Does God Exist?

The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

Soon enough, you'll stand before Him, to be judged with what you've done with your life. You'll have the chance to tell Him, to His face, that He doesn't exist. I wonder if He'll find it amusing.
I'm not worried. What proof do you have that God exists? And if God DOES exist, and He would condemn me for doubting his existence with the brain that (apparently) he gave me, what kind of fucked up theology is that? I'd rather rot in Hell for having my own thoughts than enjoy Heaven as a robot of God.
I believe God DOES actually exist. Maybe not in a physical sense, but in the heart and mind of one who believes in that existence. I have a strong belief in God, I pray several times a day. Each time I do this, I feel more at ease of mind, and better about the world around me. It gives me strength and hope for a better future.
If it helps you, that's fine.
Yep, it SURE does. Thank you, Bruce.
Again, if it helps you, that's fine. But that doesn't make it the truth.
I never posted it was YOUR truth. It IS true for me. But each of us are different, which makes life an interesting experience. If we were all the same, life would be dull, boring and not worth the experience. Each of us needs to embrace and accept who we are, what we are, and how we think of ourselves. And try to understand the differences in others. This has worked for me.
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

It's very obvious you believe in God more even than the most rolling holiest. You must spend nearly every waking moment talking to God, thinking about God, trying to convince yourself He does not exist. In fact, thoughts of God rule your existence. Fitting, I'd say for someone so in need of a pacifier. But, to answer your question . . . you knew the truth before you posted, as your typing it out was interrupted by thoughts of . . . sure enough . . . God. "Real" atheists are the least entertaining, all that time they spend struggling against God's Word within them, begging other people to repeatedly reassure them God is still there. Cease denial and come clean. If you're man enough.
Well, you're just wrong. You know nothing about me. How dare you assume that you know me? That's asinine. But if you want to know something about the real me: when I was young, I DID spend a lot of time thinking about God, the afterlife, and all that. But eventually, I concluded that religion is bullshit. They can't ALL be right, but they COULD all be wrong. Also, I wasn't brought up in a religious household, so I was free to make up my own mind. I don't think you know anything at all about a real atheist, or as I like to call myself, a realist. Because that's what I am.
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

It's very obvious you believe in God more even than the most rolling holiest. You must spend nearly every waking moment talking to God, thinking about God, trying to convince yourself He does not exist. In fact, thoughts of God rule your existence. Fitting, I'd say for someone so in need of a pacifier. But, to answer your question . . . you knew the truth before you posted, as your typing it out was interrupted by thoughts of . . . sure enough . . . God. "Real" atheists are the least entertaining, all that time they spend struggling against God's Word within them, begging other people to repeatedly reassure them God is still there. Cease denial and come clean. If you're man enough.
Well, you're just wrong. You know nothing about me. How dare you assume that you know me? That's asinine. But if you want to know something about the real me: when I was young, I DID spend a lot of time thinking about God, the afterlife, and all that. But eventually, I concluded that religion is bullshit. They can't ALL be right, but they COULD all be wrong. Also, I wasn't brought up in a religious household, so I was free to make up my own mind. I don't think you know anything at all about a real atheist, or as I like to call myself, a realist. Because that's what I am.
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

Soon enough, you'll stand before Him, to be judged with what you've done with your life. You'll have the chance to tell Him, to His face, that He doesn't exist. I wonder if He'll find it amusing.
If I'm brought face to face with God, it'll be pretty hard to deny His existence. But until that happens, I won't believe in God.
I believe God DOES actually exist. Maybe not in a physical sense, but in the heart and mind of one who believes in that existence. I have a strong belief in God, I pray several times a day. Each time I do this, I feel more at ease of mind, and better about the world around me. It gives me strength and hope for a better future.
If it helps you, that's fine.
Yep, it SURE does. Thank you, Bruce.
Again, if it helps you, that's fine. But that doesn't make it the truth.
I never posted it was YOUR truth. It IS true for me. But each of us are different, which makes life an interesting experience. If we were all the same, life would be dull, boring and not worth the experience. Each of us needs to embrace and accept who we are, what we are, and how we think of ourselves. And try to understand the differences in others. This has worked for me.
I'm talking about objective truth, facts, reality -- which seems to have become fluid in the era of Trump. You can believe whatever you want. I don't care. But what you believe doesn't make it TRUE! You don't get to have your own world of truth apart from my world of truth. There is only one truth.
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

Wrong answer. Atheist are usually wrong.


