Does God Exist?

Why is it important to anyone,
The reason it is not a stupid question is I am from a family of atheists, married to one. Therefore, I know from first hand experience that people have different reasons for believing God exists or reasoning why he does not. Since I don't know you and cannot read minds, I was curious as to how you, personally, see things. But never mind. I am here for discussion on various perspectives--not to insult--or be insulted. Wishing you a good day.
Sorry, not buying it. Science is skepticism, faith is acceptance. Science requires proof, faith does not.

Wrong. Science is not skepticism nor is faith acceptance. Just look up what skepticism is. Here is what acceptance is lol -- Definition of ACCEPTANCE.

Where do you get such rubbish? For example, you're not the least skeptical about evolution when it has no proof. None of it is observable and you accept things such as billions of years universe and Earth. None of that is true. It's all based on false assumptions. Otherwise, we would see a cell come into being from primordial stuff. Creation science would be destroyed. Instead, creation scientists are the one who created modern science. It's only since the 1850s when they eliminated the creation scientists from peer review that the atheist scientists have run wild with their no God hypotheses. Thus, I can state with certainty using creation science that evolution is completely wrong. Much of the people believe in fake science. Of course, most of evolution do not affect people directly so they can just go on with their lives.
I'm sorry but I don't have enough respect for your scientific chops to accept your statement that evolution has no proof. The trillions of fossils that we have found are proof, the biology we know is proof, the geology we know is proof. When you write "we would see a cell come into being from primordial stuff" we are show how little you understand of the science. Do you even know why I can say that?
The reality/truth is, that IF all species of animal life evolved from "Natural Selection", then any evolutionist should be able to "evolve" an entirely new species intentionally from any given existing species. The truth is that for centuries man has been breeding both plants and animals and has never been able to reveal anything other that a designer hybrid of the species he or she started with. Bigger dogs, smaller dogs, hairless cats, and beautiful tomatoes are not new species but a hybrid of what already existed. No one here today will say that an Ethiopian is any closer to an ape than an Englishman.
I never posted it was YOUR truth. It IS true for me. But each of us are different, which makes life an interesting experience. If we were all the same, life would be dull, boring and not worth the experience. Each of us needs to embrace and accept who we are, what we are, and how we think of ourselves. And try to understand the differences in others. This has worked for me.
Even though I hesitate to agree that truths are always variable, they do seem to be more flexible than facts. Other than that, I agree with your post because each one of us, along with the common experience we have as humans, also have unique experiences that shape our lives and the paths we choose to follow. Following the Way of Faith has been a blessing to me, but I've heard enough stories to understand the Way of Faith has been a nightmare to some.

One atheist has told me that even if there is a God, he would still prefer to get through this life all on his own, simply to see if he could do it. He is sincere, and I believe God will take this sincerity into account. On the other hand, I see myself as wanting to be a part of the Lord's vineyard beginning at dawn--why wait for the afterlife? Two very different views of God and faith, but we get along famously together.

Then there was that day I had a plumbing problem, and it was my deceased, atheist grandfather that lent a hand--so I know he is in a good place in his afterlife as well. The funny thing about it, is during his life, he helped the poor--and we were very poor when he helped me.
I never posted it was YOUR truth. It IS true for me. But each of us are different, which makes life an interesting experience. If we were all the same, life would be dull, boring and not worth the experience. Each of us needs to embrace and accept who we are, what we are, and how we think of ourselves. And try to understand the differences in others. This has worked for me.
Even though I hesitate to agree that truths are always variable, they do seem to be more flexible than facts. Other than that, I agree with your post because each one of us, along with the common experience we have as humans, also have unique experiences that shape our lives and the paths we choose to follow. Following the Way of Faith has been a blessing to me, but I've heard enough stories to understand the Way of Faith has been a nightmare to some.

One atheist has told me that even if there is a God, he would still prefer to get through this life all on his own, simply to see if he could do it. He is sincere, and I believe God will take this sincerity into account. On the other hand, I see myself as wanting to be a part of the Lord's vineyard beginning at dawn--why wait for the afterlife? Two very different views of God and faith, but we get along famously together.

