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Does AOC know $15 minimum wage in states like Mississippi will put people out of work?

Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

Uber doesn't make a profit. Three of the five companies that I own don't make a profit. Can you answer why?

Because you are a fucking loser!

It's an easy answer. Come-on, you can do it Fido!
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A Heritage Foundation analysis from 2016 estimated that a $15 federal minimum wage would wipe out 7 million jobs. Hardest hit would be workers, businesses, and economies in areas with low costs of living. (like Mississippi where cost of living is 87% of USA standard.
Mississippi cost of living is 87.8% Mississippi Cost of Living

Liberal activists demand a “living wage,” but the truth is that only a tiny handful of hourly wage workers make the minimum wage or less (4 percent), according to the Employment Policies Institute. On the contrary, a whopping 44 percent of hourly workers currently earn at or below the proposed $15 minimum wage.

Now consider what the $15 minimum wage would do.

For a restaurant that employs 10 minimum wage workers, a $15 minimum wage hike would cost them about $170,000 per year. If the restaurant currently earns profit margins of 5 percent, it would have to increase sales by $3.5 million per year, or an extra $67,000 every week.

But that is not realistic. The likely scenario is that they’ll either have to cut working hours or fire some workers altogether. Either way, most people are worse off than before.

Lawmakers Are Pushing a $15 Minimum Wage. Here Are 3 Disastrous Consequences That Would Result.
Robotic waiters...

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Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages. He did not complain about minimum wages. Employers who can Only make it on Cheap labor in a first world economy need to fail.
So those company's should move to other country's and employ even lower waged workers and leave American workers out of jobs! Sounds like a good idea at least the immigrants would have a reason to stay in their own country's and make shit wages instead of coming to a country with a wrecked economy and not being able to find a job because they have no skills at all and have to rely on the US Govt for assistance. Very Socialistic of you! :cuckoo:
only the right wing does that. the left would be for enacting laws that require the CEO of that Firm to be paid at par in the local currency they are moving to.
There is no guaranteed employment clause, the founding fathers never set out for pay without work solution. Back then the United States didn’t even have unemployment.

We are not entitled, nowhere in the Constitution does it say we must support those unwilling to work.
Different world back then

Doesn’t mean we should yearn for the days of Oliver Twist

Not yearning for the good old days, where in the Constitution does it say that a working man should pay for the lazy man?
equal protection of the law.

That is not what that means and we have explained it to you over and over. That is the flaw in your argument and I bet if you went before a judge with that argument, they'd laugh you out of court.

The person has equal protection to make sure his or her rights are equally protected as would another's rights would. There is no right to work in the United States. If you choose not to work that is your decision and not capitalism's.
you only have right wing bigotry, not a valid argument. you have an inferior argument due to your appeals to ignorance.

at-will means at-will.

You have twisting of words that won't stand up in court. My argument has and continues to do so. So while you may claim a superior argument, you really don't. Sorry you are to greedy and bigoted to see the flaws. Let me know if you ever do.
I just love how they claim that raising min. wages will increase cost yet have zero problem with the increased cost of goods from tariffs from Trumps policies.

If you are paying tariffs, that is your fault for buying foreign goods.

I just purchased a large amount of flooring for my home. The type I originally wanted was made n China and is subject to the tariff. I just bought American made for the same price as the Chinese made flooring and got a vastly superior product for the same price. That is how tariffs are supposed to work. The tariff made it too expensive for me to buy Chinese. Had I known it was Chinese manufactured, I never would have wanted it in the first place.

Since most Chinese made flooring has been pulled from the market in 2015, you'd be hard-pressed (no pun intended) to find any.

My God, how fucking stupid are you?

Show me a link that what you claim is true. The lady who owns the company is a member of my church and is Japanese herself. Her husband won the Silver Star during the Korean War. When they tell me they can't get the flooring I ordered from China without paying the tarif, I believe them and not some internet hoaxer one-percenter!

Flooring from China has a larger than acceptable amount of formaldehyde.

Link, or is this another of your lies?

It was huge news four years ago, I'd thought you'd have noticed. Nevertheless, I'd not be putting it in my home, no matter how much I've saved.
Sure it does
Our society has decided we don’t want to be like the slums of Calcutta

I’ll take helping the poor over corporate greed any day

So if a person decides he wants to sit home all day then we need to pay for them to?
Would you rather have people banging on your front door begging for handouts?
Rather have sick people laying at the hospital door begging for treatment?

I have no sympathy for the lazy, the poor, yes, the mentally ill, yes, widows, yes, orphans, yes. The lazy? None whatsoever.

