Does God Exist?

You have no idea of the extreme changes of rate of reproduction which have happened in the past.

This ignorance of yours is what keeps you blind and incites you to built fantasies of millions of years to events that happened in hundreds of years.

You really have no idea.
What evidence do you have for the extreme changes of rate of reproduction which have happened in the past? I really have no idea since I can only see what is happening today.
So you don't know if any of the bible is actually the word of the god you worship but you worship the god in the bible.
I believe the Bible was inspired by God and written by man. I worship God. The Bible is fascinating, contains so much wisdom, and truth, and has been a tremendous guide in my life. The contents in the Bible (not to mention the Catholic Church) dropped me straight into the lap of God (so-to-speak). God Is. He exists.

Does it matter to me that I cannot fully understand all the Bible correctly? Not at all. The Bible is not all about me, it is about the experiences other have had with God. God in our midst, which is of top interest to me. God has greatly impacted my life, and it is good to read how He is/has been there in the lives of others.

I worship God. Period. And if you think I see God (or the Bible) the same way you do, think again.
The question is if the bible is fiction why isn't the god in the bible fiction?
Easy answer. The Bible is a collection of books. Law. Plays. History. Song. Biography. Letters.

There is a play about Abraham Lincoln. There is a play about God. Does being in a play mean not existing?
The reason it is not a stupid question is I am from a family of atheists, married to one. Therefore, I know from first hand experience that people have different reasons for believing God exists or reasoning why he does not. Since I don't know you and cannot read minds, I was curious as to how you, personally, see things. But never mind. I am here for discussion on various perspectives--not to insult--or be insulted. Wishing you a good day.

That's terrible. My ex-wife isn't a believer. I doubt there was much religion on her side of the family but a token god of nature or good fortune to pray to. It could be more like tossing coins in a fountain for luck. They would make a donation to a church if they were having a fund raiser, but did not attend any services.

I made a mistake in marrying her and it may have been God's punishment for not marrying the one he picked for me. However, I wasn't Christian at the time either. Religious, but not Christian. At least I think the one before my ex-wife that I let get away was the one in hindsight. Yes, hindsight is always 20/20 haha.

However, I became a born again Christian in 2012 and then began studying the Bible. It was too confusing, so I skipped the morality and social issues controversies and went to the science parts. Those were easier to understand and figure out. I could compare it with my evolution website from UC Berkeley. My daughter is going to UCLA and majoring in biology and all sorts of atheist science. We've talked before about my beliefs and she doesn't understand. Yet, I do know that she has some kind of belief in God or a universal God. I'm not as sure about my son. He may be more with the same thinking as my ex-wif about God. However, he's older so was exposed to more of my religion while we were married.

I was exposed to atheism and atheist science at UC Berkeley where the father and son geologist team of Luis and Walter Alvarez are prominent. In science, one is definitely exposed to atheist science there. Even the science news there is heavily in favor of evolution.

It was this year that God pointed me in a different direction. He said to talk with the believers more instead of the non-believers. As for my daughter and son, it would have to come via what I do and my attitudes towards Christianity. My daughter will be exposed to heavy evolution with her choice of major, so we'll just have to discuss that when the time comes after graduation.
To me there are only two possibilities for the existence that we all know.

The first possibility is that there is some intelligent design to this universe.

The only other alternative is that the universe magically created itself out of nothing.

The magic theory is so absurd that the first possibility is much more logical.

I'll go with God.
To me there are only two possibilities for the existence that we all know.

The first possibility is that there is some intelligent design to this universe.

The only other alternative is that the universe magically created itself out of nothing.

The magic theory is so absurd that the first possibility is much more logical.

I'll go with God.
Why not just admit we don't know?
One alarming thing, at least alarming to me, is that most left leaning liberals, at least based on their responses on other threads, that have posted on this thread, appear to be atheists who mock those who believe. This is most likely ANOTHER reason these liberals appear to be so hateful and miserable. If they had any belief or faith, this may help them in life. My sister, whom I live with, who has been an avowed atheist for all of her adult life, is one of the most miserable people I know. She DOES cheer up occasionally when I act silly and get a laugh out of her. The antics of our two kitties also make her smile.
To me there are only two possibilities for the existence that we all know.

The first possibility is that there is some intelligent design to this universe.

The only other alternative is that the universe magically created itself out of nothing.

The magic theory is so absurd that the first possibility is much more logical.

I'll go with God.
Why not just admit we don't know?

Accepting the concept of Intelligent Design is believing in a higher power that bridges what we know and what we don't know.

Maybe one of these days Science will be able to explain the unexplainable but we ain't there yet.

We don't even know how Chemistry turns into Biology, no less how the universe was created. We don't even understand what the hell gravity is all about.
The first possibility is that there is some intelligent design to this universe.