Anyway, you can take it up with Jesus on Judgement Day.

If comics are proof of the existence of G-d, would they likewise be proof of the existence of other things?

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Why do you write God as G-d?
Try to get your head around this:

God exists because He is a necessary being. In other words, He must exist because it is His nature to exist. Otherwise, He is not God. The Christian God is, by definition, eternal and immutable. This means He is without end and does not change. If He came into existence, then He would not be eternal nor immutable. So, God exists because He exists. It is like saying that He exists because that is what He does as God.

This might sound philosophically strange. But it really isn't. God either exists or He does not exist. If He does not exist, then nothing else can exist because He is the creator of the physical realm. He is the First Cause by which all things came into existence. There must be a First Cause.

Why does God exist? |
Why not just substitute "the universe" for "God" in what you posted? Your postulate that if God does not exist, then nothing can exist is obviously ridiculous, since the universe DOES exist -- or else you wouldn't be reading this.
I believe God DOES actually exist. Maybe not in a physical sense, but in the heart and mind of one who believes in that existence. I have a strong belief in God, I pray several times a day. Each time I do this, I feel more at ease of mind, and better about the world around me. It gives me strength and hope for a better future.
If it helps you, that's fine.
Yep, it SURE does. Thank you, Bruce.
Again, if it helps you, that's fine. But that doesn't make it the truth.
I never posted it was YOUR truth. It IS true for me. But each of us are different, which makes life an interesting experience. If we were all the same, life would be dull, boring and not worth the experience. Each of us needs to embrace and accept who we are, what we are, and how we think of ourselves. And try to understand the differences in others. This has worked for me.
I'm talking about objective truth, facts, reality -- which seems to have become fluid in the era of Trump. You can believe whatever you want. I don't care. But what you believe doesn't make it TRUE! You don't get to have your own world of truth apart from my world of truth. There is only one truth.
Well, it's true to ME. And that's all that matters. I'm done responding to you on this thread. Bye.
^ More on that:

Don’t bother; it’s bad enough the Septuagint and KJV were purposely written by the Rabbis so every yeshiva educated Jew would know they’re not the real thing.

Nevertheless, the question of His existence I don’t ponder. And l’m not perplexed.

About other matters, definitely.
Atheism is the desire to indulge in unbridled passion.
I know “Observant“ Jews who are atheists.
No, atheism (or as I like to characterize it, realism) is simply not believing in supernatural bullshit. Other behavior is something else.
The better question is: What benefit is in a belief in God?

The benefit is believing in Jesus as our Savior means you're not an atheist. That means you'll receive not only short-term happiness, but long-term joy. Otherwise, you end up as an unhappy negative person like our OP.
..there it is again--the theists thinking ''atheists'' are unhappy..hahahahahahhaha
....this is more proof of your bullshit

Dying and the atheists and liberals is that all there is complaint doesn't sound like joy to me. All you get are little bits of happiness, if that, but mostly it's about liberals and atheists always complaining about something. Can you show me to one recent post of yours that is thankful and uplifting? that the Judgement Day you people have been predicting for THOUSANDS of years?

We all have to wait in Hades for Judgement Day. The only ones who do not have to wait are those living when the end times come. No one knows when the end will be. Sir Isaac Newton predicted it to be around 2060. I think that's a good estimate; God will destroy the world when the false god of atheism is put before him and enough is enough.

..the only one unhappy is god because of your LIES remind me of Reverend Willie Williams in the movie O GOD are a SNAKE in disguise as a religious person

god is UNHAPPY

This post of yours is a perfect example. This does not sound joyous nor happy. Sad :(.