We take care of those in need, not those that are lazy. Plus we currently don't have people banging on the doors for handouts nor do we have people at hospitals begging for treatment.
We are talking broadly about using tax money for social welfare
In the absence of support, they have few other options

I was speaking to Daniel about universal pay, which I am against and you chimed in. So we are on a different subjects.
I am advocating for solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

Capital must circulate under Capitalism not Labor. Requiring a social work ethic is socialism not Capitalism.
in what way? the dependence in this case, is equal protection of the law. we have an entitlement to that form of dependence on Government.

There is no guaranteed employment clause, the founding fathers never set out for pay without work solution. Back then the United States didn’t even have unemployment.

We are not entitled, nowhere in the Constitution does it say we must support those unwilling to work.
Different world back then

Doesn’t mean we should yearn for the days of Oliver Twist

Not yearning for the good old days, where in the Constitution does it say that a working man should pay for the lazy man?
equal protection of the law.

That is not what that means and we have explained it to you over and over. That is the flaw in your argument and I bet if you went before a judge with that argument, they'd laugh you out of court.

The person has equal protection to make sure his or her rights are equally protected as would another's rights would. There is no right to work in the United States. If you choose not to work that is your decision and not capitalism's.
i don't have a petty cash fund for a class action.
16th Amendment

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

That doesn't say that the taxes should be used for redistribution from productive people to lazy ones, bub.

It sure doesn't. In particular, the Article 1, Section 8 says the taxes should be used for the general welfare. They were opposed to using to taxation to reward specific interests.
Helping poor people, disaster relief, investments in infrastructure all help our nation as a whole and support the general welfare

I'm all for helping the poor, I object to helping those that make a choice not to work and expect others to pay for their choices. That has nothing to do with "general Welfare".
it must simply Because we subscribe to Capitalism and not Socialism.

Take it to court! Go ahead and see if your argument wins anything. So far you have an unproven concept that you want to launch on the American public that is unpopular and just plain dumb. You bitch, cry and moan and claim how superior you are, then take it to court and get your law passed. I doubt you will do nothing more than post on a board because you are lazy.
There is no guaranteed employment clause, the founding fathers never set out for pay without work solution. Back then the United States didn’t even have unemployment.

We are not entitled, nowhere in the Constitution does it say we must support those unwilling to work.
Different world back then

Doesn’t mean we should yearn for the days of Oliver Twist

Not yearning for the good old days, where in the Constitution does it say that a working man should pay for the lazy man?
equal protection of the law.

That is not what that means and we have explained it to you over and over. That is the flaw in your argument and I bet if you went before a judge with that argument, they'd laugh you out of court.

The person has equal protection to make sure his or her rights are equally protected as would another's rights would. There is no right to work in the United States. If you choose not to work that is your decision and not capitalism's.
i don't have a petty cash fund for a class action.

Oh gee, an excuse! LOL! Why am I not surprised. Let me know when you get your concept through, otherwise I don't see an inferior argument like yours going anywhere.
So if a person decides he wants to sit home all day then we need to pay for them to?
Would you rather have people banging on your front door begging for handouts?
Rather have sick people laying at the hospital door begging for treatment?

I have no sympathy for the lazy, the poor, yes, the mentally ill, yes, widows, yes, orphans, yes. The lazy? None whatsoever.

We take care of those in need, not those that are lazy. Plus we currently don't have people banging on the doors for handouts nor do we have people at hospitals begging for treatment.
We are talking broadly about using tax money for social welfare
In the absence of support, they have few other options

I was speaking to Daniel about universal pay, which I am against and you chimed in. So we are on a different subjects.
I am advocating for solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

Capital must circulate under Capitalism not Labor. Requiring a social work ethic is socialism not Capitalism.

We all know what you are for, I really don't care as you have a nothing burger and don't have the balls to take to the courts to challenge the Constitution.

It being McDonald's, one assumes they offer both full- and part-time . . . that is, one assumes it if one has actually been employed and knows something about having a job. I have no idea what YOU assume.

Unless the jobs being listed are full-time (40 hours per-week) the end result is questionable as to how much that employer adds to the economy.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. You got caught in a lie and are trying to backpedal your way out. Again, pathetic!

How can part-time jobs contribute as much as full-time jobs in the economy?

You cannot read. I never said they did. Another lie?

A part-time job pay the same into the economy as a full-time job?
Yeah they ain't gonna pay those illegals fifteen an hour when they can pay them less than eight now them capitalist must live in big mansions and fly jet planes.
Keeping wages low and cost of living high is how the robber barons make their living.

