Does AOC know $15 minimum wage in states like Mississippi will put people out of work?

Well, that is what the minimum wage is. The minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. It needs to be raised to at least $12 dollars an hour even in low cost living places like Mississippi and Tennessee.

Why? Because you have some odd notion that every employer in the country has oodles of cash just lying around doing nothing? Or is that companies that can't afford $12 an hour for janitors don't deserve to exist and can be done without? Please explain your "government mandated wages NEED to be raised".

Mississippi had no problem paying Janitors $12 dollars an hour in 1968. Business was great and the economy was good. Plus, a Janitor making $12 dollars an hour spends a lot more money boosting economic growth than a Janitor making only $7.25. A few business's that a poorly managed may balk and complain about paying minimum wage rates from 1968, but they will be in the minority. Economic growth and business will mostly prosper as the minimum wage hike will essentially function as an economic stimulus.

Business's did not shut down because they were paying $12 dollars an hour minimum wage in 1968, so there is no reason they would be forced to shut down in 2019 paying that very same rate.

Twelve dollars an hour in 1968? For janitors? For minimum wage? Whatever the fuck you're smoking, put it down and back away.

In 1968. my father worked in a factory for GE and I believe he probably earned about $4.00 an hour or so. I know when I was in high school he reached the highly touted wage of about $9.00 an hour. In my first year as a commissioned officer, I made more money than my father did working 50 hour weeks at about $10.00 an hour in the early eighties.
I started working in 1978 with a degree in Engineering
My starting wage was $6.50 an hour

I started out a mere 15 years later in the sofltware industry making $22/hr in one of our nice, red, low tax, low cost of living states. My salary was more in the 15/hr range however, I worked hard to earn a bonus and have done so ever since to earn a good living.

If I had to take a job making 7/hr, I would be the best 7/hr worker they had and would undoubtedly get promoted. That is the way it is supposed to work. Paying someone, even today, 15/hr(over 30k per year) for flipping burgers and exhibiting no real skills nor effort does not incentivize many folks. Those going the extra mile will make more money, those that don't won't.

What is going to happen to the guy that has been on the job in a manufacturing facility or some skilled profession for 15 years who is making 25/hr? Will he get a raise too? If not, the incentive to have put forth effort and have a marketable skill is diminished. He may decide to take a pay cut to have zero resposibility and do work that in many cases a trained monkey could do. This same idea trickles up to higher paying jobs as well. A long term, skilled employee may think why am I making just a little more than this kid who just got out of school who I am training?

I am ok with minumim wage, but 15/hr is far too high. It is not supposed to be a living wage. The fact that some make it that is their problem.
I worked for minimum wage in high school during the summer and fall at the local cannery, two months on the job I was above minimum wage. Then while going to college I started at McDonalds I was at minimum wage, writhing three months I was above minimum wage, after a year and a half at McDonalds I left to go into the banking industry and took a pay cut to do so. Never saw minimum wage as a long term goal in my life, not sure why anyone would.
If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business

That's a fine opinion, and you should never be required to work less if you don't want to. But if other people disagree, and would be willing to work for less, why should it be illegal for them to do so?
Because those at the lowest end of the wage scale have the least bargaining power

Doesn’t justify them being exploited

So, it's "we know better" kind of thing? You realize this is what's driving people away from the Democrats, right?
I am perfectly willing to make minimum wage an issue
An overwhelming percentage of Americans do not support a $7.25 minimum wage
I worked for minimum wage in high school during the summer and fall at the local cannery, two months on the job I was above minimum wage. Then while going to college I started at McDonalds I was at minimum wage, writhing three months I was above minimum wage, after a year and a half at McDonalds I left to go into the banking industry and took a pay cut to do so. Never saw minimum wage as a long term goal in my life, not sure why anyone would.
Nobody claims people work minimum wage their whole life
But those forced to accept a $7.25 wage are being exploited by employers whether it is three months or ten years

What is the impact on minimum wage workers?
Less money to pay for college, lower ability to help a struggling family, need to accept public assistance, assumption of more debt

All so an employer can make more profit
McDonalds had no problem paying their workers the equivalent of $12.00 dollars an hour in 1968 when you adjust for inflation. Sales and profits were GREAT for McDonalds in 1968. THE BIG MAC was introduced to the McDonalds menu in 1968!

