Does AOC know $15 minimum wage in states like Mississippi will put people out of work?

When you raise the minimum wage, you increase low wage workers ability to buy more products and services. That actually provides a better boost for economic growth than tax cuts for people making over $100,000 dollars a year who never change the consumer habits when they get a tax cut.

But that is simply not true. Because you are assuming those people will simply keep their jobs, and make more money. That just isn't the case. Factually wrong.

Every single time you raise the minimum wage, jobs are lost. Every single time.

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

The only time jobs are not lost, is if the price of everything goes up. If I have to pay you, my employee, more money, then I have to charge you my customer more money.

2007 to 2009, is a perfect example. The minimum wage went from $5.25 to $7.25. Why did this not cause an "increase low wage workers ability to buy more products and services"?

You need more evidence?

If you compare unemployment rates from 2006 to 2011, you will see that unemployment began to fall in 2010. That's the year after the last minimum wage hike that hit in 2009. Coincidence?

Here's another one. Do you know when the first minimum wage hike hit? August 2007. Want to know when the stock market began to slide? Sept/October of 2007. Coincidence?

Awful lot of coincidences with left-wing ideology.

But even if you just assume that these coincidences had nothing to do with minimum wage.... there is one thing that I can say conclusively: There is zero evidence that increasing the minimum wage had a positive economic benefit.

By the way, Greece had the exact same results. Greece had a minimum wage tied to inflation. The unemployment rate in Greece, increased every year, with the minimum wage wage until 2012. In 2012 Greece CUT their minimum wage, and that was the first year unemployment began to fall.

How US minimum wage laws ruined American Samoa’s economy | Sparta Report

The same thing happened in American Samoa. Jacking up the minimum wage, resulted in employment loss, and devastation for the economy of the island.

There is not single example of any country or group, raising the minimum wage into prosperity. Not one.

As for tax cuts for the rich....

Tax cuts for the rich always results in prosperity. Always.

Ireland well known as being tax shelter, called for years the Celtic Tiger.
Singapore, very pro-rich.
Australia, relatively low tax.
Switzerland actually is a relatively low tax country, and very prosperous.
equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis is a simple market based solution that can solve simple poverty in our republic on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

And here's the translation into English:

You want to be paid simply for existing.
only the right wing appeals to ignorance of economics.

they want to be taken seriously simply for existing instead of having a "hard work ethic and learning to how fish valid arguments instead of Only red herrings".

That's what you really mean though, isn't it?

He keeps spouting nonsense, offers nothing to back up his nonsense then blames others for not being able to respond to his nonsense. The guy is clueless as one can get.
So your fiendishly clever plan is to put companies out of business and their employees out of work?

Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

Uhm you do know 30% companies fail in the first two years right?

No, he really doesn't. We had this discussion before, and he trotted out all these lists of businesses which didn't go under as proof that businesses don't really fail.

The issue is: Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

You manage to conveniently bypass my previous post, and you're asking the same stupid-ass question. So..
Not out of business, but certainly a fallout. Do you not keep up with these things?
Something "Unexpected" Happened After Starbucks Raised Minimum Wages

Either their system management plan needs cleaned, or someone is putting to many wants of investors above the good of the company. I think it's the first.
Okay, a couple of things.

It's easy to argue with "If McDonald's can afford to give its shareholders $7.7 billion, it can afford to pay all its workers $15 an hour." You know how? McDonald's isn't paying those workers; the small business owner franchisee running THAT PARTICULAR RESTAURANT is paying them. McDonald's, the large corporation with the shareholders to which the dividends are paid, doesn't actually make and sell burgers, you know. It makes its money off of selling franchises and collecting rents and fees from the franchisees. So you're conflating two completely different sets of people there.

And artificially inflating the minimum wage doesn't give anyone "more opportunities", unless you consider collecting welfare because all the jobs dried up as small businesses closed to be an "opportunity".

Plus ignorant of business people don't seem to realize that raising to $15.00 means actually in one year for McDonald's 218,000 employees McDonalds' franchise owners
will pay nearly another $500 million in payroll taxes...i.e. 6.2% of $15.00 x 40 x 218,000 x 52 weeks.

McDonalds had no problem paying their workers the equivalent of $12.00 dollars an hour in 1968 when you adjust for inflation. Sales and profits were GREAT for McDonalds in 1968. THE BIG MAC was introduced to the McDonalds menu in 1968!

