Does anyone have a link to Crooked Hillary's Jan 31, 2005 Parkinson's Freeze

Are you talking about this one?

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She had weaseled her way into the junior Senator from New York position starting 2001 and was attempting to make a presentation about Social Security in Buffalo. When she recovered she claimed it was a "stomach virus." Since she knew it was from Parkinson's, she refused to be taken to a local hospital way back then.

Jan. 31, 2005, BUFFALO, New York (AP) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton collapsed Monday during a speech on Social Security, a radio station reported.

Colleen DiPirro, president of the Amherst Chamber of Commerce, told WBEN-AM radio that Clinton told the crowd she was feeling weak and had had a stomach virus.

Clinton started to speak then collapsed, DiPirro told the radio station.

Clinton, 57, was treated by an emergency crew at the scene and declined to be taken to a hospital, the radio station said.

Here is something interesting to ponder. Crooked Hillary knows that The Donald knows she has Parkinson's. Just having that disease disqualifies her. The question is how should it be approached without being called names by the Crooked Hillary/Dems/MSM for being "bigoted" against people with disabilities? There is no doubt Crooked Hillary/Dems/MSM are waiting for it and have a response planned, as pathetic as their current ridiculous attacks no doubt. But this is probably why the Crooked Hillary/Dems/MSM played up that lie about The Donald supposedly making fun of a "journalist" who had alleged physical impairment so much. Rachel "Blinky" Maddow is just dying point her finger and say, "See, he is biased against folks not in great shape like he is."
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Perhaps Julian Assange will release some emails of her discussing the diagnosis with Chelsea.

Here is a pic from after the event. She has had one or two rhinoplasties since obviously or her schnoz is swollen from the previous fall.

Interesting the Canisius College has a link in Google for the event, but when clicked we get this.

Page not found
The requested page "/archives/datelines/2005" could not be found.
Still trying to find footage of the Jan 31, 2005 fall and this recent vid came up. Notice the dudes on stage know she has difficulty standing and turning so they make sure at least one of them has hands on her in case she freezes.

Closest I got so far, 11 days after her "stomach virus" (Parkinson's freeze) and she is cancelling an event.

Notice when asked if she would release her MEDICAL RECORDS, Crooked Hillary says she would "do what other candidates have done, absolutely." In other words, no. Interesting she is friends with douchebag Paul Ryan who also should release his medical records.

The genius of having Dr. Ben Carson on The Donald's team is that he might be best to break the news that she appears to have advanced Parkinson's disease.
Thanks guys, did I see you guys in this video? Yea, thought it was you.

midcan5, what is hilarious is that when researching Crooked Hillary, it appears she was anti-illegal immigration and wanted to install a fence on the US/Mexico border back in the day. Crooked Hillary is a racist, hypocrite liar, and buttfucking afro americans for their vote! And she has Parkinson's which is worse since that results in dementia. We don't want her gnarled finger hitting the NUKE button during one of her Parkinson freezes do we!
midcan5, what is hilarious is that when researching Crooked Hillary, it appears she was anti-illegal immigration and wanted to install a fence on the US/Mexico border back in the day. Crooked Hillary is a racist, hypocrite liar, and buttfucking afro americans for their vote! And she has Parkinson's which is worse since that results in dementia. We don't want her gnarled finger hitting the NUKE button during one of her Parkinson freezes do we!
Heck, she´d fry us, not you.
Bleipriester, Crooked Hillary would fix the establishment government/media to permanently protect her pay for play contributers and all the other anti-American bastards that support her and hate The Donald. Plus we probably only see her a few times a year, not that would be a bad thing, but it would be because she is the least transparent politician since Barry Obama. Her battle with Parkinson's is not our fucking problem. She had a great run in government screwing Americans since Slick would not do her, but in the internet age, this shit has to stop.
Still trying to find footage of the Jan 31, 2005 fall and this recent vid came up. Notice the dudes on stage know she has difficulty standing and turning so they make sure at least one of them has hands on her in case she freezes.

This is the worst, most cringe worthy dance I have ever seen.
I've no doubt that mrs bill has something seriously medically wrong with her.

Having said that ... if she had Parkinson's in 2005 her symptoms today, 11 years later, would be much more pronounced. They aren't. If she does have Parkinson's she is in the early stages vs later stages. Go watch Michael J. Fox videos. He was dx'd in 1991 and managed to hide it from the public for 5-7 years. In 1998 he won a GG, notice that even then (7 yrs after dx) he is constantly moving. Not shaking, mind you, but moving. mrs bill does not do this, no movements like this after what you're saying is at least 11 yrs post dx.

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