Does God Exist?

The reason it is not a stupid question is I am from a family of atheists, married to one. Therefore, I know from first hand experience that people have different reasons for believing God exists or reasoning why he does not. Since I don't know you and cannot read minds, I was curious as to how you, personally, see things. But never mind. I am here for discussion on various perspectives--not to insult--or be insulted. Wishing you a good day.

That's terrible. My ex-wife isn't a believer. I doubt there was much religion on her side of the family but a token god of nature or good fortune to pray to. It could be more like tossing coins in a fountain for luck. They would make a donation to a church if they were having a fund raiser, but did not attend any services.

I made a mistake in marrying her and it may have been God's punishment for not marrying the one he picked for me. However, I wasn't Christian at the time either. Religious, but not Christian. At least I think the one before my ex-wife that I let get away was the one in hindsight. Yes, hindsight is always 20/20 haha.

However, I became a born again Christian in 2012 and then began studying the Bible. It was too confusing, so I skipped the morality and social issues controversies and went to the science parts. Those were easier to understand and figure out. I could compare it with my evolution website from UC Berkeley. My daughter is going to UCLA and majoring in biology and all sorts of atheist science. We've talked before about my beliefs and she doesn't understand. Yet, I do know that she has some kind of belief in God or a universal God. I'm not as sure about my son. He may be more with the same thinking as my ex-wif about God. However, he's older so was exposed to more of my religion while we were married.

I was exposed to atheism and atheist science at UC Berkeley where the father and son geologist team of Luis and Walter Alvarez are prominent. In science, one is definitely exposed to atheist science there. Even the science news there is heavily in favor of evolution.

It was this year that God pointed me in a different direction. He said to talk with the believers more instead of the non-believers. As for my daughter and son, it would have to come via what I do and my attitudes towards Christianity. My daughter will be exposed to heavy evolution with her choice of major, so we'll just have to discuss that when the time comes after graduation.
"Heavy evolution" What does that mean? Does that mean scientific evidence of evolution? Or what?
There is no evidence that proves the existence of a God or Gods. My argument is: There is no God. The onus is on YOU to PROVE that God exists.

There is plenty of evidence. One is the universe, Earth, and everything in it is here.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are really, really, really off.

Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.

No need to get nasty. It' means I struck a nerve and you'll end up in the Lake of Fire.
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.

No need to get nasty. It' means I struck a nerve and you'll end up in the Lake of Fire.
Well, let me restate my position in a less impassioned way: God does not exist. Jews, Christians, and Moslems are living in a dream world. You're living in anticipation of an afterlife that will never happen. You ought to be living in THIS world.
No, the thought of The Universe with a NON-EXISTENT God makes me angry, because it's false. I'm not looking for your bullshit Christian solution.

Okay, I understand you a little better now because you did sound angry.

However, why are you angry if you KNOW there is no God? I mean I would want proof on no God if I were an atheist and there isn't any. Now, that doesn't mean God exists, but it means you don't really know either as an atheist.

Furthermore, I can give you evidence for God, but there is no way to prove an unprovable God.
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.

No need to get nasty. It' means I struck a nerve and you'll end up in the Lake of Fire.
Well, let me restate my position in a less impassioned way: God does not exist. Jews, Christians, and Moslems are living in a dream world. You're living in anticipation of an afterlife that will never happen. You ought to be living in THIS world.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Judaism. The precepts of Judaism are all about this world.
Well, let me restate my position in a less impassioned way: God does not exist. Jews, Christians, and Moslems are living in a dream world. You're living in anticipation of an afterlife that will never happen. You ought to be living in THIS world

But in this world God exists because the Holy Spirit is in my body and Jesus in my heart. In your case, he can't be there because I think 1) You have to repent and 2) have faith. With atheists, I think they have to repent their atheism first. I've tried the experiment with another atheist and nothing.
There is no evidence that proves the existence of a God or Gods. My argument is: There is no God. The onus is on YOU to PROVE that God exists.

There is plenty of evidence. One is the universe, Earth, and everything in it is here.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are really, really, really off.

Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.

No need to get nasty. It' means I struck a nerve and you'll end up in the Lake of Fire.
If my skepticism means that I end up in the Lake of Fire, I'm fine with that. I wouldn't want to go along with such a sour God. He can go fuck Himself.
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.

No need to get nasty. It' means I struck a nerve and you'll end up in the Lake of Fire.
Well, let me restate my position in a less impassioned way: God does not exist. Jews, Christians, and Moslems are living in a dream world. You're living in anticipation of an afterlife that will never happen. You ought to be living in THIS world.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Judaism. The precepts of Judaism are all about this world.
Well, enlighten me.
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.

