Does AOC know $15 minimum wage in states like Mississippi will put people out of work?

It may not be reasonable for everyone but it is hard not to hope for those to get at least 15 dollars

Amazon and Disney has minimum wage to 15 dollars

If McDonald's can afford to give its shareholders $7.7 billion, it can afford to pay all its workers $15 an hour."

Hard to argue that point

According to one study, U.S. taxpayers are subsidizing the low pay at McDonald's to the tune of $1.2 billion a year.

hard to argue that point

In-And-Out starts at 13 dollars


Target says that it will go to 13 dollars
Costco 14 dollars
Walmart and CVS 11 dollars

People need the money and it will allow them to give their kids more opportunities to succeed if they can manage their money

If the lower wage states do not keep up with the high end states then so be it.
There are consequences as young people will leave

But then again older people who have had some success and ready to move on will move back

If they are working a minimum wage job, they cannot afford to have kids!

Are you saying minimum wage job is a form of birth control

well I would agree that if you can't afford to have children you should practice safe sex

Still I see to many people on the streets sleeping on the sidewalk asking for money to deny them the ability to make 15 dollars an hour.

Still minimum wage standards are no where near the 15 dollar mark and she has her right to her opinions. It may be unrealistic but hey a dollar and a dream

The reason they are on the street is not that they can't find a job making $15.00 an hour and you damn well know that is not true!
But of course those favoring the $15/hr nationally are also truly ignorant believing one size fits all.

Well, that is what the minimum wage is. The minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. It needs to be raised to at least $12 dollars an hour even in low cost living places like Mississippi and Tennessee.
Long overdue

It needs to go to $15 to compensate for a decade without an increase

$15 dollars might be a little high in places like Mississippi and Tennessee, but nearly every where else, it would fit like a glove. $12 dollars is not going to hurt anything in Mississippi except for people who are poor managers of business. A minimum wage as a high as $15 dollars might be ok for Mississippi too.

So what do you do with the people who make $15.00 an hour now? How much are you going to raise their pay, so they are no longer working for minimum wage.

In my current job, I am salaried and work many more hours per week than those I supervise. They just received a nice pay raise to the point where they make almost as much as I do. Because I work extra hours without compensation, our pay per hour is roughly equivalent. How do justify that for those making $15.00 an hour who now realize that the people they once supervised now make the same paycheck they do?

And why the hell would anyone want the extra responsibility and headaches of being a supervisor if you're not going to get paid any more for it?

You understand it perfectly! Why is that so hard for libtards to understand? They must have heads dribbled like basketballs when they were kids!
But of course those favoring the $15/hr nationally are also truly ignorant believing one size fits all.

Well, that is what the minimum wage is. The minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. It needs to be raised to at least $12 dollars an hour even in low cost living places like Mississippi and Tennessee.

Why? Because you have some odd notion that every employer in the country has oodles of cash just lying around doing nothing? Or is that companies that can't afford $12 an hour for janitors don't deserve to exist and can be done without? Please explain your "government mandated wages NEED to be raised".

Mississippi had no problem paying Janitors $12 dollars an hour in 1968. Business was great and the economy was good. Plus, a Janitor making $12 dollars an hour spends a lot more money boosting economic growth than a Janitor making only $7.25. A few business's that a poorly managed may balk and complain about paying minimum wage rates from 1968, but they will be in the minority. Economic growth and business will mostly prosper as the minimum wage hike will essentially function as an economic stimulus.

Business's did not shut down because they were paying $12 dollars an hour minimum wage in 1968, so there is no reason they would be forced to shut down in 2019 paying that very same rate.

Twelve dollars an hour in 1968? For janitors? For minimum wage? Whatever the fuck you're smoking, put it down and back away.

In 1968. my father worked in a factory for GE and I believe he probably earned about $4.00 an hour or so. I know when I was in high school he reached the highly touted wage of about $9.00 an hour. In my first year as a commissioned officer, I made more money than my father did working 50 hour weeks at about $10.00 an hour in the early eighties.
But of course those favoring the $15/hr nationally are also truly ignorant believing one size fits all.

Well, that is what the minimum wage is. The minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. It needs to be raised to at least $12 dollars an hour even in low cost living places like Mississippi and Tennessee.

That's what companies are paying them $12 bucks an hour in Mississippi and Tennessee, just read the job boards.

Yeah they ain't gonna pay those illegals fifteen an hour when they can pay them less than eight now them capitalist must live in big mansions and fly jet planes.
Keeping wages low and cost of living high is how the robber barons make their living.

How about we just offer them a trip all expenses paid, back to their home country? They are here illegally! Then they can worry about the minimum wage in their shithole!

You mean jail employers (like tRump) that hire illegals?

This is just another example why you are either mentally challenged or too stupid to breathe on your own. Trump never hired an illegal. If he did, prove it! People who work for him may have done so, but if your gardener gets a DUI, we don't throw your ass in jail, do we?
Well keep that thought as this image will replace that teenager who is getting more than just a paycheck working at that minimum wage job.
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Whether the minimum wage is $7 dollars or $15 dollars won't make any difference in if or when a company introduces a robot or computer to take over someone's job.

