Does anyone have a problem with America becoming a spanish nation?


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

Your not supposed to control power until you become American first. So they shouldn't really be Spanish people controlling the organs of power.The would be Americans of Spanish descent (or Latin, or whatever your reffering to) that does seem to be a problem though with a lot of elected officials today , they cant tell any difference between citizens, illegal immigrants, legal immigrants or what any of that means to anyone.
take a look at most countries south of the USA Border which i believe are ruled and controlled by 'euro peon' Spanish Whites aren't they Mac . Thats before 'obridor' the most recent ruler who i think is 'indian or mestizo' in 'mexico'. And then the 'spanish' style of Law . I think that 'spanish' derived law is Napoleonic isn't it ?? ------------ don't know for sure so some answers and info is always good concerning 'andulusia' Mac .
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What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
Ugh hurry up and get replaced, bro
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

If it needs to be explained to you you're hopeless.
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

If it needs to be explained to you you're hopeless.
Uh huh. Standard "I can't answer it so I'll call her stupid instead" response.
This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

If it needs to be explained to you you're hopeless.
Uh huh. Standard "I can't answer it so I'll call her stupid instead" response.

I cant believe I have to spell it out for you and I feel dumber having to do so.
I'll give you a hint since typing the obvious would be embarrassing for you and me.

Why do illegals come to America?

If you cant get it from there you're beyond help and probably in the early stages of dementia.
Yes, it is a "dumb" posting.

There is essentially NO "Spanish" influence in this country. Spain is a proud country on its own, and there are very few Spanish immigrants here.

To lump a dozen diverse cultures and ethnicities together as though they were unified and uniform because they spoke Spanish in their countries of origin is insipid and stupid. Cubans are not like Puerto Ricans, who are not like Mexicans, who are not like Salvadorans, who are not like Guatemalans, etc., etc.

If you are speaking about the SPANISH LANGUAGE, yes it is becoming more prominent every day in our country, which in itself is not a problem. If more Americans spoke Spanish - or ANY foreign language - it would have a beneficial effect, simply because language impacts the way you think, and thinking a slightly different way is enhancing.

No, the problem is that we have millions of Spanish speaking people in this country who pretty much DEMAND that American accommodate their unwillingness to learn our language. If I moved to Russia, I certainly wouldn't expect Russians to learn English so that they could converse with me. I would have to learn Russian, and as quickly as possible. But people come here from certain Spanish speaking countries and demand that OUR GOVERNMENT provide them with written materials and in-person assistance IN SPANISH, which is bullshit.

Senator Hayakawa of Hawaii proposed several decades ago that we pass a Constitutional Amendment making English the official language of the U.S. He was laughed out of town. "There is no reason for that!" he was told.

Now look what we have: Millions of voting Americans who can't understand a political campaign speech.

It is fucking deplorable, and I deplore it.
like i said , look at 'spanish' built and ruled south america . I thought the question was , --- does anyone have a problem with the USA becoming a 'spanish' nation . I take that as a 'spanish 'influenced' nation' DSG . I see the 'spanish' as being sub par imo and as the USA is more influenced by anything 'spaniah' , mexican , yada and yada due to immigration or other reasons the lower it falls DSG .
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What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

It wouldn't be the same country if they brought values from Spain or Mexico to the United States....we were founded on certain principals...principals that allowed us to be the most powerful, most charitable country in the world......our Bill of Rights, Constitution and our founding Document would not be compatible with the values from Mexico or spain......
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?
-----------------------------------seems to me that the more 'spanish' derived foreigners in the USA then the more 'spanish' influence they will bring to the USA through voting or just their mere presence in the USA . Its just human nature and i see them as invaders . They aren't Americans , will never think or be Americans if they grew up in foreign countries . See the 'somalis' in Vermont or Minnesota that want 'sharia law' in the USA. See the 'muslim' elected in 'minnesota' that wants muslim somali 'isis' recruits to be treated with understanding and gentle care . See the 'muslim' on this board that wants gun control while his homeland has 'FOOD' riots in his home land because some of his old neighbors are starving . See in Vermont where a 'somali elders council' want special treatment in treating young 'somali' criminals rather than American Law OldLady .
There is a point to be made. The countries that were founded by SPAIN largely devolved into shit-holes. The countries founded by British and French thrived.

Why? Because the Spaniards were not looking to settle here and make a life in the New World. They came here to PLUNDER the New World and get rich, bringing gold back home to Spain. It's a whole different mentality, and we see the results of it today, 4-500 years later.
I sure as fuck do! Because every Spanish-speaking country is a massively corrupt, murder-saturated, disease-ridden, 3rd-world, semi-literate, FAILED SHITHOLE and there is NOTHING about that horrible Spanish empire that is to be emulated!

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