Does anyone here have a verified motive for the Cali shooting?

I just have to wait till the authorities are done with their investigation. Cause these a lot of true and untrue flying all over. But from Ive seen in the news media. They planned this massacre.
I just have to wait till the authorities are done with their investigation. Cause these a lot of true and untrue flying all over. But from Ive seen in the news media. They planned this massacre.
They planned it and that included going to the party, leaving angry, picking up the wife, arming themselves to the teeth, dropping off the baby, and then returning to the party? Interesting "plan"...
No I don't I would also point out we didn't and last I saw before this shooting took over the headlines we still don't have a motive for the Planned Parenthood shooting either but then like now we had a lot of people calming to know what the motive was.
Claudette, I'm still waiting for evidence to support your claim the shooter was arguing about Christmas and wanted the party stopped.
They planned it and that included going to the party, leaving angry, picking up the wife, arming themselves to the teeth, dropping off the baby, and then returning to the party? Interesting "plan"...

What, they should have brought the baby with them in their plan?
Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California

A motive? Yes. Islam. Kill as many Americans as possible in the name of Allah.
That help?
^ idiot boi is back. You got a source for that "accusation"?

n00bs that know jack squat about debating joining a debating board. Bejeezus :eusa_doh:

Source? What are you? Dense?
"thread title" read them :thup:

gawd but you seem to get dumber as time goes on.
kinda like the poster named dotcom....
Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California

A motive? Yes. Islam. Kill as many Americans as possible in the name of Allah.
That help?
^ idiot boi is back. You got a source for that "accusation"? (try reading the thread title before responding next time :eusa_shhh: )

n00bs that know jack squat about debating joining a debating board. Bejeezus :eusa_doh:
You have been here almost 5 years and don't a goddamn thing about debating, dumbfuck.
thats right,dottie says others dont debate,dotties idea of debate is....if you question the shit he puts up,put them on ignore,much easier than debating....dottie is a hypercritical dipshit....
Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California

You REALLY want to believe this was something other than a terror attack, don't you Dottie? Two people, bombs, assault rifles, body armor...but you still are holding out hope that this was just an incidence of "work place violence"? Good thing Barry has ISIS "contained".
ummm..... I can walk down the street and buy an assault rifle in < hour. Your point?

Guilty of murder yes, but I'm asking for the motive Scooter. Remember he attacked his former place of employ.

Sounds to me like you really are looking out for the Muslim's best interests.
I'm looking out for due process of law shit stain, like I defended when I served. You? Not so much clown boi. IF you served, they let ANYBODY in these days.
they let you in,standards havent changed much....
ummm..... I can walk down the street and buy an assault rifle in < hour. Your point?

Guilty of murder yes, but I'm asking for the motive Scooter. Remember he attacked his former place of employ.

Former? All reports I've seen say that he was still working there. Gee, why would YOU build a large number of bombs, buy assault weapons and body armor? Use your head for something other that a hat rack, DMuricaHe attacke
Former? All reports I've seen say that he was still working there. Gee, why would YOU build a large number of bombs, buy assault weapons and body armor? Use your head for something other than a hat rack, Dottie!
Sooo, he attacked his workplace and the items he used re easily obtainable in MURICA. Your point?

Pipe bombs are easily obtainable in America, Dottie? Is that really what you're going with?
the materials are not difficult to put together if that is what you mean, yes. What police academy or law school did you attend again OldStyle? Don't answer that, its a rhetorical question.

Ignore :bye1:
You act like pipe bombs are common home decor. How many do you keep in your home dottie? People who have pipe bombs have them for a reason and it's usually not for anything good. These two were armed to the teeth. They had a child in that house! That alone shows you what kind of people they were.
this is dotties idea of a pipe sure he has more than one....

that rw hack koshergrl is already blaming it on religion
Of course it's in the name of Allah. Dear Lord - you should consider pulling your head out of your ass before it's too late.

It's way to late for Dottie. Way.

...n00bs that know jack squat about debating joining a debating board. Bejeezus :eusa_doh:

This isn't a debating board, Princess, and you are hardly one to do that pompous peacock thing ... it looks ridiculous on you.
Verified? No. My personal theory though is they didn't wanna have a Muslim Christmas type party and the last straw. They were gonna attack somewhere, and whatever happened at the party made it become there.
There was women with male genitals, that is what started it all, and always does...
Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California

We don't know. They had some tenuous ties to 'extremists', but it seems pretty 7 Degrees of Kevin Bacon so far. The focus on his place of work seems far more personal. And there was talk of an altercation in the house before the attack. But the attack seemed far more planned and prepared than a 'go fuck yourself!' reactionary shooting would suggest.

We don't know. I'm waiting to see what happens.
Thankyu Capt Obvious. I didn't say they weren't guilty, I said- what was their motive to shoot up the guys workplace?[/QUOTE]

Are you kidding right now? Excuse me from having to be Captain Obvious but apparently you can't figure this out on your own.

If they were radicalized (of course they were) they don't need any reason other than it was a building full of infidels. That's all the motive they need. Even if there were Muslims in the building, bear in mind that most radicals don't consider them to be true Muslims because these groups usually limit who is a true Muslim by whether they have the exact same belief system. Basically if you're aren't part of the radical group you're part of the problem and fair game with a clear conscience.

Why that building on that event on that day? Answer: Familiar and super easy soft target. Farook had been to the same event the year before. He knew the layout and how the event would basically play out. He came in, checked to see if anything changed and then left, suited up and began firing. With the Masks, go pro's,bombs and massive amounts of ammo he had stock piled this was obviously just one out of a few targets and the intention was to make it out alive to live to fight another day. It's the only thing that makes sense. I seriously doubt those two were lone wolfs so don't be surprised if more busts are made in the next couple of days.

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