Does God Exist?

I'm sorry but I don't have enough respect for your scientific chops to accept your statement that evolution has no proof. The trillions of fossils that we have found are proof, the biology we know is proof, the geology we know is proof. When you write "we would see a cell come into being from primordial stuff" we are show how little you understand of the science. Do you even know why I can say that?

There are no trillions of fossils which goes to show that science backs me up and you are wrong once again. The fossil record does not have the transition or intermediate fossils. Instead, we find that the completeness of the fossil record deserves recognition after more than 150 years of fossil collecting and more than 200 million fossils found. Most of it is marine fossils which back up Noah's Flood.

As for the rest of your wrong science and misplaced snobbery, we find that you have nothing to back your claims up.
Come on, asshole. There is NO fossil sequence that would convince you. Why don't you just admit it?
It is known that the vast majority of species that lived on this rock are now extinct. If an asteroid had not exterminated the dinos it is likely that man would not exist.

This is really embarrassing. The atheist scientists are still arguing whether it was large asteroid, comet, or a supervolcano in India (Deccan Traps) that killed the dinosaurs. Chicxulub may not have been a large asteroid as the evidence for it isn't convincing. The atheist scientists just accepted this theory because it fits with something from the skies to kill the dinosaurs and not the global flood. Even today, the large asteroid hit is to wipe out human civilization and cause the end of the world, but enough evidence just isn't there.
Scientists accepted the theory of an asteroid strike killing the dinosaurs because it FITS WITH THE EVIDENCE.
The presence of energy and matter literally create space time because gravity is a consequence of energy and matter.

Even Stephen Hawking admitted one needs space to have a quantum particle. Next, how does one have energy when there is no time? Not only does it defy physics and the laws of thermodynamics, your explanations lack much needed details like alang1216.
You do realize that matter and energy are equivalent, right?

So whether I say matter or energy can’t exist without creating space time it like saying the same thing, right.

so you understand the concept of space but are confused by space time. Space is the 3 dimensions represented by x, y and z coordinates. The 4th dimension t or time represents or is a measurement of expansion. Time doesn’t really exist it’s just a convenient way of demarcating the expansion of space. Space time is usually shown as a cone since the universe is relatively flat.

I’m not your enemy. So stop acting like I am.
With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way.
So, let me get this straight, an atheist first needs to ask a god they don't believe exists
to be forgiven for an offense they are not aware of, otherwise,....
Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.
Without faith, an open mind and a sincere heart
God ignores you and doesn't want to be bothered

First of all, what is more important...
Having faith or Who you have faith in

Anyone who professes there is no God and for whatever reason
find themselves reaching out to this God they've heard about but don't believe in...
You best believe that is God's doing

Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God

Romans 10:17

Babies are not fed solid foods their bodies can't digest yet
Their nutrients first come from milk until they are capable of handling solid foods

Who can recognize sin unless they realize what God considers sin
Who can ask for forgiveness unless they acknowledge sin according to God as sin

I think its hard for people to have faith in the God and Father of Jesus
because of those who do
I believe God DOES actually exist. Maybe not in a physical sense, but in the heart and mind of one who believes in that existence. I have a strong belief in God, I pray several times a day. Each time I do this, I feel more at ease of mind, and better about the world around me. It gives me strength and hope for a better future.
If it helps you, that's fine.
Yep, it SURE does. Thank you, Bruce.
Again, if it helps you, that's fine. But that doesn't make it the truth.
I never posted it was YOUR truth. It IS true for me. But each of us are different, which makes life an interesting experience. If we were all the same, life would be dull, boring and not worth the experience. Each of us needs to embrace and accept who we are, what we are, and how we think of ourselves. And try to understand the differences in others. This has worked for me.

It is estimated that these remains take up to 10 days or longer to reach the ocean floor and reportedly accumulate at a rate of .5–3 inches (1.25–7.5 cm) per thousand years. Instead, the chalk built up rapidly during Noah's Flood that happened 4,000 years ago. You would not see this build up using atheist science since they fall to the seafloor.

