Does God Exist?

Saying "God did it" is an easy dodge. Saying how it was done, that takes science.

In your evolution, it's you saying "Satan did it." In "God did it," it is backed up by science. I just gave it to you on a platter, how God created light, i.e. the electromagnetic spectrum, and that created all the energy in the universe. as well as created space and time From that point on, no energy had to be created nor could it be destroyed by Satan. He created matter with the Earth and we find that light can create matter. To counter, Satan created the quantum particle called singularity of infinite temperature and infinite density. Hm... this violates the laws of physics and thermodynamics. Hellooooooooooo. You could not figure this out from what I was saying?
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Saying "God did it" is an easy dodge. Saying how it was done, that takes science.

Saying that the universe created itself out of nothing is even a bigger dodge. There is nothing in our knowledge of Science that say it is possible. In fact the Laws of Physics as we understand them says that it is impossible. That is why the secularit theorists come up with absurd things like "the Laws of Physics didn't exist when the universe was made", and other silly things.

True as I have also posted. And most scientists ignore the Bible - thankfully Galileo and Newton accepted that truth comes from both science and the Bible.

The most common model of Big Bang theory is that our universe began with a singularity with zero dimensions - but most scientists are at a loss to explain why this happened and so they create fanciful theories with no observational evidence - in other words: blind faith.

I have already posted on Isaiah 40:22,26 as it relates to the fine tuned expansion of our universe involving plural forms of God's energy (Hebrew ohnim) such as gravity and dark energy. But I have not addressed the illustration in verse 22 that hints at how the singularity was formed.

Isaiah 40:22
There is One who dwells above the circle* of the earth,+
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers.
He is stretching out the heavens like a fine gauze,
And he spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.+

Most simply scoff at the illustration of a tent - not realizing this illustration hints at both the shape of the universe (is the universe flat like a stretching out flat tentcloth?). But tents have more than one tent cloth.

The sacred "tent of meeting" (tabernacle) in geometric terms is/was a rectangular prism. The hint as to how the singularity was formed is in the fact that the corners of this tent are actually points with zero dimensions.

Personally, I favor a collision of branes model but based on membranes/cloths with only 2 dimensions. If two 2-d branes were to intersect on edge, the intersection point would be a singularity!

“The most common model of Big Bang theory is that our universe began with a singularity with zero dimensions - but most scientists are at a loss to explain why this happened and so they create fanciful theories with no observational evidence - in other words: blind faith.”

That’s actually not true. The “singularity” is a mathematical solution (of sorts) to Einstein’s theory of relativity. It’s really solving the equation until a null solution is reached.

The “singularity” and a “universe from nothing” are actually misconceptions typically pressed by religionists in an attempt to denigrate science. This allows them to maintain their super-magical gods without any evidence.

Any Scientist that you ask will tell you that TBB theory is really nothing more than placeholder to explain the unexplainable.

Nobody can tell us:

What was here before the BB?

Where did the energy for BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

The there is this thingy about how can the whole universe, consisting of trillions of galaxies, be reduced to the size of the head of a pin? Actually, even smaller.

I'm not so sure any scientist that you ask will tell you that TBB theory is really nothing more than placeholder to explain the unexplainable. What scientists have you asked?

To "explain the unexplainable" is an oxymoron. What you're missing is that science provides a mechanism to explore the expansion of the universe and what caused that event to happen. You might not have noticed but it wasn't the religious institutions that placed the Hubble in orbit, built radio telescopes or sent the Explorer spacecraft to distant planets.

Lets pose your questions differently, shall we?

What was here before the BB Gods?

Where did the energy for BB The Gods come from?

What initiated the BB Gods?

You have furthered the common misconception that the BB was a point in space, with all matter on the head of a pin. That's not accurate. Further, the BB was not the beginning of the universe but what came after.
That's terrible. My ex-wife isn't a believer. I doubt there was much religion on her side of the family but a token god of nature or good fortune to pray to. It could be more like tossing coins in a fountain for luck. They would make a donation to a church if they were having a fund raiser, but did not attend any services.

I made a mistake in marrying her and it may have been God's punishment for not marrying the one he picked for me. However, I wasn't Christian at the time either. Religious, but not Christian. At least I think the one before my ex-wife that I let get away was the one in hindsight. Yes, hindsight is always 20/20 haha.

