all.
Cute how JRK expects top of the line conduct from ppl who disagree with him.

However he can call you an idiot, his teammates can you a bitch, and he essentially endorses it by defending them.

Again, partisanship taking over every aspect of the human brain.

The partisan is an interesting species, cognitive dissonance and all.

I have called who an idiot?
you guys keep making allot of accusations you cannot back-up
I have endorsed nothing
Its time you go away and stop lying about me
yes, the only way to attract the middle earth wizards that i like to chill with on the weekends

GT your the only person spamming bud
your also went over the line with slander and character assassination
give it a rest

keep responding then, douche towel. :cuckoo:

douche towel
you went over the line
Good luck with who and what you are
I will pray for you
GT your the only person spamming bud
your also went over the line with slander and character assassination
give it a rest

keep responding then, douche towel. :cuckoo:

douche towel
you went over the line
Good luck with who and what you are
I will pray for you

Your game is corny as cheese. Come in your lil' threads insulting the entire group that is "Liberals" with your wide-eyed broad brush painting of them.....and then get mad when you're responded to in the manor of which you deserve. You need to grow the fuck up, name calling for giggles aside you're a pretty immature dude, and apparently insecure, also. I'll pray for you in-kind, s0n.
I have realized that the liberals are going to do what ever it takes to taint the great victory in Iraq(ahem: except, some liberals, you know, FOUGHT IN IRAQ, oh great insulting one).

Does anyone realize that war is over and it looks like we will be 100% gone in 6 months?
That there is a republic in place?
and that women vote and hold office?
I had no idea that the liberal media and there cock suckers (first name call of the thread). would go to the level they have to make the troops look bad and make the success they fought hard for look like, well ask Drock and that crew
I dont even know how to explain it

My shit's in parenthesis you fuckin' weasel.
G.T I have sent your, never mind
your own my ignore list also so give it a rest
no more spamming and abusive behavior unless of course you do like some are doing here, open another account
you would be surprised how much goes on that is known, who is getting paid to spam?
G.T I have sent your, never mind
your own my ignore list also so give it a rest
no more spamming and abusive behavior unless of course you do like some are doing here, open another account
you would be surprised how much goes on that is known, who is getting paid to spam?

You're the spammer

"we won iraq and liberals smell like poo poo" is the thesis of every thread you make. Congratulations.
I find it funny there is a thread saying its a bad thing that we have handed the bases over in Iraq
dont forget the one in Saudi and the ones in Kuwait as well as the monies we have saved from supporting the UN

Its all good
Yes, it's time for the war's opponents to admit they were wrong: "I understand" that some people never approved of this war, says David Bellavia, a veteran of the war, in his blog. But we prevailed in a fight they said we couldn't win. Out of respect for the soldiers whose sacrifices made victory possible, the least the critics could do now is "acknowledge what was won on the ground in Iraq."
Yes, it's time for the war's opponents to admit they were wrong: "I understand" that some people never approved of this war, says David Bellavia, a veteran of the war, in his blog. But we prevailed in a fight they said we couldn't win. Out of respect for the soldiers whose sacrifices made victory possible, the least the critics could do now is "acknowledge what was won on the ground in Iraq."

If you win, there is something that you won. The war in Iraq did nothing for America and the American people, it did nothing but hurt the country.
Yes, it's time for the war's opponents to admit they were wrong: "I understand" that some people never approved of this war, says David Bellavia, a veteran of the war, in his blog. But we prevailed in a fight they said we couldn't win. Out of respect for the soldiers whose sacrifices made victory possible, the least the critics could do now is "acknowledge what was won on the ground in Iraq."

If you win, there is something that you won. The war in Iraq did nothing for America and the American people, it did nothing but hurt the country.

This is your opinion
by the way the war is over
Obama got elected, you might want to think about a new way to get him re elected
G.T I have sent your, never mind
your own my ignore list also so give it a rest
no more spamming and abusive behavior unless of course you do like some are doing here, open another account
you would be surprised how much goes on that is known, who is getting paid to spam?

You're the spammer

"we won iraq and liberals smell like poo poo" is the thesis of every thread you make. Congratulations.

Sack of shit?
So your link is better than mine?
answer me this dick headWhy did it take 18 years to get that yellow cake out of there if snopes is correct?

All that does is confirm there was Yellow cake, that it was not secure and that the US military took control of it after invading
no different than what I allway have said
Now dick head you go on ignore

Name one thing that is bs in this thread
any of you anti american punks name one thing i have posted that was bs?
Drock go away
your a childHow do you think I found out the web site is national guard members you idiotyou have taken this personal and trying to make it that way
the facts will not change
the information remains the same

Here are just a couple of instances of JRK using name-calling and personal attacks. All from the same thread and were very easy to find, probably plenty more within that thread alone. I don't care about name-calling I'm a big boy, but he's the one who keeps throwing a fit about others doing it. He's a classic hypocrite.