Thus, you are wrong again.
So today we see these creatures grow and die, settle to the sea bottom (the water must be calm), and accumulate in layers there. The current rate is .5–3 inches (1.25–7.5 cm) per thousand years. Noah's flood was a one-time, 40 day event. Why were things so different then? I don't understand why "You would not see this build up using atheist science since they fall to the seafloor". That is what they do today and that is what must have happened in Noah's Flood. 40 days is not a lot of time for foraminifera to grow and die.
With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way.
So, let me get this straight, an atheist first needs to ask a god they don't believe exists
to be forgiven for an offense they are not aware of, otherwise,....
Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.
Without faith, an open mind and a sincere heart
God ignores you and doesn't want to be bothered

First of all, what is more important...
Having faith or Who you have faith in

Anyone who professes there is no God and for whatever reason
find themselves reaching out to this God they've heard about but don't believe in...
You best believe that is God's doing

Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God

Romans 10:17

Babies are not fed solid foods their bodies can't digest yet
Their nutrients first come from milk until they are capable of handling solid foods

Who can recognize sin unless they realize what God considers sin
Who can ask for forgiveness unless they acknowledge sin according to God as sin

I think its hard for people to have faith in the God and Father of Jesus
because of those who do
I think it’s difficult to have faith in superstition and supernaturalism.
It is known that the vast majority of species that lived on this rock are now extinct. If an asteroid had not exterminated the dinos it is likely that man would not exist.

This is really embarrassing. The atheist scientists are still arguing whether it was large asteroid, comet, or a supervolcano in India (Deccan Traps) that killed the dinosaurs. Chicxulub may not have been a large asteroid as the evidence for it isn't convincing. The atheist scientists just accepted this theory because it fits with something from the skies to kill the dinosaurs and not the global flood. Even today, the large asteroid hit is to wipe out human civilization and cause the end of the world, but enough evidence just isn't there.
Do you have another hypothesis for the global layer of iridium associated with the demise of the dinos?

You are wrong again. There is no global layer of iridium. This is why the supervolcano theory is has more backers with atheist scientists imho.

"The biggest problem is what is missing. Iridium, a chemical element more abundant in meteorites than on Earth, is a primary marker of an impact event. A few traces were identified in the cores of two drilled wells, but no significant amounts have been found in any of the ejecta material across the Chicxulub site.6 The presence of an iridium-rich layer is often used to identify the K-Pg (Cretaceous-Paleogene) boundary, yet ironically there is virtually no iridium in the ejecta material at the very site claimed to be the “smoking gun”!"

So why are there no dinos anywhere today? Or trilobites? Or any of the other animals and plants that have left their fossil remains but no longer exist?
I am continually impressed by your ignorance and arrogance. Below are the White Cliffs of Dover. They are composed of the microscopic skeletons of marine plankton. There may be a trillion in this photo alone. Of all the fossils found on the planet, none have been shown to violate the ToE. Not a one.


So you are saying those trillions of plankton decided to make their cemetery throughout millions of years of existence in such a place... sure... right...
They 'decided' nothing. They lived and built shells and when they died their shells accumulated on the sea bottom. You can observe the same processes going on today at the bottom of some seas.
With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way.
So, let me get this straight, an atheist first needs to ask a god they don't believe exists
to be forgiven for an offense they are not aware of, otherwise,....
Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.
Without faith, an open mind and a sincere heart
God ignores you and doesn't want to be bothered

First of all, what is more important...
Having faith or Who you have faith in

Anyone who professes there is no God and for whatever reason
find themselves reaching out to this God they've heard about but don't believe in...
You best believe that is God's doing

Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God

Romans 10:17

Babies are not fed solid foods their bodies can't digest yet
Their nutrients first come from milk until they are capable of handling solid foods

Who can recognize sin unless they realize what God considers sin
Who can ask for forgiveness unless they acknowledge sin according to God as sin

I think its hard for people to have faith in the God and Father of Jesus
because of those who do
I think it’s difficult to have faith in superstition and supernaturalism.
No faith is faith too

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