No need to get nasty. It' means I struck a nerve and you'll end up in the Lake of Fire.
Well, let me restate my position in a less impassioned way: God does not exist. Jews, Christians, and Moslems are living in a dream world. You're living in anticipation of an afterlife that will never happen. You ought to be living in THIS world.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Judaism. The precepts of Judaism are all about this world.
Well, enlighten me.

I'll call out your glaring errors on the subject of Judaism. But, I have not desire to give you an education in Judaism. First, there's no need for you to know anything about Judaism and second, the less you think about The Jews, the more comfortable I will feel.
No, the thought of The Universe with a NON-EXISTENT God makes me angry, because it's false. I'm not looking for your bullshit Christian solution.

Okay, I understand you a little better now because you did sound angry.

However, why are you angry if you KNOW there is no God? I mean I would want proof on no God if I were an atheist and there isn't any. Now, that doesn't mean God exists, but it means you don't really know either as an atheist.

Furthermore, I can give you evidence for God, but there is no way to prove an unprovable God.
I'm angry because millions of people are living (and dying) believing that they'll find a better world afterwards, and it doesn't exist. And I don't have to prove that it DOESN'T exist. YOU have to prove that it DOES exist. If I claim that an invisible six-foot rabbit hangs out with me, is it up to YOU to prove that my friend Harvey DOESN'T exist? Or is it up to me to prove that Harvey DOES exist?
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.

No need to get nasty. It' means I struck a nerve and you'll end up in the Lake of Fire.
Well, let me restate my position in a less impassioned way: God does not exist. Jews, Christians, and Moslems are living in a dream world. You're living in anticipation of an afterlife that will never happen. You ought to be living in THIS world.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Judaism. The precepts of Judaism are all about this world.
Well, enlighten me.

I'll call out your glaring errors on the subject of Judaism. But, I have not desire to give you an education in Judaism. First, there's no need for you to know anything about Judaism and second, the less you think about The Jews, the more comfortable I will feel.
Fuck you. I hate Judaism, but I hate Christianity and Islam just as much. You don't want to educate me, fine. You're an asshole.
I think there is. I don't believe any human knows who or what God is exactly, but IMO there's too much evidence to discount the existence of a God or Gods.
There is no evidence that proves the existence of a God or Gods. My argument is: There is no God. The onus is on YOU to PROVE that God exists.
The existence of God isn't provable in the mathematical or legal sense. So like I said I don't claim to know who or what God is. I just see a lot of evidence that supports God or the Gods existence.
I think there is. I don't believe any human knows who or what God is exactly, but IMO there's too much evidence to discount the existence of a God or Gods.
There is no evidence that proves the existence of a God or Gods. My argument is: There is no God. The onus is on YOU to PROVE that God exists.
The evidence is circumstantial, but there is a lot of it. Kind of like the O.J. case.
And I don't have to prove that it DOESN'T exist. YOU have to prove that it DOES exist.

Why would any person be obligated to prove anything to you? Likewise, you're under no obligation to prove anything to anyone else.

Faith, or the lack of it, is a purely personal concept.
Fuck you. I don't have faith in God BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!! Don't you get it? There. is. no. God. You're living in a dream world, a dream of a world to come that will never happen. Live in today. Be happy today. This is all you get.

No need to get nasty. It' means I struck a nerve and you'll end up in the Lake of Fire.
Well, let me restate my position in a less impassioned way: God does not exist. Jews, Christians, and Moslems are living in a dream world. You're living in anticipation of an afterlife that will never happen. You ought to be living in THIS world.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Judaism. The precepts of Judaism are all about this world.
Well, enlighten me.

I'll call out your glaring errors on the subject of Judaism. But, I have not desire to give you an education in Judaism. First, there's no need for you to know anything about Judaism and second, the less you think about The Jews, the more comfortable I will feel.
Fuck you. I hate Judaism, but I hate Christianity and Islam just as much. You don't want to educate me, fine. You're an asshole.
But let me be clear: I hate Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I hate the religions. I don't hate Jews, Christians, or Moslems. I don't hate people. I think those people are misguided, not evil or something.
I think there is. I don't believe any human knows who or what God is exactly, but IMO there's too much evidence to discount the existence of a God or Gods.
There is no evidence that proves the existence of a God or Gods. My argument is: There is no God. The onus is on YOU to PROVE that God exists.
The existence of God isn't provable in the mathematical or legal sense. So like I said I don't claim to know who or what God is. I just see a lot of evidence that supports God or the Gods existence.
I think there is. I don't believe any human knows who or what God is exactly, but IMO there's too much evidence to discount the existence of a God or Gods.
There is no evidence that proves the existence of a God or Gods. My argument is: There is no God. The onus is on YOU to PROVE that God exists.
The evidence is circumstantial, but there is a lot of it. Kind of like the O.J. case.
If the existence of God isn't provable, then you ought to assume that He doesn't exist until proven otherwise.

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