Then there was that day I had a plumbing problem, and it was my deceased, atheist grandfather that lent a hand--so I know he is in a good place in his afterlife as well. The funny thing about it, is during his life, he helped the poor--and we were very poor when he helped me.
Thanks for your thoughtful post. Nicely done.
The reality/truth is, that IF all species of animal life evolved from "Natural Selection", then any evolutionist should be able to "evolve" an entirely new species intentionally from any given existing species. The truth is that for centuries man has been breeding both plants and animals and has never been able to reveal anything other that a designer hybrid of the species he or she started with. Bigger dogs, smaller dogs, hairless cats, and beautiful tomatoes are not new species but a hybrid of what already existed. No one here today will say that an Ethiopian is any closer to an ape than an Englishman.
Classic straw man argument that ignores the mountains of fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence for evolution. Sorry, but evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a likely mechanism but probably not the whole story.
So that implies that the entire bible is fiction because you weren't there
:) No. It does not state my belief, my faith, or my experience. It it states is that I was not there-- with the only implication being, neither were you. Have you tried living the Ten Commandments? Have you tried to not live them? That is how I determined whether they came from above or from man. My question is whether they were only given to one man...and my research indicates maybe not. But again, I do not know. I wasn't there.
With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way.
So, let me get this straight, an atheist first needs to ask a god they don't believe exists
to be forgiven for an offense they are not aware of, otherwise,....
Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.
Without faith, an open mind and a sincere heart
God ignores you and doesn't want to be bothered

First of all, what is more important...
Having faith or Who you have faith in

Anyone who professes there is no God and for whatever reason
find themselves reaching out to this God they've heard about but don't believe in...
You best believe that is God's doing

Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God

Romans 10:17

Babies are not fed solid foods their bodies can't digest yet
Their nutrients first come from milk until they are capable of handling solid foods

Who can recognize sin unless they realize what God considers sin
Who can ask for forgiveness unless they acknowledge sin according to God as sin

I think its hard for people to have faith in the God and Father of Jesus
because of those who do
I think it’s difficult to have faith in superstition and supernaturalism.
No faith is faith too
No. No faith in the supernatural is a conclusion.
Sorry, not buying it. Science is skepticism, faith is acceptance. Science requires proof, faith does not.

Wrong. Science is not skepticism nor is faith acceptance. Just look up what skepticism is. Here is what acceptance is lol -- Definition of ACCEPTANCE.

Where do you get such rubbish? For example, you're not the least skeptical about evolution when it has no proof. None of it is observable and you accept things such as billions of years universe and Earth. None of that is true. It's all based on false assumptions. Otherwise, we would see a cell come into being from primordial stuff. Creation science would be destroyed. Instead, creation scientists are the one who created modern science. It's only since the 1850s when they eliminated the creation scientists from peer review that the atheist scientists have run wild with their no God hypotheses. Thus, I can state with certainty using creation science that evolution is completely wrong. Much of the people believe in fake science. Of course, most of evolution do not affect people directly so they can just go on with their lives.
I'm sorry but I don't have enough respect for your scientific chops to accept your statement that evolution has no proof. The trillions of fossils that we have found are proof, the biology we know is proof, the geology we know is proof. When you write "we would see a cell come into being from primordial stuff" we are show how little you understand of the science. Do you even know why I can say that?
The reality/truth is, that IF all species of animal life evolved from "Natural Selection", then any evolutionist should be able to "evolve" an entirely new species intentionally from any given existing species. The truth is that for centuries man has been breeding both plants and animals and has never been able to reveal anything other that a designer hybrid of the species he or she started with. Bigger dogs, smaller dogs, hairless cats, and beautiful tomatoes are not new species but a hybrid of what already existed. No one here today will say that an Ethiopian is any closer to an ape than an Englishman.
That doesn't make sense. While new species have evolved over time, (it's defined as speciation), that has occurred as a function of fitness for survival.