MAKE MCDONALDS GREAT AGAIN! Make sure their workers are at least making what they did in 1968, which was $12 DOLLARS and hour when adjusted for inflation!

Most McDonald's workers in 1968 probably knew how to work. Today, anything more than pushing a button is bound to lead to an emotional breakdown!

In 1968, most McD's workers were teenagers. Entry level jobs were great training for teenagers to learn a good work ethic. These jobs were never meant to enable someone to support a family.

Most, not all.

Uh, I said most. There are management employees who can make quite a good salary. (In-N-Out Burger pays their managers over $160K per year!) The point is that either the teenagers learn a work ethic which serves them well during the rest of their working life, or if they are motivated to do so, they have the opportunity for a career path into higher paying positions at McD's.

The issue was supervisors, not managers.

Supervisors are step in the ladder, bub.
Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business

That's a fine opinion, and you should never be required to work less if you don't want to. But if other people disagree, and would be willing to work for less, why should it be illegal for them to do so?
Because those at the lowest end of the wage scale have the least bargaining power

Doesn’t justify them being exploited

So, it's "we know better" kind of thing? You realize this is what's driving people away from the Democrats, right?
I am perfectly willing to make minimum wage an issue
An overwhelming percentage of Americans do not support a $7.25 minimum wage

Apparently, your view is that an overwhelming percentage of Americans are too stupid to decide for themselves whether a wage is too low or not. Which is the zeitgeist of "We Know Better" liberalism.
Creating a business requires some planning. Planning for cheap, labor from inception is the difference.

Is that why Trump has a private jet and you don't? You didn't plan right?

The point is, and I have pointed this out to you many times, that you cannot say that every business owner can do what Ford did, any more than you can say that because Usain Bolt can run a hundred meters that fast, everyone should be able to.

Now, if you have any integrity at all, you will stop repeating that bilge. I won't hold my breath waiting.
i am willing to work with merely half a million rather than a whole million dollar loan.

Why does Trump fly in a private jet while you don't?
inherited wealth. how many ditches has Your guy dug in front of car washers on a hot summer day?

Oh, so he had more wealth than you did to start with. Why do you not also then admit that Ford doubled wages BECAUSE HE COULD AFFORD TO?
Henry Ford new how to innovate, why don't you.
But that is simply not true. Because you are assuming those people will simply keep their jobs, and make more money. That just isn't the case. Factually wrong.

Every single time you raise the minimum wage, jobs are lost. Every single time.

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

The only time jobs are not lost, is if the price of everything goes up. If I have to pay you, my employee, more money, then I have to charge you my customer more money.

2007 to 2009, is a perfect example. The minimum wage went from $5.25 to $7.25. Why did this not cause an "increase low wage workers ability to buy more products and services"?

You need more evidence?

If you compare unemployment rates from 2006 to 2011, you will see that unemployment began to fall in 2010. That's the year after the last minimum wage hike that hit in 2009. Coincidence?

Here's another one. Do you know when the first minimum wage hike hit? August 2007. Want to know when the stock market began to slide? Sept/October of 2007. Coincidence?

Awful lot of coincidences with left-wing ideology.

But even if you just assume that these coincidences had nothing to do with minimum wage.... there is one thing that I can say conclusively: There is zero evidence that increasing the minimum wage had a positive economic benefit.

By the way, Greece had the exact same results. Greece had a minimum wage tied to inflation. The unemployment rate in Greece, increased every year, with the minimum wage wage until 2012. In 2012 Greece CUT their minimum wage, and that was the first year unemployment began to fall.

How US minimum wage laws ruined American Samoa’s economy | Sparta Report

The same thing happened in American Samoa. Jacking up the minimum wage, resulted in employment loss, and devastation for the economy of the island.

There is not single example of any country or group, raising the minimum wage into prosperity. Not one.

As for tax cuts for the rich....

Tax cuts for the rich always results in prosperity. Always.

Ireland well known as being tax shelter, called for years the Celtic Tiger.
Singapore, very pro-rich.
Australia, relatively low tax.
Switzerland actually is a relatively low tax country, and very prosperous.
equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis is a simple market based solution that can solve simple poverty in our republic on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

And here's the translation into English:

You want to be paid simply for existing.
only the right wing appeals to ignorance of economics.

they want to be taken seriously simply for existing instead of having a "hard work ethic and learning to how fish valid arguments instead of Only red herrings".