As the economy gets better, wages go up......as we are now seeing...... putting people out of work because of left wing policies is the way left wingers get rich and accumulate power......making people poor is the bread and butter of left wing democrats.
The rich are not playing politics they influence politics to keep wages low by hiring the illegals and the visa workers...Corporations donate to both sides of the political isle to get what they want. Your stupid partisan dichotomy plays right into their hands because they can exploit the masses with issues made to split us apart.
Apple is a trillion dollar company someone had to work for very low wages to make that happen. When will you people stop supporting these companies that exploit workers in poor nations and leave US citizens with less jobs?
There should be no mansions or billionaires while the majority suffer without.
Same as it ever was..and ever will be. Capitalism is a pyramid...and the base..is wide...and poor. Not that Socialism is any better..it is not. People wish to find a cure for the human condition..but until there is a true paradigm shift..like free unlimited power.....it will remain so.
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?

Why open a dialog when they are like you and AOC with room temperature IQs at best? Why do you deflect every statement when it blows your whole concept of how the world works?

I believe that the American Worker needs a raise. You can either agree or continue your Putin-communist manifesto.

That's rich! You what the government to dictate wages and call me a Communist! You don't know shit from Shinola!

No, I want the government to raise the already established minimum wage. Either you are for the American Worker or are for Putin's plan to alienate western culture.
Most, not all.

Uh, I said most. There are management employees who can make quite a good salary. (In-N-Out Burger pays their managers over $160K per year!) The point is that either the teenagers learn a work ethic which serves them well during the rest of their working life, or if they are motivated to do so, they have the opportunity for a career path into higher paying positions at McD's.

The issue was supervisors, not managers.

Supervisors are step in the ladder, bub.

Supervisors aren't managers.

My God, what a fucking moron!

Supervisors report to managers. From the bottom; workers, supervisors, managers, administration.
What if the market is fixed?

Do you have real life examples of fixed rates?

I wrote "market is fixed."

Do you have any examples of the market being fixed?

Sure. You have two businesses, one a retail, and one a service business. Each has completely different business plans and income streams, but pay employees the same. How can that be except to pay so low that both owners can skim off the top.

That isn’t a fixed market, there is no agreement to pay the same. You also claimed the owners are skimming? Do you have proof that all businesses are skimming?

If there was any doubt you not being a business owner, all doubt is now gone. Man you are clueless.

Employers don't pay the "market price?"

Skimming? Are you telling me that business owners don't cover the personal mortgage payment? Put their wives and kids on the payroll? Their girl/boy friend on the payroll? Their car? Personal utility payments? Vacations? Vacation homes? The list is endless.

Then the employer pays himself less to reduce his personal taxes, and when you ask for a raise, he states: I didn't make much more than you, I can't afford it.

Then of course you have business profit.

It's a scam.......

It being McDonald's, one assumes they offer both full- and part-time . . . that is, one assumes it if one has actually been employed and knows something about having a job. I have no idea what YOU assume.

Unless the jobs being listed are full-time (40 hours per-week) the end result is questionable as to how much that employer adds to the economy.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. You got caught in a lie and are trying to backpedal your way out. Again, pathetic!

How can part-time jobs contribute as much as full-time jobs in the economy?

We don't know, ask the democrats who raised the minimum wage and hours got cut.

You should ask those that cut the hours.
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?

Why open a dialog when they are like you and AOC with room temperature IQs at best? Why do you deflect every statement when it blows your whole concept of how the world works?

I believe that the American Worker needs a raise. You can either agree or continue your Putin-communist manifesto.

That's rich! You what the government to dictate wages and call me a Communist! You don't know shit from Shinola!

No, I want the government to raise the already established minimum wage. Either you are for the American Worker or are for Putin's plan to alienate western culture.
Conservatives fight for a low cost workforce
It being McDonald's, one assumes they offer both full- and part-time . . . that is, one assumes it if one has actually been employed and knows something about having a job. I have no idea what YOU assume.

Unless the jobs being listed are full-time (40 hours per-week) the end result is questionable as to how much that employer adds to the economy.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. You got caught in a lie and are trying to backpedal your way out. Again, pathetic!

How can part-time jobs contribute as much as full-time jobs in the economy?

We don't know, ask the democrats who raised the minimum wage and hours got cut.

Or workers begging for less hours so they still qualify for government programs

Full-time is more money than part-time and social welfare.
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?

Why open a dialog when they are like you and AOC with room temperature IQs at best? Why do you deflect every statement when it blows your whole concept of how the world works?

I believe that the American Worker needs a raise. You can either agree or continue your Putin-communist manifesto.
Today’s workers don’t make much more than I made 20 years ago and have fewer benefits

That's correct.

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