Does disliking the White Supremacist Nazis make me a bigot?

Does disliking the White Supremacist Nazis make me a bigot?

No more than disliking the Black Lives Matter Fascists make me a bigot.
BLM is Far RW?
Who said anything about them being RW.
They are racists, violent thugs though. Who march around demanding the death of cops.
You called them fascists...that's far RW totalitarians.
Fascists -> totalitarians who want to dictate to others how to live their lives and shut down any form of derision with violence. That defines BLM.

Because stupidity says it is all a conspiracy

Over a billion dollars has been spent over the last 8 years fomenting racial division, with the purpose of using the manufactured conflicts to take away our rights.
Does disliking the White Supremacist Nazis make me a bigot?

No more than disliking the Black Lives Matter Fascists make me a bigot.
BLM is Far RW?
Who said anything about them being RW.
They are racists, violent thugs though. Who march around demanding the death of cops.
You called them fascists...that's far RW totalitarians.
Fascists -> totalitarians who want to dictate to others how to live their lives and shut down any form of derision with violence. That defines BLM.

No it does not. All BLM wants is that the police end this senseless slaughter of unarmed black men without any repercussions.
Does disliking the White Supremacist Nazis make me a bigot?

No more than disliking the Black Lives Matter Fascists make me a bigot.
BLM is Far RW?
Who said anything about them being RW.
They are racists, violent thugs though. Who march around demanding the death of cops.
You called them fascists...that's far RW totalitarians.

Fascists want a huge government that controls most of our lives.

Funny chit. You want corporate America to control your life.
Yet all they can do is bitch about David Duke
That's because it's the only thing they have. They find one conservative racist Klan member and they have to run with it.
Because there's only one? :rofl:
Can you think of another?
Yeah...all those alt-Righties marching in Charlottesville.
Those alt-Righties are counter protesting the racist leftist Klan members.


Only a dumbass thinks that Democrats owned slaves & Republicans freed them.

You people are dumber than shit
Trump thinks so.
No, your ideology makes you a bigot. Trying to tie what happened in Charlotte to Trump or any politician just makes you fucking stupid.
Your orange buddy said it. Are you calling him a liar?

Trump tied himself to the Alt-Right when he fell in love with Bannon.
He's not My buddy, I didn't vote for him. I just oppose the bigotry of the left. Have a nice night since you'll just want to continue on with the 'did so" arguments.
Only a dumbass thinks that Democrats owned slaves & Republicans freed them.

You people are dumber than shit
Andrew Jackson: Democrat or Republican?
James K Polk
Andrew Johnson

Of course this doesn't include the tens of thousands of slave owners who voted Demonrat.
True. Trump knows who is base is. They elected him on a platform of "SOME Mexicans don't rape" and "a Mexican (even one born here) can't be a good judge".
Racists are the base of those who voted for Trumps as much a Muslim terrorist pigs are the base to those who voted for Obama.

Republicans are 90% white. Trump can't condemn Russians, who are racists. And he can't condemn American racists because the Alt Right, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, white nationalists and Republicans got him elected. He is what he is.
Does disliking the White Supremacist Nazis make me a bigot?

No more than disliking the Black Lives Matter Fascists make me a bigot.
BLM is Far RW?
Who said anything about them being RW.
They are racists, violent thugs though. Who march around demanding the death of cops.
You called them fascists...that's far RW totalitarians.
Fascists -> totalitarians who want to dictate to others how to live their lives and shut down any form of derision with violence. That defines BLM.

No it does not. All BLM wants is that the police end this senseless slaughter of unarmed black men without any repercussions.
Then why do they chant about killing cops?
Republicans are 90% white. Trump can't condemn Russians, who are racists. And he can't condemn American racists because the Alt Right, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, white nationalists and Republicans got him elected. He is what he is.
How odd you think about race all the time. Of whites who voted, 58% voted for Trump. Only 57% of registered dems are white.

And, yeah, I have links. Not gonna spoon feed morons, though...especially willfully ignorant and dishonest ones.
Does disliking the White Supremacist Nazis make me a bigot?

No more than disliking the Black Lives Matter Fascists make me a bigot.
BLM is Far RW?
Who said anything about them being RW.
They are racists, violent thugs though. Who march around demanding the death of cops.
You called them fascists...that's far RW totalitarians.

Fascists want a huge government that controls most of our lives.

Funny chit. You want corporate America to control your life.


This guy will protect us from corporate America.
Trump saves his wrath for United States senators, particularly ones in the Republican Party. He also rants against those not loyal to him.

But David Duke, like Vladimir Putin get only soft soap and tacit appproval.
BLM is Far RW?
Who said anything about them being RW.
They are racists, violent thugs though. Who march around demanding the death of cops.
You called them fascists...that's far RW totalitarians.

Fascists want a huge government that controls most of our lives.

Funny chit. You want corporate America to control your life.

View attachment 143547

This guy will protect us from corporate America.
A picture of a guy looting?

Actually in time of war, this guy is far more likely to serve in the military than your Pillsbury Doughboy Trump ever was.
Republicans are 90% white. Trump can't condemn Russians, who are racists. And he can't condemn American racists because the Alt Right, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, white nationalists and Republicans got him elected. He is what he is.
How odd you think about race all the time. Of whites who voted, 58% voted for Trump. Only 57% of registered dems are white.

And, yeah, I have links. Not gonna spoon feed morons, though...especially willfully ignorant and dishonest ones.
So the fuck what. It does not changethe fact that the Alt Right supported Trump.
BLM is Far RW?
Who said anything about them being RW.
They are racists, violent thugs though. Who march around demanding the death of cops.
You called them fascists...that's far RW totalitarians.
Fascists -> totalitarians who want to dictate to others how to live their lives and shut down any form of derision with violence. That defines BLM.

No it does not. All BLM wants is that the police end this senseless slaughter of unarmed black men without any repercussions.
Then why do they chant about killing cops?
Maybe because cops are killing them with protection from the police departments? Do ya think?
Republicans are 90% white. Trump can't condemn Russians, who are racists. And he can't condemn American racists because the Alt Right, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, white nationalists and Republicans got him elected. He is what he is.
How odd you think about race all the time. Of whites who voted, 58% voted for Trump. Only 57% of registered dems are white.

And, yeah, I have links. Not gonna spoon feed morons, though...especially willfully ignorant and dishonest ones.
So the fuck what. It does not changethe fact that the Alt Right supported Trump.
Never said any differently.

Reading is fundamental.

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