Does disliking the White Supremacist Nazis make me a bigot?


Looks like a couple of those boys are advertising to get butt fucked.p. When are black men going to wise up to what goes down in prisons?
Yes....Just as WRONG......not Just as RIGHT.
Associating White Supremacist Nazis with President Trump and his supporters makes you a bigot, and an ignorant fool.

Trump never denounced the White Supremacist. He even hired a white supremacist enabler to his White House advisors.

The idea you support this makes you as bad as your orange buddy.
This is what a white supremacist enabler looks like.

That's Hillary Clinton making out with the KKK Grand Dragon, Robert Byrd.

Byrd left the KKK as a young man & denounced them many times since.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.

So...that's not photoshopped?FALSE: Photograph Shows Robert Byrd in Ku Klux Klan Garb
Trump never denounced the White Supremacist. He even hired a white supremacist enabler to his White House advisors.

The idea you support this makes you as bad as your orange buddy.
This is what a white supremacist enabler looks like.

That's Hillary Clinton making out with the KKK Grand Dragon, Robert Byrd.

Byrd left the KKK as a young man & denounced them many times since.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.

Yet all they can do is bitch about David Duke
That's because it's the only thing they have. They find one conservative racist Klan member and they have to run with it.
Because there's only one? :rofl:
Associating White Supremacist Nazis with President Trump and his supporters makes you a bigot, and an ignorant fool.

Trump never denounced the White Supremacist. He even hired a white supremacist enabler to his White House advisors.

The idea you support this makes you as bad as your orange buddy.
This is what a white supremacist enabler looks like.

That's Hillary Clinton making out with the KKK Grand Dragon, Robert Byrd.

Byrd left the KKK as a young man & denounced them many times since.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.

So...that's not photoshopped?FALSE: Photograph Shows Robert Byrd in Ku Klux Klan Garb
Snopes is a liberal rag and can't be trusted.
This is what a white supremacist enabler looks like.

That's Hillary Clinton making out with the KKK Grand Dragon, Robert Byrd.

Byrd left the KKK as a young man & denounced them many times since.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.

Yet all they can do is bitch about David Duke
That's because it's the only thing they have. They find one conservative racist Klan member and they have to run with it.
Because there's only one? :rofl:
Can you think of another?
Trump never denounced the White Supremacist. He even hired a white supremacist enabler to his White House advisors.

The idea you support this makes you as bad as your orange buddy.
This is what a white supremacist enabler looks like.

That's Hillary Clinton making out with the KKK Grand Dragon, Robert Byrd.

Byrd left the KKK as a young man & denounced them many times since.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.

So...that's not photoshopped?FALSE: Photograph Shows Robert Byrd in Ku Klux Klan Garb
Snopes is a liberal rag and can't be trusted.
Did you follow the links to the original pics? Or did you just close your eyes and go la la la la?
Byrd left the KKK as a young man & denounced them many times since.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.

Yet all they can do is bitch about David Duke
That's because it's the only thing they have. They find one conservative racist Klan member and they have to run with it.
Because there's only one? :rofl:
Can you think of another?
Yeah...all those alt-Righties marching in Charlottesville.
This is what a white supremacist enabler looks like.

That's Hillary Clinton making out with the KKK Grand Dragon, Robert Byrd.

Byrd left the KKK as a young man & denounced them many times since.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.

So...that's not photoshopped?FALSE: Photograph Shows Robert Byrd in Ku Klux Klan Garb
Snopes is a liberal rag and can't be trusted.
Did you follow the links to the original pics? Or did you just close your eyes and go la la la la?
The so called original pics are obviously photo shopped.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.

Yet all they can do is bitch about David Duke
That's because it's the only thing they have. They find one conservative racist Klan member and they have to run with it.
Because there's only one? :rofl:
Can you think of another?
Yeah...all those alt-Righties marching in Charlottesville.
Those alt-Righties are counter protesting the racist leftist Klan members.

Does disliking the White Supremacist Nazis make me a bigot?

No more than disliking the Black Lives Matter Fascists make me a bigot.
BLM is Far RW?
Who said anything about them being RW.
They are racists, violent thugs though. Who march around demanding the death of cops.
You called them fascists...that's far RW totalitarians.

Fascists want a huge government that controls most of our lives.
Trump thinks so.

Does disliking people that hate Jews, oppress women, throw gays off rooftops, and kill anyone not a part of their religion make one a bigot?

Liberals think so.
You blame Muslims. Yet not all Muslims are throwing gays off the roof. We have how many Muslims living here & how many non Muslims have they killed? Republicans oppress women as you dickbags don't believe in equal pay for equal work.
Associating White Supremacist Nazis with President Trump and his supporters makes you a bigot, and an ignorant fool.

Trump never denounced the White Supremacist. He even hired a white supremacist enabler to his White House advisors.

The idea you support this makes you as bad as your orange buddy.
This is what a white supremacist enabler looks like.

That's Hillary Clinton making out with the KKK Grand Dragon, Robert Byrd.

Byrd left the KKK as a young man & denounced them many times since.
Why don't other democrats do the same?
This does not look like a young man to me.


So, you got duped by a fake photo llike the brilliant person you are.

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