That's what you really mean though, isn't it?

He keeps spouting nonsense, offers nothing to back up his nonsense then blames others for not being able to respond to his nonsense. The guy is clueless as one can get.
i want to be taken seriously with nothing but bigotry and fallacy; but, i am on the left and know that is not going to happen.
equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis is a simple market based solution that can solve simple poverty in our republic on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

And here's the translation into English:

You want to be paid simply for existing.
only the right wing appeals to ignorance of economics.

they want to be taken seriously simply for existing instead of having a "hard work ethic and learning to how fish valid arguments instead of Only red herrings".

That's what you really mean though, isn't it?

He keeps spouting nonsense, offers nothing to back up his nonsense then blames others for not being able to respond to his nonsense. The guy is clueless as one can get.

He is the same kid who went on and on in another thread he didn't know that Rush Limbaugh and Bill Clinton took a plea bargain, they were not guilty or innocent.

He keeps insisting Rush is a felon.

He is a fake and stupid.

lol. the right wing is worse.
If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business

That's a fine opinion, and you should never be required to work less if you don't want to. But if other people disagree, and would be willing to work for less, why should it be illegal for them to do so?
Because those at the lowest end of the wage scale have the least bargaining power

Doesn’t justify them being exploited

So, it's "we know better" kind of thing? You realize this is what's driving people away from the Democrats, right?
I am perfectly willing to make minimum wage an issue
An overwhelming percentage of Americans do not support a $7.25 minimum wage

Apparently, your view is that an overwhelming percentage of Americans are too stupid to decide for themselves whether a wage is too low or not. Which is the zeitgeist of "We Know Better" liberalism.
Not too stupid to decide but forced into a take it or leave it decision
Apparently, your view is that an overwhelming percentage of Americans are too stupid to decide for themselves whether a wage is too low or not. Which is the zeitgeist of "We Know Better" liberalism.
Not too stupid to decide but forced into a take it or leave it decision

If a business forces someone to take a job against their will, we should prosecute them and put the responsible parties in jail. No arbitrary regulations on wages are required, just simple laws against bullying and coercion. But that's not really what you're talking about, is it?
I worked for minimum wage in high school during the summer and fall at the local cannery, two months on the job I was above minimum wage. Then while going to college I started at McDonalds I was at minimum wage, writhing three months I was above minimum wage, after a year and a half at McDonalds I left to go into the banking industry and took a pay cut to do so. Never saw minimum wage as a long term goal in my life, not sure why anyone would.
Nobody claims people work minimum wage their whole life
But those forced to accept a $7.25 wage are being exploited by employers whether it is three months or ten years

What is the impact on minimum wage workers?
Less money to pay for college, lower ability to help a struggling family, need to accept public assistance, assumption of more debt

All so an employer can make more profit
Most jobs including fast food at retail hire employees well above the min wage.
I worked for minimum wage in high school during the summer and fall at the local cannery, two months on the job I was above minimum wage. Then while going to college I started at McDonalds I was at minimum wage, writhing three months I was above minimum wage, after a year and a half at McDonalds I left to go into the banking industry and took a pay cut to do so. Never saw minimum wage as a long term goal in my life, not sure why anyone would.
Nobody claims people work minimum wage their whole life
But those forced to accept a $7.25 wage are being exploited by employers whether it is three months or ten years

What is the impact on minimum wage workers?
Less money to pay for college, lower ability to help a struggling family, need to accept public assistance, assumption of more debt

All so an employer can make more profit

So you're suggesting those "forced" to accept minimum wage have gone to college, have a family and "accept" public assistance? WTF, are they all liberals?
Apparently, your view is that an overwhelming percentage of Americans are too stupid to decide for themselves whether a wage is too low or not. Which is the zeitgeist of "We Know Better" liberalism.
Not too stupid to decide but forced into a take it or leave it decision

