Stolen Election? I say no. It’s a red herring anyway

Indeed, your claim is false and biased. This article blows your premise completely out of the water.
The direct involvement of the FBI in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections against Trump proves

Zuckerberg: We throttled Biden laptop information because FBI warned us about possible Russian disinformation​

"So, there is one of two possibilities going on regarding Facebook’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop and Tony Bobulinski revelations this past week.
Either Mark Zuckerberg is an abject liar, or there is a deep-state operative within the FBI who is seriously trying to mess with the election. While Zuckerberg has as much credibility as a payday lender, the latter is not out of the realm of possibility, as the Gen. Michael Flynn saga and the Russia hoax have proven."


Report claims FBI intentionally interfered in ’16, ’20 elections – and suggests it’s time to gut the agency​

"Sometimes, an institution is so broken that it is not repairable. For the past several years, Law Enforcement Today as well as other reputable media outlets have laid out the vast corruption that seems to be undermining what was once a shining star in the realm of law enforcement; that shining star was the FBI."

Once again, where are the facts?
I think this thread is toast because of zero substance. Typical Right-wing garbage that says nothing.
Once again, where are the facts?

I guess that the word of Mark Zuckerberg is not sufficient for you, nor the words of SEnator.
Fact: The FBI had “falsely labeled verified intelligence and credible evidence” against Joe Biden’s crackhead son, Hunter Biden as “disinformation” in order to steer an investigation of him away in the lead up to the 2020 election.
The Grassley letter to Garland exposed the fact that numerous “highly credible whistleblowers” have come forward revealing “a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation.”
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I guess that the word of Mark Zuckerberg is not sufficient for you, nor the words of SEnator.
Fact: The FBI had “falsely labeled verified intelligence and credible evidence” against Joe Biden’s crackhead son, Hunter Biden as “disinformation” in order to steer an investigation of him away in the lead up to the 2020 election.
The Grassley letter to Garland exposed the fact that numerous “highly credible whistleblowers” have come forward revealing “a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation.”

Florida Pair Pleads Guilty in Theft of Biden’s Daughter’s Diary

Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander admitted to participating in a conspiracy in which Ashley Biden’s diary ended up in the hands of the conservative group Project Veritas near the end of the 2020 campaign. This says everything we need to know about Zuckerburg and Project Veritas.

Floridians Plead Guilty to Stealing Biden's Daughter's Diary

If you are too brain dead to see the connection between Biden, his daughter, his son, Zuckerburg, and Veritas, you are just another idiot in a box.

Seriously bud, you can't be that stupid.

Censoring? What exactly? :laughing0301: This mfr is on Veritas.
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I guess that the word of Mark Zuckerberg is not sufficient for you, nor the words of SEnator.
Fact: The FBI had “falsely labeled verified intelligence and credible evidence” against Joe Biden’s crackhead son, Hunter Biden as “disinformation” in order to steer an investigation of him away in the lead up to the 2020 election.
The Grassley letter to Garland exposed the fact that numerous “highly credible whistleblowers” have come forward revealing “a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation.”
So, another point, Biden's crack head son? Was he running for office? No! At least he wasn't in government like Trump's thieving kids stealing money from charitable foundations targeted for kids with cancer. And the Foundation was dissolved. WTF is wrong with you?

Florida Pair Pleads Guilty in Theft of Biden’s Daughter’s Diary

Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander admitted to participating in a conspiracy in which Ashley Biden’s diary ended up in the hands of the conservative group Project Veritas near the end of the 2020 campaign. This says everything we need to know about Zuckerburg and Project Veritas.

Floridians Plead Guilty to Stealing Biden's Daughter's Diary

If you are too brain dead to see the connection between Biden, his daughter, his son, Zuckerburg, and Veritas, you are just another idiot in a box.

Seriously bud, you can't be that stupid.

Censoring? What exactly? :laughing0301: This mfr is on Veritas.

So DOC7505 is going to laugh like a coward instead of admitting he got his ass kicked. :laughing0301:

Florida Pair Pleads Guilty in Theft of Biden’s Daughter’s Diary

Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander admitted to participating in a conspiracy in which Ashley Biden’s diary ended up in the hands of the conservative group Project Veritas near the end of the 2020 campaign. This says everything we need to know about Zuckerburg and Project Veritas.

Floridians Plead Guilty to Stealing Biden's Daughter's Diary

If you are too brain dead to see the connection between Biden, his daughter, his son, Zuckerburg, and Veritas, you are just another idiot in a box.

Seriously bud, you can't be that stupid.

Censoring? What exactly? :laughing0301: This mfr is on Veritas.

When did it become a federal crime to pick up personal diary after it has been abandoned?

Precisely and exactly, what was dirty about one of the most secure elections in history, besides the proven evidence Trump and his band of delinquents, Grifters, and cheaters attempted to steal it? This is you; All of that was plainly seen by the public with their own eyes. To see something, it has to be there tangibly right? What was it?
Read the paragraphs that follow that claim. They support it. That's how writing works.

I cannot condense it to a clickbait headline or a slogan for you. Clickbait headlines and slogans are how propaganda works.


You accuse me of having a picture of election theft by the left, when my headline is "Stolen election? I say no. It's a red herring anyway"

Not making yourself look too smart.
So, another point, Biden's crack head son? Was he running for office? No! At least he wasn't in government like Trump's thieving kids stealing money from charitable foundations targeted for kids with cancer. And the Foundation was dissolved. WTF is wrong with you?
Just out of curiosity, why did Chinese and Ukrainian companies give so much money to a worthless crackhead who wasn't even in government, or running for anything?
The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth in these times is about 6 months.
Then head back to the pizza shop and save the kids from the Clinton trafficking ring. It’s been a bit longer than 6 months.
I think this thread is toast because of zero substance. Typical Right-wing garbage that says nothing.
Well, on the other hand, it could be another blazing example of the abject delusion that has both saturated and animated one of our "major" parties. Cause for deep concern and analysis. A painfully historic period for this country. One profoundly damaged madman, enabled by more than enough key political figures, has perverted this country into his own fantasy world.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".

And, this appears to only be getting worse.
Okay, you're saying the "stolen election" thing is from the Left?
I'm saying - and did say - that it is a catchphrase used by the leftie media to avoid allowing Trump-supporting Republicans to talk about anything else besides whether the election was stolen, or whether Biden “really won,” the election.
Well, on the other hand, it could be another blazing example of the abject delusion that has both saturated and animated one of our "major" parties. Cause for deep concern and analysis. A painfully historic period for this country. One profoundly damaged madman, enabled by more than enough key political figures, has perverted this country into his own fantasy world.
That's a wordy way to say, "a guy I don't like won an election, and I'm butthurt."
I think this thread is toast because of zero substance. Typical Right-wing garbage that says nothing.

Well if you look at the original link or even look for the video you can Zuckerberg sitting there in front of Joe Rogan saying those actual words himself and he is the big man at Facebook.

And what reason would he have to lie? All he did was put himself in their cross hairs by confirming the fbi had him censor the stuff. There is nothing to be gained by lying.

It must be awful to be a contrarian because you constantly have to ignore facts, and constantly have to sit and make up stuff just so you don't agree, and constantly have to lie just for a cheap sense of self satisfaction. All just so you can invent arguments against internet strangers that don't care about you at all.

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