On the other hand, why can't magicalists have their gods pull a rabbit out of a hat and the rabbit magically evolves into a deer?
With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way.
So, let me get this straight, an atheist first needs to ask a god they don't believe exists
to be forgiven for an offense they are not aware of, otherwise,....
Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.
Without faith, an open mind and a sincere heart
God ignores you and doesn't want to be bothered

First of all, what is more important...
Having faith or Who you have faith in

Anyone who professes there is no God and for whatever reason
find themselves reaching out to this God they've heard about but don't believe in...
You best believe that is God's doing

Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God

Romans 10:17

Babies are not fed solid foods their bodies can't digest yet
Their nutrients first come from milk until they are capable of handling solid foods

Who can recognize sin unless they realize what God considers sin
Who can ask for forgiveness unless they acknowledge sin according to God as sin

I think its hard for people to have faith in the God and Father of Jesus
because of those who do
I think it’s difficult to have faith in superstition and supernaturalism.
No faith is faith too
No. No faith in the supernatural is a conclusion.
Faith is belief, believing, blind trust
Conclusions are based on convictions

How can you have beliefs
without having faith in what you believe

You don't believe there is a God,
then you have faith there isn't
You have faith in what you believe
The 4th dimension t or time represents or is a measurement of expansion. Time doesn’t really exist it’s just a convenient way of demarcating the expansion of space. Space time is usually shown as a cone since the universe is relatively flat.

I’m not your enemy. So stop acting like I am.

Learning right.

Come on, asshole. There is NO fossil sequence that would convince you. Why don't you just admit it?

There is no fossil sequence. It just shows where the creatures died. How stupid must you be?

I can't be an a-hole because feces does not come out of my mouth like yours. There is so much shit up there that it is waiting to explode. The evidence will be the Lake of Fire for you.
So today we see these creatures grow and die, settle to the sea bottom (the water must be calm), and accumulate in layers there. The current rate is .5–3 inches (1.25–7.5 cm) per thousand years.

That is your great problem.

I will tell you something you don´t know until today.

In the 1950s-60s, the rate of separation between America and Africa/Europe was calculated at 5 meters per year.

Today, the same separation motion between the same continents is merely inches per year.

Same as well, all your calculations of amount of layers per millennium and similar are in accord to the estimate you make according to what you see TODAY.

But, you really don't have a single clue of how many layers were formed in ancient times.

You BELIEVE that those layers were formed according to your hypothesis, but you really can lean on such a belief of yours because you have nothing, no instrument, no witness, to back up your conjecture.

You better wake up to reality.
They 'decided' nothing. They lived and built shells and when they died their shells accumulated on the sea bottom. You can observe the same processes going on today at the bottom of some seas.

You have no idea of the extreme changes of rate of reproduction which have happened in the past.

This ignorance of yours is what keeps you blind and incites you to built fantasies of millions of years to events that happened in hundreds of years.

You really have no idea.
So that implies that the entire bible is fiction because you weren't there
:) No. It does not state my belief, my faith, or my experience. It it states is that I was not there-- with the only implication being, neither were you. Have you tried living the Ten Commandments? Have you tried to not live them? That is how I determined whether they came from above or from man. My question is whether they were only given to one man...and my research indicates maybe not. But again, I do not know. I wasn't there.
So you don't know if any of the bible is actually the word of the god you worship but you worship the god in the bible.

The question is if the bible is fiction why isn't the god in the bible fiction?
Something did. What do you think happened to them?

They suffered degenerations. They lost their huge teeth to become smaller as almost not noticeable, and the front of their faces lost skin and became beaks.

Dinosaurs as the T-Rex were birds with feathers, tail, but due to the effects of the asteroids, the environment suffered changes, and these forced the birth defects. This is why you see the small arms with no proportion in accord to their bodies, plus atrophied digits. The degeneration continued until they lost their arms, they also lost their tails.

It has been discovered that birds are born with the tendency of have tails but a mutation in their genes blocks such process to succeed. Only feathers grow longer in that area.

The theory of evolution is fake and will be false forever. It assumed a total extinction of dinosaurs, but such extinction never happened.

