Does anyone have a handle on how all this campaign money is applied?

the watcher

Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2016
We're talking potentially billions of "contributions" and dark money funneled to politicians' campaign funds, and yes there are some rules and crap, but how is it actually spent? Is it for advertising, buying support( bribery), expenses, call girls and drugs, what? These megadoners aren't stupid, they expect something for their bucks. The average idiot donates $50 and hopes that the candidate will look after his interests that's one thing. The AMA, NRA, auto workers unions bring it to a new level with voting blocks, that's another thing. It happens to both cheeks of the political ass that we look at, but I just wonder if this is spread out to Congress and maybe other entities to ensure compliance. Sort of a trickle down corruption process like the cartels use. Miriam Adelson 'Wants West Bank Annexation' in Return for $100M Donation to Trump
I have always wondered what happens to all the left over money after a campaign is over and that person is not running again.
I have always wondered what happens to all the left over money after a campaign is over and that person is not running again.
I was under the impression that it reverts to the party to be used for candidates, but not really sure. I do know that the amount of money raised factors very heavily in prime committee assignments and perks. The ambassador appointments, for example, are auctioned off. The whole Housed of Cards is built on money flow, and overwhelms the representation process.
I was under the impression that it reverts to the party to be used for candidates, but not really sure. I do know that the amount of money raised factors very heavily in prime committee assignments and perks. The ambassador appointments, for example, are auctioned off. The whole Housed of Cards is built on money flow, and overwhelms the representation process.

It seems it is up to the candidate to give it to them..

I have always wondered what happens to all the left over money after a campaign is over and that person is not running again.
According to Investopedia funds remaining at the conclusion of a campaign are:

Permissible Uses​

The contributions can be used in the following ways:
  • Donations to charities, as long as the candidate doesn’t receive compensation from the organizations and the donation is not used by the charity to benefit the candidate.
  • A donation of a maximum of $2000 to another presidential candidate.
  • Unlimited transfers to a local, state or national political party committee.
  • Donations to state and local candidates or transfer to a future election campaign committee of the same candidate (Bernie Sanders transferred $1.5 million collected from his Senate campaign committee to his presidential committee).
Bernie Sanders had about 5 million left over in 2020 and the DNC was pissed that he did not turn it over.


But this is how several million is collected.

I'll be watching it this evening and will do my best to remember to share a link so y'all can watch too.

My brother-in-law runs a print shop. He has a strict rule about candidates for political office paying him up front because he's been stiffed so many times.

The problem is, running for office IS expensive, because there are just so many media outlets to cover.
The problem is, running for office IS expensive, because there are just so many media outlets to cover.
I wish that I knew what covering outlets entailed, there's only 5 or 6 sources to send a letter to. I also believe that the federal election committee shouldn't match donated funds with public money. I didn't know that the Obama under the fec stopped the funding of the conventions, that was a step in the right direction. Too much money and almost no enforcement of vague laws and that's when faith in the system is tested. Public funding of presidential elections -
One thing that would remove some money from politics is to repeal the 17th Amendment. Instead of expensive statewide campaigns Senate candidates would simply have to make their cases to state legislators. Furthermore they'd have to be appealing to both rural and urban populations centers, instead of the current system where they only need support from the major urban centers.
There's always going to be loopholes in campaigns. Just like there are always loopholes at work and many other areas in life.
We're talking potentially billions of "contributions" and dark money funneled to politicians' campaign funds, and yes there are some rules and crap, but how is it actually spent? Is it for advertising, buying support( bribery), expenses, call girls and drugs, what? These megadoners aren't stupid, they expect something for their bucks. The average idiot donates $50 and hopes that the candidate will look after his interests that's one thing. The AMA, NRA, auto workers unions bring it to a new level with voting blocks, that's another thing. It happens to both cheeks of the political ass that we look at, but I just wonder if this is spread out to Congress and maybe other entities to ensure compliance. Sort of a trickle down corruption process like the cartels use. Miriam Adelson 'Wants West Bank Annexation' in Return for $100M Donation to Trump
Apparently asking is a violation of freedom of speech!


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