Does God only care about the Middle East?

Prior to Jesus the only people who knew about God were the Jews. What about Europe, America, Asia.... Why didn't he reach out to others? Jesus never traveled anywhere outside of the Middle East to my knowledge. And if your Muslim again it's just in the Middle East. It seems to me God would have done more to spread the word. Most of Scandinavia wasn't Christian till after 1000. So does God not care about the rest of the world?

God is the Creator of everything. The only Jews who knew God were the prophets. All the rest of the Jews were clueless of who our Creator was so they could only believe what the prophets said, which most of them didn't. Most of the prophets were killed because of their testimony to the Word of God, and I'm not talking about the written scriptures.

Only us saints received the knowledge of God to know what happened during this age and where God's people will be in the future. Only chosen believers will believe our testimonies.

So why did God not try to spread the word then?
Prior to Jesus the only people who knew about God were the Jews. What about Europe, America, Asia.... Why didn't he reach out to others? Jesus never traveled anywhere outside of the Middle East to my knowledge. And if your Muslim again it's just in the Middle East. It seems to me God would have done more to spread the word. Most of Scandinavia wasn't Christian till after 1000. So does God not care about the rest of the world?

God is the Creator of everything. The only Jews who knew God were the prophets. All the rest of the Jews were clueless of who our Creator was so they could only believe what the prophets said, which most of them didn't. Most of the prophets were killed because of their testimony to the Word of God, and I'm not talking about the written scriptures.

Only us saints received the knowledge of God to know what happened during this age and where God's people will be in the future. Only chosen believers will believe our testimonies.

So why did God not try to spread the word then?

Since none of God's people will remember this first age, it doesn't matter. Besides, unless you're a chosen believer who listens to the gospel we saints preach, the rest of the world wouldn't understand it anyway. The gospel was only meant to find believers who carried some thoughts God needed to help clarity our understanding. The other reason for the gospel was to split people up into believers and unbelievers. The unbelievers get jealous of the saint and all his believers so they have the saint and even some believers killed.

This is what this prophecy is all about;

Revelation 6
9: When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne;
10: they cried out with a loud voice, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?"
11: Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.
Forgive me, Brother... I'm just jealous because the voices are talking to you. :wink_2:

I'm cool now. :)

However you got jealous makes no difference to me. All I know is that jealousy leads to anger and anger leads to getting rid of the problem that makes you jealous.
God is the Creator of everything. The only Jews who knew God were the prophets. All the rest of the Jews were clueless of who our Creator was so they could only believe what the prophets said, which most of them didn't. Most of the prophets were killed because of their testimony to the Word of God, and I'm not talking about the written scriptures.

Only us saints received the knowledge of God to know what happened during this age and where God's people will be in the future. Only chosen believers will believe our testimonies.

So why did God not try to spread the word then?

Since none of God's people will remember this first age, it doesn't matter. Besides, unless you're a chosen believer who listens to the gospel we saints preach, the rest of the world wouldn't understand it anyway. The gospel was only meant to find believers who carried some thoughts God needed to help clarity our understanding. The other reason for the gospel was to split people up into believers and unbelievers. The unbelievers get jealous of the saint and all his believers so they have the saint and even some believers killed.

This is what this prophecy is all about;

Revelation 6
9: When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne;
10: they cried out with a loud voice, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?"
11: Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.

See now... I kind of have a problem with an organization that tells me it speaks for God and there's no callin' bullshit allowed on their interpretation.

If you speak for God, prove it with a miracle documented in your name on mainstream media.

Step one in answering your question is to define 'God'.

Tell me which god you're asking about and I'll tell you whether or not He's sarcastic.
Prior to Jesus the only people who knew about God were the Jews. What about Europe, America, Asia.... Why didn't he reach out to others? Jesus never traveled anywhere outside of the Middle East to my knowledge. And if your Muslim again it's just in the Middle East. It seems to me God would have done more to spread the word. Most of Scandinavia wasn't Christian till after 1000. So does God not care about the rest of the world?