The only other alternative is that the universe magically created itself out of nothing.
Yeah, you said that already. But you missed two other options:

1) the universe popped into existence from "nothing", which only seems like "nothing" to an observer who cant observe it

2) the universe popped into existence form something, and there has always been something
With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way.
So, let me get this straight, an atheist first needs to ask a god they don't believe exists
to be forgiven for an offense they are not aware of, otherwise,....
Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.
Without faith, an open mind and a sincere heart
God ignores you and doesn't want to be bothered

First of all, what is more important...
Having faith or Who you have faith in

Anyone who professes there is no God and for whatever reason
find themselves reaching out to this God they've heard about but don't believe in...
You best believe that is God's doing

Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God

Romans 10:17

Babies are not fed solid foods their bodies can't digest yet
Their nutrients first come from milk until they are capable of handling solid foods

Who can recognize sin unless they realize what God considers sin
Who can ask for forgiveness unless they acknowledge sin according to God as sin

I think its hard for people to have faith in the God and Father of Jesus
because of those who do
I think it’s difficult to have faith in superstition and supernaturalism.
No faith is faith too
No. No faith in the supernatural is a conclusion.
Faith is belief, believing, blind trust
Conclusions are based on convictions

How can you have beliefs
without having faith in what you believe

You don't believe there is a God,
then you have faith there isn't
You have faith in what you believe
There’s no requirement for faith in the methods of science.
The earth isn't flat. Species evolved. These are not spiritual facts, they're material. And when religionists proclaim they've found a verse in a holy book that contradicts them, they're wrong because they've read into the verse something beyond its spiritual intent.
The reality/truth is, that IF all species of animal life evolved from "Natural Selection", then any evolutionist should be able to "evolve" an entirely new species intentionally from any given existing species. The truth is that for centuries man has been breeding both plants and animals and has never been able to reveal anything other that a designer hybrid of the species he or she started with. Bigger dogs, smaller dogs, hairless cats, and beautiful tomatoes are not new species but a hybrid of what already existed. No one here today will say that an Ethiopian is any closer to an ape than an Englishman.
Classic straw man argument that ignores the mountains of fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence for evolution. Sorry, but evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a likely mechanism but probably not the whole story.
The straw man is in your court as the fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence all point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood. I will agree that even "identical" twins display variations. This is what is known as INDIVIDUALITY and UNIQUENESS. And there is evidence that there is variety within every KIND. However, to even suggest that man somehow evolved from a distant ancient slug and that there is plenty of evidence demonstrating some upward progression transcending species of any sort is false. The fact remains that had Darwin known the DNA complexities of what he labeled "simple" single celled organisms, he likely would have re-imagined his view of the subject.
Can you name what fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood? Or are you just making stuff up?
How is this for a starter?
To me there are only two possibilities for the existence that we all know.

The first possibility is that there is some intelligent design to this universe.

The only other alternative is that the universe magically created itself out of nothing.

The magic theory is so absurd that the first possibility is much more logical.

I'll go with God.
There’s no reason to think the universe was created from nothing. As the measurements of science become more precise and as more is learned, we may eventually discover the cause. That’s exciting and gives hope for exploration.

To abandon the search for discovery and rely on a book of fables we know are flawed, that uses a distillation of gods derived from earlier gods, written by unknown authors who relay tales of magic and superstition seems to project a measure of hopelessness. The gods dead end at a book written by men and never subject to final editing by the gods,
The reality/truth is, that IF all species of animal life evolved from "Natural Selection", then any evolutionist should be able to "evolve" an entirely new species intentionally from any given existing species. The truth is that for centuries man has been breeding both plants and animals and has never been able to reveal anything other that a designer hybrid of the species he or she started with. Bigger dogs, smaller dogs, hairless cats, and beautiful tomatoes are not new species but a hybrid of what already existed. No one here today will say that an Ethiopian is any closer to an ape than an Englishman.
Classic straw man argument that ignores the mountains of fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence for evolution. Sorry, but evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a likely mechanism but probably not the whole story.
The straw man is in your court as the fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence all point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood. I will agree that even "identical" twins display variations. This is what is known as INDIVIDUALITY and UNIQUENESS. And there is evidence that there is variety within every KIND. However, to even suggest that man somehow evolved from a distant ancient slug and that there is plenty of evidence demonstrating some upward progression transcending species of any sort is false. The fact remains that had Darwin known the DNA complexities of what he labeled "simple" single celled organisms, he likely would have re-imagined his view of the subject.
Can you name what fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood? Or are you just making stuff up?
How is this for a starter?

That’s a non-starter.

Creation Ministries International? You shouldn’t expect others to be so gullible.
that is proof of the metaphysical nature of evolution ...

transforming from one being into another

It's metamorphosis or development change which has nothing to do with the metaphysical which has been explained to you before. However, I did find there is a supernatural belief of humans into animals. I can see you going off the deep end and believing this kind of stuff :cuckoo:.