Best for you is to discard such a medieval theory of evolution and accept the new discoveries.

Since 1998 I have discussed with evolutionists that their theory sucks and that the process for the species was never ever an evolutionary change. Never.
The reality/truth is, that IF all species of animal life evolved from "Natural Selection", then any evolutionist should be able to "evolve" an entirely new species intentionally from any given existing species. The truth is that for centuries man has been breeding both plants and animals and has never been able to reveal anything other that a designer hybrid of the species he or she started with. Bigger dogs, smaller dogs, hairless cats, and beautiful tomatoes are not new species but a hybrid of what already existed. No one here today will say that an Ethiopian is any closer to an ape than an Englishman.
Classic straw man argument that ignores the mountains of fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence for evolution. Sorry, but evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a likely mechanism but probably not the whole story.
The straw man is in your court as the fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence all point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood. I will agree that even "identical" twins display variations. This is what is known as INDIVIDUALITY and UNIQUENESS. And there is evidence that there is variety within every KIND. However, to even suggest that man somehow evolved from a distant ancient slug and that there is plenty of evidence demonstrating some upward progression transcending species of any sort is false. The fact remains that had Darwin known the DNA complexities of what he labeled "simple" single celled organisms, he likely would have re-imagined his view of the subject.
You do realize that matter and energy are equivalent, right?

No. Is a dingbat the equivalent of ding?

You can create matter, but not energy.

So whether I say matter or energy can’t exist without creating space time it like saying the same thing, right.

I think you're confused. People may think matter and energy are the same because they are found together. I agree both need space time. But then you can't create energy. Thus, big bang is impossible.

So what did God do?

so you understand the concept of space but are confused by space time. Space is the 3 dimensions represented by x, y and z coordinates. The 4th dimension t or time represents or is a measurement of expansion. Time doesn’t really exist it’s just a convenient way of demarcating the expansion of space. Space time is usually shown as a cone since the universe is relatively flat.

I’m not your enemy. So stop acting like I am.

C'mon you're just making stuff up. d = r * t, so t = d/r.

You fly from SF to NYC in a jet and your watch shows it takes you almost 6 hours. I go in the transporter and my watch shows less than a second has elapsed. Time exists and it's not always based on space expansion. Are you just saying that to fit big bang? What are you missing? Hint: Einstein.

Are you really an engineer?

And why does my post make you think I am your enemy?
It has been discovered that birds are born with the tendency of have tails but a mutation in their genes blocks such process to succeed. Only feathers grow longer in that area.

The theory of evolution is fake and will be false forever. It assumed a total extinction of dinosaurs, but such extinction never happened.
Have you no sense of irony? First you describe exactly how evolution produced tailless birds from tailed, therapod dinos and then you claim evolution is false. You should read what you wrote it is priceless.
The reality/truth is, that IF all species of animal life evolved from "Natural Selection", then any evolutionist should be able to "evolve" an entirely new species intentionally from any given existing species. The truth is that for centuries man has been breeding both plants and animals and has never been able to reveal anything other that a designer hybrid of the species he or she started with. Bigger dogs, smaller dogs, hairless cats, and beautiful tomatoes are not new species but a hybrid of what already existed. No one here today will say that an Ethiopian is any closer to an ape than an Englishman.
Classic straw man argument that ignores the mountains of fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence for evolution. Sorry, but evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a likely mechanism but probably not the whole story.
The straw man is in your court as the fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence all point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood. I will agree that even "identical" twins display variations. This is what is known as INDIVIDUALITY and UNIQUENESS. And there is evidence that there is variety within every KIND. However, to even suggest that man somehow evolved from a distant ancient slug and that there is plenty of evidence demonstrating some upward progression transcending species of any sort is false. The fact remains that had Darwin known the DNA complexities of what he labeled "simple" single celled organisms, he likely would have re-imagined his view of the subject.
Can you name what fossil, anatomical, and biological evidence point to a catastrophic event that the Bible labels the Flood? Or are you just making stuff up?

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