Does Biden and the Democrats know what harm they are doing?

So, now you’re changing your story…
You're the one who brought it up!
Post 271
Hmmmm....Newsweek, no friend of Trump, or Republican's, has a different take....

"Former President Donald Trump lost about a quarter of his overall wealth during the four years he served in the White House, according to the latest estimate from the Bloomberg Billionaire Index."
Look man, Biden is the one profiting from the office, not Trump.
Sure.............if you say so.
Too bad you can't prove it.
This folly of yours is just deflection from the fact that you’re supporting a corrupt POS…
You're the one defending and supporting the corrupt POS.
Trump- 91 charges and 5 indictments.
Biden- 0 charges and 0 indictments.
Which begs the question: 81 million people supposedly voted for Biden. I don't believe it.
Your belief is not required. The numbers were certified across all fifty states. By a combination of (D) and (R) officials. Time to move on.
And here we are, Economic and societal collapse brought on by liberal democrat policies.
Yep. The Dems have screwed-the-pooch alright. Not terribly surprising. You running Trump again gave them that foot-in-the-door. Four years of Idiot Tweets.

And now, persecution of political rivals.
Nope. Righteous prosecution of grave and profound wrongdoing by a sociopathic autocrat-wannabe con-man who abandoned the Peaceful transfer of Power.
(Trump). Democrats are doing this. How do we address this? This has to end.
Trump was a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger. Find somebody else who can advance the Trump agenda without the overpowering Trump baggage.
I think Dems have become so corrupt the biggest thing they fear is losing power and that being exposed.
Hold on there, cupcake.
Fun FACT: Every retarded communist revolution that happened in the 20th century NEEDED MASS MURDER to come to be.

Your move...

Here’s another “fun fact” for you. Protecting your Constitution and the integrity of your elections is not a “revolution”. It’s upholding the laws of the nation.

Perhaps you should be looking at what happened in South America when the CIA installed a bunch of right wing dictators over the leftists, the people were electing.

Whenever radical extremists seize power over the will of the people whether on the right or the left, mass murder is the result.

American third graders are not being told men can have periods. American third graders are not told anything about periods whatsoever. So that pathetic meme you just posted makes you look is laughably stupid.

American third graders are being taught creationism, that global warming is a hoax and that slaves were just immigrants. They are taught nothing of the history of your nation, at least not the true history of your nation.

The American right is seriously handicapping their children by teaching them things that simply are not preparing them for life in the real world.

How can you compete in the real world when you everything you’ve been taught is right wing political indoctrination which ignores science, history and facts?

Take off, hoser.

"Hosers" are Canadian men, not women. Every time you post you reveal your stupidity.

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