However, I became a born again Christian in 2012 and then began studying the Bible. It was too confusing, so I skipped the morality and social issues controversies and went to the science parts. Those were easier to understand and figure out. I could compare it with my evolution website from UC Berkeley. My daughter is going to UCLA and majoring in biology and all sorts of atheist science. We've talked before about my beliefs and she doesn't understand. Yet, I do know that she has some kind of belief in God or a universal God. I'm not as sure about my son. He may be more with the same thinking as my ex-wif about God. However, he's older so was exposed to more of my religion while we were married.

I was exposed to atheism and atheist science at UC Berkeley where the father and son geologist team of Luis and Walter Alvarez are prominent. In science, one is definitely exposed to atheist science there. Even the science news there is heavily in favor of evolution.

It was this year that God pointed me in a different direction. He said to talk with the believers more instead of the non-believers. As for my daughter and son, it would have to come via what I do and my attitudes towards Christianity. My daughter will be exposed to heavy evolution with her choice of major, so we'll just have to discuss that when the time comes after graduation.
Perhaps the reason being married to an atheist is that my Catholic grandmother was also married to an atheist. Loved my grandpa, and from my grandmother I knew what to expect going into a marriage where we would have to manage different yokes (as the saying goes). In other words, I knew what I was getting into. Do I recommend people of faith marrying an atheist (and vice versa)? I would say the person of faith misses out on many blessings being yoked to a non-believer. However, if one truly loves the person, and that person truly loves you, and you work hard, and you keep God in the marriage, you will never regret the choice. Still, think long and hard--twice or three times. (So should they.)

As for your daughter: One does NOT have to make a choice between God and evolution, and I hope no one ever makes her feel she must. I have no problem at all with the theory of evolution, of an old Earth creation, and a local, not a global flood. Loving God and loving others does not depend on one's thoughts on geology and evolution.

Well, good luck in your marriage. I am hoping to get married again as I have repented my divorce over the years. That's about all I can say on the subject now.

Thanks for the kind words. I don't think one has choose between God and evolution either. Nothing of evolution really affects one's life except it could their careers. I thought she may become a veternarian while in high school. Anyway, if one believe YEC, then their career choices are limited now in science. One may be able to get a job at one of the religious websites. It's a shame that today's science kicked out God and the creation scientists. I believe the only true science is discussed on these message boards under creation vs evolution. If evolution, then skies the limit in career choices. I can show you Berkeley articles on the Alvarez family. They are local heroes. Maybe she'll end up working at Scripps. My next door neighbor's daughter works there. My daughter visits San Diego a lot because her boy friend is from there. Oh well, who knows what the future will bring?
Saying "God did it" is an easy dodge. Saying how it was done, that takes science.
In your evolution, it's you saying "Satan did it." In "God did it," it is backed up by science. I just gave it to you on a platter, how God created light, i.e. the electromagnetic spectrum, and that created all the energy in the universe. as well as created space and time From that point on, no energy had to be created nor could it be destroyed by Satan. He created matter with the Earth and we find that light can create matter. To counter, Satan created the quantum particle called singularity of infinite temperature and infinite density. Hm... this violates the laws of physics and thermodynamics. Hellooooooooooo. You could not figure this out from what I was saying?
So how did Satan create the quantum particle called singularity of infinite temperature and infinite density? Which Gospel was that again? I'd hate to think you were just making this stuff up. (You do know that matter can be converted to energy, right?)
Saying "God did it" is an easy dodge. Saying how it was done, that takes science.
In your evolution, it's you saying "Satan did it." In "God did it," it is backed up by science. I just gave it to you on a platter, how God created light, i.e. the electromagnetic spectrum, and that created all the energy in the universe. as well as created space and time From that point on, no energy had to be created nor could it be destroyed by Satan. He created matter with the Earth and we find that light can create matter. To counter, Satan created the quantum particle called singularity of infinite temperature and infinite density. Hm... this violates the laws of physics and thermodynamics. Hellooooooooooo. You could not figure this out from what I was saying?
So how did Satan create the quantum particle called singularity of infinite temperature and infinite density? Which Gospel was that again? I'd hate to think you were just making this stuff up. (You do know that matter can be converted to energy, right?)

