Does Biden and the Democrats know what harm they are doing?

I have no answer how to address this. Democrats went from our friends to our enemies, and they made it that way. they get funded by George Soros and China and democrats lost all claim to Americana. Yep, they are like Faust. Democrats sold themselves to the highest bidder.
You made your beds when you elected a man that lies likes he breathes with lifelong criminal tendencies to the highest office in the world. Now you get to fucking lie in it. These are the consequences for your actions.

I have absolutely zero sympathy for you magaturds in the aftermath. In fact, I still want my pound of flesh.
you need to provide numbers that show a higher delta of votes to low approval rating ratio. No one has fallen like Biden.
I don't need to provide anything. Biden kicked his ass, and trump will probably be in prison before the next election. All is well.
They are worse than democrats.

Well... yes and no.

They're generally pretty spineless politically, which makes them slightly different from the leftards, whose main purpose on life seems to be to transgress all meaningful boundaries.
What did Trump ever do to you?

Did he get you fired or something? :p
Nope. The orange c*nt desecrated the highest office in the world by being a superficial, petty, do-nothing tyrant. All he did was enrich himself, and magaturds praise him for it, because Cult. He's about as conservative as RuPaul. :rolleyes:

Any other questions?
I don't need to provide anything. Biden kicked his ass, and trump will probably be in prison before the next election. All is well.
Biden also had the largest drop in approval compared to his monumental 81 million votes.
Nope. The orange c*nt desecrated the highest office in the world by being a superficial, petty, do-nothing tyrant. All he did was enrich himself, and magaturds praise him for it, because Cult. He's about as conservative as RuPaul. :rolleyes:

Any other questions?

No, just answers.

$2 gas

1% inflation

0 foreign wars

Tyrant? Give me an example of the tyranny.
Which begs the question: 81 million people supposedly voted for Biden. I don't believe it. And here we are, Economic and societal collapse brought on by liberal democrat policies. And now, persecution of political rivals. (Trump). Democrats are doing this. How do we address this? This has to end.

Under Biden we have 13.2 million jobs added and 3.1% annualized real GDP growth.

If that's economic collapse...

what do you losing 2½ million jobs with 1.5% annualized real GDP growth?
No, just answers.

$2 gas

1% inflation

0 foreign wars

Tyrant? Give me an example of the tyranny.

Thanks for admitting Trump is to blame for covid.
No, just answers.

$2 gas

1% inflation

0 foreign wars

Tyrant? Give me an example of the tyranny.
So, to thinking people, it would seem the cost of stuff is ultimately controlled by the free market, IE: capitalism. Apparently, now you believe the President of the US controls capitalism, and it is his responsibility to make stuff cheaper for you. :rolleyes: Hmm. Well, it certainly explains your magaturd tendencies, and an apparent longing for an oligarch to make everything authoritarian again. Shit looks good on paper, but ultimately fails under any of the slightest objective scrutiny.

So nope, not buying it.
They just refuse to believe that so many Americans don't adore their mentally ill cult leader like they do.

"There must be something wrong! Someone must have cheated! Yeah, that's it! Our leader SAYS so!"

The question is whether the party can save itself before it's too late.
The GOP is done, my friend.
That appears to be the case, but I can hope.

They'll be back. They're fractured now; divided by MAGAt Republicans and normal Republicans. Much like Democrats were in 2016 which cost Hillary the election when Democrats were split between Socialist Democrats and normal Democrats. We came back, so will Republicans.
They'll be back. They're fractured now; divided by MAGAt Republicans and normal Republicans. Much like Democrats were in 2016 which cost Hillary the election when Democrats were split between Socialist Democrats and normal Democrats. We came back, so will Republicans.
I wish I could hit the FAST FORWARD button. Because this ain't gonna be pretty for a while.
They'll be back. They're fractured now; divided by MAGAt Republicans and normal Republicans. Much like Democrats were in 2016 which cost Hillary the election when Democrats were split between Socialist Democrats and normal Democrats. We came back, so will Republicans.
I'm sure of it as long as they PURGE THE MAGATURDS!

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