With the unemployment rate at 3.6%, the robots are not helping any at this point. Massive labor shortages all over the place!

So your fiendishly clever plan is to put companies out of business and their employees out of work?

Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!
The price of a hamburger has more than doubled since the minimum wage was last increased over ten years ago.
The market adjusted to the rising costs of hamburgers. Nobody was fired


Wow where are all these big Macs that doubled in price?


You are eating them
I just love how they claim that raising min. wages will increase cost yet have zero problem with the increased cost of goods from tariffs from Trumps policies.

If you are paying tariffs, that is your fault for buying foreign goods.

I just purchased a large amount of flooring for my home. The type I originally wanted was made n China and is subject to the tariff. I just bought American made for the same price as the Chinese made flooring and got a vastly superior product for the same price. That is how tariffs are supposed to work. The tariff made it too expensive for me to buy Chinese. Had I known it was Chinese manufactured, I never would have wanted it in the first place.

Since most Chinese made flooring has been pulled from the market in 2015, you'd be hard-pressed (no pun intended) to find any.

My God, how fucking stupid are you?

Show me a link that what you claim is true. The lady who owns the company is a member of my church and is Japanese herself. Her husband won the Silver Star during the Korean War. When they tell me they can't get the flooring I ordered from China without paying the tarif, I believe them and not some internet hoaxer one-percenter!
The price of a hamburger has more than doubled since the minimum wage was last increased over ten years ago.
The market adjusted to the rising costs of hamburgers. Nobody was fired
Poor are easier to get than beef.

I'll bet they fart just as much as beef cattle!
Yet not as tasty.

You prefer tasty farts? Ewwww!

You are a Putin salad-tosser!

That's all you have. Pathetic lies and insults.
This again. You do realize, don't you, that by extension you are saying that the employees of those companies need to be out of work? Let's put this in perspective.

Usain Bolt can run a 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. Why can't you?

World class plastic surgeons can make millions. Why can't General Practioners?

Donald Trump can buy and fly in his own private jet. Why can't you?
Creating a business requires some planning. Planning for cheap, labor from inception is the difference.

Is that why Trump has a private jet and you don't? You didn't plan right?

The point is, and I have pointed this out to you many times, that you cannot say that every business owner can do what Ford did, any more than you can say that because Usain Bolt can run a hundred meters that fast, everyone should be able to.

Now, if you have any integrity at all, you will stop repeating that bilge. I won't hold my breath waiting.
i am willing to work with merely half a million rather than a whole million dollar loan.

Why does Trump fly in a private jet while you don't?

Because the outdated Electoral College make him POTUS.

Change the Constitution if you disagree. We won't hold our breath because they are not enough dumbasses like you to put together a good brainfart, much less a constitutional amendment!
Whether the minimum wage is $7 dollars or $15 dollars won't make any difference in if or when a company introduces a robot or computer to take over someone's job.

With the unemployment rate at 3.6%, the robots are not helping any at this point. Massive labor shortages all over the place!

So your fiendishly clever plan is to put companies out of business and their employees out of work?

Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

Uhm you do know 30% companies fail in the first two years right?

No, he really doesn't. We had this discussion before, and he trotted out all these lists of businesses which didn't go under as proof that businesses don't really fail.

The issue is: Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

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A Heritage Foundation analysis from 2016 estimated that a $15 federal minimum wage would wipe out 7 million jobs. Hardest hit would be workers, businesses, and economies in areas with low costs of living. (like Mississippi where cost of living is 87% of USA standard.
Mississippi cost of living is 87.8% Mississippi Cost of Living

Liberal activists demand a “living wage,” but the truth is that only a tiny handful of hourly wage workers make the minimum wage or less (4 percent), according to the Employment Policies Institute. On the contrary, a whopping 44 percent of hourly workers currently earn at or below the proposed $15 minimum wage.

Now consider what the $15 minimum wage would do.

For a restaurant that employs 10 minimum wage workers, a $15 minimum wage hike would cost them about $170,000 per year. If the restaurant currently earns profit margins of 5 percent, it would have to increase sales by $3.5 million per year, or an extra $67,000 every week.

But that is not realistic. The likely scenario is that they’ll either have to cut working hours or fire some workers altogether. Either way, most people are worse off than before.

Lawmakers Are Pushing a $15 Minimum Wage. Here Are 3 Disastrous Consequences That Would Result.
Robotic waiters...

tRumps corporate tax cut lowered federal taxes paid by corporations by 50%. Why can't the businesses use the tax cuts by raising pay and/or benefits, I did?

A) Corporate taxes were NOT cut by 50%! Once again an exaggeration. Learn About Corporate Tax Rates and How to Calculate What You Owe
B) You asked a dumb question "Why can't the businesses use the tax cuts by raising pay and/or benefits"
Answer : They did you dummy!
List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed
  • AT&T $1,000 200,000
  • Alaska Airlines $1,000 19,000
  • American Airlines $1,000 130,000
  • Bank of America $1,000 145,000
  • BB&T $1,200 27,000
  • Comcast $1,000 100,000
  • Fifth Third Bank $1,000 13,500
  • JetBlue $1,000 21,000
  • Nationwide $1,000 29,000
  • PNC Financial $1,000 47,500
  • Sinclair Broadcast $1,000 9,000
  • Southwest Airlines $1,000 55,000
  • Travelers $1,000 14,000
  • U.S. Bancorp $1,000 60,000
  • Walmart up to $1,000 n/a
List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed

Finally YOU never paid any "employees" because you are too economically stupid to have any business much less people working for you!
You're ignorance shows you don't have any business!

