Does anyone here have a verified motive for the Cali shooting?

No I don't I would also point out we didn't and last I saw before this shooting took over the headlines we still don't have a motive for the Planned Parenthood shooting either but then like now we had a lot of people calming to know what the motive was.
In the PP shooting the guy was rambling on and on about baby parts so who knows. Could be a guy who's ex girlfriend had an abortion of his kid and he wasn't happy. Could be for Religious views or even drugs, but by looking at his face he has the same look in his eyes that Lanza and Holmes did; nobody home. My guess is he's your average nut job.
Claudette, I'm still waiting for evidence to support your claim the shooter was arguing about Christmas and wanted the party stopped.

Well he left the party angry after some altercation there. Use your best guess since your so smart.

If it wasn't Christmas then use your best guess Oh Smarter Than Everyone else. Asshole.
Verified? No. My personal theory though is they didn't wanna have a Muslim Christmas type party and the last straw. They were gonna attack somewhere, and whatever happened at the party made it become there.

Some analyst on Fox said this herself later in the evening. Gotta stop giving them away for free and gets paid. :)
Some of you need to think this through a little more carefully.
A The couple dropped the baby off in the morning with a relative. They lied about why they needed the baby looked after. Obviously the couple knew what their real plans for the day were.
B The male shooter took a IED in a kids toy to the party and left it under the tree. The detonating device was found in the SUV.
C The male shooter got into an argument with a Christian at the party about the meaning of Christmas according to surviving witnesses.
IMO he did this on purpose. If he was so upset with the idea of Christmas under ordinary circumstances he would not have gone to the party.
D The fact that the couple's apartment was basically an IED factory is not in doubt. The couple was not making the IEDs to give as Christmas presents.
E The couple chose the party because they were certain none of the LIB 'social workers' would be armed. Perfect soft target.
F When the LEO arrived on scene the surviving eyewitnesses told the officers who the couple were. "As soon as they walked in the door we all knew it was the guy who had started an argument then left."
I wonder how many family members of those murdered wish someone had a 'CC' at the party?
Or knives...
ummm..... I can walk down the street and buy an assault rifle in < hour. Your point?

Guilty of murder yes, but I'm asking for the motive Scooter. Remember he attacked his former place of employ.

Former? All reports I've seen say that he was still working there. Gee, why would YOU build a large number of bombs, buy assault weapons and body armor? Use your head for something other that a hat rack, DMuricaHe attacke
Former? All reports I've seen say that he was still working there. Gee, why would YOU build a large number of bombs, buy assault weapons and body armor? Use your head for something other than a hat rack, Dottie!
Sooo, he attacked his workplace and the items he used re easily obtainable in MURICA. Your point?

Pipe bombs are easily obtainable in America, Dottie? Is that really what you're going with?
the materials are not difficult to put together if that is what you mean, yes. What police academy or law school did you attend again OldStyle? Don't answer that, its a rhetorical question.

Ignore :bye1:

So...should we ban pipes?
I guess if this was 1941, the Liberals would be in love with the Japs... that whole Pearl Harbor thing - workplace violence.
Phuckking idiots.
Didn't Obama give an inch and say it was probably terrorist related but
might still be work related?
Claudette, I'm still waiting for evidence to support your claim the shooter was arguing about Christmas and wanted the party stopped.

Well he left the party angry after some altercation there. Use your best guess since your so smart.

If it wasn't Christmas then use your best guess Oh Smarter Than Everyone else. Asshole.

And went home and got his soul mate and told her someone was mean to him....
And then they loaded up some stuff that they just happened to have lying around just in case this ever happened....

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