MAKE MCDONALDS GREAT AGAIN! Make sure their workers are at least making what they did in 1968, which was $12 DOLLARS and hour when adjusted for inflation!

Most McDonald's workers in 1968 probably knew how to work. Today, anything more than pushing a button is bound to lead to an emotional breakdown!

In 1968, most McD's workers were teenagers. Entry level jobs were great training for teenagers to learn a good work ethic. These jobs were never meant to enable someone to support a family.

Most, not all.

Uh, I said most. There are management employees who can make quite a good salary. (In-N-Out Burger pays their managers over $160K per year!) The point is that either the teenagers learn a work ethic which serves them well during the rest of their working life, or if they are motivated to do so, they have the opportunity for a career path into higher paying positions at McD's.
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?
What profession would that be?

He's got some odd notion that people who own businesses don't work themselves. In his "mind", they just sit back and drink martinis and smoke cigars lit with hundred dollar bills. Maybe take a vigorous swim in their money vaults, like Scrooge McDuck. And yet he wants us all to believe HE is rich and successful, despite his painfully, appallingly obvious lack of knowledge about the realities of it.

How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money?

Since that's a fantasy scenario that exists only in your never-been-employed-longer-than-two-weeks delusions, you might just as well ask me what sound the color blue makes, because I'm not likely to spend time trying to answer either nonsense question as though it's serious and coming from a real person.

How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money? It's a very easy question.

You pay them what the market says they are worth.

What if the market is fixed?
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?

We have minimum wage, if she wants to open a dialogue, she needs to contact her socialist nations and ask why they don’t have minimum wage.

She needs to talk to Finland and ask why it failed on such a small scale.
He's got some odd notion that people who own businesses don't work themselves. In his "mind", they just sit back and drink martinis and smoke cigars lit with hundred dollar bills. Maybe take a vigorous swim in their money vaults, like Scrooge McDuck. And yet he wants us all to believe HE is rich and successful, despite his painfully, appallingly obvious lack of knowledge about the realities of it.

How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money?

Since that's a fantasy scenario that exists only in your never-been-employed-longer-than-two-weeks delusions, you might just as well ask me what sound the color blue makes, because I'm not likely to spend time trying to answer either nonsense question as though it's serious and coming from a real person.

How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money? It's a very easy question.

You pay them what the market says they are worth.

What if the market is fixed?

Do you have real life examples of fixed rates?
Also, there are lots of people who make 18-25ph and do important work. Elevating a burger flipper to $15 is an affront to those who have worked their way up but of course liberals don’t care about them.
Absolutely! Raising minimum wage to $15/hr will mean a de-facto pay cut for everyone else who has earned a higher wage/salary. Does anyone think that those folks will get an equivalent percentage raise? But prices will be higher, driving more into the "poverty" range. So many more people to make dependent on government largesse.
Drama Queen

We have raised minimum wage in the past
Those people making $7.25 are not a threat to you or those that employ them
Plus ignorant of business people don't seem to realize that raising to $15.00 means actually in one year for McDonald's 218,000 employees McDonalds' franchise owners
will pay nearly another $500 million in payroll taxes...i.e. 6.2% of $15.00 x 40 x 218,000 x 52 weeks.

McDonalds had no problem paying their workers the equivalent of $12.00 dollars an hour in 1968 when you adjust for inflation. Sales and profits were GREAT for McDonalds in 1968. THE BIG MAC was introduced to the McDonalds menu in 1968!

MAKE MCDONALDS GREAT AGAIN! Make sure their workers are at least making what they did in 1968, which was $12 DOLLARS and hour when adjusted for inflation!

Most McDonald's workers in 1968 probably knew how to work. Today, anything more than pushing a button is bound to lead to an emotional breakdown!

In 1968, most McD's workers were teenagers. Entry level jobs were great training for teenagers to learn a good work ethic. These jobs were never meant to enable someone to support a family.

Most, not all.

Uh, I said most. There are management employees who can make quite a good salary. (In-N-Out Burger pays their managers over $160K per year!) The point is that either the teenagers learn a work ethic which serves them well during the rest of their working life, or if they are motivated to do so, they have the opportunity for a career path into higher paying positions at McD's.

The issue was supervisors, not managers.
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?

We have minimum wage, if she wants to open a dialogue, she needs to contact her socialist nations and ask why they don’t have minimum wage.

She needs to talk to Finland and ask why it failed on such a small scale.

We don't have a higher minimum wage because employers like to skim.
How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money?