He whispered it into atheist scientist's Stephen Hawking's brain. No one but Satan's follower would call it "Gospel."

One of the closest Bible verses is:
"Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2

The above verse refers to God, but Satan is also the great masquerader of light:
"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14

The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

I don’t necessarily believe that. I’m agnostic. I don’t necessarily think that there is nothing beyond this life, but I’m not entirely convinced it’s the way religions envision it to be.
if you are asking their origination you then conclude they exist so your insistence becomes their functionality which has been provided already by their creation of physiology which is a metaphysical substance that ceases to exist when its spiritual content is removed - I really do not need to repeat this again.

oh, really, not a christian what's with 4th century bible talk then ...

You keep making your own conclusions and you insist imaging I'm accepting them.

Asking questions is not making conclusions. You can check it using a dictionary.

And yes, you are correct, you don't need to repeat your imaginations, once is enough and are not credible.
some scientists have blind faith in this teaching.
Shameless lie. Not one of them does. You literally just made that up on the spot to soothe yourself.

You creationists try so hard to drag science down into the muck where your evidence free faith resides, because you can't elevate your magical nonsense to where empirical knowledge resides. So you spend half of your time lying to yourselves that you have evidence for your faith based beliefs, and the other half trying to color evidence based knowledge as "faith". And your reason and your brain has been so addled by your faith based nonsense that you don't even feel or see the utter cognitive dissonance in this.
So the bible is fiction that you just happen to think is truth.
Not what I said or what I believe. However, I have the impression that is your take--that the Bible is fiction that people of faith happen to think is true. And that is farther from what I said as the East is from the West.

If you (and others) want to think the Bible is merely fiction and fables, I am here to listen, and I will certainly not talk you out of your your perception. However, nor will you change my perception, mostly because I have done too much in depth study for so long (and yes, including from those who state the Bible is fiction and fable) to go back to those views. The Bible needs and deserves long, in depth study--not just a casual read-through with the belief that is all that is needed to make up one's mind. That is my take. That and about $4 will get you a nice cup of coffee at Starbucks. (They may even let you have the coffee without my opinion! ;) )
The Bible needs and deserves long, in depth study ...
and without your christian bible you would be an empty shell ...


no doubt you would not be alone though what real difference there might be could only be something in some seance better than what already is with it. and the other desert religions.

for what purpose is there for those religions histories that - "needs and deserves long, in depth study".
if you are asking their origination you then conclude they exist so your insistence becomes their functionality which has been provided already by their creation of physiology which is a metaphysical substance that ceases to exist when its spiritual content is removed - I really do not need to repeat this again.

oh, really, not a christian what's with 4th century bible talk then ...

You keep making your own conclusions and you insist imaging I'm accepting them.

Asking questions is not making conclusions. You can check it using a dictionary.

And yes, you are correct, you don't need to repeat your imaginations, once is enough and are not credible.
your responses are empty rhetoric ...

you requested my proof of the metaphysical -

- which has been provided already by their creation of physiology which is a metaphysical substance that ceases to exist when its spiritual content is removed
the physical presence of physiology is proof of the metaphysical and the mechanisms for change from parent to sibling the basis for evolution and the beginning of life.

oh, of course all occurring in the past 6000 years ...
With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way.
So, let me get this straight, an atheist first needs to ask a god they don't believe exists
to be forgiven for an offense they are not aware of, otherwise,....
Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.
Without faith, an open mind and a sincere heart
God ignores you and doesn't want to be bothered

First of all, what is more important...
Having faith or Who you have faith in

Anyone who professes there is no God and for whatever reason
find themselves reaching out to this God they've heard about but don't believe in...
You best believe that is God's doing

Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God

Romans 10:17

Babies are not fed solid foods their bodies can't digest yet
Their nutrients first come from milk until they are capable of handling solid foods

Who can recognize sin unless they realize what God considers sin
Who can ask for forgiveness unless they acknowledge sin according to God as sin

I think its hard for people to have faith in the God and Father of Jesus
because of those who do
I think it’s difficult to have faith in superstition and supernaturalism.
No faith is faith too
No. No faith in the supernatural is a conclusion.
Faith is belief, believing, blind trust
Conclusions are based on convictions

