Does anyone seriously care what foreign diplomats say (or think)?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The recent leaks of statements made by the British Ambassador reveal much more about the diplomatic class than they do about President Trump. Does anyone really believe that Trump actually told him that he was withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal just to spite his predecessor? Didn't Trump talk about what a bad deal it was continuously throughout his campaign?

Instead, this shows how worthless these sycophants really are. At best they are merely messengers; at worst they are ignorant meddlers who abhor any deviation from the status quo.
Blind partisan Trump supporters will certainly ignore and attempt to downplay the facts and truth expressed by diplomats – such as the fact that Trump is incompetent and the fact that Trump reneged on the Iran nuclear accords solely because of his unwarranted contempt for President Obama.
The Brits are in trouble. The the people voted to leave the Euro union but the elites have too much money invested in it and the system is stuck. Whatever the snotty Brit diplomat thought about the Trump administration it pales in comparison to the mess in his own government. Meanwhile the #1 name for a newborn male in London is still Mohammed.
But they need to be responded to because there are people stupid enough to buy their crap and they may be voting. The left believes in slow and incremental persuasion to tilt public opinion toward them, and the idiots who believe them have to be shown the truth about these creeps.
As long as foreign diplomats / govt reps attack Trump Dems / Snowflakes care what is said...
Blind partisan Trump supporters will certainly ignore and attempt to downplay the facts and truth expressed by diplomats – such as the fact that Trump is incompetent and the fact that Trump reneged on the Iran nuclear accords solely because of his unwarranted contempt for President Obama.

Speaking of worthless sycophants...
Blind partisan Trump supporters will certainly ignore and attempt to downplay the facts and truth expressed by diplomats – such as the fact that Trump is incompetent and the fact that Trump reneged on the Iran nuclear accords solely because of his unwarranted contempt for President Obama.
The guy is out! What does that tell you? And his revenge info out the door-you really believe that? I have a bridge...
Know what I thought was really telling? When other diplomats were interviewed about this incident, they said it really could have been any one of the diplomats here now, because they all hold the same opinion of Trump.
The recent leaks of statements made by the British Ambassador reveal much more about the diplomatic class than they do about President Trump. Does anyone really believe that Trump actually told him that he was withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal just to spite his predecessor? Didn't Trump talk about what a bad deal it was continuously throughout his campaign?

Instead, this shows how worthless these sycophants really are. At best they are merely messengers; at worst they are ignorant meddlers who abhor any deviation from the status quo.

Know what I thought was really telling? When other diplomats were interviewed about this incident, they said it really could have been any one of the diplomats here now, because they all hold the same opinion of Trump.

The overwhelming consensus is that Trump is incompetent and dishonest.
And yeah, we SHOULD care what diplomats who are here think about what the government is doing. That is what sets the tone for relations between the USA and other countries.
The recent leaks of statements made by the British Ambassador reveal much more about the diplomatic class than they do about President Trump. Does anyone really believe that Trump actually told him that he was withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal just to spite his predecessor? Didn't Trump talk about what a bad deal it was continuously throughout his campaign?

Instead, this shows how worthless these sycophants really are. At best they are merely messengers; at worst they are ignorant meddlers who abhor any deviation from the status quo.

"Oh yeah? Well I don't care what you say, I'mma take my ball and go home!'
Know what I thought was really telling? When other diplomats were interviewed about this incident, they said it really could have been any one of the diplomats here now, because they all hold the same opinion of Trump.
They are all sucking off their government's teete. I don't believe any of them for one second-look at Joe Kennedy during WWII-Britain is finished-make peace with Hitler.
Yes, it matters what foreign diplomats think and say to theor governments, and yes I believe dOnald tRump cancelled the JCPOA simply because President Obama did it.

That's just tRump all over. Petty, spiteful, jealous, uninformed, and stupid, all rolled into one neurotic orange dyed package with a bad comb over.
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Yes, it matters what foreign diplomats think and say to theor governments, and yes I believe dOnald tRump cancelled the JPCOA simply because President Obama did it.

That's just tRump all over. Petty, spiteful, jealous, uninformed, and stupid, all rolled into one neurotic orange dyed package with a bad comb over.

And yeah, we SHOULD care what diplomats who are here think about what the government is doing. That is what sets the tone for relations between the USA and other countries.

And just who's interests are they representing? The President should set the tone for relations between the USA and other countries, and he's doing a damn fine job of it: They can be partners or adversaries, but not both.
It is difficult to see how any rational adult could form a different view of Trump.These are dark days in the US and the wider world.
Blind partisan Trump supporters will certainly ignore and attempt to downplay the facts and truth expressed by diplomats – such as the fact that Trump is incompetent and the fact that Trump reneged on the Iran nuclear accords solely because of his unwarranted contempt for President Obama.
/----/ " expressed by diplomats –"
The US Military solves conflicts 1,000 times more effectively than any tea sipping ambassadors ever hope to. Who cares what they think?

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