Also throughout that thread and I'm sure many others he's always telling everyone they hate soldiers and hate america for disagreeing with the War in Iraq. That's about as low and baseless of an insult that a person stoop to issuing.

I don't see anything NEW here that I haven't heard on "right wing talk radio". So what if the US has a bad track record of picking convienient volatile fools?


I think you make good points about Clinton and the Dems being true partners in the War. Regime change in Iraq was a Clinton policy, and it is relatively benign compared to the Carter Doctrine where the US openly declared that it would use military force to protect its access to oil. I think we tend underestimate the ways in which US intervention has lead to blowback. I think by focusing exclusively on Hussein's aggression, and not mentioning the long history of British colonialism followed by US and Soviet intervention in the region, we lose the necessary context for understanding (and perhaps) preventing blowback. I think it is naive to claim that the US is civilizing/saving/protecting the world from barbarians like Hussein (who, irony of ironies, thrives in a world where superpowers install brutal dictators like Hussein because these monsters are both willing and strong enough to protect the interests of the superpower).

Here is my wish. Why can't we just admit that life is a jungle, and bad stuff happens, sometimes because of us. Why does history - as written by the winners - have to be narrated with such self-serving garbage about fairness and freedom and humanitarian blah blah? What's wrong if we have blood in our gas tank, or if we have to play hardball in a region? Life is a bitch; go to the plains of Africa. Living things eat other living things. Superpowers are no different despite their press clippings. Regardless, I think its possible that Hussein's aggression, though absolutely real, was used as a context for an intervention that had nothing to do with his relative danger to the American homeland. The US had/has a much bigger problem: China and India are here - and their appetite for the black stuff is going up, way up. So we're doing what all powerful nations do: fighting for control over the resources that make the world go round.

(And yes, sometimes the subjects of control - that natives - take action and fight back - taking innocent lives)

Let's call a spade a spade. Britain wasn't on some grand civilizing mission, saving India - it was there for the salt. That's what capital does. It goes wherever it needs to go, and it occasionally spills blood. The US is like any other big powerful animal that needs to feed. I say have thy feast and be done with it! but please stop telling me how good you are. That insults my intelligence. (Surely you remember Michael soliciting Fredo's confession?)

Here's the problem you sanctimonious meatpie.. :tongue:

I can no more divorce myself from the evil bad decisions of my country than you can of yours. For me the GREATER mistake was the 12 years of locking down Iraq and bombing then daily -- than the "war of liberation and occupation". I am MORE embarrassed by the childish food fight on this thread over Bush's decision to MAKE a decision than I am about the lies that were promulgated to cover up the choices that SOMEONE had to make.

I noticed you completely bailed and didn't even the quote the part where I explained about the exact decision that BOTH the US and GB had to make in 2001. None of flaming partisians on this board picked up on that either. But the choice was to let Saddam out of containment or take the bastard down. Until one is prepared to weigh in on which they wanted -- they have NO -- ZERO credibility arguing about the results.

((For the record -- I was clearly in favor of lifting the sanctions and slowly renormalizing their worldly credentials -- until 9/11. The diff was Iraq's potential to extract vengeance by siding with militant factions and providing FUTURE support and haven. NOT anything that I could derive from history. So YES -- I supported Bush's/Blair's decision even WITH the wrongheaded justifications))

As for this "blood for oil" stinking herring. I guess you missed the part where the US and GB put a 14 year EMBARGO on Iraqi oil.. And let that sit in place WAY longer than other allies wished to tolerate their loss of oil. With the exception of the defense of Kuwait, there has NEVER BEEN a quid pro quo of life for oil. If I missed it -- then please tell me where my free, reduced cost oil is stored. And it's a chuckle to state the England went all the way to India for salt when your puny little island is surrounded by NOTHING but salt.

Take that Picadilly -- and ponder the purpose of your rants..

Actually we started importing Iraqi oil soon after the embargo began.

All our actions in the ME have been exclusively about keeping oil in the hand of friendly governments.
Yes, it's time for the war's opponents to admit they were wrong: "I understand" that some people never approved of this war, says David Bellavia, a veteran of the war, in his blog. But we prevailed in a fight they said we couldn't win. Out of respect for the soldiers whose sacrifices made victory possible, the least the critics could do now is "acknowledge what was won on the ground in Iraq."

If you win, there is something that you won. The war in Iraq did nothing for America and the American people, it did nothing but hurt the country.

This is your opinion
by the way the war is over
Obama got elected, you might want to think about a new way to get him re elected

The war is not over until Americans are out of there and no longer dying. American soldiers dying is just fine with you Conservatives, makes you feel like men. American soldiers dying bothers Liberals.

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