Corporate tax liability WAS cut by 50%. The IRS collected 20% less and less is being distributed back to the States which means that your State is going to/has increased fee's and/or taxes.

How is less being distributed back to the states, dumbass? That funding is determined by Congress and hasn't been cut by a dime! You really are retarded!
Moving the minimum sage to $15 in mississippi would triple the average wage in state.

I see another liberal is bad at math/ economics and reality


Just as I thought, minimum wage $7.25 in Alabama and McDonald's paying over it

Crew (hiring for overnight shifts starting pay $9.00/hr to $10.25/hr) - Madison, AL 35758 -

Crew (hiring for overnight shifts starting pay $9.00/hr to $10.25/hr)
Johnson Partners, Inc. dba McDonald's

24,691 reviews

Madison, AL 35758


It being McDonald's, one assumes they offer both full- and part-time . . . that is, one assumes it if one has actually been employed and knows something about having a job. I have no idea what YOU assume.

Unless the jobs being listed are full-time (40 hours per-week) the end result is questionable as to how much that employer adds to the economy.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. You got caught in a lie and are trying to backpedal your way out. Again, pathetic!
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AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?

Why open a dialog when they are like you and AOC with room temperature IQs at best? Why do you deflect every statement when it blows your whole concept of how the world works?
equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis is a simple market based solution that can solve simple poverty in our republic on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

And here's the translation into English:

You want to be paid simply for existing.
only the right wing appeals to ignorance of economics.

they want to be taken seriously simply for existing instead of having a "hard work ethic and learning to how fish valid arguments instead of Only red herrings".

That's what you really mean though, isn't it?

He keeps spouting nonsense, offers nothing to back up his nonsense then blames others for not being able to respond to his nonsense. The guy is clueless as one can get.

He is the same kid who went on and on in another thread he didn't know that Rush Limbaugh and Bill Clinton took a plea bargain, they were not guilty or innocent.

He keeps insisting Rush is a felon.

He is a fake and stupid.


I thought that was the Lush. Maybe I am wrong.
But of course those favoring the $15/hr nationally are also truly ignorant believing one size fits all.

Well, that is what the minimum wage is. The minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. It needs to be raised to at least $12 dollars an hour even in low cost living places like Mississippi and Tennessee.

Why? Because you have some odd notion that every employer in the country has oodles of cash just lying around doing nothing? Or is that companies that can't afford $12 an hour for janitors don't deserve to exist and can be done without? Please explain your "government mandated wages NEED to be raised".

Mississippi had no problem paying Janitors $12 dollars an hour in 1968. Business was great and the economy was good. Plus, a Janitor making $12 dollars an hour spends a lot more money boosting economic growth than a Janitor making only $7.25. A few business's that a poorly managed may balk and complain about paying minimum wage rates from 1968, but they will be in the minority. Economic growth and business will mostly prosper as the minimum wage hike will essentially function as an economic stimulus.

Business's did not shut down because they were paying $12 dollars an hour minimum wage in 1968, so there is no reason they would be forced to shut down in 2019 paying that very same rate.

Twelve dollars an hour in 1968? For janitors? For minimum wage? Whatever the fuck you're smoking, put it down and back away.

In 1968. my father worked in a factory for GE and I believe he probably earned about $4.00 an hour or so. I know when I was in high school he reached the highly touted wage of about $9.00 an hour. In my first year as a commissioned officer, I made more money than my father did working 50 hour weeks at about $10.00 an hour in the early eighties.
I started working in 1978 with a degree in Engineering
My starting wage was $6.50 an hour
Whether the minimum wage is $7 dollars or $15 dollars won't make any difference in if or when a company introduces a robot or computer to take over someone's job.

With the unemployment rate at 3.6%, the robots are not helping any at this point. Massive labor shortages all over the place!

So your fiendishly clever plan is to put companies out of business and their employees out of work?

Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business
So your fiendishly clever plan is to put companies out of business and their employees out of work?

Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business

That's a fine opinion, and you should never be required to work less if you don't want to. But if other people disagree, and would be willing to work for less, why should it be illegal for them to do so?
Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business

That's a fine opinion, and you should never be required to work less if you don't want to. But if other people disagree, and would be willing to work for less, why should it be illegal for them to do so?
Because those at the lowest end of the wage scale have the least bargaining power

Doesn’t justify them being exploited
The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business

That's a fine opinion, and you should never be required to work less if you don't want to. But if other people disagree, and would be willing to work for less, why should it be illegal for them to do so?
Because those at the lowest end of the wage scale have the least bargaining power

Doesn’t justify them being exploited

So, it's "we know better" kind of thing? You realize this is what's driving people away from the Democrats, right?

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