Does God Exist?

It isn't accepted fact, nor science, but mathematics and something made up by mathematician Ian Stewart from your link. For example, we cannot have anything infinite in this world as by definition we cannot divide by zero. Thus, singularity cannot exist. Einstein is more correct in that God does not play dice. Normally, we do not want chaos or lawlessness as we have the police and military who will put it down. It means that this world was NOT put together due to chaos or randomness. There is design and intelligence behind the universe.

Here is an example, I think you will go to hell. However, God knows where you will go before you were born. It's predestination. This isn't chaos theory. Mine is better than 50/50 chance or random thinking..
Pi is in this world. e is in this world, 1/3 is in this world. All are representations of entities that are infinite in enumeration. Your comment about divide by zero is meaningless. Einstein has no way to know whether or not god plays with dice. When gravity gets high enough, it exceeds the ability of fundamental particles to maintain separate spaces. Science says that singularities DO exist. When your conversant used the term "chaos", I don't think he or she was talking about anything with which the police would get involved. The world did occur by chance and was the result of an enormous amount of randomness. There is no intelligent design behind the universe, only the laws of physics.
When gravity gets high enough, it exceeds the ability of fundamental particles to maintain separate spaces.

Where such a deluded idea comes from?

There is no intelligent design behind the universe, only the laws of physics.

Chaos which formed the universe has no rules, but you say there are laws of physics ruling in the universe.

I think the essence of your argument is ruled by a chaotic contradiction.
Overall, There's probably equal representation among religious groups.
Yes. My point is that people read their holy books, not so much to learn about God, but to learn about mankind and how to co-exist with one another. We want to know what our own purpose is. The Bible is just as much a book of anthropology (the study of man and his history and culture) as it about the study of God.
The problem is that most followers obey their leaders and ignore the words of God, as if God doesn't exist but only when they are in trouble or when things are well to give him thanks.

But when is about obeying his words, here is when thousands of excuses are given in order to avoid them. Having a God who exists until today, how it comes his followers say his words are no longer valid?
When gravity gets high enough, it exceeds the ability of fundamental particles to maintain separate spaces.

Where such a deluded idea comes from?

There is no intelligent design behind the universe, only the laws of physics.

Chaos which formed the universe has no rules, but you say there are laws of physics ruling in the universe.

I think the essence of your argument is ruled by a chaotic contradiction.
I think the essence of your argument is ruled by a chaotic contradiction.
there is not a contradiction, from chaos emerged the periodic table the first forms of life to combine to form molecules that create reactions to form compounds and eventually the formation of physiology and its subsequent spiritual content and self reproduction. from an initial moment of inert singularity.

in fact the universe's boundaries might be simply stated as the extremes between chaos and a motionless singularity. with everything else inbetween. being an eternal cyclical event.
there is not a contradiction, from chaos emerged the periodic table...

Don't tell me.

"From chaos emerged the periodic table."

What was chaos made of?

I think you are using a lot of imagination with your theoretical explanation. I would like to know the details.

in fact the universe's boundaries might be simply stated as the extremes between chaos and a motionless singularity. with everything else inbetween. being an eternal cyclical event.

So chaos moves. I want to see that. What kind of special glasses I must buy on eBay to be capable of seeing such moving chaos?

I think that before you try talking physics, you must define the several phenomena mentioned by you. You know, Like when you define thunder, cloud, galaxy, atom, etc. I ask you to define chaos.

Of course, your definition must include the characteristics of chaos, whatever those are objective or subjective. Like when I define time as the comparison of motion of bodies having one of them a regular rate motion.

I can assure you that this definition of time can be probed as the most accurate and that is based in millions and millions of tests.

As you can see, time is subjective.

You say chaos is objective and became the elements known today. But, for to obtain such a conclusion, you must know what chaos was made before, or what chaos is now after changes.
Now if I was a Christian, I'd be terrified
If you were Christian perhaps you would have a clearer understanding and be at peace.
Maybe so. However, I've never met a Christian who didn't think others would be going to hell but not them.
Let me be your first. No one knows their fate or the fate of others.