If a business forces someone to take a job against their will, we should prosecute them and put the responsible parties in jail. No arbitrary regulations on wages are required, just simple laws against bullying and coercion. But that's not really what you're talking about, is it?
it is not arbitrary; social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison under our form of Capitalism.
I worked for minimum wage in high school during the summer and fall at the local cannery, two months on the job I was above minimum wage. Then while going to college I started at McDonalds I was at minimum wage, writhing three months I was above minimum wage, after a year and a half at McDonalds I left to go into the banking industry and took a pay cut to do so. Never saw minimum wage as a long term goal in my life, not sure why anyone would.
Nobody claims people work minimum wage their whole life
But those forced to accept a $7.25 wage are being exploited by employers whether it is three months or ten years

What is the impact on minimum wage workers?
Less money to pay for college, lower ability to help a struggling family, need to accept public assistance, assumption of more debt

All so an employer can make more profit

Who is forcing them?
equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis is a simple market based solution that can solve simple poverty in our republic on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

And here's the translation into English:

You want to be paid simply for existing.
only the right wing appeals to ignorance of economics.

they want to be taken seriously simply for existing instead of having a "hard work ethic and learning to how fish valid arguments instead of Only red herrings".

That's what you really mean though, isn't it?

He keeps spouting nonsense, offers nothing to back up his nonsense then blames others for not being able to respond to his nonsense. The guy is clueless as one can get.
i want to be taken seriously with nothing but bigotry and fallacy; but, i am on the left and know that is not going to happen.

Why would anyone take you seriously when you spew nothing but nonsense and when asked to clarify, you refuse? How do you have a discussion with a guy that repeats the same thing over and over and when asked to clarify he refuses. If you want to have a dialogue or conversation, improve your communication skills. Until then you are spouting nonsense with no means to back up your silliness.
And here's the translation into English:

You want to be paid simply for existing.
only the right wing appeals to ignorance of economics.

they want to be taken seriously simply for existing instead of having a "hard work ethic and learning to how fish valid arguments instead of Only red herrings".

That's what you really mean though, isn't it?

He keeps spouting nonsense, offers nothing to back up his nonsense then blames others for not being able to respond to his nonsense. The guy is clueless as one can get.

He is the same kid who went on and on in another thread he didn't know that Rush Limbaugh and Bill Clinton took a plea bargain, they were not guilty or innocent.

He keeps insisting Rush is a felon.

He is a fake and stupid.

lol. the right wing is worse.

What a great thought out comeback how many days did it take to comeback with that?
Apparently, your view is that an overwhelming percentage of Americans are too stupid to decide for themselves whether a wage is too low or not. Which is the zeitgeist of "We Know Better" liberalism.
Not too stupid to decide but forced into a take it or leave it decision

If a business forces someone to take a job against their will, we should prosecute them and put the responsible parties in jail. No arbitrary regulations on wages are required, just simple laws against bullying and coercion. But that's not really what you're talking about, is it?
it is not arbitrary; social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison under our form of Capitalism.

Finland just abandoned their Universal basic wage. It was 600 extra a month and it was 2000 people and it has failed. Why would it not work their and work here?
Apparently, your view is that an overwhelming percentage of Americans are too stupid to decide for themselves whether a wage is too low or not. Which is the zeitgeist of "We Know Better" liberalism.
Not too stupid to decide but forced into a take it or leave it decision

If a business forces someone to take a job against their will, we should prosecute them and put the responsible parties in jail. No arbitrary regulations on wages are required, just simple laws against bullying and coercion. But that's not really what you're talking about, is it?
Of course not
People with other options are not bullied by take it or leave it offers

Those with low skills have few options. Employers can easily manipulate them in to accepting minimum wage
I worked for minimum wage in high school during the summer and fall at the local cannery, two months on the job I was above minimum wage. Then while going to college I started at McDonalds I was at minimum wage, writhing three months I was above minimum wage, after a year and a half at McDonalds I left to go into the banking industry and took a pay cut to do so. Never saw minimum wage as a long term goal in my life, not sure why anyone would.
Nobody claims people work minimum wage their whole life
But those forced to accept a $7.25 wage are being exploited by employers whether it is three months or ten years

What is the impact on minimum wage workers?
Less money to pay for college, lower ability to help a struggling family, need to accept public assistance, assumption of more debt

All so an employer can make more profit

So you're suggesting those "forced" to accept minimum wage have gone to college, have a family and "accept" public assistance? WTF, are they all liberals?
Many college students fill minimum wage jobs.....I did at $2.10 an hour
But that $2.10 an hour paid for a years tuition by just working summers

$7.25 an hour does not do that today

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