"Of Humans, Pigs, Fish, and Apes:
The Literary Motif of Human-Animal
Metamorphosis and its Multiple Functions
in Contemporary Fiction1
Marion Gymnich and Alexandre Segão Costa

[...] she would try
To stretch her arms, she had no arms to stretch.
Would she complain, a moo came from her throat,
A startling sound—her own voice frightened her.
Her tears rolled down; if only words would come,
She’d speak her name, tell all, implore their aid.
For words her hoof traced letters in the dust—
I, O—sad tidings of her body’s change.2

THE STORY OF THE BEAUTIFUL IO, whom Jupiter transforms intoa cow to hide his affair with her from his wife Juno and who, sheddingbitter tears, manages to reveal her true identity to her father by tracingher name in the ground with her hoof, is just one of many instances of human-animal transformation in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. The Metamorphoses, beyonddoubt part of the canon of Western literature, has inspired many authorsthroughout the centuries, and it still constitutes an interesting touchstone fora discussion of literary representations of human-animal transformation intexts written in the second half of the twentieth century. The frequent explicitintertextual references to Ovid in recent literary representations of metamor-phoses is evidence of the lasting impact of the Metamorphoseson Western lit-erature and culture."

It's metamorphosis or development change which has nothing to do with the metaphysical
the branch of philosophy / (science) that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.

^ science my inclusion -

your disinformation / christianity paints you into a corner that is not true for all theists and yes there will be in the Everlasting the mythological of old more so perhaps than the apparent Almighty of the modern time. I chose both being as the triumph is the same for either w/ the Almighty the gatekeeper.

metamorphosis is the visual representation of the metaphysical as explained to you previously and is the means from parent to sibling for evolutionary change.
To me there are only two possibilities for the existence that we all know.

The first possibility is that there is some intelligent design to this universe.

The only other alternative is that the universe magically created itself out of nothing.

The magic theory is so absurd that the first possibility is much more logical.

I'll go with God.
There’s no reason to think the universe was created from nothing. As the measurements of science become more precise and as more is learned, we may eventually discover the cause. That’s exciting and gives hope for exploration.

To abandon the search for discovery and rely on a book of fables we know are flawed, that uses a distillation of gods derived from earlier gods, written by unknown authors who relay tales of magic and superstition seems to project a measure of hopelessness. The gods dead end at a book written by men and never subject to final editing by the gods,

Nobody is saying that we should not pursue Science.

Maybe one of these days we will figure out why and how everything that is exist.

However, we are not there yet. Not by a long shot.

By the way, Science as we know nowadays tells us that the Laws of Physics are such that the universe could not have created itself out of nothing.
prim(evil) - are you a christian ... not a response for that word.

They are one in the same for instance the early writings are in the plural, let us ... in our image - the rest is all forgery. that is why they are the Almighty above all others. their triumph rules the universe.

BB is cyclical explains the extremes of chaos and the moment of singularity and everything inbetween.

No, I'm not a Christian.

And you must think how are you going to respond next time someone ask you where those metaphysics originated from.
No, I'm not a Christian.

And you must think how are you going to respond next time someone ask you where those metaphysics originated from.
if you are asking their origination you then conclude they exist so your insistence becomes their functionality which has been provided already by their creation of physiology which is a metaphysical substance that ceases to exist when its spiritual content is removed - I really do not need to repeat this again.

oh, really, not a christian what's with 4th century bible talk then ...
How is this for a starter?
How is...what? Don't post youtube videos you never watched and don't understand and then expect others to spoonfeed their content back to you. Make your point, in your own words. If you have material to support it, then post it along with your point. None of us are your mommy.
The reality/truth is, that IF all species of animal life evolved from "Natural Selection", then any evolutionist should be able to "evolve" an entirely new species intentionally from any given existing species. The truth is that for centuries man has been breeding both plants and animals and has never been able to reveal anything other that a designer hybrid of the species he or she started with. Bigger dogs, smaller dogs, hairless cats, and beautiful tomatoes are not new species but a hybrid of what already existed. No one here today will say that an Ethiopian is any closer to an ape than an Englishman.
Classic straw man argument that ignores the mountains of fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence for evolution. Sorry, but evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a likely mechanism but probably not the whole story.
The straw man is in your court as the fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence all point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood. I will agree that even "identical" twins display variations. This is what is known as INDIVIDUALITY and UNIQUENESS. And there is evidence that there is variety within every KIND. However, to even suggest that man somehow evolved from a distant ancient slug and that there is plenty of evidence demonstrating some upward progression transcending species of any sort is false. The fact remains that had Darwin known the DNA complexities of what he labeled "simple" single celled organisms, he likely would have re-imagined his view of the subject.
Can you name what fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood? Or are you just making stuff up?
How is this for a starter?

That’s a non-starter.

Creation Ministries International? You shouldn’t expect others to be so gullible.

Real fossils, real locations, a logical explanation ---- that just so happens to also be revealed by GOD in His Word before people regarded fossils...

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