Didn't Christianity (in a very unlikely series of events) spread throughout the world to become one of the planet's most popular religions of all time?
The Creator's thoughts is who we are. Science calls this energy, which is only information that gives us the illusion that we're experiencing as this world we see, hear, taste, smell and touch.

Think of God as the master programmer and where all thoughts come from. Those thoughts were spoken into existence as wavebits of energy, or information, that has to be processed by other information known as our brain. This processed information gives us life experiences such as movement in our bodies and the ability for our eyes to take in light information to see other processed information.

In other words, our bodies are just like robots that God is having man build to show us how we're created.
The Creator's thoughts is who we are. Science calls this energy, which is only information that gives us the illusion that we're experiencing as this world we see, hear, taste, smell and touch.

Think of God as the master programmer and where all thoughts come from. Those thoughts were spoken into existence as wavebits of energy, or information, that has to be processed by other information known as our brain. This processed information gives us life experiences such as movement in our bodies and the ability for our eyes to take in light information to see other processed information.

In other words, our bodies are just like robots that God is having man build to show us how we're created.
funny how you guys glean so much bullshit from a compendium of folk myths...
Sometimes when I read pro-believer posts, I get this funny notion that they are arguing that reality does not exist.

Does anyone one else ever get that impression?
Prior to Jesus the only people who knew about God were the Jews. What about Europe, America, Asia.... Why didn't he reach out to others? Jesus never traveled anywhere outside of the Middle East to my knowledge. And if your Muslim again it's just in the Middle East. It seems to me God would have done more to spread the word. Most of Scandinavia wasn't Christian till after 1000. So does God not care about the rest of the world?

People knew about God from Adam on. We just don't have all of their records.

Here the record from the Native Americans: The Book of Mormon
Prior to Jesus the only people who knew about God were the Jews. What about Europe, America, Asia.... Why didn't he reach out to others? Jesus never traveled anywhere outside of the Middle East to my knowledge. And if your Muslim again it's just in the Middle East. It seems to me God would have done more to spread the word. Most of Scandinavia wasn't Christian till after 1000. So does God not care about the rest of the world?

People knew about God from Adam on. We just don't have all of their records.

Here the record from the Native Americans: The Book of Mormon
calling bullshit ......the peoples in the BOM that are fantasized by joe smith never exsited..
Prior to Jesus the only people who knew about God were the Jews. What about Europe, America, Asia.... Why didn't he reach out to others? Jesus never traveled anywhere outside of the Middle East to my knowledge. And if your Muslim again it's just in the Middle East. It seems to me God would have done more to spread the word. Most of Scandinavia wasn't Christian till after 1000. So does God not care about the rest of the world?

Historically speaking, highly organized societies developed first in the area now known as the Middle East. Therefore, it makes sense that the Middle East is the cradle of organized religion.
Prior to Jesus the only people who knew about God were the Jews. What about Europe, America, Asia.... Why didn't he reach out to others? Jesus never traveled anywhere outside of the Middle East to my knowledge. And if your Muslim again it's just in the Middle East. It seems to me God would have done more to spread the word. Most of Scandinavia wasn't Christian till after 1000. So does God not care about the rest of the world?

People knew about God from Adam on. We just don't have all of their records.

I'm gonna disagree. People knew about the God y'all are discussing from Abraham on. He's the 6,000 year old Bedouin who invented Him, and we have a number of records that's positively disagreeable if you count the sipn-offs.
fun fact: christianity was not the first one god religion
christianity was not the first messianic religion either.
christians jews and muslims ALL worship the god of abraham.
Prior to Jesus the only people who knew about God were the Jews. What about Europe, America, Asia.... Why didn't he reach out to others? Jesus never traveled anywhere outside of the Middle East to my knowledge. And if your Muslim again it's just in the Middle East. It seems to me God would have done more to spread the word. Most of Scandinavia wasn't Christian till after 1000. So does God not care about the rest of the world?

Didn't Christianity (in a very unlikely series of events) spread throughout the world to become one of the planet's most popular religions of all time?

Yes it is now. But what about all the people who were came and went with not chance of being introduced to it? Aren't they in Hell now? That hardly seems fair.

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