My post is simply realistic.
Is there a supernatural being that judges us as in the Bible? Not a chance. That makes me an atheist too.

It would be amusing to be there, when you finally stand before Him to be judged, and have the opportunity to tell Him to His face that there's not a chance that He exists.
If I stood before God and told Him that there's not a chance that He exists, I'd have to be pretty stupid! If I am ever brought before God, I absolutely will affirm His existence! But so far, that hasn't happened.
Sorry, not buying it. Science is skepticism, faith is acceptance. Science requires proof, faith does not.

Basically, we find out that science is not skepticism but acceptance could be acceptance of a scientific theory. Also, skepticism could be doubt concerning basic religious principles (such as immortality, providence, and revelation). Thus, you had it backwards and atheists are usually wrong :p.

Read it and weep:

Furthermore, you have no proof of evolution. It's all circumstantial evidence that is not observable. For example, we see no apes or monkeys that are bipedal. That which you claim to be billions of years old such as coal, diamond, and fossils have been able to be radiocarbon dated to around 10,000 years. Rocks and fossils will crumble and turn to dust in that long a time. due to natural processes.
Well, butthead, science is based on evidence and facts. You make a hypothesis based on evidence. And then your hypothesis might be good enough to become a theory. But someone might see a flaw in your idea and shoot it down. That's how science works!
There are no trillions of fossils which goes to show that science backs me up and you are wrong once again.
I am continually impressed by your ignorance and arrogance. Below are the White Cliffs of Dover. They are composed of the microscopic skeletons of marine plankton. There may be a trillion in this photo alone. Of all the fossils found on the planet, none have been shown to violate the ToE. Not a one.


You should look in the mirror and give your "I am continually impressed by your ignorance and arrogance" spiel and then punch yourself in the head. This is part of the marine shells, actually microorganisms, that backs up Noah's Flood.

The atheist scientists think that these chalk beds speak of an old Earth since they believe chalk formed slowly and progressively over millions of years. This is not correct, so they're not fossils or microfossils. Instead, white chalk is composed almost entirely of calcium carbonate. This calcium carbonate, a very pure type of limestone, consists of billions of microorganisms including foraminifera and calcareous algae, coccoliths and rhabdoliths. Today, these microorganisms live in the upper 300–600 feet (91–183 m) of the open seas. When these microorganisms die, their calcium-rich shells accumulate on the bottom of the ocean floor, often almost 15,000–16,000 feet (4.6–4.9 km) below the surface. These shells cover about one-quarter of the surface of the earth today. It is estimated that these remains take up to 10 days or longer to reach the ocean floor and reportedly accumulate at a rate of .5–3 inches (1.25–7.5 cm) per thousand years. Instead, the chalk built up rapidly during Noah's Flood that happened 4,000 years ago. You would not see this build up using atheist science since they fall to the seafloor.

Thus, you are wrong again.
I will simply ask, if these chalk beds are recent, where are they being formed today?
Sorry, not buying it. Science is skepticism, faith is acceptance. Science requires proof, faith does not.

Basically, we find out that science is not skepticism but acceptance could be acceptance of a scientific theory. Also, skepticism could be doubt concerning basic religious principles (such as immortality, providence, and revelation). Thus, you had it backwards and atheists are usually wrong :p.

Read it and weep:

Furthermore, you have no proof of evolution. It's all circumstantial evidence that is not observable. For example, we see no apes or monkeys that are bipedal. That which you claim to be billions of years old such as coal, diamond, and fossils have been able to be radiocarbon dated to around 10,000 years. Rocks and fossils will crumble and turn to dust in that long a time. due to natural processes.
"No apes or monkeys that are bipedal"? Gorillas, chimpanzees, bononbos, and orangutangs are all partially bipedal. But clearly, you're not going to believe whatever proof is offered. So just sit in your little non-scientific hole and deny reality. Good luck!

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