How can you have beliefs
without having faith in what you believe

You don't believe there is a God,
then you have faith there isn't
You have faith in what you believe

complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
There’s no requirement for faith in the methods of science.
The earth isn't flat. Species evolved. These are not spiritual facts, they're material.
So, you don't draw your own conclusions, you accept someone else's
You can not accept a Creator leaning on your own intellect
but you will accept the human race evolved from apes

The earth isn't flat, so what is your point
The earth was at one time determined to be flat

Science evolves and changes, God does not
He is the same yesterday, today and for infinity
And when religionists proclaim they've found a verse in a holy book that contradicts them, they're wrong because they've read into the verse something beyond its spiritual intent.
You saying as much doesn't make it so

What qualifies you to discern spiritual matters
So the bible is fiction that you just happen to think is truth.
Not what I said or what I believe. However, I have the impression that is your take--that the Bible is fiction that people of faith happen to think is true. And that is farther from what I said as the East is from the West.

If you (and others) want to think the Bible is merely fiction and fables, I am here to listen, and I will certainly not talk you out of your your perception. However, nor will you change my perception, mostly because I have done too much in depth study for so long (and yes, including from those who state the Bible is fiction and fable) to go back to those views. The Bible needs and deserves long, in depth study--not just a casual read-through with the belief that is all that is needed to make up one's mind. That is my take. That and about $4 will get you a nice cup of coffee at Starbucks. (They may even let you have the coffee without my opinion! ;) )
The Bible needs and deserves long, in depth study ...
and without your christian bible you would be an empty shell ...

View attachment 329502

no doubt you would not be alone though what real difference there might be could only be something in some seance better than what already is with it. and the other desert religions.

for what purpose is there for those religions histories that - "needs and deserves long, in depth study".
We would be an empty shell without the God and Father of Jesus
I think there is. I don't believe any human knows who or what God is exactly, but IMO there's too much evidence to discount the existence of a God or Gods.
There is no evidence that proves the existence of a God or Gods. My argument is: There is no God. The onus is on YOU to PROVE that God exists.
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

Wrong answer. Atheist are usually wrong.


Anyway, you can take it up with Jesus on Judgement Day.
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

Wrong answer. Atheist are usually wrong.


Anyway, you can take it up with Jesus on Judgement Day.

If comics are proof of the existence of G-d, would they likewise be proof of the existence of other things?

View attachment 327220

Haha. The comic is an easy way to get the existence of God and Christianity across to non-believers. It isn't completely accurate, but it gets the general idea across. With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way. Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.
Why is it important to anyone,
The reason it is not a stupid question is I am from a family of atheists, married to one. Therefore, I know from first hand experience that people have different reasons for believing God exists or reasoning why he does not. Since I don't know you and cannot read minds, I was curious as to how you, personally, see things. But never mind. I am here for discussion on various perspectives--not to insult--or be insulted. Wishing you a good day.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have responded that way. I think the adversarial aspect of this message board made me more hostile than I otherwise would have been. Again, I apologize.
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!!

Why does the thought of The Universe without G-d make you so angry?

Is something missing in your life?
No, the thought of The Universe with a NON-EXISTENT God makes me angry, because it's false. I'm not looking for your bullshit Christian solution.

I would have thought a person as intelligent as you claim to be could tell from my avatar that I would never propose any xtian solution.
To me there are only two possibilities for the existence that we all know.

The first possibility is that there is some intelligent design to this universe.

The only other alternative is that the universe magically created itself out of nothing.

The magic theory is so absurd that the first possibility is much more logical.

I'll go with God.
You're wrong. The second alternative isn't that the universe "magically" created itself. We don't know everything about that singularity yet, but scientists are working on it. But rest assured that "magic" had nothing to do with it. But believe in God if that makes you feel better.
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!!

Why does the thought of The Universe without G-d make you so angry?

Is something missing in your life?
No, the thought of The Universe with a NON-EXISTENT God makes me angry, because it's false. I'm not looking for your bullshit Christian solution.

I would have thought a person as intelligent as you claim to be could tell from my avatar that I would never propose any xtian solution.
xtian? I hate the fucking internet...

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