Since that's a fantasy scenario that exists only in your never-been-employed-longer-than-two-weeks delusions, you might just as well ask me what sound the color blue makes, because I'm not likely to spend time trying to answer either nonsense question as though it's serious and coming from a real person.

How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money? It's a very easy question.

You pay them what the market says they are worth.

What if the market is fixed?

Do you have real life examples of fixed rates?

I wrote "market is fixed."
Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

Uhm you do know 30% companies fail in the first two years right?

No, he really doesn't. We had this discussion before, and he trotted out all these lists of businesses which didn't go under as proof that businesses don't really fail.

The issue is: Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

You manage to conveniently bypass my previous post, and you're asking the same stupid-ass question. So..
Not out of business, but certainly a fallout. Do you not keep up with these things?
Something "Unexpected" Happened After Starbucks Raised Minimum Wages

Either their system management plan needs cleaned, or someone is putting to many wants of investors above the good of the company. I think it's the first.

Sure, and that changes anything how?
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Heck I found out just the other day, Finland has blasphemy laws against religion.
But that is simply not true. Because you are assuming those people will simply keep their jobs, and make more money. That just isn't the case. Factually wrong.

Every single time you raise the minimum wage, jobs are lost. Every single time.

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

The only time jobs are not lost, is if the price of everything goes up. If I have to pay you, my employee, more money, then I have to charge you my customer more money.

2007 to 2009, is a perfect example. The minimum wage went from $5.25 to $7.25. Why did this not cause an "increase low wage workers ability to buy more products and services"?

You need more evidence?

If you compare unemployment rates from 2006 to 2011, you will see that unemployment began to fall in 2010. That's the year after the last minimum wage hike that hit in 2009. Coincidence?

Here's another one. Do you know when the first minimum wage hike hit? August 2007. Want to know when the stock market began to slide? Sept/October of 2007. Coincidence?

Awful lot of coincidences with left-wing ideology.

But even if you just assume that these coincidences had nothing to do with minimum wage.... there is one thing that I can say conclusively: There is zero evidence that increasing the minimum wage had a positive economic benefit.

By the way, Greece had the exact same results. Greece had a minimum wage tied to inflation. The unemployment rate in Greece, increased every year, with the minimum wage wage until 2012. In 2012 Greece CUT their minimum wage, and that was the first year unemployment began to fall.

How US minimum wage laws ruined American Samoa’s economy | Sparta Report

The same thing happened in American Samoa. Jacking up the minimum wage, resulted in employment loss, and devastation for the economy of the island.

There is not single example of any country or group, raising the minimum wage into prosperity. Not one.

As for tax cuts for the rich....

Tax cuts for the rich always results in prosperity. Always.

Ireland well known as being tax shelter, called for years the Celtic Tiger.
Singapore, very pro-rich.
Australia, relatively low tax.
Switzerland actually is a relatively low tax country, and very prosperous.
equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis is a simple market based solution that can solve simple poverty in our republic on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

And here's the translation into English:

You want to be paid simply for existing.
only the right wing appeals to ignorance of economics.

they want to be taken seriously simply for existing instead of having a "hard work ethic and learning to how fish valid arguments instead of Only red herrings".

That's what you really mean though, isn't it?

He keeps spouting nonsense, offers nothing to back up his nonsense then blames others for not being able to respond to his nonsense. The guy is clueless as one can get.

He is the same kid who went on and on in another thread he didn't know that Rush Limbaugh and Bill Clinton took a plea bargain, they were not guilty or innocent.

He keeps insisting Rush is a felon.

He is a fake and stupid.

Since that's a fantasy scenario that exists only in your never-been-employed-longer-than-two-weeks delusions, you might just as well ask me what sound the color blue makes, because I'm not likely to spend time trying to answer either nonsense question as though it's serious and coming from a real person.

How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money? It's a very easy question.

You pay them what the market says they are worth.

What if the market is fixed?

Do you have real life examples of fixed rates?

I wrote "market is fixed."

Do you have any examples of the market being fixed?
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?

We have minimum wage, if she wants to open a dialogue, she needs to contact her socialist nations and ask why they don’t have minimum wage.

She needs to talk to Finland and ask why it failed on such a small scale.

We don't have a higher minimum wage because employers like to skim.

If that was the case how come they paying higher then minimum wage in red States and cutting hours in high minimum wage states?

You stupid

I didn’t read the thread, so I don’t know if it was mentioned, but the bar she used to work at closed down because of the minimum wage increase in New York

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