So now you can’t say that anymore.
So you're what? Hopeful, scared, or resigned?
Mr james bond knows my fate. You're awake but are you woke?
Why not? Who do you believe is correct? Me? Or him?
So the killing of all those people was what? Fiction?

The god of the Old Testament had no problem killing and torturing the people he supposedly created and loved when they didn't do what he said.
One thing to understand about ancient man's understanding of God (whether that man be Chinese or Jewish) is that everything is God's will. Then remember that simply because all is God's will, it was not interpreted that God set out with a sword or a lightening bolt to smite. God was not seen as a puppet master...He simply provided the stage for both puppets and puppet masters.
So you're telling me the Bible is not the word of your god right?

You think it's what? An ancient chapter novel?

The ancient version of the penny dreadfuls?

You can't say the god of the Old Testament is not the god of the New Testament because Christianity says they are all the same
Here is an example, I think you will go to hell. However, God knows where you will go before you were born. It's predestination. This isn't chaos theory. Mine is better than 50/50 chance or random thinking..
I think the chance I will go to hell is 0.0000001% so I'm not worried about it. You on the other hand must be very worried since you have a 50% chance of burning in hell for all eternity. I certainly wouldn't want to trade places with you.
Those who are sure they will go to heaven are the one that should be worried.

You presume to know the mind of the god who will judge you
When gravity gets high enough, it exceeds the ability of fundamental particles to maintain separate spaces.

Where such a deluded idea comes from?

There is no intelligent design behind the universe, only the laws of physics.

Chaos which formed the universe has no rules, but you say there are laws of physics ruling in the universe.

I think the essence of your argument is ruled by a chaotic contradiction.
don't forget that the "laws" of physics are derived from our understanding of a mere 5% of the universe.

So they are hardly the gold standard
Overall, There's probably equal representation among religious groups.
Yes. My point is that people read their holy books, not so much to learn about God, but to learn about mankind and how to co-exist with one another. We want to know what our own purpose is. The Bible is just as much a book of anthropology (the study of man and his history and culture) as it about the study of God.
I can’t agree with that. God and Jesus are the central figures in the Bible. “Creation”, man’s fall from grace and subsequent punishment (the flood), are major themes.

The Bible, (the book of anthropology), as I am aware doesn’t spend much time exploring Chinese or Hindu civilization / culture.
So you're telling me the Bible is not the word of your god right?

You think it's what? An ancient chapter novel?

The ancient version of the penny dreadfuls?

You can't say the god of the Old Testament is not the god of the New Testament because Christianity says they are all the same
The Bible is the Word of God...written by man. As I have pointed out, cultures and languages change. That is why in order to clearly understand the Word of God, we have to delve into the languages, cultures, and histories of Biblical times. Our thoughts were not their thoughts.

How did the author and his original audience understand the account?
The Bible, (the book of anthropology), as I am aware doesn’t spend much time exploring Chinese or Hindu civilization / culture.
Yet Chinese or Hindu civilizations have books that explore their cultures without worrying about what was happening in Israel and Ireland.
I can’t agree with that. God and Jesus are the central figures in the Bible. “Creation”, man’s fall from grace and subsequent punishment (the flood), are major themes.
So God and Jesus came to talk about themselves?
So you're telling me the Bible is not the word of your god right?

You think it's what? An ancient chapter novel?

The ancient version of the penny dreadfuls?

You can't say the god of the Old Testament is not the god of the New Testament because Christianity says they are all the same
The Bible is the Word of God...written by man. As I have pointed out, cultures and languages change. That is why in order to clearly understand the Word of God, we have to delve into the languages, cultures, and histories of Biblical times. Our thoughts were not their thoughts.

How did the author and his original audience understand the account?
If a god told you what to write would you sneak in your opinions or would you write exactly what he told you to write?
If it's some guy's opinion then it cannot be the word of a god.

And if the English translation is so poor why then don't Christian religions study it in the original language?

How much of the bible you use is actually an instruction manual from your god and how much is made up by some guy?

Maybe Genesis is made up or misunderstood

Maybe the 10 Commandments are a plagiarism of some other philosopher.

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